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Doctor Who universet

The Doctors Companions  

4 stemmer

  1. 1. Hvilken av Doctorens reisesfølger er din favoritt?

    • Rose Tyler (Billie Piper)
    • Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman)
    • Donna Noble (Catherine Tate)
    • Jack Harkness (John Barrowman)
    • Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen)
    • Mickey Smith (Noel Clarke)
    • Lady Christina de Souza (Michelle Ryan)
    • Adam Mitchell (Bruno Langley)
    • Astrid Peth (Kylie Minogue)
    • Jackson Lake (David Morrissey)
    • Rosita (Velile Tshabalala)
    • K9
    • Jeg vil bare stemme

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Det er bra. :) Kan nevne at Torchwood går på BBC entertainment hver mandag kl.22.00 (tror de sender andre episoden i morgen) Og SJA har gått innimellom på NRK, men er usikker på om de sender den enda. (tviler litt på at du kommer til å se dem på denne måten, men det skader ikke å nevne det).

Endret av Ehtram
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Dere er gale, Rose Tyler er flott hun, men Martha Jones er jo så utrolig vakker at det gjør vondt å se episodene hun spiller i. Og hun er mye smartere enn Rose Tyler også.


Tenkte forresten å starte på nytt med DW, burde jeg starte på sesong 1 eller 2 for andre gjennomgang? Er jo mulig det er mye bra i sesong 1 jeg bare ikke husker, når jeg tenker på sesong 1 ser jeg bare for meg det klovneansiktet til Ecclestone..

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Gjest Bruker-127711

Så nettop The Unicorn and the wasp, og det må være en av de beste episodene, genial Poirot aktig, og artig løsning på mysteriet. Me likes.

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Hvis jeg var deg ville jeg sett sesong 1 for å få helheten. Selv har jeg t sett alle episodene så mange ganger at jeg bare tar enkelt episoder innimellom.


Men hva mener du med klovnetryne? Selv likte jeg Ecceleston. Han var en god doktor, som gjorde rollen til sin egen. Han var tøff på utsiden, samtidig som han var utrolig følsom (kanskje litt emo innimelllom). David Tennant er kanskje mye bedre, men dette er på en annen måte. Min personlige mening er at han i hvert fall skulle hatt en sesong til. Det var selvfølgelig hans eget valg å slutte siden han ikke ville bli typecast. (noe som han ble uansett).


Er forsovid enig med at Freema Agyeman er en utrolig vakker dame, samtidig som hun er en flink skuespillerinne, og Martha Jones var en veldig god reisesvenn.

Atsjonas: Når det kommer til The Unicorn and the wasp er jeg helt enig, detvar en genial episode. Liker at de har jobbet ut fra et gammelt mysterie. Og den episoden fikk meg faktisk til å ville lese Agatha Christie sine bøker. Kjøkkenscenen er forsåvidt den beste.



Torchwood - Children of earth



...Scotland, 1965. Kids are being driven on a bus to the middle of nowhere, and when they get off, they all walk into a bright light and disappear. All except one...


Her er et utdrag om hva som skjer i den første episoden. Har ikke turt å lese det selv, men tenkte dere kunne få muligheten.




First scene we see, Scotland, 1965. Kids are being driven on a bus to the middle of nowhere, and when they get off, they all walk into a bright light and disappear. All except one.


Back to present day Cardiff and we see Gwen getting cash from a machine. She looks over to a mother telling her son off because he won’t move. The mother thinks he’s playing up, but Gwen looks over somewhere else, and a girl is doing the same thing.


Cut to lots more children not moving, in particular some children crossing the road. Rhys is in a van waiting at the crossing, he is not happy.


Cut to a house with a mother and her two kids. The kids are not moving.


Cut to another house and we see a man leaving for work (who we later find out is Mr. Frosbier) and his two daughters are not moving.


Cut to a mother talking to her son Stephen, and he is not moving.


All of a sudden the children start moving again, and act as though nothing happened.


Next we see a hospital and a man is flat-lining on a table. A doctor tries to defibulate him, but unfortunately the man dies, and the doctor has to go out to tell the people who brought him in the sad news. It’s Jack and Ianto and they act very sad indeed, and when the doctor asks how they know him, Jack tells him they live next door. The doctor automatically assumes they are a couple, and say he must have been a lucky man to have neighbours like him. Jack asks if they can see the body for sentimental reasons, and the doctor agrees.


They are given time alone with the body and set to work straight away opening the body up with a fancy laser thing.

Ianto: He said ‘People like you’. He thinks we’re a couple.

Jack: If that’s what we are is there a problem?

Ianto: ...no.


They get back to work and as Jack is pulling something nasty out of the body, the doctor bursts back in. Oopsie. Jack and Ianto don’t seem concerned and they put the something nasty in a Tupperware box. Apparently it’s a hitchhiker and it’s a rather nice thing to have in your body as it releases endorphins. The body is sealed up again with the same laser doohickey and it’s as though there was never a cut.


We see the man with two daughters from earlier and a young black girl going into a building. The man is Mr. Frosbier and the girl is Lois Habbiba and it’s Lois’ first day on the job. She and the other receptionist have been flooded with a lot of phone calls. A man in a military uniform goes into Mr. Frosbier’s office and sits down.


Jack and Ianto make their way back to the car and the doctor peruses, because he wants to know more. Jack and Ianto basically ignore him and climb into the SUV, and the doctor introduces himself as Rupesh Patanjali. He knows they’re Torchwood. He tells them that bodies have mysteriously vanished from the morgue, and that none of them have been white, with one black man, one Asian and three Chinese men.


Jack and Ianto tell him that it’s not their thing and drive away to Rupesh’s annoyance.


Gwen is in the hub when Jack and Ianto arrive back, and she tells them that there has been 11 traffic accidents that morning. All involving children and all as 8:40 am. At the same time, the military man is telling Mr. Frosbier the same thing.


Ianto find out that there has also been several traffic accidents in France with the same circumstances happening at 9:40am. But as France is an hour ahead it happened at exactly the same time.


As Ianto investigates and the military man reveals information, we find out that every single child in the whole world stopped at exactly the same time. Even in America, while most children are asleep, there are reports coming in.


The military man reveals to Mr. Frosbier that they are the only ones with the technology to gather all that information. Well, them and Torchwood.


In the meantime, Jack is trying to get through to Mr. Frosbier on the phone, but Lois tells him she can only take a message. She types up the memo on the computer, but when she types in the word Torchwood, a flag pops up. Hmm, curious. She uses the username and password the other secretary gave her and accesses the hidden files. Extraterrestrial activity? Seriously?


Back to the hub, and Ianto tells Jack that he was right, ‘he’ is outside. We find out that ‘he’ is Dr. Rupesh, and he’s looking for them. We find out that Jack intended this all along as he wanted to employ him as a doctor. Jack and Ianto keep finishing each other’s sentences and Gwen says they’re like twins, and that they’re bastards, because that’s exactly what they did when they recruited her. Gwen then volunteers to interview him and goes out to see him.


Jack and Ianto have a little conversation.

Ianto: Even she’s referring to us as a couple.

Jack: I don’t get the problem. I hate the word couple. (walks away)

Ianto: (looking a little sad) Yeah, me too.


Gwen and Rupesh chat. Rupesh knows all about aliens since moving to Cardiff 18 months ago, and says that every since people found out about aliens, the suicide rate has doubled. A devout Christian woman wrote a note that basically said ‘Science has won’. She felt insignificant and small with the size of the universe.


Gwen tells him that really, it means they’re all part of something bigger, but then across the road, she sees another child has stopped. So have several others. She runs over as she phones Jack and Ianto and tells them what’s going on.


We see playgrounds and children everywhere just standing still. All in the same moment, they all open their mouths and begin screaming, all at the same time, which is 10:30. It is very creepy.


Adults cover their ears and/or try and shake the children out of it. Ianto videos some children and Jack, Gwen and Rupesh help one of the mothers try and shake her child out of it.


Every child stops screaming at exactly the same moment.


Instead, the open their mouths and say ‘We. We. We. We. We.’ There is an inhuman undertone to the words.


The adults are creeped out.


‘We are. We are. We are.’


Even more creeped out.


‘We are coming. We are coming. We are coming.’


Cut to another scene and we see an older man standing on some grass doing the same thing as all the children.


Then the children snap out of it and go back to playing as though nothing ever happened. They also want to know why Ianto is recording them. The man snaps out of it too.


Further investigations are made in the hub, and we find out that every single child in the world was saying the words in English, no matter what their nationality. Gwen, however, finds a video of the older man, and they all decide this needs to be investigated, so she drives to England and the psychiatric hospital he lives in.


Rhys phones her as she’s driving and he’s viewing a lovely house. It looks like they want to buy it. He mentions that 8:40 is before school and that 10:30 is break time. He says this means everything is set on British time, and Gwen agrees, saying he’s getting too smart for his own good.


Uh oh, the end of the Severn Bridge. Good luck Gwen you’re entering England!


Jack and Ianto are outside sitting on the steps and talking.

Jack: We need a child.

Ianto: (Gives Jack a ‘YOU DON’T MEAN...’ look.)

They need to get a child so they can figure out what’s going on. Jack knows where he can get a child and goes to leave.

Ianto: Where are you going?

Jack: Who’s doing the couple thing now?

Incidentally, Ianto also knows where he can get a child.

Endret av Ehtram
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Det er kanskje en i ide ja. ;) Den andre sesongen er fin den. Den begynner rett der Last of the timelords ender. Og James Marsters (Spike fra Buffy) har en stor gjesterolle som den tidligere "loveren" til Jack. Og Freema Agyeman(Martha Jones) er også med i et par episoder. Gled deg!

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Må vel se torchwood etter andre gjennomgang av DW jeg også, da. Herlig, mye og glede seg til. Med klovneansiktet mener jeg at når Doktoren smiler lurt, så gjør Eccelston det på en mer tullete måte enn David Tennant, som gjør alt på et sjarmerende vis. Som er mye av grunnen til at Doctor Who er så genialt for min del. Ja, mange av plottene og stedene de drar er fantastiske, men den sjarmen David Tennant gir til rollen av Doctor Who er helt genial. Men men, bestemte meg for å ta rådet ditt, for det er fullt mulig jeg bare har satt sesong 1 litt i skyggen av de andre, og at det er mye bra der. Må jo være en grunn til at jeg ble hekta under sesong 1 :p Og dessuten er det jo mye av Rose-historien som kan være viktig å få med seg fra sesong 1.

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Gjest Bruker-127711

Det er fantastisk. Doktoren(e) er genial(e), spesielt Tennant, som er så kul at jeg dør. Det er geniale plots i hver eneste episode, enkelte blir tatt videre med til ekte. Det er egentlig vanskelig å forklare hvor bra det er, bare se de 4-5 første episodene, og deretter se hva som skjer.

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Atsjonas gir gode grunner. Du får oppleve alt mulig rart, dagen der jorden blir slukt av solen, spøkelser fra fortiden og romvesener både her og der. Bare se det :) Bare husk at de 3 første episodene kan være litt treige.

Og dere vil kanskje skjønne: "Are you my mummy?".

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Hvem gjør ikke det? Creepy liten gutt med gassmaske = win!


Bloodlines: Serien bygger seg veldig opp, og det at du allerede nå liker den er kjempebra, du har mye å se frem til, kos deg!

ShampooMacTavish: Hør på guttene! serien er absolutt fantastisk, og du kommer ikke til å angre når du først har satt deg ned. Serien er fylt med vidunderlige historier, gode skuespillere, og herlige karakterer.


Har nå bare sesongavsluttningen igjen av SJA sesong to, og må si at denne sesongen var mye bedre enn den første. (Som egentlig ikke fenget så utrolig mye.) Liker spesielt alle hintene, og referansene til Doctor Who, og elsker det. Vet ikke om det er skuespillerpresentasjonene som har blitt bedre, eller om det er manuset. Serien blir i hvert fall bare bedre og bedre, så hvis dere noen gang bestemmer dere for å se den, ikke gi opp etter første sesong. *glede seg til sesong 3...


EDIT: Da var sesongavsluttningen sett, og den var faktisk ganske bra. Liker at de tar inn gamle karakterer. Brigadier fra old who var med denne gangen, og var litt gøy da han var med i en av de få episodene jeg har sett av den gamle serien. (I en litt eldre utgave så klart) Ellers er det alltid gøy når the UNIT dukker opp, vet ikke hvorfor men jeg digger luene deres.



Ny Children of Earth trailer. (australsk)

Og i følge denne blir sendedatoen den 6.juli.

Endret av Ehtram
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Hehe. Det høres bra ut. :p Jeg så på noen episoder fraTom Baker- eraen tidligere i dag, og nå tror jeg at jeg vet hvor Tennant har fått inspirasjonen fra, for han er jo genial. :D


Skummelt? kanskje, eller det kommer an på hva du mener med skummelt, for den har noen grøssende element innimellom.

Endret av Ehtram
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