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Virker tøft ihvertfall, gleder meg til å se mer, og med en oktober release kan det bli en av årets overraskelser, sammen med batman!


ferdig med crackdown snart, et par bosser igjen. syns det var veldig mye av det samme, men helt greit til den pengen:) verdt det ihvertfall.

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Heisann, folkens. Har spilt litt Fallout 3 i det siste, men det er noen små ting som irriterer meg: Det lager når jeg går og hopper, og det fryser hele tiden. Er det Fallout 3-discen eller Xboxen sin feil?

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Ang. de Mass Effect achievementsene, her er noen tips: (gjelder for alle selv om det kun står Ashley)

Do A LOT of side quests. Don't worry if you get one ally first and later the other. You can get two per playthrough only. It is possible to get these achievements even before going to Ilos if you complete every possible side quest and all main missions. Bring Down the Sky DLC will also help.


Refer to this thread for some insight to these achievements.


Basic plan of attack for ally achievements:


Complete Eden Prime

Go to Citadel, talk to Council

Find Harkin (Chora's Den), Garrus (Med Clinic) and Wrex (C-Sec)

Take care of Fist (do not pick up his OSD!)

Rescue Tali in the Wards Access

Talk to Council, become Spectre

Head to Therum and rescue Liara

From here, you will have all the allies. Pick the two you want to use and use them for EVERYTHING. If you don't have an ally with decryption and need them to unlock a quest by hacking a computer, switch them in to receive the quest, then immediately go back and switch them out.


Now with your two allies:


Complete any possible Citadel assignment

Complete any random space assignments (check this list and see which ones can be acquired simply by visiting a system or planet)

Complete Bring Down the Sky missions (400MSP off the marketplace)

Complete Noveria (do all assignments BEFORE leaving the arrival site)

Complete Feros (do allassignments BEFORE leaving the arrival site)

Go back to the Citadel and complete any assignments you started on Noveria/Feros

Complete Virmire (do not kill Wrex!)

Back to the Citadel once more

You should have the achievements by now, but if you don't, head to Ilos and finish out the game. Many people got a few of the achievements (mainly Liara) at the very last mission.


YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO ANY COLLECTION ASSIGNMENTS FOR THESE ACHIEVEMENTS! -- These missions take forever, and they will help, but they are 100% not required to get ANY of the achievements, even Liara.

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Irriterer meg litt over Mass Effect nå. Har spilt igjennom hele greia med Wrex og Garrus (helt siden det var mulig å ha dem med, men jeg får ikke achievementene for det.



Det hjelper ikke å spille gjennom kun hovedoppdragene. Du må gjøre så mange sideoppdrag som mulig. Svært enkelt med de fleste, den vanskeligste er vel Liara.

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