Hvilken youtube film er den beste?[ vinnerene er kåret]
1. hvilke av følgende videoene syntes du er best?
Jizz in my pants2
Sagan om de bannlysta7
Bye & Rønning - forente artister2
Bye 6 Rønning- Innvandrere om Grùnderbbedrifter4
The hubble deep field- The most important imag...4
Madtv- Apple I-rack5
The sopranos on PAX tv parady1
Charlie the unicorn2
Diet cocke + mentos2
English bulldog james and chimp....0
kazachstan idol freestylo2
The onion: All online data lost after...2
Gears of awsome1
Arnold Schwarzneger calls Murphy...0
funny phone prank gone wrong2
Vadruum mets MacGyver1
Slash - Godfather Theme0
Raphael is a gangsta0
World of warcraft is a feeling0
leroy jenkins2
2. Og vi fortsetter
Snabbgrabbar 10- nyheitar for blinde3
Charlie bit my finger- again!3
deal or no deal paradoy - madtv1
The story of the pegasus1
waldo caught on tape1
look at that horse1
Mega 64 - new super mario bros. video3
Norwegian X-Files1
Boom de ya da1
Star Wars (john is the man)...2
Jeff dunham- Achmed4
Stepgen lynch- best firend song1
Bontrust: Increase in a currency1
The black hole1
Mega64: Assasins Creed5
Ventrilo Harassment1
9 by shane acker1
World Builder0
Penny in da hood0
3. Og igjen fortsetter vi
Final fantasy fixed1
Lucky star fixed0
Fox fixed0
Snatch wars2
Kid playing wii gets raped by a dog3
Smosh- replecement needed0
Me singing see you again1
Branmann sab: trygve og lasse bud3
Alpine legend xbox 3603
Indian thriller with English lyrics0
The sketch show UK1
Ben takes a photo of himselfs everyday4
Ministry of silly walks3
Where the hell is matt6
Rejected cartoons0
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