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Den store 1.05 Patchen, patch notes og kommentarer !

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Jeg poster herved hva som ca venter oss når første kapittel av patch 1.05 treffer oss med voldsom kraft ! Denne patchen er en milepæl i dette spillets historie og vil forandre på en god del.Det er en fundamental patch og ta og nyt patch notes over en kopp kaffe for det er mye greier her.

Enormt mye arbeid er lagt ned av Funcom og vi kan bare sitte å riste i spenning !

Denne patchen vil bli prøvet på testserveren kommende uke(er) og noen ting vil dermed muligens bli forandret før patchen når live-serverene.



Vil bare nevne at dette bare er første patchen i 1.05 serien, mer snadder vil komme senere. .


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Update 1.05 Notes

Update Notes for Update 1.05

**These notes do not necessarily reflect the final version that will be deployed on Live**


PLEASE NOTE! This update includes many changes to the game. Before reading through this list of changes, we strongly encourage you to read through the posted articles that explain each change more in-depth : Class Changes, System Changes, and Gem Revamp.




* Fate should now have a separate option for spawning the same items you get when she boosts your character. Please note that Fate will now give out a different item set. If you have obtained generic equipment (items containing class names etc.), you need to visit Fate for an upgrade since these items are now deprecated.

* Fate will also now hand out gems.





* The debuffs for death have changed in which stats they affect. The net change is not big, but they now reduce your damage done a bit more, and increase your damage taken a bit less than before.

* Fixed several causes of crashes and memory leaks.

* Fixed several exploits.

* You should no longer sit on the floor when attempting to sit on a bench in the Armsman's Tavern.





* Base HP for all characters has been increased. The HP gain per Constitution has been greatly increased.

* All combos have had their damage and stamina cost re-calculated.

* All spells and abilities have had their damage and mana cost re-calculated.

* The Rest ability will now correctly give the 10th "tick" at the end of the channeling.

* The out of combat regeneration granted by food and drink (for health, mana and stamina) has been increased to account for the increases to those stats players have received.

* Fixed animations for instant cast spells.

* If a high level in a team with lower level characters contributes damage to an NPC, he will cap/diminish the XP for the lower level characters, even if he leaves the team.

* Pets now inherit 50% of the critical rating and 100% of the hit rating from their owner.

* If you select a character after he has started to do an action, you will now always see their casting bar.

* Positive magic effects will now continue after resurrecting from a PvP death.

* The distance check for cone spells is now adapted to work the same way as for melee and normal spells.

* Archer NPCs will no longer give up chasing you when line of sight is broken.

* Offhand attacks now deal 50% of normal damage.

* The same buff, if applied to different characters at different times, should display different timeouts.



CLASSES - General Info

* All classes : You can now use all weapons open to your class from level 1.

* All classes : Updated descriptions of feats referring to Invulnerabilities to refer to Protection and Armor where appropriate.

* The Dark Templar and Conqueror classes are now able to equip full plate armor.

* You will now lose all buff effects from spells given by feats when you untrain those feats.

* Herald/Tempest/Demonologist/Necromancer/Bear Shaman - The long duration spells Arcane Abatement, Damnation of Set, Glorification of Set, Rune of Resistance, Rune of Resilience, Mystic Suppression and Quell the Ether have been changed. These are now instant-cast short duration tactical spells, rather than long duration buffs. Their effect has been vastly increased, now giving a large amount of protection against the damage type (or types) they protect against. For the Bear Shaman, Rune of Resistance and Rune of Resilience will place each other on short cooldowns when used. For the Tempest of Set, Damnation of Set and Glorification of Set will place each other on short cooldowns when used.

* Soldiers/Priest - Fixed a bug where Vindicator would not update properly when you entered Defensive Stance.

* The formula used for calculating hitpoints gained from leveling has been modified.

* The following buffs are removed from the game. Contribution from these buffs have been moved elsewhere :

Grizzled Hide (Bear Shaman)

Infernal Knowledge (Demonologist)

Diabolic Insight (Demonologist)

Mark of Dagon (Demonologist)

Sign of Xotli (Herald of Xotli)

Vile Insight (Necromancer)

Dark Knowledge (Necromancer)

Bone Ward (Necromancer)

Shielding Litany (Priest of Mitra)

Set's Armor (Tempest of Set)




Mage – General

* The natural mana regen given by the general feat Mage Blood has been significantly reduced.

* With the removal of the magic rating buffs for your class, the Archmage feat has been redesigned. It now increases the amount of mana you gain when using mana potions, by 2% per rank.

* Crimson Shield HP bonus increased to be in line with new health pools. Increased the bouns for rank 2 and 3 of this feat.

* Dark Meditation has been moved to tier 2 in the general tree. This spell will now also give you stamina each tick, so the Herald can get full benefit from it.



Priest - General

* Bear Shaman/Tempest of Set/Priest of Mitra - the power of your rank 1

cone heal (both on the target and on yourself) has been increased pre-level 24.

* Cast time for team health buffs has been significantly reduced.

* The natural mana regen given by the feat Ether Flow has been significantly reduced.

* Spiritual Aegis - Changed to increase the mage/priest magical protection. This feat will increase in power when the player levels.

* Spiritual Armament - Changed to increase the mage\priest armor. This feat will increase in power when the player levels.



Rogue - General

* Natural Protection - Changed to increase the rogues magical protection. This feat will increase in power when the player levels.

* Toughness - Changed to increase the rogues armor. This feat will increase in power when the player levels.

* Assassin/Barbarian/Ranger - Swift Shadows now increases your hiding skills. Concealment has been replaced by Lethality and will now increase your base weapon damage by 3.5% per rank. The dependency between Lethality and Swift Shadows has been removed.



Soldier – General

* Irritate: New innate taunt ability to all Soldiers. This ability is received at level 15.

* The natural health regeneration given by the general feats Recovery and Lifesaver has been significantly reduced.

* Stone Skin - Changed to increase the soldiers magical protection. Iron Skin has been changed to increase the soldiers armor. The bonuses from these feats scale with the player's level.

* Guardian/Conqueror/Dark Templar - The way that Sadism/Vengeance/Furious Inspiration triggers has been tweaked, and you will now gain these bonuses when the person in your team being attacked is your own class (previously if you were grouped with a Soldier of the same class, you would not gain your appropriate buff - now you will).



* Arcane Backlash has been augmented. If you are affected by the Corrupted Body effect and Arcane Backlash triggers, it will change into Corrupted Backlash. This inflicts poison damage against the attacker, in addition to the normal Arcane Backlash effects. Further ranks increase the Corrupted Backlash damage.

* The feat Burden to Bear has been changed. It now gives you a chance of triggering the heavy physical invulnerability debuff (-15% to slashing/piercing/crushing/poison). Additional ranks increases the chance for the debuff to proc from your attacks.

* The Corrupted Body feat has been changed. This feat now gives you a 10/20/30% chance of gaining the Corrupted Body effect when hit with a hostile spell effect. The Corrupted Body effect increases your protection value by 10% for 15 seconds and can stack up to 3 times.

* Flesh Necrosis has been augmented. In addition to existing effects, each feat now also passively increases the damage of Corrupted Backlash.

* Fixed an issue with Flesh Necrosis where it would appear that the ability would sometimes not work. This ability no longer has a cast time, so can be used while moving, where previously it would fail silently if used while you were moving.

* Every rank of Grim Corruption will give -10% to Slashing, Piercing, Crushing, and Poison Invulnerability Rating in Poison Stance. In Unholy Stance, it will be -10% to Holy and Unholy invulnerability rating.

* Seeds of Corruption has been changed. It now gives your attacks a chance to build a stacking debuff on the target. When you use Grim Corruption, this stack is consumed and the target is struck with unholy damage. More feat points increase the proc chance, the maximum stack size and the damage inflicted.

* Unholy Armor now gives 20/40/60/80/100% armor bonus when in Unholy Stance.

* The power of Life Leech has been greatly increased.



* Barbarians now have a new innate ability from level 1 called Savage Rage. Whenever the Barbarian performs a critical hit, he will gain bonus damage for 15 seconds. This damage bonus can stack up to 3 times.

* The Great Weapons Master feat has been changed, and is now called Devastation. It gives you a chance to increase your critical rating if you haven't performed a critical hit recently. Once you perform a critical hit, this buff will be consumed.

* Hand Weapon Expert has been removed. It has been replaced with the feat "Ability - Blitz". This grants you a charge ability. Putting more points into this feat increases the damage of the charge.

* Rampage and Rampaging Horde have had their positions swapped on the feat tree. We felt that it was a little contradictory having an ability increasing your strength based on dead people be dependent on one increasing your strength based on living people.

* The Savage Rage combo line is now called "Whirlwind." This combo hits all enemies around the Barbarian. This combo has a 1 minute cooldown across all ranks.

* The Boiling Blood feat now reduces the cooldown of Whirlwind by 5 seconds per rank.

* The Cyclone of Razors feat now increases the damage of Whirlwind by 1% per rank.

* The Gushing Wounds feat has been renamed to Tempered Steel. This feat now increases the damage of Cyclone of Steel by 1% per rank.

* Wreck Armor now inflicts a stacking armor debuff on the target.



* Animalistic Fury now increases damage done by Shrewd Blow by 1/2/3/4/5%.

* Fixed a bug with Improved Ether Theft where it was not increasing the amount of mana the bear shaman gained. Increased the effectiveness of Improved Ether Theft to +150%/+300% mana gained.

* With the removal of the Grizzled Hide buff, the Improved Grizzled Hide feat has been replaced with the Scarred Hide feat. This feat gives: When hit with a physical critical attack, you have a 33/66/100% chance to gain a 20% bonus to your armor for 10 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 15 seconds.

* Manifestation: Hostile Territory spell has been converted into one rank gained at level 65. This spell now applies the light physical invulnerability.

* Feat Spell - Rune of Slaughter proc now applies the heavy physical invulnerability debuff effect. Further ranks of this feat grant the Bear Shaman bonus Armor Penetration while the spell is active.

* Increased the base damage shield values of Spirit Totem: Profane by 10 times.

* Increased the damage bonus gained from the reactive proc on Spirit Totem: Feral. Removed the Invulnerability increase from the reactive proc.

* Spirit of the Bear now gives a team HP buff. The power of this buff is the same as that from the other priests. This buff does not affect the bear shaman. The Improved Spirits of the Bear feat does not increase the power of the team buff, it still only affects the bear shaman.

* Crush Armor: Now casts 'Physical Invulnerability Armor Debuff Master' instead of the old rank specific Crush Armor variations (Crush Armor I-IV). Crush Armor now stacks up to 5 times.

* Spirit totem: Venom has been replaced by Spirit Totem: Miasma. This spell passively increases Natural Stamina Regeneration instead of Poison Invulnerability. Places a DoT on enemies around the target. This DoT stacks up to 3 times. At the 3rd stack, it also drains stamina. This can only happen once every two seconds.

* Occasionally Balance of Nature would fail to buff you, so the proc rate has been increased to solve this issue.

* Wild Energy can now crit.

* The Nature's Revenge spell can only trigger on players every 8 seconds.

* Fixed a bug where the heal from the Bloodthirst combo was not increasing in power with more feats.

* Adrenaline Surge has been changed to have a single rank. It is now a channeled spell with a 5 minute cooldown that returns 15% mana/stamina per tick (60% total). Improved Adrenaline Surge now lowers the recast time by 30 seconds per rank.



* Death’s Door: This feat increases the Protection and Immunity Rating of the Battle Cry: To the Death.

* Bladeweave's cooldown has been increased from 20 seconds to 40 seconds.

* Blessed Conquest has been changed to no longer apply the War Fatigue debuff after you use the ability.

* The Defiance ability has been unlinked from Furious Inspiration - you now no longer need to have Furious Inspiration running to be able to use Defiance. The amount of healing gained from Defiance has been very significantly increased, however, the time before you can be affected by another Defiance has been increased to 30 seconds (the re-use timer of Defiance remains at 60 seconds).

* The amount of stamina and mana gained from Improved Defiance has been increased. The implementation of Defiance and Improved Defiance has been changed, so it is now possible to see the base amount of health/stamina/mana gained when inspecting the ability, and to see the upgrade % when inspecting the feats.

* Every rank of Feint Attack will now give -10% Slashing, Crushing, Piercing, and Poison Invulnerability.

* Guardsman Feint - Changed to increase the Conquerors armor by 2/4/6/8/10%.

* The Reaping Blade feat has been changed. It no longer grants a separate ability, but rather extends the duration of the Rend Flesh ability by 5 seconds. It is dependent on the Improved Rend feat. With Berserk Inspiration being added making it more possible to utilize Bladeweave, we felt that Reaping Blade had became significantly less useful.

* Conquest. This has been replaced with the Ability Berserk Inspiration. Allows the player to stack Furious Inspiration via normal weapon attacks, but they cannot proc the team Resurrection effect when at 10 stacks. Canceling Berserk Inspiration removes all Furious Inspiration stacks. Feat points increase the proc rate.

* Two Handed Master: This has been replaced by Ruthless Assault. Every time the conqueror crits the crit chance is increased for 10 seconds. This can only happen once every 15 seconds. Additional feat points in the line increases the critical hit chance bonus.



* The feat "Ability - Soul Barrier" has been moved up the Desecration tree, to tier 4. The feat "Soul Infusion" has been moved up the Desecration tree, to tier 6.

* The feat Spell - Covenant of Putrescence has been replaced by Deadly Covenants. This feat now improves the damage of Covenant of Arms, Pestilence, and Putrescence by 7% per rank.

* Removed the self-damaging component from Covenant of War. Significantly increased the Melee Shield bonus from Covenant of War.

* Desecrated Blood feat now improves the damage bonus gained from Covenant of War.

* All Covenants will now correctly proc from spell attacks.

* The Life Tap percentage gained from Covenant of Death has been doubled.

* Any killing blow performed by the Dark Templar or his team while Covenant of Death is running will place a buff in the templar, increasing his unholy melee damage for the next 3 hits. This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.

* Dread shadow is now a spell obtainable at level 70 if you feat for it.

* Dark Hand feat has been changed. This feat now gives you an instant cast spell that inflicts unholy damage on the target and instantly heals you. The amount of damage inflicted is increased if the target is affected by the Drain Strength, and the amount you are healed is increased if you are running Blood Pact.

* Unified the Ravenous Eater buffs. Both Soul for Our Feast and Leech Life will cast a 10 second duration buff increasing your damage. This should now allow for a 100% uptime.

* Sadistic Glee has been removed. A new feat "Seal of Chaos" has been added, granting you a new spell. This spell taunts up to 4 nearby enemies, and gives you a short duration increase to the amount of healing you receive (that increases by the number of enemies affected by the spell). Some additional feat synergies exist: If you have Consuming Bulwark trained, a heal over time is added to the Seal; If you have Crystallized Ether trained, a mana heal over time is added to the Seal; If you have Ether Reap trained, a damage over time effect is added to the Seal.

* Masochism no longer has a pre-requisite feat.

* Renamed the "Spell - Soul Barrier" feat to "Ability - Soul Barrier". When training this feat you will now get an ability called Soul Barrier, not a spell as previously. Soul Barrier is now an ability that you toggle on or off, not something that you need to continually recast.

* Changed Soul Infusion. Added the ability for this effect to critically hit. This now gives you back a percentage of your maximum mana, not a static amount (5% of your maximum mana). Rank 2 increases the amount gained by 100%. This mana gain cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds.

* Every rank of Unhallowed Blight will now give the following Invulnerability debuffs:Holy Invulnerability Rating -10.00%, Unholy Invulnerability Rating -10.00%.

* The feat Spell - Covenant of Putrescence has been renamed. This feat now offers all the benefits of the previous Covenant of Putrescence feat, combined with the previous Vile Putrescence feat.

* Updated the description of the second rank of Vile Soul to show that it allows for the Unholy Damage to happen at 6 Sadism stacks.

* Wisdom now increases your spell damage bonus as it does for priests.

* Soul Infusion. This effect can now critically hit. The mana regain have been changed from a static amount to 5% of your maximum mana. Rank 2 increases the amount of mana gained by 100%. This effect can only occur once every 10 seconds.

* Vile Pestilence and its offshoot feats have switched places with the Cabalistic Hunger feat.

* Improved Blood Pact and Invulnerable Soul have switched places in the feat tree.

* Increased the duration of Martyrdom 0.5s to ensure that the player receives all healing ticks.



* Chaotic Blast cast time has been reduced from 4 seconds to 2 seconds. Chaotic Blast damage has been reduced. Chaotic Blast now always applies its invulnerability debuff.

* Cursed by Hell and Cursed by the Heavens no longer apply invulnerability.

* Fiery Torment - The mana cost has been changed to 10% of base mana.

* Let Them Burn - The damage has been slightly increased.

* Living Firestorm; This spell will now deal less damage on the opener but more on each tick of damage. The overall damage has been slightly increased. Casting time has been reduced to 1.5s.

* Living Firestorm is now able to crit on the initial and pulsing AOE damage.

* Storm Chains - The level check on the target has been removed. The cost has been changed to 10% base mana cost.

* Mystic Suppression. This spell is now instant cast with a 6 second duration and 45 second cooldown which increases your unholy protection. This is now a spell that is meant to be used tactically in combat instead of a longtime buff.

* Demonic Wrack. This feat has been replaced by Shock Lance. This replaces the old Demonic Wrack feat (which was a stacking invulnerability debuff that is no longer a good 5 point end feat with the new generic invulnerability debuff system).

* Shock and Shockstrike now build up Empowered Shock Lance on the caster. This increases the critical chance and lowers the casting time per stack.

* Shock Lance consumes 2 Empowered Shock Lance stacks.

* Casting Shock Lance will increase the mana cost of the next Shock Lance. This is a mechanic so you can choose to get extra damage from Shock Lance and end up being incredibly mana inefficient, or get consistent mana-efficient nuking. Shock Lance is a column spell, and will hit all enemies between the caster and the target (although only a 1m radius).

* Soul Resonance no longer feeds your pet mana. When you cast Shock, that target will explode 2 seconds later, inflicting electrical damage on nearby enemies.

* Spell - Pact of Earth Walking is now a permanent effect on your pet. The damage increase has been lowered to compensate for this.

* Pact of Earth Walking now allows pets to cast the Team Heal effect. This spell can only be cast once every 20 seconds.

* Investing feat points in Wicked Bolts now also increases the damage dealt by this spell by 100% per rank.



* Combat Mastery feat has been changed. This feat now provides you with the Combat Mastery Stratagem. When active, this stratagem increases your base weapon damage.

* Updated the description of the Combat Mastery Stratagem feat to reflect the new functionality.

* The border of your active Tactic/Maneuver/Stratagem will now highlight.

* Changed the Guarded buff you get when using your Guard combos. This now gives you a 10% bonus to your armor while active. Swapping weapons still removes this buff.

* Updated the description of the Guarded buff to reflect its new functionality.

* Polearm Mastery feat has been replaced by Relentless, and should now give the player a 2,4,6,8,10% chance to resist stun & fear effects.

* The natural health regeneration from the Toughness feat has been reduced.

* Toughness - Changed to increase the Guardian armor by 1/2/3/4/5%.

* Weapon Master feat has been changed. It now grants a new ability - Cry of Havoc. This ability hits the closest 4 targets near the Guardian for minor damage and generates a high amount of hate.



* The pulsing area fire damage from Avatar of Xotli has been corrected to gain the same benefit from bonus magic damage as the Desecrating Essence pulsing area damage (it was too high).

* Clarity of the Mad now provides passive resistance to fear effects instead of modifying the Sign of Xotli spell to have this resistance effect.

* The increase in damage of the pulsing Hellstep damage when you are polymorphed has been decreased to 100% down from 400%.

* The Hell on Earth and Tongue of Xotli "pets" are now able to crit on their pulsing AOE damage.

* Inferno Curse has been changed. There is now just a single rank of this spell (rank 2 and 3 will no longer appear in your spellbook and cannot be cast). It now causes a 10% elemental invulnerability debuff (affecting fire/cold/electrical). The cast time has been reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds. This spell now costs 7% of your base mana to cast. This spell also has a DoT and a negative damage multiplier.

* Updated Mindless Brute to match the new health values.

* Touch of Hell now reduces the cooldown of Hellstep by 15 seconds.

* Burning Skull is now an instant cast 3 charges spell that triggers when someone attacks you.

* Lingering Hell: Removed the debuff from this and made it increase the ticks from the AoE after the Hellstep by 1 tick per point.

* Flame Tongue: The Duration of this buff has been changed to 15 seconds, up from 10.

* Xotli’s Vengeance: The duration of this buff has been changed to 15 seconds, up from 8.

* Body and Spirit Wrack: Reduced the animation length of the combo finisher.

* Fiery Enervation: This spell and it’s effects have been merged into Inferno Curse.

* Arcane Abatement: This spell is now instant cast, has a 6 second duration, 45 second cooldown, and greatly increases your cold protection. This is now meant to be used tactically in combat, not as a long duration buff.

* Avatar of Xotli: There is now a new model for this buff.

* Exultation of Xotli: This has been changed into 4 ranks. You now gain the first rank at level 30.

* Increased the max absorb value of the Herald's damage absorb shield spell Contract of Protection. It should now be equal to the Necromancer and Demonologist versions.

* The bonuses for rank 3 and rank 4 for Improved Phoenix Cloak were inverted, giving the rank 4 bonus at rank 3 and the rank 3 bonus at rank 4. This has been fixed.

* When you gain the Fury of Xotli buff, a short, basic particle effect is now played to make it easier to spot when you have a free Hellfire Breath.

* Fixed the Hellfire Feast feat to correctly give you physical mana tap as per the intention and description, rather than magical mana tap.

* The Fiery Weapons proc can now crit.



* Because of the vastly different natures of Reanimation vs Nightfall necromancers, the manacost of the necromancer hostile spells have been changed to be a percentage of your base mana.

* With the removal of the two magic rating buffs, that controlled which type of nukes you used, we used this as an opportunity to change the way some of your core nukes work. Pestilential Blast will not longer be a nuke-over-three-seconds spell, but turned into a true DOT. Flesh to Worms has been made into a long duration DOT. Chill is now instant cast and will consume Pestilential Blast for significant burst damage. Lifestrike has been changed to be a direct lifetap and had its stamina cost removed. Certain reanimation pet-augmenting feats will now also affect Lifestrike.

* All spell casting pets are now able to crit. The Corruptor's Aura of Corruption is now able to crit.

* Blasphemous Ruin damage increased.

* The proc from Blasphemy can now critically hit.

* Blighted One (melee pet) now has a proc to stack up a de-buff that lowers the target's Holy and Unholy Protection.

* Bursting Bomb now has a secondary effect. It increases the damage that Chill inflicts.

* Chill has had its base damage lowered. Chill is now instant-cast. Manacost of chill increased. If Pestilential Blast is running on the target, Chill will now consume Pestilential Blast and inflict a significant amount of damage.

* Corrupted Soul now has a secondary effect. It increases the amount healed by Lifestrike. It no longer increases the damage of Lifestrike (given the small amount of damage that spell now inflicts).

* Corpse Detonation (fixed a bug where the damage did not get recalculated when pet damage was changed from 3% to 7%). Increased target damage spec, but overall damage is reduced slightly because of this previous bug (down around 50ish points on average at level 80).

* Deathly Blizzard will now stack up with minus elemental protection instead of cold invulnerability.

* Dread Blight now has a secondary effect. It increases the amount of stamina gained from Harvest Spirit. It also causes your Lifestrike spell to additionally inflict stamina damage on the enemy, and increases the amount of mana damage inflicted by your Lifestrike spell.

* Flesh to Worms has been changed to a 30 second dot.

* Flesh of the Wight: The dots from this ability can now crit. They now also gain bonuses from your bonus magic damage. Changed the cast time to 1 second and the duration to 4 hours.

* Freeze can now crit. Removed the level check on these spells so that the crowd control aspect will affect all levels. Fixed the Freeze effect triggered from Tome of Epithur to be in-line with the other freeze effects (was using the old mezz-type freeze)

* Frenzy will now also put a -15% Unholy and Holy debuff on the target.

* Frost Blast damage increased slightly. Removed the level check on these spells so that the crowd control aspect will affect all levels.

* Gangrenous Stench will now give -10% invulnerability to all physical stats.

* Gelid Bones has been changed from a weak DOT to inflict instant damage. The base area size has been increased by 1m. This spell will now inflict triple damage against minions.

* Grim Hunger is now a 33/66/100% chance to built up Spiritual Protection Debuffs.

* Grip of Death damage has been lowered slightly. Manacost has been reduced. Grip of Death will do more damage the closer the target is to death. This will take effect when the target is below 60% and additional effect when the target is below 20%.

* Ice Strike has had its cooldown removed. This is now your primary nuke spell.

* Decay and Soul Frost have been changed slightly. The trickledown from bonus magic damage for these spells has been lowered. The damage has been increased slightly.

* Fixed a problem where No Rest for the Dead would place Shatter on cooldown, and vice versa

* Lifestrike now takes 0.5 seconds to cast, inflicts a small amount of instant damage but gives back significant health. The cooldown has been increased to 12 seconds, and no longer takes stamina to cost.

* Mark of the Devourer - this spell has been changed slightly to emphasize its healing nature more than its damage nature (as Nightfall necromancers don't have the same range of healing options available as Reanimation necromancers). The duration has been reduced to 30 seconds, to make it in-line with your other core dots. Damage has been slightly reduced. The buff you receive that increases the damage of the Mark of the Devourer will now increase in power ever 7 seconds, rather than every 15 seconds. The healing power has been increased - healing will now occur every 6 seconds rather than every 10 seconds, and the amount gained each tick of healing has been increased. The increase in healing gained by spending additional points in this feat has also been increased. Additionally, if this DOT runs its entire duration, you will receive a significant heal at the end (this end heal is not increased in power by putting additional points into this feat).

* Necrotic Pustule now has a secondary effect. It increases the duration of your Flesh to Worms spell, and Infestation effect by 6 seconds.

* Night of the Harvester now has a secondary effect. It causes your Lifestrike spell to additionally grant you mana (Harvest Soul) and stamina (Harvest Spirit). It also increases the amount healed by Lifestrike. It also lowers the mana cost of your Lifestrike spell (by 50/100%).

* Pestilential Blast has been changed to a 15 second dot. Its damage has been lowered.

* You will now get Pestilential Blast (Rank 1) at level 7 and Chill (Rank 1) at level 1.

* Plagued Heart Curse - reduced the casting time to 1 second. The damage caused if this triggers can now also crit.

* Ruined Blight now has a secondary effect. It increases the amount of mana gained from Harvest Soul. It also causes your Lifestrike spell to additionally inflict mana damage on the enemy.

* Set's Cold Hatred, Set's Ruin and Blasphemy have all been changed. These buffs now exist in only a single rank, and do not expire (but you can still only have one active at once). Set's Cold Hatred now gives you a passive amount of armor and critical rating, and whenever you perform a spell critical hit, your pets gain a short term damage buff. Set's Ruin now gives you a passive amount of fire, cold and electrical protection, in addition to spell penetration, and whenever you use Chill to consume Pestilential Blast you gain a short term increase to your base spell damage. Blasphemy now gives you a passive amount of holy and unholy protection in addition to hit rating, and while active your Flesh to Worms has a chance of inflicting 2 ticks of damage whenever it inflicts periodic damage. Blasphemy does not stack with the conqueror's Marshal the Ranks battle cry. The goal behind these changes is to make these spells more of a choice, depending on what role you are playing.

* Unholy Hands - increased manacost.

* Tome of Epithur - Changed cast time to 1.5s. Changed mana cost to 25% of base mana. Changed self frost/unholy +bonus damage to +generic magic damage.

* Wither Soul has been renamed to Withered Soul, and has been changed. When you perform a critical hit, you have a 50/100% chance to gain the Withered Soul effect, which makes your next Ice Strike instant cast. This cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds, and cannot occur if you are under the effect of the Death God buff.

* Wretched Heart Curse has been changed. When trained, it will change the Plagued Heart Curse spell to cause the cursed enemies to place a heal-over-time effect on their target when it triggers. This heals 1/2/3% of total health every 4 seconds for 8 seconds, and cannot be placed on the same target more than once every 20 seconds.

* Lifestealer and Harvester: The heal/regen from these two pets now persists for 1 second, so you can only get an effect every second at max. (In the past you would occasionally get bursty patches of lots of healing/regen procs). Removed the variance from these spells, so they always give you the same amount back. Slightly increased the amount based on the proc chances.

* The Master of the Dead feat now also removes the Shackled Heart requirement from the Ghoulish Feast spells in addition to its current effects.

* Ghoulish Feast duration has been reduced to 15 seconds for all ranks.



* The damage and mana costs of all the hostile PoM spells have been re-calculated.

* Avert Thine Eyes will now add -15% Unholy and Holy Invulnerability. The effect off the miss-chance on target has been reduced.

* The feat Blinding Light has been removed and replaced with the feat Divine Halo. Your holy nukes build up Divine Blessings on yourself. When this reaches 5, you gain the Divine Halo effect, which will periodically heal the lowest health friendly target close to you. Each heal performed will use up a Divine Blessing.

* Clarity of Mind has been rebalanced. Cooldown has been reduced by a third, and damage % component of the spell has been reduced by a third.

* Imperil is reduced to one rank. The debuff part has been increased to -10% holy and unholy damage invulnerability.

* The mana cost of Lance of Mitra has been split between the base spell and the Divine Lance feat. Training the Divine Lance feat will increase the mana cost of Lance of Mitra with each rank.

* Sustaining Faith has been changed to have a single rank. It is now a channeled spell with a 5 minute cooldown that returns 15% mana per tick (60% total). Undying Belief now causes Sustaining Faith to place a separate absorb shield buff when channeling has finished, and reduces the cooldown of Sustaining Faith by 30 seconds per rank. Determination and Relentless Faith no longer affect Sustaining Faith.



* Armor Ripper has been changed. It now applies a standard 10% physical invulnerability debuff on the target (slashing/piercing/crushing/poison invulnerability).

* Bow Specialization has been renamed to 'Ranged Specialization.' This feat now increases the Ranger's ranged DPS by a percentage of his weapon's DPS (3/7/11/15/19% per respective feat point). For example, a 100 DPS ranged weapon with this feat maxed out would be a 119 DPS ranged weapon.

* The feat Crossbow Specialization has been changed. It is now called "Ability - Terror Totem". This grants you an ability where you can place a totem on the ground. This totem pulses a fear that affects minion monsters, causing them to run away from that area for a brief period of time. This will also affect necromancer Undead Minion pets (only those summoned via the Undead Minion class of spells - the caster pets are unaffected). More points in the feat increases the duration of the totem.

* Debilitating Aim has been changed. This feat now no longer affects Armor Ripper, and now gives you a passive amount of Armor Penetration.

* Silent Shots should apply when hitting a target, not on the combo starter. This was only the case for shadow snipe.

* The damage of the Splintering Puncture has been greatly increased. The area of effect has been reduced to 2/3/4 meters per rank.

* Splintering Puncture duration has been increased to 30 seconds. Splintering Puncture will be consumed when Bleeding Puncture is used. It will not go on cool down until Bleeding Puncture has been used.

* Pin Down: These combos now have a visual effect.

* Ricochet will no longer apply Snare Immunity to NPCs.

* Hail of Fire will now proc when using Piercing Shot I.

* Improved Pitch Pot now reduces the cast time by .3/.6/1 seconds per respective feat point, making the ability instant when fully feated.

* Pitch Pots can now perform critical hits.

* Fixed an issue which caused the Barbed Arrows feat to not always apply its bonus damage.

* Increased the duration of Puncture to 12 seconds. (was 6)



* Spell damage coefficient for Storm Crown has been significantly reduced.

* Call Lightning is now a 1.5s cast and target AoE. It now hits up to 6 targets within a radius of 8 meters. The duration of the buff it gives you (Thunderhead) has had it's duration increased to 15 seconds. The effect has changed to be a +5% to your base spell damage. If you have cyclones nearby when you cast Call Lightning, they will receive a +5% damage buff.

* Curse of Set has been changed. Its cast time was reduced to 1.5 seconds, and it will now apply the 15% elemental debuff (applying to fire/electrical/cold), rather than the smaller electrical-specific debuff.

* Degradation of Set has been changed. There is now just a single rank of this spell, applying the debuff effect. The mana drain component has been replaced by a passive increase to the mana cost of the spells that can trigger Degradation while it is active (except Charged Blast, which does not get a mana cost increase). The casting time has been reduced to 1 second and the duration has been increased to 4 hours.

* Divide and Conquer has been changed. The Division of Law and Division of Chaos now have persistent particle effects, making it easier to see what buff you have.

* The Idol of Set is now able to crit. Cyclones of Set are now able to crit.

* The casting time of Lightning Strike has been reduced to 2.5 seconds. The spell damage and the spell damage coefficients have been reduced because of this.

* Each Call Lightning and Lightning Strike cast while Overcharge is active will stack up a debuff on the Tempest. This debuff can only be cleared by casting Life of Set.

* Improved Overcharge feat now allows the Disrupted Charge effect from Overcharge to have a chance to damage physical attackers. When this damage occurs, the Disrupted Charge stack is decremented one step.

* Overcharge has been condensed into one rank, received at level 45. Overcharge is now a permanent buff which increases the damage of Call Lightning and Lightning Strike.

* Shock and Awe has been changed. When a target is debuffed with either Chaotic Awe or Lawful Awe, they will also gain a stacking elemental protection debuff (affecting fire/cold/electrical protection). Fixed a problem where Fires of Gehenna could not trigger the Chaotic/Lawful Awe effects if rank 5 of Shock and Awe had been trained.

* Putting additional feats into Vital Shock now also lowers the recast time by 10 seconds per feat, in addition to the previous bonuses (down to a 20 second recast time).

* Triumphant Life of Set: This spell has been fixed so it can no longer be chain cast.

* Faith in Set has been changed to have a single rank. It is now a channeled spell with a 5 minute cooldown that returns 15% mana per tick (60% total).



* You will now not get the need/greed dialog if the item is a unique item and you already have it.

* Corrected an issue where white or blank icons would appear on your bank/inventory window.

* The normal and detailed team GUI now displays the actual values of the player's stats on the bars (wherever it fits).

* The fixed and floating portrait GUIs (target and target's target) also display the actual stat values for team/raid members instead of percentages.

* When joining a raid (as character or team), the raid channel will be available immediately.

* When disbanding from or leaving a raid, the raid channel will now be gone for those who left the raid.

* Spell icons should now correctly reset after fear ends.

* Weapon tooltips now only show the innate weapon damage instead of the total character when equipped.

* There's now a new chat channel called 'Trial'. This is by default muted for normal accounts, but can be subscribed to in the chat window options. Trial accounts won't be able to communicate in any other chat channel.

* Fixed a bug where the quest reward system would require a free slot in your inventory to give you an item which there is room for in an existing stack of the same item.

* Added a command /who, for getting information about players.

* Revamped the look and information included in the character GUI.

* Revamped the look and information on item tooltips.

* You will now not get the need/greed dialog if the item is a unique item and you already have it.

* There is now a "player equipment inspect" GUI, accessible via right clicking on their target bar.





* The guild search view will now also show guilds which are currently not recruiting.





* All classes now have access to the cloth/silk armor type.

* Nectargold will now restore mana and increase max mana pool instead of stamina.

* All items have been changed for the new systems in the update.

* New loot has been added to Atzel’s Fortress.

* Class requirements have been removed from raid tier weapons.





* All monsters have changed. HP has increased, DPS has increased, they have been given armor. These changes are in place to match the increased player power.





* PVP Dropped resources are now put sorted into the loot bag based off power level and then level/tier.

* PVP Dropped resources will now automatically stack in the loot bag.

* Warnings about teammates who are involved in criminal activities will now go to the criminal system channel.





Destiny Quests

* Soldier and Rogues will now gain extra weapon damage from their Destiny Quest rewards instead of Attack Rating. The Ranger will gain extra ranged weapon damage.

* Mages and priests will now gain a spell damage multiplier from the Destiny Quest. If they select that at all stages they will gain 1% more spell damage. Heralds get the weapon damage bonus.





* You can now attach resources to mails straight from your resource inventory.



(Details of revamp mechanics can be read about in this article)

* All crafted 1 handed items can now be dual wielded in both hands.

* The tradeskill window will no longer disappear if you try to open it when you don't have any tradeskills, and then learn some tradeskills and try to open it again.

* All crafted gear has been re-itemized.

* All crafted progression gear for weaponsmiths and armorsmiths have additionally had their gem-slots reduced from 3 to 1 as part of the re-itemization. This was in order to “make room” for inherent mods that have been added, and to generally fit with the gem revamp.

* Crafted culture recipes no longer class specific.



Gem Revamp

* All existing uncut gems (deprecated) have been replaced with new uncut gems in player inventories.

* All existing unsocketed cut gems (deprecated) have been replaced with new uncut gems in player inventories.

* All existing socketed cut gems (deprecated) have had their values adjusted to coincide with gem revamp.

* All new cut gems have been created, and the corresponding recipes should appear in the tradeskill book of players who have obtained the appropriate tier.

* New cut gems follow completely new rules and mechanics, which you can read about in the linked article.

* New cut gems stack.

* New uncut gems have had their stack size increased.

* All Gemcutting progression quests have been modified to accommodate gem revamp.



New Recipes

* New dropped recipes for gemcutters can be found somewhere in and around the commons district.

* New dropped recipes for alchemists can be found somewhere in and around the commons district.

* Planned for 1.05: an epic crafted item can now be forged somewhere in wing 3 of black rock citadel.



Vendor Purchased Resources

* A “mini-revamp” of white vendor-bought tradeskills resources has occurred, in order to be more efficient with inventory space. This will greatly reduce the amount of vendor-bought items required for the weaponsmith and armorsmith professions.



Misc/Bug Fixes

* Bluesteel Half Plate and Skymetal gauntlets are now the correct material type

* Planned for 1.05: various upgrades to dropped recipe GUI

* In some cases, the recipe "Blood of the South" could not properly be learned by players. This has been fixed.

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Tester denne på live serveren nå, herreGUD for en forskjell. Alt er...rart.. men på samme tid mye mye mye MYE bedre. Mine epic items gir absurde men nice bonuser...antar jeg, forstår ingenting lol.


Jeg jobber litt på uheldige tider omdagen og har ikke tid til noe spilling på test-serveren, men si meg ; er det som å bli født på ny når du spiller etter patchen ? hvordan er "punchen" i combat ? Hvordan er det å queste ? Har du drepte noen spillere enda ? Har du noen armor-oppsett som booster deg i noe spesielt føler du ?


Jeg går til 18 dager fri den 17 april , hadde vært morsomt om denne patchen hadde vært nærme live serverene da ;)

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Er nok lenge til denne er på annet en live.

Den er helt forskjellig. Man har crit rating, hit rating, damage rating, og 101 forskjellige rating!

Og epic itemsa er virkelig brae, gøye å se at raid items faktisk er verd noe! :D


Ja, jeg syns dette var noe helt nytt noe!


Godt å høre ! morro med crittrating spesielt i PvP sammenheng !!!

Edit : Med alle disse ratingene , vil man også skjønne mer av mekanikken bak spillet , genialt.

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Synes nye måten alle statsene ser ut er bra. Mye mere oversiktlig nå.

Men har merket at det er mange ting å fikse. Skal nevne de negative tingene etter å ha spilt i 30 min.

Spiller som guardian

1. Man suger stamina. 2 mobs så er man tom for stamina uansett om jeg bruker alle mine stamina buffs. Må fikses.

2. Guardian tåler mindre enn før. Jeg er lv74 og tok mobs på min lv. Mista mye mer liv enn før. Klarer ikke lengre å drepe mobs som er 5-6 lv høyere enn meg. DPS min ble noe lik hvis ikke svakere.

3. Stor lag. Hvert 5-10 min kommer jeg opp i 4k-5kms lagspike og det varer en god stund, men som oftest blir jeg kicka ut.


Ellers er jeg ganske positiv til patchen.

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Ser i alle fall at det blir mykje nytt for necromanceren min. Her blir det nok ein del prøving og feiling før ting sit i fingrane igjen. Men eg har tru på at endringa blir til det bedre.


No er eg ikkje den som tenkjer mest system og tal i utgangspunktet, men noko som er litt meir forståeleg enn det vi har i AoC i dag hadde jo vore greit.

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  • 3 uker senere...
Oh, skal Conq og DT få Full plate armor? det skulle jo liksom være Guardian Gearet? Det ble jeg litt skuffet over, men resten av Patch noten var jo nice, Gleder meg SYKT til TC (Tarantia Commons)


Jeg digger det nye området. Vil si det er den vakreste plassen i AOC. Du ser liksom Old Tarantia fra en helt annen vinkel. Denne plassen blir garantert gankernes nye favoritt plass:(

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