bear^_InnleggNO Skrevet 2. februar 2009 Del Skrevet 2. februar 2009 (endret) Den store Paladin-tråden Kort introduksjon Paladin er en sterkt melee-basert klasse som blander meleebasert skade, manabruk og healing, samt meget sterke buffs. Paladins kan bruke all armour og alle melee-våpen, unntatt daggers og staves. Styrker Paladin har tradisjonelt veldig høye tall i både healing, tanking og dpsing. Jevnt over den beste tank-healeren, perfekt for å toppe lett skade og virkelig pumpe ut store mengder healing ved behov. DPS-wise har paladins virkelig tatt seg opp den siste tiden, og retribution per nå er et meget godt tre. PvPmessig er nærmest all skade burst-basert, med trege slag og svære våpen. Protection har siden The Burning Crusade vært en relativt populær vei å gå, med uvanlig god threat-generering og gode AoE-tank abilities. Krever noe utstyr, og er nå meget blockbasert. Gode maintanks, ikke fullt så gode offtanks ta threat er manabasert og paladins avhenger av å ta imot skade for å få mana. Tilgjengelige raser Alliance Human Dwarf Draenei Horde Blood Elf Ordbok, spells og abilities Holy Beacon of Light - BoL - Paladins AoE- og dobbelteahling-verktøy. Plasserer en buff på et valgt target. Alle heals du gjør på andre raid/party targets healer også dette targetet. Glimrende for dobbel tankheal og AoE-healing i raids. Blessing of Wisdom - BoW - Gir en god dose mp5 (mana per 5sec). Noen liker denne, andre ikke. Med mindre du har Blessing of Kings bør dette være førstevalget av selfbuff som holy. Cleanse - Fjerner 1 disease, 1 poison og 1 negative magic effect. Tidvis den beste defensive dispellen i spillet. Relativ lav manacost (236 @ 80) og stort virkeområde. Concentration Aura - Gir alle i party/raid -35% casting pushback. Dette gjør at paladins, med -70% pushback (Spiritual Focus) har -105% pushback etter 5 talentpoints i Holy. Healingspells kan castes uten avbrytelse. Improved gir denne -15% ekstra resistance, i tillegg til 30% mindre silence/spell lock duration. Consecration - Legger en stasjonær AoE-dot på bakken, som etter 3.0 scaler godt med både attackpower og spellpower, i tillegg til ikke å ha target-cap. Både retribution- og protectionpaladins prioriterer denne spellen ganske høyt, holy i noe mindre grad. Divine Favour - DF - Enkel buff uten global cooldown som gir din neste Holy Shock/Holy Light/Flash of Light 100% critical strike chance. Divine Illumination - DI - Finfin buff i dyp holy som reduserer manacost på alle spells med 50% i 15sec. Paladins sterkeste healing spells, Holy Light (og tidvis Beacon of Light) koster ganske mye, og en så stor cost-reduksjon kommer godt med i lengre kamper. Divine Plea - DP - Divine Plea er paladins variant av druidspellen innervate. Siden paladins mana-regen ikke er spiritbasert er dette et nyttig verktøy for å få igjen mana. Per nå gir denne en penalty på -20% healing, forventes å nerfes til -50% healing i 3.1, som gjør at spellen må brukes noe mer forsiktig. Exorcism - Exorcism gjør per nå litt holy-skade (scaler med både attackpower og spellpower) til undeads og demoner, forandres i 3.1 til å gjøre skade mot alle. Glyphed interrupter denne spellcasts i tillegg til skaden. Flash of Light - FoL - En av paladinens tre healing-spells. Denne er rask (1.5sec base), billig (307 mana @ 80) og healer for relativt mye. Perfekt for topping og healing av ikke-voldsom skade. Faller til kort der tanks tar mye skade fort. Holy Light - HL - Dette er paladinens virkelig gode healingspell, dog noe dyr. Cast er 2.5sec base, med buffs har jeg sett den nede i 0.4sec. Med mitt gear (1900 spellpower) healer en gjennomsnitlig holy light for 9k, critter for 13-14. Uten annet enn selfbuffs. Har sett tall i 20k-klassen med raidbuffs og wings. Skal HPS (healing per second) teller er det ingen healing som når opp til en paladins Holy Light. Holy Shock - HS - Instant healing/damage spell med en fin buff (Infusion of Light) knyttet til seg. Panikk-healing til øyeblikket noen tar uventet damage. Ganske dyr (par med holy light), så hvor mye du bør bruke den er situasjonsavhengig. PvP-wise er den kanon, og gir fint burstpotensiale hvor nødvendig. Holy Wrath - HW - Denne er morsom. Treffer alle undead/demons i 10y radius, gjør holy damage og stunner de i 3sec. Lay on Hands - LoH - Healer for 100% av din hp, restorer mana og, med talent, gir 50% armour bonus i 15sec. Brukes den på deg selv, med glyph kan den også brukes som mana-restore, 5k mana. Snasen spell til ikke å koste noe. Purify - En svakere versjon av cleanse, move along. Redemption - OMGREZZPLS - Paladins resurrection-spell. Ganske selvforklarende. Sacred Shield - SS - Paladins løse blanding av Earth Shield og Power Word: Shield. Plasserer en buff på targetet som i første omgang ikke gjør noe. Når det derimot tar skade kommer det opp et skjold som absorberer 500 + 75% av spelldamage (1000 spelldamage - 750 ekstra damage absorbed). 6sec ICD (Internal cooldown). I tillegg gir den deg 50% critchance på Flash of Light når det er oppe. Seal of Light - SoL - Gir alle dine melee-angrep mulighet til å restore hp. Sikkert noe bruk i PvP, glimrende for å soloe elites under levling. Judges for en dæsj damage. Seal of Righteousness - SoR - Gir alle melee-angrep en ekstra holy damage bonus. Judges for kurant grinde-damage. Seal of Wisdom - SoW - Gir alle melee-angrep muligheten til å restore dugelige mengder mana. Judges for en dæsj damage. Sense Undead - Tracking, viser hvor det er undeads på kartet. Glyphed gir denne en liten prosentøkning i damage mot undeads så lenge denne er aktiv. Turn Evil - Paladins undead- og demon-fear. Virker på samme måte som warlock sin. Kan glyphes til instant. Denne er kung i pvp mot warlocks (pets + Metamorphosis). --- Protection Devotion Aura - Aura som gir alle i party/raid 1205 aura (mer med Improved Devotion Aura) og 6% healing recieved (Improved Devotion Aura) Divine Intervention - DI - Ofrer deg selv for å legge et beskyttende skjold rundt et party/raid-member. Gir full immunitet i 3min, men hemmer bevegelse. Paladinen får ikke durability-loss av dette, så den er ideel for å spare noen gull i tillegg til å redde en som kan resurrecte. Divne Protection - Paladins shield-wall. -50% damage taken i 12sec, gir forbearance. Divine Shield - DS - Bubble! Plasserer paladinen i en boble i 12sec og gir full immunitet (mot alt annet enn mass dispell). Gir forbearance. Fire Resistance Aura - Gir alle i party/raid en dose fire resistance. Frost Resistance Aura - Gir alle i party/raid en dose frost resistance. Hammer of Justice - HoJ - 6sec stun og spell interrupt (dersom noen skulle være immune). Hand of Freedom - HoF/BoF - Fjerner alle snares og gjør targetet immune mot snares så lenge duration varer. Med Divine Purpose fjerner den stuns på cast i tillegg. Hand of Protection - HoP/BoP - Gjør targetet immune mot phsyical damage og debuffs. Gir forbearance. Hand of Reckoning - 30y taunt, et lite dask med holy damage. 10sec cooldown. Hand of Sacrifice - HoS/BoS - Buff som gjør at 30% av all skade targetet får blir overført til deg. Fint for fights som Maiden (Karazhan/Halls of Stone) der repentance bør brytes, evt. andre fights der tank-burst må tones ned litt. Hand of Salvation - HoS/BoS - Buff til party/raid members -20% threat over 10 sekunder. Fint om noen begynner å nærme seg tankens threat. Righteous Defence - RD - Paladins 3-mob taunt. Funker kun dersom noen andre har aggro. 40y range. Righteous Fury - RF - Paladins tankebuff, gir 90% extra threat fra holy damage. Talented gir den i tillegg 6% damage reduction. Seal of Justice - SoJ - Gir alle melee-angrep muligheten til å stunne targetet for 2sec (blir antagelig 3 sec i 3.1). Judges for en dæsj damage. Shadow Resistance Aura - Gir alle i party/raid en dose shadow resistance. Shield of Righteousness - ShoR- Paladins Shieldslam. Gjør 400 + block value i holy damage, 6sec cooldown. Vil antagelig silence i 3.1. Spiritual attunement - SA - Passiv ability som gjør 10% av effektiv healing mottatt om til mana. En nødvendighet for at tanks skal klare å holde mana oppe. Blessing of Kings - BoK - Buff som gir 10% økning til alle stats. Trainable i 3.1 Blessing of Sanctuary - BoSanc. Buff som gir -3% damage taken, og 2%maxmana/20 runic power/10 rage på avoidance/blocks. Tankbuff #1 der den er tilgjengelig. Holy Shield - HS - Gir 30% blockchance i 10sec/8 charges. Blockede angrep gjør i tillegg en pen mengde holy damage. Gjør block en meget verdifull stat for protection paladins. Avenger's Shield - AS - Kaster et magisk skjold opptil 30y som gjør en meget pen mengde holy damage, dazer og hopper til 2 targets. Glyphed kan man øke damagen, men fjerne hoppene. Hammer of the Righteous - HotR - Slag med 6sec cooldown som gjør holy damage, treffer 3 targets og proccer seal (på alle!). Scaler med Mainhand weapon damage. --- Retribution Avenging Wrath - AW/Wings - Buff som gir Forbearance-spells 30sec cooldown, og øker damage/healing med 20% i 20sec. 3min cooldown, burde være oppe så ofte som mulig. 2min cooldown med Sanctified Wrath. Blessing of Might - BoM - Buff som gir en pen attackpower-bonus. 25% bonus fra talents (Improved Blessing of Might), til en total på + 687 attackpower. Crusader Aura - Gir alle i party/raid 20% mounted movement speed. Hammer of Wrath - HoW - Paladinens Execute-ability. Kan kun brukes under 20%, men gjør meget god damage. 6sec cooldown. Scaler veldig godt med attackpower. Sanctified Wrath gir den i tillegg ekstra 50% critchance. Judgement of Justice - JoJ - Judger sealet du har oppe, gjør noe damage og legger på en debuff som hindrer movement speed increase (typ ghost wolf, sprint eller travelform). Med Heart of the Crusader (3/3) gir den i tillegg 3% crit mot det targetet til alle angripere. Judgement of Light - JoL - Judger sealet du har oppe, gjør noe damage og legger på en debuff som gir angripere en mulighet til å restore litt hp (tenk Seal of Light light (pun intended)). Heart of the Crusader virker naturligvis her også. Judgement of Wisdom - JoL - Judger sealet du har oppe, gjør noe damage og legger på en debuff som gir angripere en mulighet til å restore litt mana (tenk Seal of Wisdom light). Heart of the Crusader virker naturligvis her også. Retribution Aura - Aura som gjør at angripere tar litt damage. Sanctified Retribution gir 3% damage til alle påvirket av Retribution Aura, Swift Retribution gir 3% haste. Seal of Blood/Martyr - SoB/SoM - Seal of Blood er DPS-sealet. Det gjør damage basert på weapon og attackpower, men gjør at paladinen tar litt skade. Dette er bra, for da må det healing til, noe som resulterer i mer mana, og derfra mer damage. Judges for gode mengder damage og mer skade tatt. Seal of Vengeance/Seal of Corruption - SoV/SoC - Tankeseal. Plasserer en dot som gjør holy damage på targetet, og forsterker SoVs judge. Stabil, trygg threat, samt kan stackes av HotR. Repentance - Paladinens CC, virker noe som en rogues Sap. Mot PvE-mobs varer den et minutt, 6sekunder i PvP. Instant cast, 20y range. Crusader Strike - CS - Melee-angrep som gir deg et "gratis" weaponswing med 110% damage. 6sec cooldown, dpsability #2, etter Judgement. Divine Storm - DS - Paladins whirlwind, høyste prioritet vs. flere targets. Healer for 25% av damage gjort, proccer seal. Seal of Command - SoC - PvP/leveling-seal. Gir alle angrep en sjangse (7ppm, 8,4 med Glyph) til å procce sealet som gjør 70% av weapon damage som holy. Judges for snasen damage, 100% critical chance om targetet er stunnet eller incapacitated (Gouge/sap/repentance). Relativt svak til pve grunnet dårlig scaling og en judge langt dårligere enn Blood. --- Nøkkeltalents Spiritual Focus - -70% pushback på Flash of Light og Holy Light. Sier seg selv. Divine Intellect - 15% intellect. Illumination - Gir deg 60% av base mana cost tilbake på FoL/HL/HS crits. Paladinens mana regen er basert på dette talentet. Light's Grace - Etter HL cast reduseres casttime på HL med 0.5 sec. Fin når det blir nødvendig med mye healing. Holy Guidance - 20% intellect -> spellpower. Infusion of Light - Etter HS crit blir neste HL 0.5sec cast mindre, neste FoL blir 1.5sec cast mindre (instant). Meget sterk i kombinasjon med Divine Favour. Judgements of the Pure - 25% damage på seals og judges, samt 15% haste i 1min etter å ha judget. One-handed Weapon Specilization - 10% damage done -> mer threat. Touched by the Light - 30% Stamina -> spellpower. Shield of the Templar - -3% damage taken, mer damage på ShoR/HS -> mer threat. Vengeance - Stacker på crit, 3% damage done per stack, 3 stacks. 9% damage done for 3 talent points, ingen grunn til ikke å ta. Judgements of the Wise - JotW - 15% base mana return, replenishmentbuff til raidet. Mer eller mindre evig mana for en del healers, og gjør at Retribution paladins ikke går oom på 40 sekunder. Fanaticism - Ettersom judgements per nå er Retributions sterkeste nuke (+ JotW) er 25% crit her ganske mye damage å hente. Sheath of Light - 30% Attackpower -> Spellpower. --- Generelt Spellpower - SP - Øker damage/healing gjort med spells. Paladin får også spellpower ut av raw stats (dersom talented, noe enhver paladin bør gjøre), henholdsvis Intellect, Stamina og Strength (egentlig attackpower, men den kommer senere) Attackpower - AP - Attackpower, øker damage gjort med melee-baserte slag og noen spells. Strength - Gir attackpower og block value. Stamina - Gir health. Intellect - Gir mana, spell critical chance, mp5 (gjennom Divine Plea og Arcane Torrent) Spirit - Gjør ingenting. Agility - Gir melee crit, svak armourøkning. Haste - Spells castes fortere, melee swing timer reduseres. Armour Penetration - ArP - Ignorerer deler av armouren til mobs/players. Trengs i store mengder for å bli særlig bra. Dårlig for paladins da mye damage er holy. Critical Strike - Gir spell- og melee-critical chance. Spell crits healer/skader for 50% mer, melee/physical for 100% mer. Avoidance - Summen av miss, dodge og parry. Gjør at du ikke tar skadet det aktuelle angrepet. Defence - Reduserer sjangsen for å bli crittet ("cap" på 540 defence skill), gir deg en liten dose mitigation/avoidance. Mitigation - Reduserer skade tatt, henholdsvis Block og armour. Block - Blokkerer et angrep, absorberer deler av skaden. Justeres etter Block value. Hit - Øker sjangsen din til å treffe mobs. Soft cap på 8-9% (Gjerne noe feed på ghost hit her). Strength scaler mye bedre etter dette, tidvis før og. Expertise - Reduserer sjangsen for dodge/parry mot deg. Som dps skal du stå bak mobs, og derfor ignorere parry-delen, men dodge skjer fortsatt. Cap på 25 expertise. Tanks bør ha noe expertise for å hindre parrygib. Veldig viabel stat for begge melee-specs. Armour - Reduserer physical damage motatt, prosentmessig og scaler regressivt. (Lite armour gir mye reduction per poeng enn når du har mye armour). Resilience - Reduserer sjangsen for å bli crittet, og reduserer skaden crits gjør. Mer en PvP-stat.' Glyphs Her er de reelle glyphalternativene for hver spec. Holy PvE Major Glyph of Flash of Light - 5% Flash of Light critical chance. Glyph of Holy Light - Your Holy Light grants 10% of its heal amount to up to 5 friendly targets within 20 yards of the initial target. Den siste er en smakssak, egentlig, men jeg ser tre gode alternativer: Glyph of Divinity - Lay on Hands gir deg like mye mana som targetet. Jeg bruker denne, og med Glyph of Lay on Hands gir det meg et manabatteri på ca. 4.5k mana on demand. Glyph of Seal of Wisdom - -5% mana cost på alle healing spells. Glyph of Seal of Light - 5% mer healing done. Minor Glyph of Lay on Hands - 20% økt manarestore på LoH. Resten spiller egentlig ganske liten rolle, men denne er ganske fin (til 5mans, hvertfall). Glyph of the Wise - -50% mana cost på SoW. Holy PvP Major Glyph of Flash of Light - 5% Flash of Light critical chance. Resten kommer an på hvordan du skal spille, men med den nye Exorcism er denne ganske viabel: Glyph of Exorcism - Exorcism interrupts spellcasts. Minor Kikk litt her, Glyph of the Wise er den eneste jeg umiddelbart kan tenke meg er kjekk. Protection Major Glyph of Judgement - 10% judgement damage. Glyph of Seal of Vengeance - 10% Expertise. Den siste er vel mer eller mindre valgfri, men denne er alltids kjekk: Glyph of Righteous Defence - 8% hit på RD. Minor Ikke særlig til spesielt gode minor glyphs, men disse to har sikkert et bruksområde: Glyph of Lay on Hands Glyph of Sense Undead - 1% damage done mot undeads, så lenge sense er aktiv. Retribution PvE Major Glyph of Judgement - 10% judgement damage Glyph of Consecration - 2sec cooldown, 2sec duration. Den siste er valgfri, men jeg tenker meg at du bør velge en av disse: Glyph of Avenging Wrath - -3sec Hammer of Wrath cooldown med wings oppe. Glyph of Spiritual Attunement - 2% mer mana fra healing. Glyph of Crusader Strike - -20% mana cost. Minor De eneste jeg ser med en reell nytteverdi: Glyph of Lay on Hands Glyph of Sense Undead Retribution PvP Major Glyph of Judgement Glyph of Seal of Command - Fra 7 ppm til 8.4 ppm. Glyph of Exorcism (Dersom den beholdes slik etter 3.1) Minor Tjah. Lite annet enn Sense Undead som er å hente her, for å slaye Death Knight-ghouls. Gems Et knippe gode gems for hver spec. Holy Brilliant Autumn's Glow - 16 intellect Runed Scarlet Ruby - 19 spellpower Luminous Monarch Topaz - 9 spellpower/8 intellect Blå er det usedvanlig dårlig med, personlig plasserer jeg 27int gems i de. Protection Solid Sky Sapphire - 24 stamina Guardian's Twilight Opal Retribution Bold Scarlet Ruby - 16 strength Inscribed Monarch Topaz - 8 strength/8 crit. Talents Legger ved et par cookie-cutter builds. PvE Holy - PvP 2v2 Holy, Judgement - Retribution PvE - Post gjerne noen flere, så skal jeg edite inn. Theorycraft Rating Rating av verdi for protection paladins. Professions Jewelcrafting - 33 item points (vs. vanlige gems) i tillegg til at de er prismatic Skinning - 25 crit Tailoring - 18.75 mp5 Mining - 50 stamina Alchemy - 37 spellpower eller 13mp5, 64ap, Herbalism - Liten hot Enchanting - 38 spellpower, 64 ap eller 48 stamina Engineering - ~23 haste rating. Blacksmithing - 32 item points. Inscription - 32 spellpower, 64 ap Leatherworking - 64 ap, 37 spellpower, 50 stamina Begrunnelse og samling (engelsk) En samling over tre av de "viktigste" sidene for paladin theorycraft, alle fra Elitist Jerks. Holy Skjul The Holy Paladin GuideLast updated on 12/28/2008 I. Introduction Theorycrafting Tools While talking about skills can be useful, sometimes you need to crunch the numbers to see what wins out. This is where these tools can come in, to help you find out what gear is better for you. As far as I know there is no Holy Paladin spreadsheet updated for 3.0, but if there is please let me know and I'll include. Your only option now is to use Rawr, you can read more about it in the Rawr Healadin Module thread. Acronyms There are many acronyms in WoW, and Paladins are doing there part to keep that true. For the new Paladins out there this is to help you not be totally confused while reading posts. AW: Avenging Wrath. BoK: Blessing of Kings BoW: Blessing of Wisdom BoL: Beacon of Light. Was formerly Blessing of Light, but that spell no longer exists. CD: Cooldown. DF: Divine Favor. DI: Divine Illumination. For the purposes of this thread, it doesn't refer to Divine Intervention. DP: Divine Protection FoL: Flash of Light HL: Holy Light. HPM: Healing per mana. HPS: Healing per second. HS: Holy Shock. ICD: Internal Cooldown. IoL: Infusion of Light. JoL: Judgement of Light JotP: Judgement of the Pure JoW: Judgement of Wisdom LG: Light's Grace Mp5: Mana per 5 sec. OOM: Out of mana. SP: Spell Power. SS: Sacred Shield. WWS: WoW Web Stats. 5SR: 5 second rule. Assumed Raid Buffs With the changes to buffs so that they are almost all raid wide, it is safe to assume during discussion you will have these buffs (unless otherwise stated). 5% Spell Haste, from Wrath of Air totem. 3% Spell Haste, from Sanctified Retribution or Imp Moonkin Aura. 15% Spell Haste, from Judgements of the Pure. 5% Spell Crit, from Moonkin Aura or Elemental Oath. 144 Spell Power increase from Flame Tongue, or 280 from Totem of Wrath. 0.25% max mana per sec, from Replenishment, with 90% uptime. 10% increase to stats with Blessing of Kings. 91mp5 from Blessing of Wisdom, or 109mp5 with Imp BoW. 97 Intellect, from Arcane Intellect and Mark of the Wild. II. Stats For each stat I will try to demonstrate what 100 items points gives, which is equivalent to 5 epic quality Northrend gems. For most stats 1 item point is equal to 1 point in the stat. The exceptions are Spell Power (1 item point = 1.166 sp), Mp5 (1 item point = 0.4mp5) and Stamina (1 item point = 1.5 stamina). Stamina While this won't increase how much healing you do directly, a dead healer is not doing any healing. You won't need stamina for all fights though, but if you are going to get a piece with low (or no) stamina I would recommend keeping a set of gear around that has higher stamina. So you can throw them on for fights with heavy AoE damage. For 100 item points you get 150, which with BoK becomes 1650 health. Intellect Intellect has received a HUGE boost with WotLK mechanics, and is now the best stat for Holy Paladins by far. Let me list what 100 Intellect gives you: 126.5 Intellect, with BoK and Divine Intellect 1897 Mana at the start of the fight 39.5mp5 from Divine Plea, if its used on CD. 21.3mp5 from Replenishment, with 90% uptime. 4.7mp5 from Arcane Torrent, if you are a Blood Elf. 25.3 Spell Power 0.759% Spell Crit This gives you a lot of mana, which lets you cast a lot more Holy Lights and be more liberal in using them. If you stack this stat you will be able to spam Holy Light during most fights. Spirit Despite being told while WotLK was still in its initial phases that they wanted to make spirit good for all healers, nothing ended up getting changed. Spirit still is as crappy as ever for Paladins, you are never out of the 5SR to gain any mana from it. 100 spirit gives you nothing . Spell Power Increases how much healing your spells do at a rate dependent on each spell, exact values are given in the spells section. FoL scales really well with Spell Power because it has a low mana cost, but gets more benefit from Spell Power then most 1.5sec spells. So once you get to higher gear levels its low amount of base healing won't really matter, since 75% of the healing it does is from Spell Power. 100 Item points gives you 120 Spell Power, which increases each FoL by 134, and HL by 223. Critical Strike Rating Critical Heals end up healing for 50% more and cost 60% less mana, and 100 Spell Crit gives +2.17% crit rate at 80. Crit scale really well, but it starts out not being that great compared to other stats. This graph shows you how much effective mana is gained when you add 1% crit at varying initial crit rates. As you can see crit scales geometrically with itself, because you spend the extra mana from crit heals casting more heals which can crit. So going from 48% to 49% crit gives you twice as much mana as going from 0% to 1% crit. It also scales with how big your effective mana pool is. Crit Rating is a good stat, especially at high gear levels. Though Intellect gives you 1/3 of the amount of Crit for the same item points, while also giving you all the additional mana. Haste Rating Increases how fast your heals cast, but they cost the same amount of healing per mana. 10% Spell Haste does not mean your spells cast 10% faster, rather it means in a given time period you will cast 10% more spells. So the cast time after haste is calculated by (Base Cast Time)/(1 + Spell Haste). The more haste you get the less cast time it will reduce, but it will increase how many spells you can cast by the same amount. Its important to note that all haste effects (Wrath of Air, Sanc Ret, JotP, and Gear) stack multiplicatively. So with all of them you only need 20.6% haste from gear to get haste soft capped (50%, for 1sec GCDs). 100 Spell Haste at 80 will give you 3% haste. With the amount of mana we have now and that people rarely die if a HL reaches them. Haste increases the chance that HL will reach them in time, and increase the amount we can put out. Mana per 5 sec Gives you the specified amount of mana over 5 seconds, wether or not you have been casting a spell. This stat is pretty crappy now, with Divine Plea intellect is better then it in every single way by far. 100 item points will give you 40mp5, which is 2880 mana over 6 minutes. Even though it isn't a great stats, you can't just ignore it though. Items with mp5 can still be really good. Just because of there higher ilvl, or not being any better itemized items of the same ilvl. III. Abilities Holy Paladins are no longer restricted to just casting two spells in combat. We got a few new good ones, and some old ones are now worth using. At level 80 a Paladin has 4394 base mana, which is a 48% increase over level 70. This is a brief run down of all the skills. Holy Light With how much mana you can have now, because of Intellect and Divine Plea, this is your main spell that you can spam most of the fight. Holy Light receives 188.5% of spell power per cast if you have Healing Light, which was buffed by 25% with WotLK. There are a lot of new mana reduction effects (Libram, GSoW, and 4pcT7) that if you have all them brings the HPM for HL and FoL very close. Remember that the amount of mana returned by Illumination is unchanged, so these effects are even more powerful. HL will very often overheal with how much we can cast it now, but that is okay. Unless you are going OOM before the fight ends, it doesn't matter how much it overheals. Flash of Light This is now used when mana is tight, or if there is a lull in a fight and not much is needing healing. It receives 113% of spell power per cast, if you have Healing Light. This was buffed by 25% with WotLK, so it scales even better with +healing now. Holy Shock Yay! This spell has sucked for so long, it used to only deal damage, and now it is finally a good healing spell. This spell got greatly improved in WotLK, to heal for a lot more, have a 40 yd range as a heal (finally), and a 6 sec cooldown. Along with Infusion of Light, which makes it so whenever you crit with Holy Shock, your next FoL is instant or your next Holy Light is 1 sec shorter cast time. It receives 90.5% of spell power per spell casting, if you have Healing Light. This is great a spell to use when you are moving and can't cast anything else, or the tank took a huge burst and they will likely die before you can get a Holy Light off. It is around as efficient as Holy Light, so I wouldn't use it in place of FoL if you don't need the extra hps or an instant heal. Beacon of Light This is the spell that we were given to help us deal with being able to heal multiple targets at the same time. This is no CoH or Chain Heal, but its not meant to be. It can be much better, or it can be worse, it depends on the situation. This only takes into account effective heals, so if you heal someone for 4k, but they are only down 3k then the BoL will get healed for 3k. A common complaint of it is that it can't be relied on because of overheals not providing any healing. It also only works on Paladin healing abilities, so if you have a trinket (or something else) that heals then that won't proc BoL. If you place the Beacon on tank and go to raid heal you will need to watch the tanks health still and be ready to toss Holy Lights on him when needed. It can be a huge mana sink to keep it up, but it can be very worth in a lot of situations. But don't feel like you need to have 100% uptime on it, sometimes it just won't be effective when you only have 1 target that can use heals. A perfect example of using it while tank healing is in Illidan Phase 2. While you can't rely on it to keep the tank you are healing alive, you can use it to greatly help the other tank stay alive. So at the start of P2 I will cast it on the tank the I am not healing, and then just heal my tank as normal. Let me tell you, getting a 1.7sec 10k Holy Light crit (with AW) that heals my tank, and then heals the Beacon for 10k is amazingly awesome. Sacred Shield First I will clarify how SS works, when you cast the spell on someone they gain a 30 second buff. Nothing happens until the target takes damage, when they do they will take the full amount, but will gain a second buff. This new buff will absorb the next 500 + 75% of your Spell Power damage and then expire, while it is active it will also increase the crit rate of FoL by 50%. This 2nd buff lasts a maximum of 6 seconds, and can only occur every 6 seconds. The ICD on the proc is shared between all SS's on the target, so it doesn't stack between multiple Paladins. This is most effective on Tanks since they take damage often, but can also be useful on group members if you know they are going to be taking damage more often then every 6 seconds. Avenging Wrath With WotLK this now effects healing, but is reduced to a 20% increase. In 3.0.8 its was changed to no longer cause a GCD, and to only cause a 30sec blackout period with Bubble. So its much easier to use while healing, and should be used often unless you think you might need Bubble in those 30 seconds. Divine Plea This spell gives an insane amount of mana back, and makes Intellect an amazing stat. You do lose healing output, but the extra amounts of Holy Lights it lets you cast makes it worth it on all but trivial fights. Divine Favor This is unchanged with WotLK, but with IoL it warrants no longer being relegated to just a HL macro. Saving it to use with HS for when the tank gets a big burst, for a combo with HL, can be very useful. Divine Illumination Nothing really changed with DI, try to save it for when you are going to be casting a lot of Holy Lights or have to renew BoL. But, don't let it sit off cooldown for too long. Lay on Hands Is significantly better to use in fights now, since it no longer drains all of your remaining mana. Its uses are pretty obvious, save it for when the tank gets a huge burst and will likely die before a cast time spell reaches him. If you cast this on yourself with Glyph of Divinity and Glyph of Lay on Hands you will get 4680 mana back. Which is a substantial amount mana if you won't need to use it on the tank. Judgement of Wisdom/Judgement of Light With Crusader Strike no longer refreshing Judgements and JotP, a Holy Paladin needs to actually judge on a regular basis. There are two main different strategies you can use for judging, you can either be trying to keep a 100% JotP uptime, or to keep 100% uptime on the Judgement debuff. It costs 3 GCDs per 2 min to keep JotP up, and 7 GCDs per 2 min to keep JotP and Judgement debuff up. Either way though with 15% extra haste you will be able to get more total healing spells out even after "wasting" 7 GCDs. JoL was also buffed with WotLK and is definitely worth keeping up, but it scales significantly better with AP then SP. So if you have a Ret or Prot pally in the raid it is better for them to do JoL and you do JoW. Conversely though the Ret/Prot Pally will have a much more reliable uptime on there Judgement, since sometimes you just can't spare the global, and some classes are dependent on 100% JoW uptime for their DPS cycle. So if you can't guarantee to keep up JoW, it might be better for you to do your weaker JoL. Hand of Sacrifice The new version of this spell for WotLK is now very useful for PvE. A good button to use to help keep your tank alive when he gets some burst on him. Be careful though, the tank can take a lot of damage which will the be transfered to you. If your tank has BoL on him, it can be useful to just heal yourself while HoS is active so you don't die. Hand of Protection Nothing new with this for WotLK besides a new name. Its good to use on someone when they pull aggro. Can also be used on tanks in some fights when you need to force a tank transition. Hand of Salvation This now gives 20% threat reduction over its duration. A dps will likely call for you to use it on them when they are close to pulling aggro. IV. Gear Most of the individual stats are discussed in the stats section. So this section is going to more geared for abnormal stats on items like meta gems, librams, and trinkets. While there will always be one stat that is the best for you, that doesn't mean you should stack it with little concern for the cost. The more of a stat is on the item, the more items points it takes per stat point. For example, one item could have 10 intellect, or it could 8 intellect and 7 crit rating, while being the same item level. So it is in your best interest most of the time to have items with balanced stats, and use gems to stack a stat since they are exempt from this rule. Sometimes balanced items won't always be the best, or the distribution of stats on another item could be better, but in the general case balanced items are better. Meta Gems WotLK added a lot of new options for meta gems to choose from. For all the comparisons I am using 1400 Int and 25114 mana as a base, approximately mostly epic gear that is favoring Int. I also assume a 6 min fight, 4 Divine Pleas, and 90% Replenishment uptime. [insightful Earthsiege Diamond] (5% chance to restore 600 mana with a 15 second ICD) 26.6 Intellect (After Kings/Divine Intellect) 399 mana at start. 399 mana from Divine Plea. 323 mana from Replenishment. 48 mana from Arcane Torrent, if you are a Blood Elf. 5.3 spell power. 0.156% crit. 4800 mana from proc. With ICD an average of 45 seconds per proc. Total: 5921 mana (+48 if Blood Elf), 5.3 spell power, 0.156% crit. The proc is approximately 70mp5, varying on your ratio of HL to FoL. This is the best meta you can use. [Revitalizing Skyflare Diamond] This is can be a good meta if you feel your burst healing is too low. Normally HL crits are big enough that the extra amount healed is often wasted, so that I find the extra HLs I can cast while using an IED better. [Ember Skyflare Diamond] 28 Intellect 420 mana at start. 420 mana from Divine Plea. 340 mana from Replenishment. 50 mana from Arcane Torrent, if you are a Blood Elf. 30.6 spell power. 0.168% crit. Total: 1180 mana (+50 if Blood Elf), 30.6 spell power, 0.168% crit. Though it looks good on paper, you will never get enough Int to have it come even close to Insightful. [beaming Earthsiege Diamond] 502 mana at start. 502 mana from Divine Plea. 407 mana from Replenishment. 60 mana from Arcane Torrent, if you are a Blood Elf. 0.457% crit. Total: 1411 mana (+60 if Blood Elf), and 0.457% crit. Similar to Ember, it is in the same boat of 2% being too small of a benefit. Librams [Libram of Renewal] This is a huge increase in output, because of how much mana it saves. It reduces the cost of your Holy Light spell by almost 10%, it is the best libram you can get. Remember that Illumination works off of base mana, so you will still get the same amount of mana back from crits. [Deadly Gladiator's Libram of Justice] This is a good Libram and works well with the style of FoL. It just can't rival the massive mana reduction on Libram of Renewal. [Libram of Tolerance] I don't see any situation where I would use it over Renewal. Since I can use the 113 mana I saved on a Holy Light to do a lot more than 265 healing. Trinkets Just a list for now, I'll add some discussion for them later. [Living Ice Crystals] [Forethought Talisman] [illustration of the Dragon Soul] [soul of the Dead] [Darkmoon Card: Illusion] [Darkmoon Card: Greatness] (+90 Intellect version) [Embrace of the Spider] [Je'Tze's Bell] [The Egg of Mortal Essence] [Forge Ember] [Figurine - Sapphire Owl] [soul Preserver] V. Glyphs Personally at 80 I am going to use Holy Light, Divinity, and Seal of Wisdom for my Major Glyphs. Here are all of the options you have currently. Glyph of Holy Light With 3.0.3 this Glyph got change, so the initial target of the heal can no longer get a proc from the Glyph, and how much it procs for is different. If your heal doesn't crit, it will proc off of effective healing amount if its less then 50% overheal, otherwise it will proc off total amount. If it does crit, it will proc off of effective healing amount if its less then 66% overheal, other wise it will proc off total amount. It does not smart heal, but rather heals 5 random targets in range. Which greatly diminishes the effect compared to CoH, but it can be very effective at healing when the whole raid takes damage. It can do a substantial amount of healing in some fights (I have had up to 15% of healing done), so I wouldn't go anywhere without it. Glyph of Flash of Light This is getting changed to +5% FoL crit chance in 3.0.8. Reduces the average cost of FoL by 9.21, and increases the average amount healed by 2.5%. The Glyph I would consider using this over is Glyph of Divinity. I don't currently cast FoL enough to make it better then Divinity though, but with low gear levels or long fights it can be better. Glyph of Seal of Wisdom/Glyph of Seal of Light Both really good glyphs, especially since you will be keeping a Seal up anyway for JotP. GSoW ends up reducing the average mana cost of Holy Light by more then 5%, because it doesn't change the amount of mana returned by Illumination. With Libram and 4pcT7, GSoW takes the mana cost from 1102 to 1044. Crits restore an average 344 mana, with 45% crit rate. That takes the average cost for HL without SoW to be 758, and 700 with it. That is a 7.6% average mana cost reduction. GSoL will be better if you are having issues with not having enough burst healing, otherwise GSoW lets you output a lot more healing. Glyph of Divinity A good Glyph with no downside. If you cast LoH on yourself with this you will get double the mana returned. Which will make it great for fights where you are crunched on mana, and don't need the burst heal of a Lay on Hands. Glyph of Spiritual Atunement You will need to get healed for 117,000 healing by another healer for this to return more mana then Divinity. Glyph of Cleansing Not a good Glyph, since if you are spending a lot of GCDs on cleanse you won't have mana issues. Minor Glyphs Glyph of Lay on Hands - A big increase to LoH mana for a minor glyph, use this one. Glyph of the Wise - Great Glyph to use with Glyph of SoW. Saves the cost of approximately 1 FoL per cast. Glyph of Blessing of Kings - If you have Kings, this makes your life easier, and there is no better 3rd minor for raids. VI. Consumables Potions While you can only use 1 per fight now, you do have some choice about which that will be. Runic Mana Potion - The good old bland mana potion. Thankfully they also greatly reduced the range of mana restored. Potion of Nightmares - This got changed from its former brethren, so that it lasts 6 seconds and is no longer dispellable. Can definetly see being able to use this easily in many fights for the extra 1200 mana over Runic. I will carry a stock of both of these along with me. Potion of Speed - This could be useful in some fights if you know there will be 15 seconds where you will need to totally maximize output. Potion of Wild Magic - Same idea as Potion of Speed, but I don't see any reason to use this one over a Potion of Speed though. Well Fed These are the 4 relevant different buff types, but you can get different food that give the same benefit. Just chose them how you would your gems. Firecracker Salmon Imperial Manta Steak Mighty Rhino Dogs Spiced Wyrm Burger Flasks Flask of the Frost Wyrm - A solid throughput increase, my flask of choice for WotLK. Flask of Pure Mojo - With how poorly Mp5 has scaled to WotLK content I don't see any reason to use this over Frost Wyrm. Flask of Distilled Wisdom - Sadly this flask from Vanilla WoW is still half decent. I wouldn't use it over Frost Wyrm though. Elixirs Spellpower Elixir Elixir of Deadly Strikes Elixir of Lightning Speed Elixir of Mighty Thoughts Elixir of Might Mageblood Spellpower/Mighty Thoughts could beat out Frost Wyrm (67 SP vs 45 Int), but is more expensive to keep up while learning a boss. Retribution Skjul IntroductionI like to keep things brief and to the point, however on these boards that is not always possible. Here goes... You are here because you probably play a paladin, and are interested in / already playing the retribution spec. Retribution is a melee DPS spec (duh) that happens to use both melee and spells to deal high amounts of direct damage - we are often compared side by side to enhancement shaman and blood death knights. In addition to our now respectable DPS, retribution offers some fantastic raid buffs: 3% crit to raid 3% all damage to raid 3% haste to raid 100% JoW uptime Replenishment to 10 raid members Blessing of Kings / Imp Blessing of Might Retribution in Wrath (like most classes and specs) is pretty easy to pick up and play, but somewhat difficult to master; hopefully this thread and its' contributing posters will make it slightly easier to understand, for both new and veteran paladins alike. This thread will mainly focus on our core mechanics, and not so much on gearing or rotations/playstyles (though these will be touched on). This thread also assumes you have basic knowledge of paladins and their talent trees. Before we start though, thanks to the many many posters on these forums who provide a ton of data and testing, and special thanks to Cathela for creating and maintaining the beta thread. Also thanks to EJ and wowhead for hosting all this stuff, so that we don't have to answer hundreds of tells a day! FAQ's Q: What item is better for me, X or Y? A: Any gear upgrades are largely dependent on your current gear setup, thus I encourage you to use Rawr to find suitable upgrades. Q: Is there a tool to calculate my DPS using a certain gear/spec setup? A: Yes, Redcape's Calculator, and Bellator's spreadsheet (updated by Exemplar) which much like this thread will improve in accuracy with time. Q: What seal for PvE? And for PvP? A: Blood/Martyr for PvE, Command for PvP. Q: What does weapon speed do to us? Do we want slow or fast? A: Slow. Every .1 speed slower is equal to ~30 DPS due to SoB not being normalized; so given a choice between a 3.4 203 dps 2h and a 3.8 203 dps 2h, the 3.8 would win. Q: What weapon enchant? A: Scroll down to the enchant section, it explains berserking a bit more... Acronyms/Shortforms Totally stealing this from the holy paladin thread. GCD = Global Cooldown SoB = Seal of Blood SoM = Seal of the Martyr SoC = Seal of Command JoW = Judgement of Wisdom JoL = Judgement of Light JoJ = Judgement of Justice DS = Divine Storm CS = Crusader Strike AW = Avenging Wrath Sheath = Sheath of Light RV = Righteous Vengeance AoW = Art of War JotW = Judgements of the Wise E4E = Eye for an Eye PoJ = Pursuit of Justice BoM = Blessing of Might BoK = Blessing of Kings HoJ = Hammer of Justice AP = Attack Power STR = Strength INT = Intellect AGI = Agility CRIT = Critical Strike (rating) ArP = Armor Penetration ppm = proc per minute Upcoming Changes Ver 3.1.0 * Blessing of Kings – this spell is now a base ability trainable by all paladins. * Exorcism – this spell now causes damage to all types of enemy targets. However, it always critical strikes undead or demon targets. This change should make sure paladin damage doesn’t drop when going from Naxxramas to later tiers of content. * Shield of the Templar now causes your Avenger’s Shield and Shield of the Righteousness to silence targets for 3 sec. The old damage bonus of this talent has been folded into Holy Shield, Avenger’s Shield, and Shield of the Righteousness. * Ardent Defender, Improved Hammer of Justice, One-Handed Weapon Specialization and more have had their ranks reduced. * Guarded by the Light – no longer reduces the mana cost of shield spells, but now has a 50/100% chance to refresh Divine Plea duration. * Judgements of the Just – now also reduces the cooldown of Hammer of Justice by 10/20 seconds and increases the duration of the Seal of Justice stun effect by 0.5/1 second. Observations Adding this section to clarify some things regarding hits, crits, and expertise. Also a warning, this section will probably change over time as we get more accurate data sampling. Much of this section is thanks Retesting hit table assumptions . The people in that thread have solid math, and Vulajin has provided pretty solid evidence of these theories (40000+ swings!) Current theories: You now need 8%, not the BC 9%, to be 2H melee hitcapped vs skull level mobs (bosses). You (still) need 26 expertise (6.50%) to be expertise capped, not the 6.25% reported lately. All melee classes seem to suffer a 4.8% crit suppression vs skull mobs; this means that your melee critrate will be on average 1.8% lower than your character sheet implies (HotC covers 3% of this, procs from librams and such not accounted for). The spell hit cap is still 17% - the only skills we have that are affected by this are exorcism, holy wrath, and the first tick of consecrate - so this is of little importance to us. The Basic Rotation During the beta it was agreed upon that because of vastly changed mechanics, our rotations should be thrown out and thus came to be known as FCFS (First Come First Serve). Not much to explain about it, just use whatever is off cooldown, whenever you can (watch your mana bar). Your only priority (should multiple skills come off cooldown at the same time) is Judgement, as it provides both our best DPS and our main source of mana. On a target under 20%, Hammer of Wrath also comes into play, right behind Judgement in priority due to its' very high crit rate. Be sure to use AW and Divine Plea as much as you can, as both provide a nice boost in damage/mana. In a situation with AoE, say trash for example, Consecration and DS should be prioritized. The reasoning behind FCFS courtesy Avitus: There are two elements to our "rotation": FCFS and clash resolution FCFS: Was chosen very simply due to the fact that due to the cooldowns our abilities have, you can't repeat any reliable short term pattern (for example: "1" "1" "1" "3", repeat) that would maximize DPS. The only patterns that repeat are several minutes long (containing several dozen of casts) and therefore not realistic to offer as a "rotation". Therefore FCFS is the only way to go. Clash resolution: It was argued back and forth what the optimum way to resolve a clash of two abilities coming out of cooldown at the same time, the result was "highest DPS first": Judgement > CS > Consecration > DS > Exorcism > Holy Wrath Stats (In order of importance) Strength Our best DPS stat, as we have various talents that multiply it's effect. 1 STR gives you 2 AP baseline, multiplied by 1.15 from Divine Strength (Tier 1 Prot) giving us 2.3 AP per STR when specced. This number is further affected by buffs such as BoK. You should be stacking as much STR as possible via gemming and so on. Hit See Observations 32.8 rating gives you 1% hit. At level 80, we require 263 hit rating, or 8%, to be hit capped on white swings, specials, and judgements. Note that Exorcism and Consecration are considered spells and use the spell hit table, thus we can still miss with these abilities. You want to be hit capped to maximize (and stabilize) your DPS, but any hit after the cap is wasted itemization points, so gear accordingly. Please note that with current gear itemization, hit capping is very difficult and it is generally better to have a healthy balance of stats. Generally you should not gem/enchant for hit. Expertise Introduced in late BC, this stat allows us to remove dodges from the attack table when attacking from behind, as melee often does! You need 26 Expertise (214 rating, 6.5%) to cap this stat; much like hit, any expertise after the cap is wasted. Capping this stat is a significant dps increase vs uncapped (or none at all) as it affects our whites, strikes, and SoB. Similar to hit, capping this is extremely difficult to do without gimping your other stats given current itemization. Crit See Observations We are quite reliant on critical strikes to do damage. You can never really have too much crit, but it is not worth gemming for it, gem for STR instead. You need 45.9 crit rating to gain 1% crit at 80. This stat gains no benefits from raid buffs, but you get more per itemization point from crit than you do AGI. This stat also increases your spell crit rating, making it flat out superior to AGI. Agility We need 52.08 agility to gain 1% melee crit. Like stated before, crit is flat out better, however AGI does scale with raid buffs such as BoK where crit does not. Attack Power AP is somewhere in the middle of the pack as far as stats go; most of our skills scale off AP, but STR is just so much better. AP isn't really seen on plate (so you often don't have to worry about this) but you will run into it if you dip into leather and mail. Note that despite AP having a 2:1 item stat budget, it is far weaker than STR as we have no talents that boost it's effect. When comparing or considering pieces with AP, you need to look at the item as a whole (does the plate have haste and ArPen (bad), while the the leather has AP/hit/crit/agi (decent) ). Intellect Due to some mechanic changes late in 3.0, intellect has once again become somewhat useful to retribution. 1 INT gives you 15 mana and a negligible amount of spell crit. It has become useful because of the way Replenishment and JoW work, which returns mana per second based on your TOTAL mana pool. In an upcoming patch (3.0.8), JoW will return base mana only, but Replenishment will function the same. Once again, don't bother gemming or going out of your way to find INT, but don't turn your nose at certain hunter/enh shaman mail either. Haste Was great (for horde) in late BC, but due to huge mechanic changes regarding our seals and instant attacks, haste went from scaling equally with STR to the "meh" it is now. Haste increases white damage and SoB/SoM damage by giving you a few more attacks against a boss; haste does NOT decrease the GCD on our instant strikes or instant spells. You will find plenty of it on our sets and pieces, but it sure isn't something you want to enchant or gem for. You need 32.7 haste rating to gain 1% haste at 80. Armor Penetration Bad stat for retribution - over 60% of our damage is holy, which ignores armor anyways. 15.4 rating gives you 1% armor piercing; unlike BC, you can no longer fully ignore boss or player armor via this stat. ArPen does NOT increase damage done by seals, just white damage, CS and DS. Avoid this stat. Spellpower Bad stat for us. Spellpower increases some of our skills' coefficients, but at a rate much slower than STR/AP, and does nothing for our white damage and instant melee strikes - CS and DS gain nothing from spellpower. Avoid this stat (easy to do, since none of our ret gear has spellpower). Stamina, Armor Ultimately, stam does nothing more than keep you alive in situations where there is raid damage, and in wrath there is a lot of raid damage. Most of the damage is magic (not mitigated by armor) therefor armor class does not matter to us, as we have no Armored to the Teeth talents like warriors or deathknights. You'll find all the stam you need and much much more on all wrath gear. Mechanics(Quirky!) Several mechanics have changed since BC, most notably the Seal and Judgement systems. The following scale off of both AP and Spellpower, at varying ratios (would someone care to fill me in on these?) - Judgements Seals Consecration Exorcism Holy Wrath Hammer of Wrath Our healing spells scale strictly off of Spellpower. In addition to seals scaling from both AP and SP, ALL seals can now be triggered from our instant melee attacks, DS and CS. I'll cover the specific seals a bit further down. Skill mechanic breakdowns ALL Judgements should be considered as ranged physical attacks, which can miss or crit but cannot be resisted, parried, or dodged. Some game data mining reveals that judgements are actually melee attacks that have been modified to be immune to parries and dodges, yet they have a 10 yard range and cannot be used while silenced.... don't you just love paladins? Judgement of Wisdom JoW is your primary nuke. It simultaneously does a large amount of unmitigated damage, puts Judgement of Wisdom on your target, and returns mana to you and your raid via JotW and Replenishment. This currently returns 2% of an attackers' BASE mana. Because this was changed from 1% total mana, you want to ensure near 100% uptime for your mana-using dps, or they can run into mana troubles. Judgement of Light Same thing as JoW, but applies Judgement of Light to your target. This spell scales off both AP and SP. You might want to use this judgement on bosses with heavy raid damage (ala Sapphiron); you may also want to use this judgement if you have a protection paladin raiding with you, as he can get 90% JoW uptime and your JoL will be much stronger. JoL no longer gives the judging paladin threat (used to be based on all healing done from the debuff). Judgement of Justice This is your judgement of choice in pvp situations, as all the debuff does is limit movement speed to 100%. This is not considered a movement impairing effect, so freedom or druid shifting will not break it, it can only be pvp trinketed or dispelled. Seals scale off AP and Spellpower. Judging a seal no longer consumes the seal, seals have a 2 minute duration. Seals are NOT considered weapon imbues, and can still be dispelled unless you have the Sanctified Seals talent. Seals now trigger off instant attacks (DS and CS). Seal of Blood/Seal of Martyr This is your seal to use in PvE. It is capable of criticals, it also follows the melee hit table and thus is prone to dodges and parries, making expertise very valuable to us. It scales off your weapon damage. The recoil damage received by using this seal is negligible, however the recoil from judging this seal is nothing to sneeze at. The recoil damage from judging is also necessary to our sustainability (mana from Spiritual Attunement). Seal of Command This is your PvP seal. It is also capable of criticals, but unlike SoB it does not trigger on every attack. SoC has an assumed base ppm of 7, and a ppm of 8.4 with the SoC glyph. This seal has an internal cooldown of 1 second, which means you won't see double procs. SoC was subject to huge changes: - its' ppm is now affected by / scales with haste - judging this seal on a stunned target is now a guaranteed critical judgement (changed from double damage) - judging with SoC active can no longer be resisted - judging can trigger a SoC proc, it is the only seal that behaves in this manner Seal of Righteousness This seal should not be used as retribution, however I included it to settle why it shouldn't be used. This seal cannot miss (unless your white swing misses), however it is incapable of criticals. There has been plenty of math recently showing that even with 5/5 Seals of the Pure, SoB is still superior in damage. These spells are used in the retribution skill rotation. Consecration Widely viewed as a necessary part of the retribution rotation, as our DPS is not very competitive without it. It is highly recommended that you use the consecration glyph. Should be used against both single and multiple targets. Consecration has some odd behavior on skull level mobs; the first tick can be fully resisted (miss) and subsequent ticks can also be partially resisted (due to mob level difference). You cannot work around the partial resists at all, but they are often small enough to not matter: Originally Posted by I tested this situation while wearing a massive amount of + hit (22% spell hit or so) and things didn't change noticeably. There simply were only 4 combat log entries most of the time, something like: Boss is afflicted by your Consecration Boss takes 20 Damage from your Consecration (60 resisted) Boss takes 30 Damage from your Consecration (50 resisted) Consecration fades from Boss Sometimes I got 4 ticks, sometimes 1, but against a +13 level mob I never got anywhere near 8. There simply weren't entries in the log for those other ticks. I won't claim to know the precise mechanics of this, but it does seem evident that mobs can totally resist Consecration ticks if they are high enough level in addition to the debuff application that we are all so familiar with. I don't actually have a paladin that can test this anymore since I did it just after 3.0 launched against the level 83 dummy and my level 80 paladin has no way to fight a level 93 mob. Hammer of Wrath With the release of 3.0, this skill was buffed a substantial amount, to the point where it is used on cooldown vs targets under 20% health (due to deep ret talents that give this skill a 50% base crit chance, in addition to gear). It is now an instant ranged execute, but retains its' fixed mana cost. Using this skill does not reset your swing timer anymore. Exorcism Decent damage to a single target, can crit (based on your spell crit). It uses the spell hit table so it will miss a fair amount. Only works on demons and undead. Holy Wrath Also uses the spell hit tables, can crit. Has no target limit so it is VERY useful on certain fights with many undead/demon adds. Changed from a 60s cooldown/20yd range (BC) to a 30s cooldown/10yd range, and it now stuns all targets that it hits for 2s. Divine Plea You will need to use this to keep your mana up in both PvE and PvP. It scales off your total mana pool. And of course, our talented instant attacks: Divine Storm Our 51 pt talent, it is basically the same as a warrior's whirlwind ability except that DS heals for negligible amounts. Despite it seeming like an underwhelming talent it is critical to our DPS as it can and will trigger seals. This skill is normalized to 3.3 weapon speed. Crusader Strike Our still very bland 41 pt talent, yet still crucial to our DPS as it also triggers seals. CS no longer refreshes your or any other paladins' judgements. This skill is also normalized (to 3.3). Special Talents and their ..."specialness" This is just to cover some talents that have odd quirks or interesting functionality. Art of War There has been much debate since the beta a few months ago, but it appears that using instant heals from AoW does reset your swing timer as of 3.0.2. Avoid using this in raiding situations Righteous Vengeance Once again stealing from the warriors! The RV dot does indeed "roll" like the warrior version, meaning critical judgements and DS's in succession will refresh the dot duration, not overwrite it. The RV dot is a magic effect and thus dispellable, can be partially resisted by bosses, but is not mitigated by armor. How RV rolls courtesy Redcape: It adds the new critical damage onto any remaining damage in the dot and then resets the duration with the new damage total. There is absolutely no need to maintain the stack in any fashion, the stack falling off does not cause you to lose dps. Sheath of Light One of our most exciting talents for wrath. This talent helps to increase our damage because of the way we double-dip in AP and SP, gives retribution paladins heals actually worth casting/using, and makes STR that much more important. Talent Specs Your basic PvE talent spec will look like THIS. You have some wiggle room with the remaining 5 talent points; I personally do not take Imp Might because I buff Kings. A PvP talent spec looks more along the lines of THIS. RV isn't taken because it is dispellable and generally doesn't provide much burst damage, which is our specialty. What you do with the leftover 2 points is up to you (perhaps one point in RV as a cover debuff/anti-stealth dot), and again this is only a guide. Glyphs, Gems, Consumables, Enchants, Professions I won't mention horrible glyphs, because they are horrible! Some glyphs such as the SA glyph are of debatable use, and there are (slightly) better uses for the slots, so they are also left out. Recommended Major Glyphs [Glyph of Judgement] This is your primary glyph as retribution. If you can't see why 10% more damage to our best nuke is good, you should get your head checked out. Used in both PvE and PvP. [Glyph of Consecration] This is a PvE glyph, it saves a ton of mana and some GCD clashes over the course of a fight (worth 108mp5). You should use this as your second major. [Glyph of Avenging Wrath] A somewhat interesting PvE glyph. Effectively gives you 50% more Hammer of Wrath damage, but it is pretty conditional - it requires you being able to use Hammer of Wrath (so it is only really useful on bosses), that you have AW ready to use, and that you have enough mana to dump on HoW. [Glyph of Hammer of Wrath] Similar to the AW glyph above, it is situational and interesting. Instead of doubling HoW casts, this glyph make Hammer of Wrath cost no mana. Currently, it isn't worth using both HoW glyphs together, as judgement and consecrate glyphs are integral to ret pve. Could be useful if you have mana problems on bosses below 20%... [Glyph of Crusader Strike] This is only mildly useful in PvP, it is more of a PvE glyph. Not particularly useful or interesting.. [Glyph of Divinity] When used in combination with [Glyph of Lay on Hands], using Lay on Hands on anyone will grant both of you 2340 mana, or will give you 4680 mana if you use it on yourself. Situational pve glyph, but realistically LoH should be available to you every other boss encounter, so it is definitely an option. [Glyph of Seal of Command] PvP glyph. Increases the ppm of SoC from 7 to 8.4. Recommended Minor Glyphs [Glyph of Sense Undead] 1% damage to undead, in an expansion filled with undead mobs. PvE glyph. [Glyph of Lay on Hands] This ups the mana returned by Lay on Hands from 1950 to 2340. PvE glyph, taken for lack of better glyphs. Honestly, the other four minor glyphs are your choice for the last minor slot. They aren't particularly useful in pve or pvp situations, but they can save you a reagent here and there. Recommended Gems Sometimes you will have to ignore socket bonuses because they are terrible! This is more a guide for when you want to meet such requirements. Also note that as of 3.0.8 epic cuts are unavailable. Metas: [Relentless Earthsiege Diamond] This is the preferred meta, simply because of fairly easy gem requirements. You do lose between .5 and 1 DPS between this and the following gem, but you gain more DPS by not using 2 blue gems. [Chaotic Skyflare Diamond] If you are a jewelcrafter, use this gem and put prismatic gems in your blue slots. If you are not a JC, use the one above. Red slots: Yum STR. If you do not wish to meet socket bonuses or requirements, you will be using these wherever you can. [bold Cardinal Ruby] [bold Scarlet Ruby] [Perfect Bold Bloodstone] Yellow slots: [Etched Flawless Ametrine] [inscribed Flawless Ametrine] [Etched Monarch Topaz] [inscribed Monarch Topaz] Blue slots: [Enchanted Tear] < You may only use one of these, but one is all you need to meet the meta req! If you can't find one of those, you can also use- [sovereign Dreadstone] [sovereign Twilight Opal] Professions The quick and dirty of it is, if you are min-maxing every point you can get, Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting is the strongest combo for ret (both pve and pvp). Tailoring and the gathering professions are the weakest. Courtesy of frmorrison: BS: 101 AP (extra 2x20 str sockets) JC: 86 AP (3x27 str gems vs 3x20 str gems + no need for blue gem for meta, so extra 10 str) LW: 76 AP (Bracer enchant) Enchanting: 64 AP (2x ring enchants) Inscription: 64 AP (Shoulder enchant + no need to do Sons dailies for a month) Alchemy: 64 AP (Using 180 AP Flask + 2 more hours on flasks) Skinning: 25 Crit Rating (buffed very slightly in 3.0.8, still sucks) Herbalism: Ability to use Fire Seeds as a consumable (removed in 3.0.8) Tailoring has melee proc on the cloak at the expense of 22 agility Since 20 str gems are not available yet, JC benefit is slightly stronger now (27 str vs 16 str). Enchants As abyss crystals eventually fall in price you'll want to use the better versions; for now I will also include the cheaper alternatives. Bolded enchants are what you should be using at endgame levels (the good/expensive stuff). Head: [Arcanum of Torment] Shoulders: [Greater Inscription of the Axe] / [Lesser Inscription of the Axe] Chest: Enchant Chest - Powerful Stats / Enchant Chest - Super Stats Cloak: [scroll of Enchant Cloak - Major Agility] Bracers: Enchant Bracers - Greater Assault / Enchant Bracers - Striking / Hands: Enchant Gloves - Crusher / Enchant Gloves - Precision (if hit is a problem) / Enchant Gloves - Strength (BC enchant) Legs: [icescale Leg Armor] Feet: Enchant Boots - Icewalker (unless you are way over hitcap, use this) / Enchant Boots - Greater Assault Weapon: Enchant Weapon - Berserking / Enchant 2H Weapon - Massacre / Enchant 2H Weapon - Greater Savagery How berserking works: Berserking is a ppm based proc, similar to mongoose (1.2 ppm) - in a raid environment it has a ~35% uptime. It can only trigger off attacks flagged as melee attacks and melee specials (Judgements, CS, DS, white swings). Napkin math shows that in a scenario with a 35% uptime, the enchant is worth ~135AP on average, and up to/more than ~250AP if RNG favors you - in both normal and lucky cases, it is clearly the superior pve weapon enchant. The armor reduction debuff has also been reduced to 5% (from 25%) making this enchant superior for pvp as well. Consumables Flasks and elixirs: [Flask of Endless Rage] / [Flask of Relentless Assault] [Elixir of Mighty Strength] [Elixir of Mighty Thoughts] / [Elixir of Mighty Mageblood] Food: More interesting choices this time around - you have traditional STR food, in addition to some new foods that actually support our double-dipping into AP/SP. Dragonfin and Fish Feast are roughly equivalent, but the dragonfin is usually cheaper: [Dragonfin Filet] [Fish Feast] [Dalaran Clam Chowder] [Great Feast] Potions: With the removal of chain-chugging and limit to once per fight, our only real option is: [Runic Mana Potion] Tier Gear So is looking like voltron really worth it? Let's take a quick look. Maths, skip if you don't care how these conclusions were formed WITH 4pc bonus, raid buffed - Fight lasts 4 minutes (240 seconds): - 34 judgements (as opposed to 30 without 4pc) - 2638 extra mana from JotW (2638 / 240) x 5 = 55, so 55 mp5 - 7800 average judgement damage 70% assumed critrate 4600 - 9200 damage range on judgements - 31200 more damage from judgements Tier 7 2pc: 10% damage to DS This only boosts the damage done by DS itself, not the seal it triggers, making it a 110% weapon strike with the bonus. Since DS accounts for ~10% of a paladin's average damage, we can say that 2pc T7 grants you a 1% damage increase. Tier 7 4pc: -1s cooldown on judgements Since judgements now account for ~25% of our total damage (and the majority of our mana income), we can say that 4pc T7 grants you a 3% damage incease, in addition to 55mp5. After about 2 months of raid testing and comparisons, it appears that it is in your best interest to use 4pc - despite the fact that it uses several weaker pieces than offset items would offer, the ~4% increased dps and 55mp5 (which allows heavy usage of consecrate without mana issues) are worth it. Note that as you do more dps, the 4% damage gain scales with you; so a paladin doing an average of 3000 dps would see a ~120 dps boost, but a paladin in topend gear doing 5000 dps would see a 200 dps boost. Protection Forum brukeres paladiner: Skjul ---Burning Legion--- Forumnick: Hans-O Ingamenick: Hanso ---Bronzebeard--- Faksjon: Horde Forumnick: Bear^ Ingamenick: Pharazon ---Darksorrow--- Faksjon: Alliance Forumnick: Mafo Ingamenick: Rachelffs ---Dentarg--- Faksjon: Horde Forumnick: Marcus Ingamenick: Lykka ---DragonMaw--- Forumnick: Onkel Ingamenick: Bubbleóseven ---Frostmane--- Faksjon: Horde Forumnick: Lycantrophe Ingamenich: Destination Om du ønsker å stå på listen, vennligst oppgi hvilken faksjon du spiller, server du spiller på og ingame nicket ditt. E1: Takk til Lycantrophe for utfyllende og forklarende førstepost. Endret 8. februar 2009 av bear^ Lenke til kommentar
bear^_InnleggNO Skrevet 2. februar 2009 Forfatter Del Skrevet 2. februar 2009 I am a paladin, short and stout. This is my hammer, this is my mount. When i get in danger i run and shout, pop up my shield, and heartstone out Lenke til kommentar
MindTooth Skrevet 2. februar 2009 Del Skrevet 2. februar 2009 What?! Var tråden mind da. Hehe.. Har ikke spilt WoW og paladinen min på lenge nå. Men savner han ja. Birger Lenke til kommentar
Hansoen Skrevet 2. februar 2009 Del Skrevet 2. februar 2009 Min egen paladin begynner å bli pent gearet altså, nesten 2100 spell power. Gleder meg til guilden begynner med 25 manns Naxx. Lenke til kommentar
bear^_InnleggNO Skrevet 2. februar 2009 Forfatter Del Skrevet 2. februar 2009 Regner med det er healer du er da Ikke dårlig. Jobber selv med å få tanken min opp å gå, 25K HP og 561 defense. Skulle rekke for å begynne med Naxx 10 manns. Lenke til kommentar
Hansoen Skrevet 2. februar 2009 Del Skrevet 2. februar 2009 Ja, samler DPS\Tanke gear på si. Målet er å bli naxx klar i alle 3 speecs. Er det i holy og i retri, tanke gearet er mere skralt atm tough. Lenke til kommentar
bear^_InnleggNO Skrevet 2. februar 2009 Forfatter Del Skrevet 2. februar 2009 Har litt planer om det samme her og men fokuserer på tank nå, tenkte jeg skulle ta healing etterpå ettersom DPS er en klasse med mange rundt beinet. Med healing og tanking er jeg godt stilt for å finne grupper. Lenke til kommentar
albions Skrevet 2. februar 2009 Del Skrevet 2. februar 2009 La oss fortsette der slapp Bubble up! Vær så snill, ikkje nevn mere. Blir i dårlig humør av det Lenke til kommentar
Topcom Skrevet 3. februar 2009 Del Skrevet 3. februar 2009 spiller en 56 BE paladin nå på ligthings blade tror jeg servern hette utrolig kjekk klasse, minimalt stress, og allerede på lvl 52 eide jeg en lvl 80 rogue i Un goro. han vanisha, cheapshotta meg, jeg bobla og hs'a har ikke ledd så godt på lenge, var herrlig Lenke til kommentar
Sophonax Skrevet 3. februar 2009 Del Skrevet 3. februar 2009 Selv er jeg midlertidig off-tank i guilden min med min Blood Elf Paladin (se armory-link i signaturen), og har gjort det ganske greit så langt. Starta med Naxxramas da jeg kom opp i 545 i Defence value og hadde 22k HP. Maintanken i guilden vår er også en paladin, men har en del bedre gear enn meg. Men så fort jeg får meg litt bedre gear, så blir jeg nok en reserve main-tank/off-tank. Samler også healing gear til 3.1 patchen, hvor Dual Spec mest sannsynlig også kommer. Kan være greit å gå over til healing på bosser som ikke trenger mer enn 1 tank. Tror jeg har rundt 1400 +spell når jeg har på meg holy-gearet mitt så langt (med prot spec). Har ikke testet hvor mye jeg har med holy spec. Men, det finner jeg ut av. Holy spec er også greit å ha på siden ettersom det er en stor mangel på healere ved serveren min nå. Lenke til kommentar
Livslykka Skrevet 3. februar 2009 Del Skrevet 3. februar 2009 561 defense? Du trenger bare 540 defense for å være immun mot critical hits fra raid bosser. 535 holder for heroic instances. Som paladin tank bør du satse på å være "hit immune", dvs at alle slag mot deg enten gjør 0 dmg, eller blir blocket. Når jeg tanker med min paladin (er vanligvis retribution), så har jeg ca 2000 block value med libram proc og 102,4% avoidance med holy shield (raid buffed). Hvis det ikke blir miss, dodge eller parry, så trekkes det fra 2000 dmg på slaget mot meg. Virkelig effektfullt hvis man feks er offtank og skal holde på en masse mobs som slår fort men svakt. Som sist natt da guildet mitt prøvde å ta Sartharion med 3 drager, og jeg tanket en masse små whelps og blazes. (Vi feilet, trenger tips! på 10-mann) Link til mitt armory som bytter ofte mellom retribution og protection (retri gear er mye bedre enn prot) Respeccer 3 ganger i uka, så ser frem til dual spec (På bosser som bare trenger 1 tank er det nesten alltid bedre å bytte til dps forresten) Lenke til kommentar
Lycantrophe Skrevet 3. februar 2009 Del Skrevet 3. februar 2009 Jeg hadde tenkt til å lage paladin-tråden. Lenke til kommentar
faldmo Skrevet 3. februar 2009 Del Skrevet 3. februar 2009 561 defense? Du trenger bare 540 defense for å være immun mot critical hits fra raid bosser. 535 holder for heroic instances. Defense = avoidance, så gjør ikkeno om man er over crit-immune Edit; Marcus, Dentarg YO Lenke til kommentar
Ra1dMaX_InnleggNO Skrevet 3. februar 2009 Del Skrevet 3. februar 2009 fullt epic Dps som noen andre her samler jeg også healing og tanking gear....har mest konsentrert meg om å samle tanking gear har 546 def 26.7k hp i tank spec ubuffa og 97.37% avoidance med holy shield ubuffa...healing gearet kommer seg sånn passe har vel rundt 1950 SP 27% crit men er dps gearet jeg er mest stolt av 3403 AP 31.8% crit Lenke til kommentar
faldmo Skrevet 3. februar 2009 Del Skrevet 3. februar 2009 og altfor mye hit, skift ut enchant på gloves med 44ap, skift ut crit-gemen din med 16strength og enchant AP på boots så får du en liten boost : ) Edit; re-enchant våpen også, 85AP er relativt billig, men Berserker den beste enchanten uten tvil. Lenke til kommentar
Ra1dMaX_InnleggNO Skrevet 3. februar 2009 Del Skrevet 3. februar 2009 og altfor mye hit, skift ut enchant på gloves med 44ap, skift ut crit-gemen din med 16strength og enchant AP på boots så får du en liten boost : ) Edit; re-enchant våpen også, 85AP er relativt billig, men Berserker den beste enchanten uten tvil. vel er overcappa på hit pga i vente av nytt våpen til å droppe gidder ikke å waste g på å skifte rundt på enchants for så å skifte tilbake når jeg får bedre våpen er min mening hvertfall sikkert får jeg en boost men ligger som regel på 1-3 plass på DPS i 25 mans i tilegg til å adde mye buffs etc til raidet Lenke til kommentar
faldmo Skrevet 3. februar 2009 Del Skrevet 3. februar 2009 dude, du har 160ish mer hit en det som er nødvendig, du kan lett gjøre de forandringene uten å bekymre deg. Du vil se en betraktlig DPS-boost. Hvilken plass du ligger på på DPS-meters har lite å si, handler om min/maxing Lenke til kommentar
Ra1dMaX_InnleggNO Skrevet 3. februar 2009 Del Skrevet 3. februar 2009 dude, du har 160ish mer hit en det som er nødvendig, du kan lett gjøre de forandringene uten å bekymre deg. Du vil se en betraktlig DPS-boost.Hvilken plass du ligger på på DPS-meters har lite å si, handler om min/maxing erm sist jeg sjekka var det 8% hit som var cap noe som er 263 ish hit mao er jeg bare 100 hit over cap Lenke til kommentar
Hansoen Skrevet 3. februar 2009 Del Skrevet 3. februar 2009 erm sist jeg sjekka var det 8% hit som var cap noe som er 263 ish hit mao er jeg bare 100 hit over cap Eg liker å holde meg rundt 9% i dps gearet, sånn at hvis jeg bytter ut gear, så har jeg litt å gå på hvis jeg må bytte ut noe med en del Hit. Kjenner 1 som før var overbevist om at det var AP som gjaldt, så han løp rundt med 2-3% hit, og da jeg sa at det hjelper ikke hvor hardt du slår når det er lufta som får unngjelde og da skjerpet han seg og ordnet seg litt hit på bekostning av litt AP Lenke til kommentar
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