Joakim vas Normandy Skrevet 5. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 5. juni 2009 (endret) "And now for some news that might upset the hardcore Mass Effect fans. Your level from your first Mass Effect game will not carry over into the second game, something done in the interest of maintaining a degree of balance. The decisions you made in the first game will have a major impact on the story for Mass Effect 2. The team is still figuring out what to do with your skills, but those might get reset as well since the option exists to switch classes at the start of Mass Effect 2." Bra. "We paused to check our health and noticed we didn't have to use medi-gel (our life bar was full). Was the demo in God mode? Well, yes, but ... medi-gel has been eliminated! BioWare has ditched "health packs" for regenerating shields and health." Kanskje like greit? Endret 5. juni 2009 av Joakim_B Lenke til kommentar
teletubbiekid Skrevet 5. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 5. juni 2009 Greit nok. Er ikke for combaten jeg spilte Mass Effect uansett. Lenke til kommentar
Joakim vas Normandy Skrevet 6. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 6. juni 2009 (endret) Svar fra Preston Watamaniuk som er Mass Effect Lead Designer om diverse tema rundt BioWare/ME2. Your comment about us selling out and making the game too generic is mirrored in many other posts and threads throughout the message boards and it does concern me greatly. What we did at the end of ME1 was examine where certain mechanics, game play experiences and narrative were not working well together. We looked at your feedback and the feedback of reviewers and team members to really figure out where our problems were. My goal with ME2 was to make it more accessible to a larger fan base but in a way that did not sacrifice its RPG depth. I think those two goals can co-exist and over the last year and a half we have made great strides in being able to examine things such as inventory and make it better. Inventory, its acquisition, use and management is much more streamlined on ME2. We took the single activity of switching out gear and mods and broke it down into a set of more manageable tasks that accomplish the same exact result. These tasks are also hooked into the wider game in more interesting ways than on ME1 as well. Let me be very clear you will be able to collect, upgrade, personalize and manage inventory on ME2. Character importing is also another huge topic of concern on the boards. The relative strength of your character will earn you bonuses when you import them into the game. We are actually working on the import system right now and all of those decisions are being finalized. Your concerns and feedback have been very valuable to me personally in trying to make decisions that give maximum bang to people with high level characters but still provide a balanced progression experience. I also notice a lot of people worried about EA’s influence over the game, there is no cause for concern here. The reason why EA acquired BioWare was so that we could continue to make the same high quality titles we have produced in the past. From my perspective their influence has been positive and supportive. They trust us to make a great game and want to support us to that end. Heavy Weapons are limited by an expendable resource. The nuke launcher for example expends a vast amount and others only a small amount. You will need to save up to use the nuke launcher over a period of time. The Geth are certainly in ME2, and you learn a lot more about them. Endret 6. juni 2009 av Joakim_B Lenke til kommentar
Akrabra Skrevet 7. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 7. juni 2009 Lenge siden jeg har titta bort på mass effect desverre! men alt det her ser jo himmelsk ut, bare et stort minus at vi må vente til neste år:/ for da blir det så ufattelig mange spill at ting må prioteres. Nå skal det sies at noe av det beste innenfor Rpg blir satt først:) gleder ufattelig mye, mest til å kunne fortsette forholdene man hadde til de andre karakterne og lære mer om dem og selvfølgelig litt refreshet gameplay! Lenke til kommentar
Snurreleif Skrevet 7. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 7. juni 2009 Ser riktig bra ut, skulle ønske vi fikk se et eksempel på et nytt side-quest dog. Historien bekymrer meg ikke nevneverdig, da jeg vet at Bioware bruker å ha solid grep rundt akkurat det, det jeg fortsatt bekymrer meg for er at det blir en heseblesende storydel, men med slappe omgivelser. Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Bruker-127711 Skrevet 13. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 13. juni 2009 gleder meg. Lenke til kommentar
Sgt.T.Grant Skrevet 13. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 13. juni 2009 Det ser helt fantastisk ut! Gleder meg noe sinnsykt! Lenke til kommentar
Agrophel Skrevet 13. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 13. juli 2009 OPS det spilers på slutten. ;/ Lenke til kommentar
Kakebakelate Skrevet 13. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 13. juli 2009 Faen! Angrer litt nå på at jeg avinstallerte Mass Effect og slettet savegameene for to uker siden nå. Men det hadde sikkert ikke hatt noe å si siden spillet mest sannsynlig vil bli kjøpt på 360 istedenfor pc. Lenke til kommentar
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