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Enten å sparer jeg pengene "viss" jeg klarer, ellers så blir enten en iPod Touch, PS2 eller spill til mine konsoller kjøpt i helga :)


Av spill jeg vil ha er: FIFA 09 til 360, Race Driver Grid til PS3, Super Smash Bros Brawl og Mario Kart til Wii, Left 4 Dead og sikkert noen fler. Skal ikke bruke mer en 1600kr denne helga på utstyr eller spill :)

Endret av Toman
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Sånn er det når man brenner skikkelig for spill og konsoller skal jeg si deg Laland :p

Vil nesten ikke gjør noe anne enn å game

Og Mala: Jeg har hatt noen småjobber så det blir penger av... :)


Skal fortsatt gjør noe mer hjemme så det blir penger av!!

Må jo si jeg er en genuin gamer :p, men har noen problemer med ikke å la være å krangle hehe...

Men jeg tror jeg har bedret meg litt haha...

Endret av Toman
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Er en ny bruker som har tatt over ledelsen med mest gamerscore i verden nå. http://live.xbox.com/nb-NO/profile/profile...g=Loli+Risumimi .

Gå inn på compare games. Lukter gamesave lang vei.


"MGC Note:



We are missing game data totaling 341830 GamerScore.

This can be corrected by simply booting games not shown in this list."




Endret av Sadfez
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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Multiplayer Beta Impressions


Because we won’t see God of War III or Gran Turismo 5 in 2009, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is easily my most anticipated release of the year. Arnold – that lucky punk – had a chance to see the game in action well before E3, and after finally laying eyes on the demonstration myself, I’m thoroughly psyched for the final result. However, I do have to admit to being a tad leery about the addition of online multiplayer, as I believe this is one game that doesn’t really need the option. I know developers and publishers all believe a game won’t sell unless it has an online multiplayer component (and they may be correct in their assessment), but I’m still old-school and hold to the belief that certain titles are simply best played in solitary. Unhcarted: Drake’s Fortune is still one of my favorite games of the generation and for the most part, I get the majority of my entertainment out of single-player games.


Of course, this doesn’t mean I wasn’t excited about participating in the Uncharted 2 multiplayer beta testy. Even if it is online, it’s my first chance to play this hotly anticipated sequel and besides, I can be just as competitive as anyone else online. I was part of the Warhawk beta testy that convinced me to buy the game – and prior to that, I had absolutely no intention of doing so – and although Naughty Dog’s gem is a definite Day 1 purchase for me no matter what, I’m happy to say the beta is pretty damn fun. You only have two maps and two game modes to choose from: The Village and The Plaza, and Team Deathmatch and Plunder. The latter is basically the Drake version of Capture the Flag and unfortunately, it seems that not many beta participants are interested in it. See, when the teams are set – it’s always 5-on-5 – everyone can vote as to which gameplay mode they choose to play, and everyone invariably chooses Deathmatch. I was able to get into a few Plunder matches, but I have to admit, they really weren’t anything special. All I really saw was a whole lot of camping and not much in the way of action, which is probably why most would just rather blast everyone in Team Deathmatch.


The Village seems to be more popular than The Plaza, and I’m assuming it’s because the former is much smaller and more conducive to fast action. The Plaza is more about timely firing, patience, and strategy, just because it’s larger. However, both are surprisingly dark, which kinda detracts from the visual presentation, which – while stellar – isn’t as amazing as what we’ll see in the final product. There’s a ton of great detail, though, and if they had included an area that had, oh, I don’t know, sunlight, it would’ve been more visible. But as is, you’re always concentrating on what’s going on around you, and you’ll soon find that, as is typically the case with third-person shooters, cover is your best friend. You can use just about anything for cover, and the simple press of the Circle button will make you safe from an incoming hail of fire…although not necessarily from projectiles like grenades. This cover system works admirably, but I do wish the dodge-roll button wasn’t the same; I will often dive out of cover and into enemy fire when I’m trying to hide. For the rest, you simply jump with the X button, reload with the R2, fire with the R1 and toss grenades with the L2 button. It’s a fairly straightforward mechanic, and one that most should take to easily, especially if they’re fans of the first Uncharted.


There are a few kinks that need to be worked out, but they’re little more than the usual stuff you’ll find in any beta. There’s some crashing and glitching (but thankfully, it’s minimal), and I’m not entirely certain that the melee system works exactly correctly. It’s also annoying that while friendly fire can’t hurt you, friendly grenades can, which instantly results in problems as you might expect. We assume this will be fixed at some point, though. You will gain levels of a sort as you play; getting kills and performing well in a match will net you more experience, and you can rank up accordingly. Also, in preparation for each match, you can set your bonuses: these are secondary inherent abilities you can bring with you into each battle. This can include longer firing (more bullets per clip) or greater accuracy when shooting from the hip (i.e., moving and firing without aiming). I do like the fact that being patient and aiming before firing seems to be far more effective than just running and gunning; if the latter worked best, what would be the point of the cover system? No, the balance is excellent and I also like the fact that you are quite vulnerable as a human player.


Yeah, if you get nailed hard by four or five bullets, you’re dead. You can recover with time, but it’s always best to take a determined yet careful approach to combat. Some of the weapons, like the mini-gun, really ask that you step out in the open and go nuts, but if you’re using a rifle, you had best be sneaky and patient. You can nab the shotgun if you want, but it can be difficult to just run up to someone; they’re not likely to let that happen easily. There’s also no such thing as inexhaustible ammo, either, as you can run out of bullets fairly quickly, and must continually look about for more bullets. The flow of the game works surprisingly well for only a beta testy; it’s not just the pacing, but the action has the appropriate amount of highs and lows: there are times when the team is being really careful, and times when massive gunfights just make you laugh. The only downside I’ve seen is that the Villains sometimes have the unfair edge, especially in the Village, as their dark uniforms tend to blend into the background, making them more difficult targets in my experience. But besides this, I really have very few complaints.


I will freely admit that I won’t buy Uncharted 2: Among Thieves for the multiplayer. I want it for the single-player, and unless I’ve got friends who want to play, I may never go online. But what’s there is fun and it can only get better with time, so I would consider this beta to be an excellent indicator of things to come. If it’s this good, this early… The minimal beta problems don’t really hamper it much, and everyone who’s involved should be excited about the prospects of trying the multiplayer when the game releases in November.


Kilde: http://www.psxextreme.com/ps3-previews/341.html


Konami: Expect Metal Gear Announcements This Week


Last week, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots turned one year old, and not coincidentally, Konami has revealed that some related announcements are coming our way.


According to Kotaku, Konami plans to reveal multiple announcements this week, and all of them pertain to Hideo Kojima's legendary franchise. Of course, Konami already unveiled their trio of big games during the week of E3: Metal Gear Solid: Rising for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the PSP, and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow for the PS3 and 360. Hence, you can probably expect game updates of some sort for MGS4, or perhaps the announcement of a special anniversary edition of some kind. The problem with such news is that we could theorize all day and all night, and in the end, we might never stumble upon the correct answer. We have to assume that the fireworks concluded after E3, but Konami has a history of saying, "yes, expect big announcements soon!" thereby causing a series of discussions and arguments. So before y'all get worked up, let's just adopt the "wait and see" stance; there's no knowing what Konami has up its sleeve in regards to MGS. We have a few ideas - and we're certain you do, too - but we'll keep them to ourselves for now...


Guess we'll be scoping out the Internet for these announcements this week. Just about anything related to Metal Gear Solid ranks high on our priority list, as it should.


Kilde: http://www.psxextreme.com/ps3-news/5309.html

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Modern Warfare 2 Will Be The "Best Experience" Possible


Before the year is over, Activision Blizzard may be the undisputed kingpin of the video game industry, and Modern Warfare 2 will be a big part of that exalted elevation.


The publisher has already boasted that this hotly anticipated sequel will be "the biggest entertainment launch of 2009," and one analyst has already agreed with that assessment. Call of Duty: World at War has topped 11 million copies sold in only seven months, and Modern Warfare 2...? Infinity Ward simply wants it to be the "best fu**ing game ever." As reported by VG247, Infinity Ward's Mark Rubin commented on the possible length of the sequel, and how they're going about creating it:


"It’s really hard to say, because it’s not done yet, it’s not balanced yet. We don’t go into it saying we need to build a 20-hour experience or a ten-hours experience. We say, ‘What’s the best fu**ing experience we can possibly deliver?’ And we craft it around that."


Rubin did say the sequel would be "bigger" than Modern Warfare, but that can be interpreted in any number of ways. The only criticism leveled at the original was the length of the single-player campaign, as it clocked in at only 4-6 hours. But the intensity of that experience remains almost unrivaled, and the stellar online multiplayer was just plain immense. At this point, we have all the faith in the world in Infinity Ward, and as much as we may want to, we have difficulty challenging Activision's confidence.


Kilde: http://www.psxextreme.com/ps3-news/5321.html


EA Is "Confident" That SHIFT Will Be Better Than Forza 3


Microsoft and Turn 10 are garnering a lot of attention - and catching a lot of flak - for promoting their upcoming simulation racer, Forza 3, so heavily. We at PSXE already ripped 'em a new one (sorry, but richly deserved) when I called them out and Arnold stepped on heads with his follow-up editorial.


But now, according to HipHopGamer, EA is stepping up and proving to be equally confident in their promotion. As Arnold mentioned in his piece, EA's Need for Speed SHIFT is looking (and feeling) fantastic, and in all honesty, many industry insiders feel it holds more promise than Turn 10's effort. For the most part, EA isn't really into soapbox rants that are blatantly designed to question the quality of the competition's titles, but this statement was probably warranted:


"I’m very confident we have a better game than them to be honest. Talking to the press, looking at the nominations, that’s clear. So, I’m glad that they’re confident but I’m as confident as they are."


Apparently, these words were spoken by an EA representative in regards to SHIFT vs. Forza, and it's yet another testament to the fact that Turn 10 may want to quiet down and simply focus on the job at hand. It's not like we want any game to fail - especially when it falls into one of our favorite genres - but at this point, we wouldn't mind if Need for Speed: SHIFT really did put Forza 3 in its place. I mean, we all know that Gran Turismo 5 will do the job, but this would just happen earlier.


Kilde: http://www.psxextreme.com/ps3-news/5302.html


Sony: PlayStation Home Is "Close" To Realizing Potential


We haven't heard a heck of a lot about PlayStation Home since it launched late last year, but it was encouraging to hear SCEA president Jack Tretton's confirmation of 6.5 million users during Sony's press conference at E3.


Furthermore, SCEA's director of PlayStation Home, Jack Buser, says the time has come to realize more of Home's potential. During a recent IndustryGamers interview, Buser called the total account number "absolutely staggering," especially when one considers the fact that Home is an optional service. They ran into a few legal issues concerning user downloads, but everyone is pushing forward and as such, Home continues to "blaze new territory." Said Buser:


"We are blazing new territory, not just with the technology, but also with the business rules and the legality of what we want to do. And it's that progress as well that's really giving us an advantage, that we're getting our heads around these truly next generation concepts and actually sorting them out."


But at the same time, Buser wants to keep taking large strides with the innovative social online service, and he wants Sony to really start an aggressive marketing campaign. As most of you already know, Home already features plenty of new spaces designed around the concept of big-name exclusive games, and Buser believes that soon, gamers of all ages and preferences will have a place to go within Home.


"This will be another milestone for us. That will probably be the time when you'll start to see Sony stretch its wings and say 'Ok, now there's enough stuff in here that, I don't care who you are and what you're into, you're going to find your space, where you want to hang out'... that'll be the time when you'll start to see it marketed big."


But Peter Edwards, head of the HGG development group in London, has expressed the need to bring Home into the limelight from the designer's point of view, and only then will it become what they've envisioned. Said Edwards:


"We need to get to the point, and we've very close, where we stop talking about potential and start talking about how Home is Home and people are no longer saying 'Home is going to be really good' and instead say 'Home is really good' and I think at that point, that's when you're in a situation where we can start doing those sorts of pushes and bringing everybody into Home."


Well, that much, I'm sure most people will agree with. We've been talking about the potential of PlayStation Home for quite some time, and although it has made tremendous strides, it still needs to solidify itself as a "must" for many PlayStation 3 owners.


Kilde: http://www.psxextreme.com/ps3-news/5310.html

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EA Is "Confident" That SHIFT Will Be Better Than Forza 3 - Dunedain is confident that Forza 3 will be better then Shift.


EA kan skryte Shift så mye opp i skyene som de vil, men det endrer ikke det faktum at Forza uten tvil vil bli et bedre bilspill enn Shift.

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Kjøpte bare FIFA 09 i helga, klarte faktisk å spare pengene mine denne gang :)

HCG: Leste det om multiplayerbetaen til Uncharted 2 og jeg er helt frelst :)


Killzone 2, Infamous, Ratchet And Clank og Uncharted 2" viss dem to kommer ut i år da :p"


Edit: -Ting som oppfordrer til fanboy krig unngår vi. Shicca

Endret av Shicca
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