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Tror ikke man skal ta alt den siden der skriver for god fisk akkurat. (psextreme that is).


Grunnen til det er at samtlige av de linkene i grunn er spekulasjoner, som alle andre "fremtidige konsoll" nyheter.

Og den øverste der er kun statistikk, alle vet jo hvor mange forskjellige statistikker som kommer ut nærmest hver måned.


Skal man tenke slik må man jo tro at fremtidens konsoll vil bli Xbox, da den og merkevaren Microsoft som TV-konsoll har vokst desidert mest i løpet av disse "få" årene de har vært i omløp.

Bare for å putte ting i perspektiv.

Endret av Snurreleif
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id did their first public demo of Rage today at QuakeCon. At nearly an hour in length, they certainly spent a lot more than the average 20 minutes displaying the game to the public. This game has been compared to Fallout 3 a lot. Those comparisons are certainly understandable, but they really only look at a small portion of the game.


First they gave a quick rundown on the story. At some time in the future, an asteroid called Apophis is discovered hurtling towards Earth. Several ARKs containing 12 people were buried in order to spare humanity. You play a lone survivor of one of the ARKs. This basic storyline and the RPG elements are leading to most of the Fallout comparisons. That is really as far as those comparisons can go and so much more was shown in the demo.


In terms of looks, wow is about the only fitting word. This isn't the standard id corridor shooter by any means. The wasteland areas are wide open areas that look simply amazing. The visuals in these open areas really make me wonder why id never tried it before. That isn't saying that the game is all wide open vistas. Plenty of corridor shooting areas were shown.


In terms of gameplay, there are 3 styles of games all coming together here, Western RPG, FPS, and vehicle combat. On the RPG side, we've got an inventory system, looting, item creation and upgrading, side quests, and exploration. On the FPS side, we've got the combat system with the typical id style and speed. On the vehicle combat side, we've got fast paced combat racing and combat. At least in this demo, all sides seem fairly well put together and balanced.


Now for the part everyone wants to know about, the toys you'll get to play with. First for the vehicles. You'll have access to variety of upgradable vehicles, such as ATVs and dune buggies. Individual components can be upgraded such as wheels, shocks, armor, and, of course, weaponry. Now for what you carry with you. One of the more interesting items was a bladed boomerang. This item will allow for long range stealth kills. You'll also have a traditional set of guns, however, you'll have multiple ammo types for these guns. As said earlier, you'll also have craft-able items. In the demo, they showed RC cars with explosives strapped to the top, anti-personal turrets, and sentry bots. Looks like you'll have plenty to play with allowing you to really customize how you play.


After all is said and done, this is looking like a game you will really want to watch out for, but as it is id we're talking about, would you really expect any less?


Dette ser jeg derimot veldig frem til!

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Med Borderlands har det derimot (i følge Xbox world) gått andre veien.

Våpenene som mange trodde skulle bli sentralt for spillet kan bli det som trekker ned, mens de små andre tingene (som bl.a. blir beskrevet som tullingenes Diablo om jeg ikke husker helt feil) er de tingene som vil trekke spillet opp.

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Xbox 360 Failure Rate is 54.2 Percent


The Xbox 360 breaks five times as often as its closest failure-prone competitor, the PlayStation 3, a print edition-only Game Informer survey found.


The poorly manufactured, red ring of death-prone console has a 54.2 percent failure rate, compared to 10.6 percent for the PS3 and the Wii's 6.8 percent.


Dette er vel old news, har vel spekulert oss fram til dette før?


The most shocking number from the survey — and frightening from a consumer perspective — is only 3.8 percent of Xbox 360 owners said they'd never buy another Xbox because of hardware failure.


Men herregud da, min gikk til dundas den. Og jeg har tenkt å kjøpe den neste xboxen som kommer... Skjønner meg ikke på folk :huh:

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Står om dette på Dagbladet, jeg trodde ærlig talt man skulle poste nyheter?


Microsoft har jo selv gått ut tidligere med tall.

Uansett, selv om jeg måtte bytte inn den gamle xboxen min, kommer jeg fortsatt til å kjøpe den nye xboxen når/hvis den kommer.


Det er jo også lov å håpe på at alle disse kunde-service sakene har lært MS litt for fremtiden.

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Kjøpte meg The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena og har spillt en del på Butcher Bay nå. Spillet er jo like fantastisk som når jeg spillte det for 3-4 år siden, bare det at nå har det oppusset grafikk. Herlig å gjemme seg i mørket og snike seg opp bak en fiende og knekke nakken hans, for så å dra liket inn i skyggen. Og Vin Diesel gjør jo dette spillet enda tøffere selv om jeg ikke er noen kjempefan av ham. Eneste jeg ikke kan huske fra sist jeg spillte det er at det er veldig vanskelig å finne ut hvor du skal.

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