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Diablo 3, noen som gleder seg?

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Oh my god! Diablo 3 is coming!


Vi har alle på ett eller annet tidspunkt spilt, lest om eller hørt om Diablo spillene. Det er det ingen tvil om, og mange av oss har også sittet i stolene sine til alt for langt på natt flere dager i strekk takket være denne spillserien. Og nå som Diablo 3 er på vei, hva vil skje nå? Vil Norge og resten av veden få en enda mørkere finanskrise enn de trodde \idet alle gamere bolter seg inne?


Two decades have passed since the demonic denizens, Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal, wandered the world of

Sanctuary in a vicious rampage to shackle humanity into unholy slavery. Yet for those who battled

the Prime Evils directly, the memory fades slowly and the wounds of the soul still burn.


When Deckard Cain returns to the ruins of Tristram's Cathedral seeking clues to new stirrings of evil,

a comet from the heavens strikes the very ground where Diablo once entered the world.

The comet carries a dark omen in its fiery being and it calls the heroes of Sanctuary

to defend the mortal world against the rising powers of the Burning Hells

– and even the failing luminaries of the High Heavens itself.


Link til Blizzard sin forside:

Link til Bllizzard sine bilder:

Link til Blizzard sine videoer:

Litt informasjon
Multiple item drops for each member in the group

Every item in the game can be found in single player

4-5 player groups

Battle.net anti-hacks having a huge focus

Number of classes not decided. No plan to bring ALL 7 back from D2 but not ruled out

System requirements are for a broad set of systems. No specifics and no directx 10 requirement

"no comment at this time" about Runewords making a come back and expanding

# Development in its "early stages" despite being underway for over four years.

# Brand new in-house engine developed for Diablo III. Includes Havoc physics.

# Co-op is fully integrated into the game's design.

# Will also be released on Mac.

# Similar in length to Diablo II.

# Takes place twenty years after Diablo II expansion pack.

# Only fifty people working on the game at the moment. Content creation the current focus.

# New Battle.net will debut with StarCraft II. Even more features by the time Diablo III launches.

# No console release of Diablo III planned. Other Blizzard title staying on PC and Mac also.

# Pay to play? Totally undecided, though it could vary between regions. For example, China may because of the popularity of internet cafes and the strict gaming laws that are meant to prevent people becoming addicted.

# Could be up to 100 enemies on-screen at a time.

# The ice splash page malarkey was Diablo all along, ditto on the eyes. I am vindicated. The penguin remains a mystery, however.

# Hellgate: London-esque randomness is in, to an extent. Some maps and what have yous will be static.

# Low-spec [computer] losers are being catered to.

# World of Warcraft and The Legend of Zelda heavily influenced boss design and boss gameplay mecha

# E-Sports support is a possibility. Team is attempting to form a business plan that works for that crowd.

# No character customisation, just gender selection.

# PvP will likely be included at release.

# Voice communication will be improved.

# Beta is a possibility.

# "Potions are still in the game, they're just not as core an element. So there's a new health system here. Wilson says he actually tried a Halo-style shield system with regenerative health, but didn't put that in because it encouraged players to leave combat. Didn't want to implement a WoW-style health which encourages players to drink and creates downtime when out of combat. Wilson wants the health system to ensure combat, which is health globes were implemented."

# One health pot restores all players in co-op.

# Enemies can miss and get weapons stuck in scenery or world.

# Player characters will be fully voice acted.

# Four-to-five person co-op groups.


(Førstepost laget av Lakus)

Endret av Mr. Fiskum
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Gjest Bruker-127711

Gleder meg helt sykt. Har sikkert brukt 300-400 timer på diablo 2. Det er det eneste spillet der jeg kan grinde uten å dø av kjedsomhet! JEG ELSKER DET!

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Mr. Fiskum jeg vil bare gratulere deg med årets mest retoriske tittelnavn :p


Gleder meg enormt og synes det er smertefullt at de gav unna slibrige spoilers(video og 3 charsinfo) allerede i 2008 når det er så hinsides lang ventetid på ett spill du har ventet på i hmmm 5-6 år?!

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Grafikken må jo oppgraderes fra 1 og 2ern, kantete grafikk gjelder ikke lengre.

Men tror ikke de har gått for langt med å gjøre det for realistisk, men oppgradert det betydelig og holdt det samme som vi kjenner fra de gamle spillene.

Mange som også sier at stedene og stemningen ser veldig lys å fin ut iforhold til de andre.


Nevertheless, dette er helt klart en tittel som skal på spillhylla og det kan umulig bli en skuffelse.


Noen som vet om en mulig beta, demo eller noe slikt? Dato?




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Jeg gleder meg stort, men jeg er veldig skeptisk til grafikken. Ut ifra det jeg har sett til nå ser det veldig "cartoony" ut, og det passer ikke i Diablo-serien.


Forsåvidt enig der, men det kan jo overraske positivt. Elsker hvertfall de 2 første spillene. Aner ikke hvor mange timer jeg har brukt på D2 LOD, men tro meg, det er maaange :rolleyes:

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