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Zune HD offisiell - Tett integrert med Xbox Live

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Microsoft med multitouch og HD!


Microsofts nye MP3-spiller med OLED-skjerm kommer tidlig denne høsten.


OLED, touch og HD

Skal vi tro spesifikasjonene (og bildene) har endelig Apple iPod fått en skikkelig konkurrent i Zune HD. Til forskjell fra forrige generasjon som ikke så helt håpløs ut er denne likevel milevis foran. Et slankt og sexy design har endelig fra Redmond.


Borte er de eldre generasjon Zune som var klumpete og hadde mye plast-følelse. Hva med spesifikasjonene? Zune HD har en 3.3" (480 x 272 og 16:9) OLED-skjerm, toucscreen-skjermen er capacitive (akkurat som iPod Touch og iPhone). Den har HDMI-ut (samt HD-radio). HDMI-ut krever dessverre docking.

Mer info på E3

Det kommer med informasjon om spilleren på E3 som lagringskapasitet og CPU-kraft. Sikkert er det ihvertfall at den vil være kraftig nok til å dra HD-video, hva ellers skal vel HDMI-tilkoblingen brukes til. Spilleren har også nettleser og selvsagt WiFi. Nettleseren får et on-screen QWERTY-tastatur. Zune HD kjører Windows CE som OS og en spesialversjon av Internet Explorer.


Og som Apples produkkter har den tap og mulighet for å zoome inn på visse steder på nettsiden og den har også akselerometer. Og ja, den har multitouch.


Vi vet allerede at Zune blir integrert i Xbox og Xbox Live og at Zune Marketplace vil erstatte dagens Live video. Endelig er også Zune Marketplace på vei til Europa og Canada, men Microsoft ville ikke avsløre spesifikke land. Selskapet har uttalt om E3: «attendees will see first-hand how Zune integrates into Xbox LIVE creating a game-changing entertainment experience».




Spennende? Vil vi se nedlastbare spill på denne enheten? Microsofts svar på PSP og DS? Eller bare en vanlig MP3 spiller?


Oops, little to late :blush:

Endret av LucarioX
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Svært interessant! ... Men det siste jeg hørte var at Zune shop ikke skulle være tilgjengelig i Norge.. La meg sjekke.


edit: "The catch: the Zune marketplace on 360 won't be available globally. Only the US, Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Ireland & Spain will have access to it, so Canadians, Australians and anyone else reading this not on that list, sorry."




edit 2: Prøver å linke til Kotaku men det står "you have entered a link to a website that the administratot does not allow links to", er Kotaku blokket/bug?

Endret av Joananas
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Tilgjengelighet er ikke bekreftet av Microsoft ennå, tror jeg.


Microsoft Announces the Expansion of the Zune Entertainment Service To New Platform and Markets; Confirms New Zune HD Portable Media Player


Premium Zune digital entertainment service to be available internationally on Xbox LIVE


REDMOND, Wash. - May 26, 2009 - Zune, Microsoft Corp.'s end-to-end music and entertainment service, today announced the evolution of Zune to a new platform and new markets. Zune will extend its video service to Xbox LIVE internationally this fall. This marks an important development in the Zune strategy and brings the Zune brand to over 17 million international Xbox LIVE subscribers. Additionally, Zune confirmed the next generation of its portable media player, Zune HD. Available in the U.S. this fall, Zune HD is the first portable media player with built-in HD Radio receiver, HD video output capabilities, OLED touch screen, wi-fi and an internet browser.


"The Zune music player is an integral part of the overall Zune experience and we're proud to be growing and extending our offering beyond the device," said Enrique Rodriguez, corporate vice president of the Microsoft TV, Video and Music Business Group. "Delivering on Microsoft's connected entertainment vision; this news marks a turning point for Zune as it brings cross-platform experiences and premium video content to living rooms around the world."


Zune Service Expands to New Platform


Zune will be a premium partner in the Xbox LIVE Video Marketplace, bringing an exciting catalogue of TV and film to the platform. Zune will occupy the first slot within the Xbox user interface in the Xbox LIVE Video Marketplace, exposing the Zune brand experience to millions of new consumers for the first time. At the Electronic Entertainment Expo next week, attendees will see first-hand how Zune integrates into Xbox LIVE creating a game-changing entertainment experience.


Introducing Zune HD


Zune HD is the next iteration of the Zune device family and brings a new level of listening and viewing experiences to the portable media player category.


· Zune HD comes with a built-in HD Radio receiver so users can listen to higher quality sound than traditional radio on the go. Users will also have access to the additional song and artist data broadcasted by HD Radio stations as well as additional channels from their favorite stations multicasting in HD – if you don't like the song playing on your station's HD channel, switch to their HD2 or HD3 channels for additional programming


· The bright OLED touch screen interface allows users to flip through music, movies and other content with ease, and the 16:9 widescreen format display offers a premium viewing experience on the go


· The HD compatible output lets Zune HD customers playback video from the device through a premium HDMI A/V docking station


· Zune HD will include a full screen internet browser optimized for multi-touch


· Zune HD is wi-fi enabled allowing for instant streaming to the device from the more than 5 million track Zune music store


More information on Zune and related images are available at http://www.zune.net/press and http://www.zune.net/Zune HD


About Zune


Zune is Microsoft's music and entertainment brand that provides an integrated digital entertainment experience. The Zune platform includes a line of portable digital media players, elegant software, the Zune Marketplace online store, Zune Pass music subscription service, and the Zune Social online music community, created to help people discover more music. Zune is part of Microsoft's Entertainment and Devices Division and supports the company's software-based services vision to help drive innovation in the digital entertainment space. More information can be found online at http://www.zune.net/en-us/press.


About Xbox LIVE


Xbox LIVE connects more than 17 million members across 26 countries to each other and the entertainment they love. Home of more content from one remote than can be found from any device connected to the television, Xbox LIVE is also a unified online social network bringing friends together, no matter where they are - in the living room or across the world. More information and Xbox LIVE membership can be found online at http://www.xbox.com/en-us/live.


About Microsoft


Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT") is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.




1 Fall 2009 availability in the U.S., Canada, U.K., France, Italy, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,Sweden and Switzerland.


2 Zune music experience will be available on Xbox 360 in [date].


1 Fall 2009 availability in the U.S., Canada, U.K., France, Italy, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,Sweden and Switzerland.


2 Zune music experience will be available on Xbox 360 in [date]


Hva blir tilgjengelig i Norge høsten 2009?

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Intervju med Brian Seitz, Marketing Manager of Zune:


⌦ Will there be games? – "We know that people like games on the go," and it sounds likely that a few casual, one-off games might be available on the Zune HD as are already available on older Zune. But there could be something more in the future: "There's definitely discussions happening. We would not be very smart if we weren't exploring those opportunities."


⌦ So what's this about Zune on the Xbox, then? – It's not games—it's video. "We're taking over the existing Xbox Live Video Marketplace. That will turn into Zune. And we're not just taking it over, but we're adding new features." What those features will be will have to wait until Microsoft's E3 keynote. Portable Netflix, perhaps?


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Jeg tror at vi kan glemme håpet om at Zune blir en ny xbox håndholdt konsoll, siden det ikke var nevnt i E3.


BTW jeg har sett noe om at Zune også blir en mobil? noen som veit noe om dette? Med mindre den kommer med et utrlolig bra batteri så kommer jeg ikke til å kjøpe det, men skulle jeg lest litt om det.

Endret av Ateuz
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Jaja, er den ikke mobil tror jeg glatt jeg hopper over :p Vil ikke ha 2 dingser i lommene når jeg kan ha 1. Men men, er godt å se at MS skjerpet seg siden sist. Selv tar jeg heller billigere MP3 spillere, så lenge det ikke er skrantet på kvaliteten. Betaler ikke en tusenlapp ekstra på en "pen" spiller, som jeg så putter i lomma.

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