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Anmeldelse: Empire: Total War

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Ikke minst tid til å spille ja. Går selv bachelor på universitetet, og selv det tar tid. Har ikke spillt spill på en måned snart. :\ Jeg har jo fortsatt Fable II og GTAIV å runde. For ikke å snakke om at jeg gjerne skulle spillt litt Warcraft III igjen.

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Jeg ble litt usikker av å lese din erfaring av den kunstige intelligensen Joachim. Det virker som om de fleste andre som har spilt spillet har sett kraftige forbedringer på det, mens du ser kun ut til å fokusere på det negative. Føler du at den intelligensen har blitt forbedret i det hele tatt?


For å nevne noen som har rost intelligensen kan jeg blant annet trekke frem en rapport fra brukeren Shireknight på Totalwarforums.com:

Now I had already noticed that before I started the RTI campaign I was not asked what difficulty level I wished to play at but was so eager to start playing really didn't think nothing of it however during play I did notice that these Indians seemed a bit smarter than the average defender from previous games, they seemed to know that I outmatched them and after staring at my army for a few minutes headed for the top of a nearby mountain almost as if they were looking for height for their archers. Thinking yeah that's clever but nothing more I sent all my units running after them to see if I could catch some stragglers before they reached the top, one of my units seemed to be able to run faster than the others and reached the bottom of the mountain while I was still managing the others. The Indians noticing this unit was alone suddenly decided that they weren't happy at being chased out of their village and the stragglers turned and charged my single unit quickly enveloping it in a mass of brutality. I only had a couple of units nearby so quickly sent them to assist this poor outnumbered troop. It was at this point that I noticed that the Indians had also noticed that I had sent some support for my unit and yep you guessed it not wanting the be outdone they did the same -this small skirmish was rapidly starting to turn into a full blown engagement. Sadly for the Indians the early battles seem greatly weighed in favour of the player and although outnumbered my units easily repelled the attack and after about 15 minutes the village was taken with the remaining Indians running for their lives 10 out of 10 for effort though guys.

Hopelessly outmatched the poor French run for their lives and interestingly instead of running back into the fort to mount a final stand or completely die they retreat into the countryside -I find out why a bit later.

After staring at the map for a good 5 minutes and fending off more offers of food from Mark I carried on with my campaign, the enemy army that had retreated from the large French fort earlier in the campaign now started to reek havoc on my nicely ordered lands, they marched on the smaller fort which I had left garrisoned by only two units, not worrying at all I decided to just hide in the fort while I bring my main army back from the main fort and wipe these annoying French insects out in one final battle but nope again the French aren't going to just sit there while I amass forces against them that would be stupid. They assault the fort and although my two units give them a good run for their money by manning and firing the cannons mounted on the roof of the fort directly into the faces of the attackers and fighting them on the very steps themselves I'm no match for them -not one English survivor I'm afraid.


En anmeldelse på Nowgamer.com belønner og AI.

Empire’s campaign map is a sublimely balanced experience, with the AI markedly improved over Medieval II as it probes deeper into your territory and seeks out your weak points, though there are a few instances of erratic enemy movements that do raise a critical eyebrow. But such minor shortfalls don’t even begin to prevent this from being the most accomplished campaign map ever to feature in a Total War game.


Next up are the 3D real-time land battles. Due to an emphasis on ranged combat and thanks to some highly impressive AI advances, these skirmishes are a totally different proposition to what we’ve become accustomed to in previous games of the series. The painfully predictable enemy movements that blighted Medieval II have been replaced by enemy AI so dynamic and intelligent, you’ll almost believe you’re playing against another human.


Har lest det andre steder og at folk generelt mener den kunstige intelligensen har blitt kraftig bedret sammenlignet med før - hadde derfor vært fint om du kommenterer litt på det andre har skrevet om den og sier litt om hvorvidt du merker tegn til forbedring - og om de er små eller store. Følte du ikke at du ble utfordret noen gang?

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Gjest Slettet+130498

holder på å laste det ned nå. gleder meg til jeg kan spille det :D men loader fullversjonen like sent som demoen?

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5 minutter til, så starter jeg :)


Men 15gig, det er en monster installasjon. :blink:


Har gledet meg lenge til dette, selv om jeg i utgangspunktet har vært skeptisk til Tids epoken.

Men vi får se, har til dags dato aldri blitt skuffet :love:

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Total War-serien representerer det ypperste innen strategispill. Kombinasjonen av turbaserte manøvre og taktisk kamp er uslåelig! Har dessverre ikke god nok pc til å kjøre dette spillet. Får ta frem gode, gamle Shogun i stedet.


Endret av Penneknekt
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Herlig anmeldelse, gleder meg til å erobre verden!


Kjenner meg spesiellt godt igjen i dette:

Alt dette resulterer i et gameplay som har akkurat den samme «bare én tur til»-følelsen som tidligere spill i serien. Det er alltid ett eller annet som skal gjøres, en eller annen detalj som må på plass, og en eller annen ondsinnet plan som må settes ut i live.


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