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Cheaper, Slimmer 120GB PS3 On Tap?


Because Sony didn't announce a price cut at E3 this year, everyone continues to speculate. However, one must also factor in the Slim rumors we've had since earlier in the year, and that's because new evidence has come to light...


A "reliable source" told Ars Technica that Sony would not only drop the price of the PlayStation 3 this fall, they would also introduce the new Slim PS3, complete with a big 120GB hard drive. The source did not provide any information concerning exact release dates or cost, but we've heard recent news that Sony may be trying to flood retailers with the 160GB PS3 SKU, while at the same time attempting to limit the stock of the 80GB machine. The Ars Technica source says that in fact, many retailers only have about two months worth left in stock. To combat this, it appears that Microsoft will offer several Xbox 360 bundles to entice consumers, and they may also make their 120GB Elite machine their default console (as they phase out the 60GB Pro). This could accompany a price cut down to $299 for the Elite, which may fall right in line with the similar PS3 slim. Same hard drive size, same price... Of course, Sony and Microsoft would only respond with their expected, "we don't comment on rumor and speculation" replies, so we'll have to wait to see if the source in question is correct. Such moles have been right before, ya know.


Perhaps if this does happen and the competition is on a level playing field (from a retail point of view), everyone can finally stop talking about price and value. After this, all we'd have to do is compare games and features, right? ...looking forward to it.




Best Buy Offering Two Sweet PlayStation 3 Bundles


Okay, so we didn't get the much-anticipated PlayStation 3 price cut at E3, but perhaps you would respond to another type of popular incentive: bundles!


For the most part, the concept of the console bundle is both a welcome sight and an irritation for avid gamers. On the one hand, they appreciate the free bonuses but on the other, they remain miffed that Sony won't simply cut the base retail price. Well, even if you fall into the latter category, you will have to admit that Best Buy's offerings are awfully juicy: thanks to PSXE reader caliblue15, we have this visual evidence from BlueRayCenter's forums. As you can see, a copy of LittleBigPlanet and the Blu-Ray version of the hit film "WALL-E" are packaged together with the PlayStation 3, and it seems both of the aforementioned items are free. The price tag for this bad boy shouldn't be a cent more than the regular 80GB PS3 with no such additions, which we know is $399. Furthermore, cast your glance lower to find an even bigger - and potentially sweeter - bundle; it features a 46" 1080p LCD HDTV and the 80GB PS3 for the very attractive price of $1299! Now, if you haven't made the leap into full high-definition this generation, you may not ever find a better deal. Seriously, there are lots of sales incentives floating around out there, but this one is worthy of your attention.


Perhaps your PS3 is on the fritz and you haven't updated to a high-def TV, or maybe you simply don't have a PS3 and you could use an even better TV. Whatever the reason, Best Buy has two ultra-appealing options that should tickle your buying bone.




Reserve Uncharted 2 At GameStop, Get Into Multiplayer Demo


We told you all about our experiences with the Uncharted 2: Among Thieves multiplayer beta, but if you didn't land a spot in the test, we have good news for you.


You may want to check with your local GameStop, but ours has informed us that more people will be welcomed into the Uncharted 2 fold a little early. If you reserve the game at GameStop - it's retail-exclusive, apparently - you will receive a voucher for an upcoming multiplayer demo, and as an added bonus, you'll get the special "Revenge" Attribute. The latter simply allows you to access the "Revenge" Booster (if you don't know what a Booster is, read our hands-on beta preview linked above) right off the bat, thereby giving you a little edge when up against other players. Now, you've got some time before the fun begins: the demo runs for five weeks between August 19 and September 27, but remember that GameStop has a set number of vouchers to hand out. Therefore, if you go and pre-order the game in the second week of August, they may already be out of stock. We tell you this early because we care about y'all, and 'cuz the multiplayer is well worth checking out if you didn't get into the beta. Yeah, we'll be buying Uncharted 2 primarily for the single-player campaign, too, but that doesn't mean the multiplayer doesn't have to exist, right?


And besides, it's super fun. So if you've got some spare time and an extra five bucks that isn't really serving a better purpose sitting in your wallet, head down to GameStop and reserve Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Then take home that valuable voucher and wait. Patiently.




Zipper Reveals PMC Groups For MAG


MAG is all about massive scope and scale, so it shouldn't surprise you that there are three PMCs (Private Military Contractors) to choose from before venturing out into those hellish battlefields.


The three PMCs are Raven, S.V.E.R. and Valor. They call the latter your "traditional, grizzled, hardened, in-country" military guy, who isn't afraid to rush into battle with guns blazing. Raven is a little more reserved but more tactical; more slick in nature, the "super-polished, up-to-the-minute technology" guys. S.V.E.R. - pronounced like "sever" - are like the bad boys of the military; they probably grew up looking for fights, and although they may not have the latest gear and training like Raven, they have that inherent battle instinct. Zipper doesn't want to say S.V.E.R. are the "punks" of the field but we understand their meaning. You can hear all about it in a recent video over at the PlayStation Blog, which features the PMC explanations and a look at how they perform in combat. The best part about these separate factions is that they are so distinct from one another that the player will want to stay loyal to one group. Furthermore, how they're portrayed in the game will be different as well; they talk about the altering styles in terms of HQ setups for the contrasting Raven and S.V.E.R. PMCs, for example.


So of course, the question is, which PMC are you going to join? Valor is "perfect" for those who are familiar with and love military shooters, but the other two feature a few fresh elements. Well, either way, MAG is going to be one hell of an experience.




Study: Female Gamers On The Rise, Online Gaming Steady


Some sources will like to claim that about half of the gamers out there are female, but those who actually participate in this hobby on a frequent basis know the number to be false. That stat includes anyone who may jump on the PC to play Solitaire at work; it doesn't feature avid gamers.


However, that doesn't mean the number of girl gamers isn't on the rise. According to the NPD's Gamer Augmentation 2009 report released today, approximately 28% of all console gamers are female, which is up from 23% last year. Not surprisingly, the study attributes this increase to the Nintendo Wii, and due to our readership here, we have no need to explain why. As for other interesting numbers, the "extreme gamers" played about 39 hours per week last year, as opposed to 46 hours the year before (the EverCrack babies are going outside!), but at the same time, it seems those with the least amount of money play the most. The "extreme gamers" fell into the lowest demographic in terms of household income and yet, they purchased an average of 24 games in the 2008 holiday quarter. ...now we know why they're broke. The good news is that "extreme gamers" only comprised about 4% of all gamers in the study, so that definitely supports my moderation theory. As for time spent online, that number has remained about the same; the average gamer spends about 38% of his or her time online, which seems a little high to us.


For the record, this study used 20,000 participants aged 2-65 (uh...2?) and was conducted in January of this year. Perhaps the Wii will act as a gateway for many female gamers out there and by 2015, females really will be closing in on half the gamer population. Then again, we have to remember that most video games seem intrinsically tied to male interests...but things can change.


P.S. That pic is gaming-related. Look closer...



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Nytt gameplay klipp ute av Dantes Inferno nå, må si jeg nesten gleder meg mer til dette en God of War 3 nå...


for det første blasfemi og for det andre ren kopi!:p


Neida, men syns gameplayet fortsatt ser litt stivt ut og var ikke akkurat heftige kamper vi fikk se, så må nesten vente på mer info før jeg kan gi en grundig mening om det. Men blir nok bra uansett, som en koselig Gow 3 klone. Dog jeg gleder meg like mye til Gow 3 som jeg gledet meg til Mgs 4.

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Kjøpt meg en PS3 nå, med Killzone 2 (som er jævlig heftig) og LittleBigPlanet er på vei i posten.


Har dog problemer med å lage profil til PSN. Jeg får tasta inn land, språk og fødselsdato, men når jeg skal skrive inn mailen og passordet mitt så funker det ikke uansett hva faen jeg skriver. Hjølp?


Trodde du hata Killzone 2 siden jeg hadde hypet Killzone 2 jævla mye, og PS3 var en dårlig maskin :whistle:


Bra du liker Killzone 2, er det så grått som du har sagt det? Du må være enig at Killzone 2 er det flotteste fpset du har sett på konsoller idag :p. Det synes jeg med god samvittighet!!!

Endret av Toman
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Trodde du hata Killzone 2 siden jeg hadde hypet Killzone 2 jævla mye, og PS3 var en dårlig maskin :whistle:


Bra du liker Killzone 2, er det så grått som du har sagt det? Du må være enig at Killzone 2 er det flotteste fpset du har sett på konsoller idag :p. Det synes jeg med god samvittighet!!!

Var nok heller det at jeg assosierte KZ2 med deg og alt det maset ditt om det, som Ateuz sa;D

PS3 er ingen dårlig maskin, hvis den var det hadde jeg ikke kjøpt den. Kontrollen er jeg fortsatt ingen fan av though. Syns den er alt for liten, og analogstickene er plassert kanske kronglete=/


Killzone 2 er grått som faen det. Ikke det at jeg misliker farger eller noe, men det passer KZ. Hvis alle spill hadde vært like fargeglade som Halo og Geometry Wars så hadde det blitt ensformig det og. Er enig i at KZ2 er forbanna vakkert ja. Har ikke droppa jaws i gulvet like hardt siden jeg spilte Crysis for første gang.


Og ja, KZ2 har bedre grafikk enn Gears of War 2. Gears of War 2 har derimot motorsagbajonetter, så jeg vil si begge spillene er verdt å ha uansett^^

Endret av teletubbiekid
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teletubbiekid oppsummerte det godt der. KZ2 har grafikken; GeOW har motorsager på riflene. Er farlig nærme å legge inn en bestilling på LittleBigPlanet, Metal Gear Solid 4 og Uncharted: Drake's Fortune nå. 787,- på Gamezone.no. Noen som vet om noe annet jeg burde legge på, evt. noen andre plasser med konkurransedyktige priser?

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teletubbiekid oppsummerte det godt der. KZ2 har grafikken; GeOW har motorsager på riflene. Er farlig nærme å legge inn en bestilling på LittleBigPlanet, Metal Gear Solid 4 og Uncharted: Drake's Fortune nå. 787,- på Gamezone.no. Noen som vet om noe annet jeg burde legge på, evt. noen andre plasser med konkurransedyktige priser?


Metal Gear Solid 4 (Platinum), £15.72 inkl. frakt. (£14.73 + £0.99 i frakt).


Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, £14.99. Frå Play.com, så inkludert frakt.


LittleBigPlanet, £11.99. Frå Amazon, dei tar vel eit par pund i frakt til Noreg.


Uansett blir totalprisen godt under ~800 kr frå Gamezone. Neppe særlig mange dagane lenger å vente heller :)

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Fikk tak i Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 til 449kr på Ekjøp med M+!!!! :D

Først spurte jeg etter prisen og dem sa 599kr og jeg tenkte: ganske grei pris. SÅ kom vi i kassen da fikk jeg det for 449kr!! :D


Og legger til i Grand Slam Tennis 200kr og da har jeg fått tak i dem 2 spillene og M+ for 650,- :D. Mener det er billigt!!!

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