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Scout-oppdateringen kom overraskende fort på (i hvert fall meg), så kan hende vi har denne oppdateringen i løpet av uka. Tipper torsdag.

I morgen kommer neste side (side 5) som er nytt våpen (kniv eller revolver) for spionen, så kommer side 6 på tirsdag, som er et nytt våpen (kniv eller revolver), på onsdag kommer "nyheten" om at Meet the Spy (den som er ute nå er en lekasje) og på torsdag får vi release day.

Ta høyde for at det vil komme mer saker til Sniperen også, forleøpig har han fått en unlock for rifla og skjoldet tipper jeg er i stedet for kukrien hans. Maskinpistolen gjenstår med andre ord! Også mulig de kjører kniv og revolver-unlocksene på samme dagen.


Dette er skikkelig slumpete kvalifisert gjetning på sitt langt bort i mot verste :p

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Har begynt å grave litt nå. I de siste Meet the.. videoene kan man finne helt klare bevis for hva som kommer i neste oppdatering. Meet the Sniper viste for eksempel Flaregun til Pyro og Meet the Scout viste Sandvich til Heavy. Man kan også finne enkelte subtile hints:


For de som er mer enn middels interesserte i TF 2 så er det vel ingen overraskelse at hjelmer eller noe lignende er på vei inn i spillet. Sjekk loadoutmenyen til en vilkårlig klasse så ser du at det står "head" der.

Derfor er det interessant at Sniperen i Meet the Spy har en annen hatt enn det Sniperen har i dagens TF 2.


På oppdateringssidene er det 3 president-sitater, mer eller mindre falske kan du vel si, samt en referanse til en president. Dette er nok et hint av noe slag. Mange mener det kommer en pistol med headshot = instakill for spy, slik som Abe Lincoln ble drept.


Ahh, spenningen!

Endret av AltF4
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Det er vel strengt tatt det han allerede har :p


Mer spent på om han får camerabeard haha.


I GFC-filene som ligger på dataen står det faktisk en del info om dette alt. Jeg husker ikke helt hva og hvor, men det står at Demoman vil få "afro". Skal legge meg nå, men skal finne den linken til denne informasjonen i morgen, så skal du få se!


Velkommen til klubben Villanden! Legg meg til på Steam så spiller jeg gjerne med deg :)


En annen ting: Sniperen i meet the Spy har lagt fra seg, og plukker opp, kukrien på en kasse det står MANN CO. på. Dette er samnme firma som selger Spy-ting på side 4.

Endret av AltF4
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Husk AltF4, at du kan ikke ta alt Valve legger inn i GFC filene for god fisk, ettersom Valve tidligere har lagt inn ting som ikke kommer bare for å tulle med, og forvirre fansen. De la jo også inn ting som hintet til at TF2 skulle bli et MMO, skjult i filene, men det var jo selvfølgelig bare en spøk fra deres side ;)

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Husk AltF4, at du kan ikke ta alt Valve legger inn i GFC filene for god fisk, ettersom Valve tidligere har lagt inn ting som ikke kommer bare for å tulle med, og forvirre fansen. De la jo også inn ting som hintet til at TF2 skulle bli et MMO, skjult i filene, men det var jo selvfølgelig bare en spøk fra deres side ;)



Så sant så sant, men det er jo ikke helt umulig at det er noe afro på gang. Medic-achievementsene kom jo i GFC-filene allerede i januar i fjor, mens oppdateringen kom en del senere.

Det ser også ut til, nå som det har blitt mulig å kaste våpen, at man vil se random weapondrops, og noen våpen kanskje vil være bedre enn andre. Men dette er jo bare spekulasjon foreløpig, dog det virker jo litt meningsløst å kaste unlocks.

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Fra Meet the Spy-siden til TF 2-wiki:


"Meet the Spy" was unintentionally leaked on the 17th May 2009.


It is the longest meet the team video yet at 3:20.


The alarm bell at the beginning is an "Alarm-O-Tron 5000"


At 0:08, the Soldier's Shotgun is situated between a Sniper rifle and a Flamethrower.


The video appears to take place in the 2fort sub-level.


There is no locked door in the 2fort basement; this was likely added for comedic effect.


There are normally two entrances to the 2fort intelligence room; in the video there is only the locked entrance.


The Scout is wielding The Sandman at 0:18, even though Spies cannot disguise using unlocked weapons, although, as in other movies, this could be a hint toward something in the Spy update, a future patch by Valve, a mistake by Valve or the Scout not actually being the RED Spy disguised (yet).


While the Soldier, Scout and Heavy are in the hall about to enter the intel, they are then seen entering from the other hallway.


The 1 on the keypad to the door appears dirtier then the others, suggesting it has been used more often.


While the Heavy crashes into the Intel room he spins his minigun up while running (which isn't possible in the game), and also clocks the Soldier in the face with the barrel.


Several items have been added to the Intelligence room, including: a Cigarette Vending machine, a decorative potted plant, files, folders, and cabinets.


At 0:39, the Heavy sets his Minigun ('Sasha') down on the desk, and forgets it for the rest of the video. Given his murderously-emotional attachment to said weapon, this is unusually careless of him.


On the corkboard next to the filing cabinets, a photo of Saxton Hale (CEO of Mann Co.) can be seen.


At 0:53, in the scene where the BLU Scout is spinning the Knife, in the background on a filing cabinet, the Heavy's Football helmet can be seen. Still Frame


In several of the pornographic photos with the Scout's mother, the Spy isn't wearing any clothes but still wears his balaclava and gloves.


The file containing the photos of the Red Spy and the Scout's mother is labelled "Top Secret".


This video is the first time a class has been seen naked (if you don't count the balaclava and gloves).


At 1:26, the BLU Spy takes out a regular white cigarette from his Disguise kit, but at 1:32 you can see that his cigarette is now brown, as it is in-game for BLU Spies.


On the map display, the word 'lolz' can be made out near one of the markers, which happens to be just above France, the Spy's country of origin.


At 1:40, the Spy approaches a Sentry Gun without setting off its sensors, and slides a Sapper towards it.


The RED Spy is seen using the sapper against the BLU Engineer's sentry gun, destroying it almost instantly while the sapper takes a much longer time to destroy a level 3 Sentry Gun in-game. Also instead of exploding into smithereens, the Sentry Gun simply falls on its side.


When the Red Spy is sneaking up to the Blu Sentry and its Engineer, a large open door showing the bright outdoors is in the background. Assuming it takes place in 2Fort, this is normally where the Blu Team resupply room would be.


Amusing Sign(s): On the door at 0:44, it reads 'Keep Out: Authorized Personnel Beyond This Point'. On the other side however, it reads 'Keep This Door Closed At All Times' (right before the dead Engineer crashes through it.)


During the fight between the Sniper and the Spy, one of the new hats is revealed: The Crocodile-Toothbelt Hat for the Sniper. Still Frame


The Sniper's hat also appears to be the same as Saxton Hale's.


At 1:55 when the Spy cuts the Sniper's face, blood is seen but there appear to be no marks on the Sniper's face. Upon closer inspection, one can see that there is a pink gash.


In the same scene, the Kukri is lying on top of a crate containing the Sniper's new Razorback unlockable shield. Still Frame The Razorback also appears to be a Mann Co. product.


Again, in the Sniper Fight-Scene, several jars of 'Jarate' can be seen sitting on a cabinet.


During the scene where the Sniper suddenly turns behind to attack the Spy, the image of what appears to be a samurai is seen at the most left of the window pane.


In the video, the Spy disguises without use of his Disguise kit, and is missing the Medic's spectacles.


During the Medic Fight-Scene, the BLU Medic is not wearing the Medigun pack on his back. When the BLU Medic's spectacles fly up in the air the Spy's disguise does not have one either, but when the perspective changes and he puts on the spectacles the Medigun pack can be seen.


The medic holds the bone saw in his left hand instead in his right. The way he holds the bonesaw is also reversed, with the back of it showing his opponent. The Sniper is also shown as left-handed in this video.


The Blu Medic's bonesaw can be seen lying on the ground after the RED Spy's fight with him.


The Spy disguises as a BLU Medic. In-game, this is one of the least convincing disguises, as the Medic class has an Ubercharge counter, which is absent when it is a Spy in disguise. However, the Medic who the Spy assumes the shape of is missing the Medigun backpack.


At 2:23, the Soldier shoots the head off of the BLU Spy. This is, arguably, the most violent scene depicted in a Meet the Team video to date. A freeze frame briefly shows two suspended eyeballs, skull fragments and the Spy's brain. Still Frame


This is the first time where a class is openly acknowledged on both teams in a Meet The Team video. Previous appearances, such as in Meet the Soldier, appear to be unintentional.


The sound made by the Shotgun when the Soldier blows the BLU Spy's head off is actually that of the Revolver. Listen for the distinctive 'echo' effect at the end, not present in the shotgun in-game, but present when the RED spy fires his Revolver. Compare with the sound of the RED Soldier's shotgun in Meet The Soldier.


All the sounds made by the Medic, the Engineer, the Sniper, and the Scout and Heavy just before entering the intelligence room are all in-game vocalizations and were not recorded for the video.


The Soldier claims that enemy Spies will reveal their "true colors" a few seconds upon death. In-game, this is instantaneous.


At the end of the video, the phrase the Spy mutters is French, and translates to: 'my little cauliflower'. This is apparently not an uncommon 'pet-name' in France.


Dennis Bateman uses a deeper, more raspy voice for the RED Spy upon dropping his disguise, but uses the regular Spy voice for the BLU one.


This video implies the Spy is in a relationship, adding another example to the few instances where characters interace with people outside the game's character range.


The Scout's mother has been the only official female model yet seen.


The video also contains the most instances of the various classes actually interacting meaningfully with each other outside of Meet the Sandvich.


Neither the Pyro nor the Demoman appear in this short, though either of them may have been the offscreen victim who was shot by the RED Spy.


This is the only Meet the Team video where a class harms a member of their own team.


Ironically, considering how often the Heavy, a large target in the game, is subject to backstabbing, this is the first video where he is not singled out for that nor any other particular abuse, unlike almost all previous Meet The Team videos. However, he is still killed.


Neither the RED nor the BLU Spy use their invisibility cloak in the video.


Body count: 7 (and 1 sentry).


When the RED Spy knocks the BLU Medic's glasses into the air, a wooden crate from Half-Life 2 can be seen despite the game being Team Fortress 2.


This is the first video starring the characters from BLU, while all the others star the RED team characters.


This video marks the return of the censor bleep, which can be heard in Meet the Demoman, Meet the Scout and the Spanish version of Meet the Sniper.


Events foreshadowing the Scout as the RED Spy are:


The Scout not knowing the combination to the secured door. (He may have been foiled by its sheer simplicity)


The Scout keeping the knife when it was handed back to him. He may have planned for this as part of his elaborate gambit.


Arguably every interaction between the Scout and the BLU Spy. The RED Spy let the Spy carry those interactions in order to hide himself better.


The Scout checking for his knife on the Sniper's corpse before the BLU Spy sets the corpse on the table.


After the Soldier shoots the BLU Spy, the Scout very briefly smirks after coming out of his faked reaction.


When the Spy is carrying the Sniper, the Sniper doesn't have his glasses on, but when he is set down, he does.


This is the first time the Announcer has been heard in any Meet The Team video.


The BLU Spy's death demonstrates that either the Meet The Team videos exist according to more "real-life" rules, or that friendly fire is enabled. If the latter, this is the first depiction of friendly fire by Valve.


The Spy is able to disguise as a Medic and a Scout without smoking a cigarette. This implies that the kit itself allows the Spy to disguise himself and it merely doubles as a cigarette case.


When the Spy fights the Sniper, he uses two backhand slashes with the knife and finishes him off with a backstab. However in the game itself, he doesn't use such a style with his knife (save for the backstab).


The shotgun pump right after the Soldier shoots the Spy with it is different from in-game or any of the "Meet The" videos.


Meet the Spy effectively confirms the Spy to be French. The Spy speaks in French as stereotypically French music plays. He is also seen walking hand-in-hand with the Scout's mother towards a moped, a highly popular vehicle in France. Speculation was unable to pinpoint his origins due to his obscure accent and use of several different European languages other than French. His use of other languages can easily be explained as Secret Agents are typically versed in many languages.


The Medic's gasp of disbelief is actually the 'drei' taken from his response rule "Eins, zwei, drei... Ugh, I do not think we brought enough body bags."


Endret av AltF4
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Jeg spiller mest på Lokalen sine. Svenske servere med vanilla innstillinger.


I dag er Meet the Spy ute! Act surprised, som videoen sier hehe.


Nå har også achievementene kommet, men som med Scoutoppdateringen får vi bare ikonet og navet på dem. Mange herlige James Bond-referenanser på noen av dem!


Valve har også gitt seg selv en achievement:


Valve Corporation Achievement Unlocked:

UNLOCKED - Welcome to the internets: Fail to understand what 'Private' means on YouTube.


Jeg ler meg ihjel.


EDIT: I følge bloggen har nå Robin Walker, som setter slik pris på communitiet og hentet ideen om å gi folk i Valve sparken fordi Meet the Spy lakk ut på nettet fra foumets tråd om å ikke gi noen sparken av samme grunn, sparket samtlige i Valve untatt seg selv og en gresk vikar ved navn Stavros Xanthis. Valve har stoppet alt arbeid frem til den skyldige er funnet.


EDIT 2: Ser ut til at datoen for Spyoppdateringen er 21. mai. Linkene til alle de store oppdateringene ser nemlig slik ut:


Major Updates


The Spy Update (5/21/09)

The Scout Update (2/24/09)

A Heavy Update (8/19/08)

The Pyro Update (6/19/08)

The Gold Rush Update (4/29/08)

View All...

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Og Hampshire Heavies:

Begge er allmaps, mapvote

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Våre gode venn Stavros Xanthis har nå, mens han ikke skor hesten til Robin Walker, fungerer som luftpistolmål eller vasker klærne hans, sluppet en ny revolver for Spy!


The Ambasador

Put two wheels on this thing and it's a cannon.


There are two sorts of men in this world: the sort with blood pouring out of a hole in their heads, and the sort holding the Ambassador. It has the ammo count of a revolver and the pinpoint accuracy of a sniper rifle, even at long range. (But remember, a gun that packs this much heat needs to cool off between shots, so make every shot count.)


With its rosewood grip and likeness of your enemy’s mother (please send photo) engraved on the barrel, the Ambassador is eight motherloving pounds of steel your enemies won’t want to negotiate with.

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