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Excitebots Trick Racing (Wii)

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Fra folka bak Excite Truck. Spillet er allerede ferdig og lanseres i USA i neste måned:



"You won't believe your eyes when you find yourself shooting goals, throwing pies and even playing poker in the middle of racing robotic animals and insects around off-road tracks."

Endret av Kilik
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Annonseringen stemmer godt med Nintendo's nye filosofi. De vil ikke vise frem de uannonserte spillene sine før et par måneder før de kommer ut.


Jeg må si at jeg ikke har noe sans for det nye konseptet. Trenger Nintendo virkelig enda et item-basert bilspill? Når det er sagt så skulle jeg gjerne ha sett noen bilder eller videoklipp fra spillet. Jeg forventer at det ser bedre ut enn Excite Truck. Det er i det minste betryggende å se at spillet vil ha en onlinemodus.

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Likte Excite trucks, så ser frem til dette. Rart det ikke er en trailer ute ja.. Ihvertfall hvis spillet allerede er ferdig...


Som bestilt: IGN trailer

Det ser faktisk veldig underholdende ut. Jeg fikk inntrykk av at powerupene/minispillene er mer involverende enn i Mario Kart Wii. Med leaderboards og en robust onlinedel så kan dette bli riktig bra. :)

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Fakta om spillet så langt:

-Det har i bunn og grunn det samme gameplayet(ifølge Nintendo Power).

-Banene endrer design etter hvert som bilene kjører flere og flere runder(Terraforming).

-Man utfører minispill som f. eks paikasting og poker mens samtidig som man styrer bilen.

-Onlinemodus med støtte for opp til 6 spillere.


Det største ankepunktet rundt originalen var lengden på spillet. Det blir spennende å se om de planlegger å gjøre noe med den kritikken.


Men fortsatt litt skeptisk til disse robotene.

Samme her. De kunne kunne ha gitt Mario Kart Wii en ny reklamekampanje istedenfor å komme opp med disse robotene. Jeg må dog innrømme at de gir spillet et eget særpreg.

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Nå har det dukket opp mye mer info:


- control pad for continuous boost

- hold control pad too long and you’ll overheat

- more challenge modes than ExciteTruck

- online for up to six players

- more online details yet to be revealed

- unlock tracks/bots in Excite Race

- tutorial mode ‘School Cup’ must be completed

- complete five tracks in each cup (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum) to move onto the next

- race tracks in any order

- need a B rank or higher to pass

- new tracks and some old ExciteTruck tracks return

- locations: Kilimanjero, Egypt, Canada, China

- as seen in trailer, there are red bars and yellow bars.

- yellow bars: “Once you reach a yellow bar, your bot grips onto it and instantly spins around at lightning speed, and you need to find the exact time to push your Remote forward so that your bot is released. The sooner you can push and release your bot off the yellow bar, the faster the release acceleration and the more points you earn. But if you push at the wrong time, your bot will tumble off the bar. The yellow bar requires instant concentration while at the same time adding even more speed to the race.”- Hiro Yamada, Supervisor at Nintendo and Richard Garcia, Team Lead and President of Monster Games

- red bars: “When your bot reaches a red bar, your bot automatically grabs it and starts to rotate around the bar at a very slow speed. Syncing your Wii Remote movement with your bot on the red bar is critical to increasing the speed of rotation. Spinning around the red bar 10 times releases your bot. [Just before a red bar] you’ll be racing at full speed, but once you reach it you’ll have to hold back your anticipation to carefully control your Remote, something which ultimately creates an intense change of pace in the gameplay.” - Hiro Yamada, Supervisor at Nintendo and Richard Garcia, Team Lead and President of Monster Games

- New attack items: Chomper Mouth (fake teeth that are shot and then latch onto opponent)

- Mini-games: Soccer goal kicks, darts, football field goals, pie throwing and more

- completing mini-games unlocks hidden items, such as new routes on tracks

- more on unlockables: “There will be numerous icons that can be unlocked one-by-one and then used for your profile, so that your friends and competitors can see the icon of your choosing during tournaments via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. The most exciting is probably statues since you can collect a statue for each vehicle. By purchasing these unlockable statues, you’ll be able to admire your favorite bot from all angles. These new bots, icons, and statues can be purchased by stars that you earn throughout the game.” - Hiro Yamada, Supervisor at Nintendo and Richard Garcia, Team Lead and President of Monster Games

- techno-like soundtrack



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Eg ble forferdelig glad når eg leste overskrifta "Excite Truck får oppfølger", men ble så skuffet over konseptet at eg ble sur resten av dagen! Excite Truck er det mest spilte spillet i min Wii, og eg har gledet meg til å høre om ein oppfølger, men som sagt ble eg skuffet!

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IGN har gitt ut en ny forhåndstitt. Jeg tenkte jeg skulle poste linken samt noen utdrag fra artikkelen.


After seeing some decent success with the game at launch, developer Monster Games is now letting the throttle loose one more time on Wii, bringing the odd – but oh so awesome – Excitebots to Wii in just a few short days.


And it blows the original away.


To say that this game is unconventional is an understatement. In our first two hours behind the wheel with Excitebots we've had office members stop and stare, and we've had comments about it being a 3D reincarnation of Uniracers, Wario Ware mixed with racing, an F-Zero style game, and others. The real obvious truth, however, is that the game simply does whatever it wants, as long as it ensures more fun in the process. You'll still get the star-based racing from the first Excite Truck, you'll get crazy air, terrain morphing buttons, a boost meter that needs to be kept in constant check, air spins, jump boosts, and plenty of locales to blaze through at ridiculous speeds. Add on top of that, however, is the some of the most insane stunt and micro-game elements I've ever seen in a racer.


When it comes to racing, Excitebots delivers more than any other game of its kind on Wii. The game is blazing fast, but it's the micro-challenges that really make it a chaotic, entertaining experience 100% of the time.


Hitting ramps will send your sprinting bot into the air, morphing it yet again into a glider mode that would make any triple-changing Transformer from the 80's blush bright red. You take to the air, go into glide mode, and then have controls comparable to wing cap Mario, tilting backwards to gain height, and forward to dive-bomb and speed up. Oh, and the flight controls rock. This could be its own game. Collect butterflies while in the air, and then land on a gigantic sunflower to gain even more bonus stars. Seriously, we couldn't make this stuff up. Whatever Monster Games is smoking, it's paying off big time, because this game is good fun.


Overall the game is similar in visual and audio design as Excite Truck was, with an amazing sense of speed and some decent visuals given the speed and depth of field shown off when leaping into the air. The game also supports two specific control styles for tilt Wii-mote driving, as well as twist-based Wii wheel controls
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Nice leflus. Fikk meg aldri til å kjøpe det første spillet, men det så veldig morsomt ut. Dette blir sannsynligvis enda morsommere. Men hvordan er det med split-screen?

Etter det jeg har hørt så vil den fortsatt bli begrenset til 2 spillere. Med tanke på hvor mye som foregår i løpene så er det kanskje for det beste. Spillet vil også ha en onlinemodus med støtte for opp til 6 spillere.

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