Paisley Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 Paisley, jeg tror ditt ord. Mest fordi det skjedde med meg inatt. La meg i to-tiden, sovnet halv fem. Alle pris Paisley! -_- Er ikke ofte Paisly er her :| I know, er egentlig ikke stor fan av slike tråder, men tenkte jeg måtte se litt her inne da vettu Lenke til kommentar
Laland Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 Men når Paisley først er her, så øser han av sin visdom og kloke ord. Kvalitet fremfor kvantitet! Lenke til kommentar
Kiro Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 Hmm da har jeg begynt å se på the big bang theory Det tror jeg ikke du kommer til å angre på, humoren i den serien er genial Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Bruker-127711 Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 Ny heroes inatt. Gleder meg som pokkern. Spent på hva HRG kommer til å gjøre for å få tak i Sylar, tar nok the Hunter i samme slengen. Gal mann, men samtidig så digger jeg han. Lenke til kommentar
Nøtte Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 Hmm da har jeg begynt å se på the big bang theory Det tror jeg ikke du kommer til å angre på, humoren i den serien er genial hehe har loedd litt så langt! sitter å ser på piloten nå:-) men kjpt spørsmål. Slutter dem etter episode 2? Lenke til kommentar
Mokko Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 Sitter i bilen på vei hjem fra hytta. Snart nett, snart nett. SNART NETT! Lenke til kommentar
Gormers Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 Nooo D`Angelo barksdale Lenke til kommentar
Kiro Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 Nøtte: Hva slutter etter episode 2? Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Bruker-127711 Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 I am leet? B) Lenke til kommentar
Error Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 (endret) God morgen forumfolk. Jeg fant akkurat ut at jeg har en stor RLE innlevering til i morgen (oh, the pain) så jeg får ikke så mye tid til å forumere i dag. Forresten, 13:37 o.O Edit: Litt for sen der. Endret 13. april 2009 av Error Lenke til kommentar
Mokko Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 (endret) I am leet. Å, faen. Endret 13. april 2009 av Mokko Lenke til kommentar
Paisley Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 Ah, har fotballtrening om ikke lenge. Og det i en ferie, hvor jeg enda er trøtt (ref. Laland.) Lenke til kommentar
Error Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 Hmm, hva skal jeg svare? Skjul Hello, This is a very serious message. Please do not think that it is a spam message from bad people. I found your email address on the internet directory when I was looking for a correspondent in Norway. My name is Nanna Kasara from the republic of Cote d’Ivoire in West Africa and I am the second wife of Colonel Oumar Kasara who died on July 2007. I need your help to do a project that is very important to me. My husband was killed by the secret police of the government of our country because he was suspected to be one the army officers that were helping the rebels in the north of our country. Recently, the commander of the army of our country confiscated the properties of my late husband and started making life difficult for us. We are now living in fear. Before the death of my husband, He had kept a box in a security company here in our country. This box contains the sum of three million American dollars – 3,000,000.00. The security company is not aware of the money in the box. I want to transport this box secretly out of our country and travel to live abroad with my daughter after the transportation of the box. I am afraid that the commander of the army may discover the box and that will be very bad for us. I need your help to transport this box to your country and invest the money there. I am already making the arrangements but I need the assistance of somebody abroad. My husband had a friend from Norway in the past and the man told us then that the country is good. This is why I chose there. My promise to you is that you can never regret to help me in this project and you don’t have anything to loose. The official language of our country is French but I translated this message to English so that you can understand it. Respond to tell me if you can help me so that I can give you more details of this project. Please keep this message secret to only yourself. I am waiting for your reply. Lenke til kommentar
lolidude_InnleggNO Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 Hmm, hva skal jeg svare? Skjul Hello, This is a very serious message. Please do not think that it is a spam message from bad people. I found your email address on the internet directory when I was looking for a correspondent in Norway. My name is Nanna Kasara from the republic of Cote d’Ivoire in West Africa and I am the second wife of Colonel Oumar Kasara who died on July 2007. I need your help to do a project that is very important to me. My husband was killed by the secret police of the government of our country because he was suspected to be one the army officers that were helping the rebels in the north of our country. Recently, the commander of the army of our country confiscated the properties of my late husband and started making life difficult for us. We are now living in fear. Before the death of my husband, He had kept a box in a security company here in our country. This box contains the sum of three million American dollars – 3,000,000.00. The security company is not aware of the money in the box. I want to transport this box secretly out of our country and travel to live abroad with my daughter after the transportation of the box. I am afraid that the commander of the army may discover the box and that will be very bad for us. I need your help to transport this box to your country and invest the money there. I am already making the arrangements but I need the assistance of somebody abroad. My husband had a friend from Norway in the past and the man told us then that the country is good. This is why I chose there. My promise to you is that you can never regret to help me in this project and you don’t have anything to loose. The official language of our country is French but I translated this message to English so that you can understand it. Respond to tell me if you can help me so that I can give you more details of this project. Please keep this message secret to only yourself. I am waiting for your reply. Du skal slutte og åpne sånne mail. Lenke til kommentar
Laland Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 Haha, Error, den der fikk jeg også! Btw; I am überleet. Lenke til kommentar
Lakus Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- Jeg var oppe klokken 9, men dumme meg la seg ned i senga igjen. Dumme, dumme. Planen min feilet nok en gang og jeg er spent på hva morgendagen vil bringe. Lenke til kommentar
Error Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 Hjelp! Jeg er nødt til å gjøre RLE prosjekt, men jeg klarer ikke å motivere meg for å waste så mange timer av ferien min til å skrive om kristendommen. Hva skal jeg gjøre? Lenke til kommentar
Laland Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 Gjøre det alikevel, for du tjener på det i lengden. Jeg jobber som bare det med samfunnsfag nå - forbannet kjedelig, men det skal leveres imorgen. Lenke til kommentar
Error Skrevet 13. april 2009 Del Skrevet 13. april 2009 Samfunnsfag er piece of cake. RLE derimot.. Lenke til kommentar
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