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Diskusjonstråd rundt "Gran Turismo 5"

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September 26, 2009 - It's been a fairly big Tokyo Game Show for Gran Turismo 5. At the Sony conference centering on Japan, it was announced that the Land of the Rising Sun would see the game in March, that there would be 20 locations with a total of 70 track variations, that there'd be more than 950 cars in the game including hybrids and electrics, and so much more. Plus, the show floor has a set of racing wheels showcasing the red Ferrari, Subaru rally car, and Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG.


Even better? You can damage those rides.


Now, Gran Turismo 5's a work in progress so a Sony rep let me know that the damage I was seeing in the game was still in development and will change by the game's release. Still, that didn't stop me from slamming on the brakes and turning into t-bone collisions to see just what Polyphony had put under the hood.


Now, for starters, there's going to be deformation damage -- scratches and stuff -- for all normal cars, but race cars are going to take hits hard in a way that will cause doors and side panels to tear completely off.

To put these differences to the test, I took the Subaru racer out on the track and began wildly smashing into walls. At first, it looked like nothing was happening until, finally, the passenger door popped open as I sped around the raceway. I was a bit underwhelmed and went to jerk the car into the left wall, but as I made the move, another ride flew up and clipped my front end.


When the spinning was over, my bumper was hanging on by a thread.


Eventually, I'd get into a few more fender benders and have my rear bumper hanging from one side as well. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get either bumper to completely breakaway. Still, the car looked all sorts of screwed up.


When I climbed into the Ferrari and the Benz, I got to see how the other half lived. I slammed the rides into tire piles, rammed other cars, and grinded along guardrails; the only damage I could see were superficial cracks and scuffs on the fenders, sides, and hoods -- you know, like people had scratched away the paint.



I'm going to smash you!

Now, even though the Subaru looked like death and the Benz/Ferrari looked scratched up, all three drove like crap after the accidents. Whereas I could fly around in the rides beforehand, now I felt tension in the wheel when I'd be driving down a straightaway and cornering was tougher than ever.

I'll admit it: I had a hell of time wrecking these cars today. Slamming into orange plastic and watching it get kicked up in the air is fun, the smoke from a spinout is refreshing, and I'll be damned if I'm not going to knock off every bumper I can when Gran Turismo 5 is released.





Gleder meg;)

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Day/Night cycle and weather reconfirmed


According to French website JVN.com, Gran Turismo 5, unlike Forza Motorsport 3, will not only have a decent day & night cycle, but it will also feature rain. The website visited Polyphony Digital's studio in Japan, where the revelations can be read before the interview.


It is also explained that tire degradation will be accurately recreated, all depending on the quality of your driving and the temperature of the rubber.


Damage will also be featured on all cars, but in two different models. For regular cars you'll only be able to scuff the paint and create minor damage in particular areas, whereas racing cars (WRC and NASCAR specifically) will feature "full" damage with doors and bumpers flying off, as shown in these screenshots.


Glæææææææææææææææær mæ! :D


<- Spille litt GT5P for å få tia til å gå ...

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Even better? You can damage those rides.


Hva mente de der ? At man kunne kræsje akkurat de 3 bilene eller alle bilene i GT5 ? :håpe: på sistnevnte.


Er vel alle biler. Dog en viss forskjell på hvor dypt krasjemodellen går på henholdsvis racing biler og "vanlige" biler.

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  • 2 uker senere...

Gleder meg mer og mer til GT5! Og grafikken kommer til å bli en av det beste man har sett i en simulator, kan nesten garantere det før spillet kommer ut!


Og kjørefølelsen jeg har med GT5P og G25 er toppnotch så da blir det enda bedre i GT5 :D

Endret av Toman
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Så synd at vi ikke kan stole på om det blir en realitet eller ikke.


Hvis det virkelig kommer er jeg forsiktig optimist. Det er nok mulig å lage en bane-editor som lett lar deg lage baner, men ser for meg at det fort kan bli SuperMario-baner alle sammen, eller enda værre, TrackMania-baner. Både i FM3 og GT5 er banene svært nøyaktige rekonstruksjoner med alt av detaljer med som hull og skader i asfalten, ujevnheter i veien, forskjellig vinklede overflater, osv osv. Slike detaljer kan bli vanskelig å gjenskape med enkle konsollbaserte verktøy og man kan ende med at alle banene er sterile og føles uekte.


Når det er sagt så er jeg meget imponert over hva grafikk-artistene får til med dekor på bilene i FM3 på tross av svært enkle verktøy så det er mulig funksjonen kan bli svært brukbar. I så tilfelle er det rent gull! Ubegrensede mengder kvalitetsbaner klare for direkte nedlasting er fantastisk!

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Et intervju med Kazunori Yamauchi

Blant annet nevnes dette:

"There will be 400,000 polygons per car, 100 times more than were present on GT4. GT4 had 4,000 polygons per car. You can customize and tune the cars, too."


Og jeg synes GT4 er dritlekkert selv idag, ser noen er skeptiske selvfølgelig, men dem var ikke det når FM3 kom. Jaja, synd for dem som vil glemme GT5 som vil med stor sannsynlighet være like bra eller bedre en FM3.

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