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Personlig likte eg det eg såg. Virker som man blir sterkt knyttet til dette dyret underveis, slik som hesten Agro i SotC dersom dette viser seg å vere en mock-up video(ein sykt god en i sådan tilfelle) skal ihvertfall de som står bak ha skryt i det minste. Den visuelle stilen fra de foregående spillene står sterkt i dette klippet syns eg :)

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En bruker på N4g skreiv dette ;

I feel i should give some credit to a guy who told me about this trailer.yet, i doubted him back then.


"162 days 8 hours ago | By: J-Train | Block

Project Trico

hey, i was lucky enough to see the team ico trailer in september, i work for playstation in australia. ive told a few on this site. here is what i saw:


the trailer starts by showing a pit with a large chain leading into a cave. the chain shakes! you see the creature's eye. they give the impression it is some monster. then you see a little boy running scared. he runs onto a ledge and falls off grabbing with his hands. he dangles there....the creature comes through a large openening out onto the ledge. it is revealed to be a quite nice looking dog/cat like creature. it picks him up and puts him up to safety............they show some gameplay footage of the boy and the creature fighting knights and running away etc.


at the end they show the creature lying down with the boy cuddling up to it. its quite sad though cause the creature has many spears stuck in it. trailer ends. audience were all sad."


Just goes to show..always trust random strangers on the internet :p


But kudos to Sev for getting us the trailer.Seems like an interesting concept and i can think of none better to pull it off than Team ICO.


Kan selvfølgelig vere vrøvl, men er det hold i dette kan det dreie seg om en veldig gammel build.

Endret av Mala
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