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Bootcamps for paladins, det var noe å tenke på.


Eller, meh, level til 80 så fyrer du avgårde de spørsmål du har, fra 1 til 80 er det for det meste retribution som det går på (enkelte sverger til protection/Holy vel og merke). Etter det velger du hva du vil gjøre.


Fixed :lol:

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Nye patchnotes!


All Paladin auras have had their tooltip changed to note that they work on the entire raid, not just the party.




Exorcism can now be used on all targets, but is now a guaranteed critical strike vs Undead and Demon type mobs.

Judgement of Light now procs off spells as well. (Previously only "attacks" would trigger this)


Purifying Power (Tier 6) now reduces the cooldown of your Exorcism and Holy Wrath spells by 17/33%. (Previously increased the critical strike chance of those spells by 10/20%)

Pure of Heart (Tier 5) now reduces Curse, Poison, and Disease effects by 15/30%. (Previously was 25/50% but did not include poisons)

Blessed Hands has been moved from Tier 5 to Tier 4 and now reduces the mana cost of Hand of Freedom, Hand of Sacrifice and Hand of Salvation by 15/30% and cooldowns by 10/20%.

Improved Concentration Aura's (Tier 4) reduced silence/interrupt effect now works while any aura is active.




Shield of Righteousness now deals 130% of block value + 520 at the highest rank. It no longer causes a high amount of threat. (Previously increased damage by a set amount)

Blessing of Kings is now a baseline ability. Trainable at level 20.


Shield of the Templar (Tier 10) no longer increases the damage of your Holy Shield, Avenger's Shield and Shield of Righteousness spells. Instead it gives your Avenger's Shield a 33/66/100% chance to silence targets hit by it for 3 sec.

Judgements of the Just (Tier 10) now reduces the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice by 10 sec, increases the duration of your Seal of Justice effect by 0.5 sec, in addition to its previous effect.

Avenger's Shield's (Tier 9) damage has been increased across all ranks.

Guarded by the Light (Tier 9) now reduces spell damage taken by 3% and gives a 50% chance to refresh the duration of your Divine Plea when you hit an enemy. (Previously reduced the mana cost of your Holy Shield, Avenger's Shield and Shield of Righteousness spells by 15%.)

Holy Shield's (Tier 7) damage slightly increased across all ranks.

Ardent Defender (Tier 7) is now a 3 point talent, reducing damage taken by 10/20/30%. (Previously was a 5 point talent)

Sacred Duty (Tier 6) increases stamina by 4% now. (Previously was 3%)

One-Handed Weapon Specialization is now a 3 point talent, increasing damage done with 1 handers by 4/7/10%. (Previously was a 5 point talent)

Blessing of Sanctuary (Tier 5) now only grants 2% of maximum displayed mana when the target blocks, parries, or dodges a melee attack. (Previously granted 10 rage or 20 runic power or 2% max mana)

Divine Guardian (Tier 4) now has been changed to redirect damage "(up to a maximum of 150/300% of the Paladin's health)." (Previously had no limit)

Improved Devotion Aura (Tier 4) now increases the amount healed on any target affected by any of your Auras by 2%. (Previously only worked with Devotion Aura active)

Improved Hammer of Justice (Tier 4) is now a 2 point talent, reducing the cooldown of Hammer of Justice by 10/20 sec. (Previously had a 3rd rank that reduced cooldown by 30 secs)




Righteous Vengeance (Tier 10) is now a 3 point talent. When your Judgement and Divine Storm spells deal a critical strike, your target will take 10/20/30% additional damage over 8 sec. (Previously a 5 point talent)

Fanaticism (Tier 8 ) is now a 3 point talent and now increases the critical strike chance of all Judgements capable of a critical hit by 6/12/18% and reduces threat caused by all actions by 10/20/30% except when under the effects of Righteous Fury. (Previously a 5 point talent)

Improved Retribution Aura has been removed from the game.

Improved Retribution Aura's effect has been merged into Sanctified Retribution (Tier 5).

Divine Purpose has been moved from Tier 5 to Tier 6.


For min del ser det ut som at retribution mister 10% ekstra dmg på crits, men får 9 talentpoints ekstra (5 fra kings, 2 fra Fanaticism, 2 fra Righteous Vengeance.

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Nye patchnotes!

All Paladin auras have had their tooltip changed to note that they work on the entire raid, not just the party.




Exorcism can now be used on all targets, but is now a guaranteed critical strike vs Undead and Demon type mobs.

Judgement of Light now procs off spells as well. (Previously only "attacks" would trigger this)


Purifying Power (Tier 6) now reduces the cooldown of your Exorcism and Holy Wrath spells by 17/33%. (Previously increased the critical strike chance of those spells by 10/20%)

Pure of Heart (Tier 5) now reduces Curse, Poison, and Disease effects by 15/30%. (Previously was 25/50% but did not include poisons)

Blessed Hands has been moved from Tier 5 to Tier 4 and now reduces the mana cost of Hand of Freedom, Hand of Sacrifice and Hand of Salvation by 15/30% and cooldowns by 10/20%.

Improved Concentration Aura's (Tier 4) reduced silence/interrupt effect now works while any aura is active.




Shield of Righteousness now deals 130% of block value + 520 at the highest rank. It no longer causes a high amount of threat. (Previously increased damage by a set amount)

Blessing of Kings is now a baseline ability. Trainable at level 20.


Shield of the Templar (Tier 10) no longer increases the damage of your Holy Shield, Avenger's Shield and Shield of Righteousness spells. Instead it gives your Avenger's Shield a 33/66/100% chance to silence targets hit by it for 3 sec.

Judgements of the Just (Tier 10) now reduces the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice by 10 sec, increases the duration of your Seal of Justice effect by 0.5 sec, in addition to its previous effect.

Avenger's Shield's (Tier 9) damage has been increased across all ranks.

Guarded by the Light (Tier 9) now reduces spell damage taken by 3% and gives a 50% chance to refresh the duration of your Divine Plea when you hit an enemy. (Previously reduced the mana cost of your Holy Shield, Avenger's Shield and Shield of Righteousness spells by 15%.)

Holy Shield's (Tier 7) damage slightly increased across all ranks.

Ardent Defender (Tier 7) is now a 3 point talent, reducing damage taken by 10/20/30%. (Previously was a 5 point talent)

Sacred Duty (Tier 6) increases stamina by 4% now. (Previously was 3%)

One-Handed Weapon Specialization is now a 3 point talent, increasing damage done with 1 handers by 4/7/10%. (Previously was a 5 point talent)

Blessing of Sanctuary (Tier 5) now only grants 2% of maximum displayed mana when the target blocks, parries, or dodges a melee attack. (Previously granted 10 rage or 20 runic power or 2% max mana)

Divine Guardian (Tier 4) now has been changed to redirect damage "(up to a maximum of 150/300% of the Paladin's health)." (Previously had no limit)

Improved Devotion Aura (Tier 4) now increases the amount healed on any target affected by any of your Auras by 2%. (Previously only worked with Devotion Aura active)

Improved Hammer of Justice (Tier 4) is now a 2 point talent, reducing the cooldown of Hammer of Justice by 10/20 sec. (Previously had a 3rd rank that reduced cooldown by 30 secs)




Righteous Vengeance (Tier 10) is now a 3 point talent. When your Judgement and Divine Storm spells deal a critical strike, your target will take 10/20/30% additional damage over 8 sec. (Previously a 5 point talent)

Fanaticism (Tier 8 ) is now a 3 point talent and now increases the critical strike chance of all Judgements capable of a critical hit by 6/12/18% and reduces threat caused by all actions by 10/20/30% except when under the effects of Righteous Fury. (Previously a 5 point talent)

Improved Retribution Aura has been removed from the game.

Improved Retribution Aura's effect has been merged into Sanctified Retribution (Tier 5).

Divine Purpose has been moved from Tier 5 to Tier 6.


For min del ser det ut som at retribution mister 10% ekstra dmg på crits, men får 9 talentpoints ekstra (5 fra kings, 2 fra Fanaticism, 2 fra Righteous Vengeance.



men ser ut til at vi får noe igjen fra at exorsism funker på all targets og er altid crits på demon/undead


men siden de downranker 2 talents i ret treet håper jeg vi får et nytt talent

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Gjest Slettet-3t93k9
Synes dere kan invite en ensom palasjel som meg inn på den trainingen. :p

Skal vi kunne ordne. ;)




Ventrilo eller skype? Jeg er ledig hele dagen :p (Har vt server)

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Gjest Slettet-3t93k9

:o Frue, og wow?! Snart kommer guilden din og oppsøker deg!


Skal spise snart jeg også. Takk for at du tar deg tid. :)


JonasKs på skype, kan sende VT info om du vil ha.

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For min del ser det ut som at retribution mister 10% ekstra dmg på crits, men får 9 talentpoints ekstra (5 fra kings, 2 fra Fanaticism, 2 fra Righteous Vengeance.


Hjelper ikke en dritt om det ikke er noe å bruke de på. Vil mye heller beholde ret treet slik som det er nå, ikke akkurat en overflod av unyttige talents der fra før.


Den foreløpige erstatningen til kings er visstnok ett 5pt talent spm gir 5% mer healing gjort og motatt :(

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For min del ser det ut som at retribution mister 10% ekstra dmg på crits, men får 9 talentpoints ekstra (5 fra kings, 2 fra Fanaticism, 2 fra Righteous Vengeance.


Hjelper ikke en dritt om det ikke er noe å bruke de på. Vil mye heller beholde ret treet slik som det er nå, ikke akkurat en overflod av unyttige talents der fra før.


Den foreløpige erstatningen til kings er visstnok ett 5pt talent spm gir 5% mer healing gjort og motatt :(

Og det er jo helt sjeft for healers :D

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Ret mister 7%crit på judges,10% mindre dot dmg fra RV, og bossene i ulduar vil sansynligvis ikke være Humanoid,demon,undead eller elemental så mister 3% flat dmg der fra Crusade.


Exorsism gjør ikke opp for det så viss disse patchnotene blir værende blir ret nærmest ubrukelig i raids fra nå av siden flere klasser får replenishment og alle paladins har BoK som baseline.


Blizzard sa jo at ret skulle gjøre samme amount og damage i Ulduar som de gjør i naxx, men dette ser ikke ut til å bli tilfelle...hvertfal ikke atm.

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Hoho, riste litt liv i gamle paladinen min jeg da, gjett om dette blir nerfa hvis det slipper igjennom:


Lay on Hands: 20min cooldown.

Glyph of Lay on Hands: -5min cooldown.

Improved Lay on Hands: -4min cooldown.

4pieces Tier3: -12min cooldown.


Heal som er gratis og kan kastes hver global cooldown og i tillegg gir 50% armor bonus? Ganske fin. Er overrasket nok over at palaen har 4min cooldown på Lay on Hands nå, neste patch har potensiale.

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Hoho, riste litt liv i gamle paladinen min jeg da, gjett om dette blir nerfa hvis det slipper igjennom:


Lay on Hands: 20min cooldown.

Glyph of Lay on Hands: -5min cooldown.

Improved Lay on Hands: -4min cooldown.

4pieces Tier3: -12min cooldown.


Heal som er gratis og kan kastes hver global cooldown og i tillegg gir 50% armor bonus? Ganske fin. Er overrasket nok over at palaen har 4min cooldown på Lay on Hands nå, neste patch har potensiale.


Det er meningen at det skal være 11min CD på LoH, dette vil bli fikset så fort det lar seg gjøre. Om det er lavere vil det la seg bruke i Arena og da sier det seg selv at det er feil :)

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