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Den store Killzone 2 tråden!


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*Official* Upcoming fixes




we've identified and fixed the bug to do with the boost medal not being awarded. It will go into a patch we are working on at present, but there is a workaround in the mean time to get it. Simply ensure that you are the Game Creator rather than client and you'll be awarded it.




Network Errors/Honor Ranks


We are also looking at fixing a good bunch of the network errors and are looking into the complaints about the Honor Ranks as well as a couple of other bits and pieces. We'll provide a list of fixes when we are close to releasing the patch.






We're working on a permanent solution for the bots stat padding and have some internal solutions that we're going to work on implementing. We'll let you know what those are when we've got the patch together and the solution implemented.


We will NOT be wiping ALL stats and padders will be looked at individually by the moderators.






www.killzone.com is being sorted out today to deal with the massive traffic its been facing and hope to have some long-term solutions in place shortly.


The stats are currently empty on the site and will be repopulated today.




Controller Issues


We have not stopped looking into the complaints and will see what we can do about it. Any possible changes will have to be carefully implemented and tested before being deployed though.




Charge disarming


We have identified the issue where sometimes the C4 charge in Search and Destroy will not disarm. Will be fixed with the next update.




Shotgun Aim Assist


Investigating the problem and will patch it up.




Clan Games


Sometimes the clan that does not turn up for a match is awarded the win under specific circumstances. Will be patched ASAP.




Battle Replay for Map 8 - Corinth Crossing


The BR on www.killzone.com is not quite right and will be fixed soon.




Ignore list


Was found not to be functioning correctly. Will be fixed in the next patch.






Crash when using Saboteur disguise in certain situations. Will be fixed in the next patch.


Infrequent crash when trying to start a game with an empty game name. Will be fixed soon.






There is an issue with the Assassination target HUD icon displaying when playing as a Medic. Investigating and will be fixed.




Thanks and apologies if I am not responding to all questions, PMs and threads. There are simply not enough hours in the day to help all of you out and I have to work on the issues themselves. So please stay calm and sensible and everything will get fixed up soon. As you can see we've fixed up a bunch of the problems you have encountered as well as a couple more you might not be aware of. The important thing is to be patient. Any patches have to be carefully implement to ensure that no additional issues are introduced.






En liste med hva GG skal fikse i neste patch

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UPDATE; The patch (1.20) has been released, it is 16MB, full list of changes below;


* Stability issue regarding randomly named games resolved.

* Stability fix when rapidly tapping (X) can cause crash on spawn-select.

* Stability issue regarding Saboteur’s disguise ability resolved.

* Stability fix on ‘Creating game’ with a blank name.

* Stability fix for repeatedly entering exiting game.

* The Ignore list functionality corrected.

* Unlock of “Frontrunner” Medal now functioning correctly.

* Fix for incorrect award of win to clan not showing for game resolved.

* Battle Replay for Corinth Crossing not appearing correctly on www.killzone.com.

* Issue with not being able to defuse the Search and Destroy objective resolved.

* HUD issue correction during Assassination mode when playing as a Medic.

* Controller input tweaks and modifications.

* Fix for auto-lock on of shotgun exploit.

* Fix for D-Charge issues in Campaign mode.

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Gamezine: Killzone 2 has been patched to version 1.2. Minor tweaks have been made to the controls.


Some have complained that Killzone 2's controls are "plagued" by input lag. Some say that it is a deliberate move by Guerilla Games to make Sev's moves feel realistic and weighty. I personally think they are two different issues.


The latest patch includes a few minor tweaks to controller input.


Some forumites are saying that the patch has improved the supposed input lag, including the removal of the controller's deadzones (there used to be a delay before turning around.)


Dødsonen er litt kjip ... Håper de har blitt kvitt denne.

Bare et rykte.

Endret av cappy
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Har nå prøvd killzone2 online etter patchen, og jeg kan trenger bare å si en ting, HERLIG!:D Spilleopplevelsen ble MYE bedre nå enn før patchen! Eneste som jeg kan klage på er at utviklerne burdde fikse L1 og L2 når man blar til sidene når man velger class osv. Det virker som det lagger litt når man skal bla til neste side. men uansett, Herlig med den nye kontrollern:D

Endret av steamy
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Da kjøpte jeg Killzone 2 ista, etter litt om og men. Har bare en ting og si: Deilig!


Vanligvis blir jeg ikke særlig interessert i historiedelene i spill. Jeg spiller gjennom og "forbereder" meg på multiplayer. Spilt et par timer, og må si at historiedelen er veldig morsom. Ser for meg multiplayer, og det har iallefall et vanvittig potensiale!! :)


Gleder meg videre!! Nå må jeg være litt sosial, og ta en pause... ;)


* Er det mulig å sette seg på huk (Ikke lene seg inntil, "ta cover bak noe"), men å sette seg i knestående? Vil være litt praktisk med tanke på sniping.


Er det en dødsone på kontrolleren i MP??


* Edit: Tilføyde et spørsmål ang MP.

Endret av skrtel
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Nå skal jeg spise, ta en pils. Rydde har jeg gjort, så er det rett på Killzone 2 Campain. For og så senere teste ut Online delen :D Gleder meg!


Toman! Legg meg til da! ;) du har jo full venneliste...

Kaller du deg Bare Ban eller :p


Og ja jeg synes den patchen fikset på kontrollen og det føltes enda bedre en det allerede konge det var!!

Faen så glad jeg er nå!!

Endret av Toman85
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Nå skal jeg spise, ta en pils. Rydde har jeg gjort, så er det rett på Killzone 2 Campain. For og så senere teste ut Online delen :D Gleder meg!


Toman! Legg meg til da! ;) du har jo full venneliste...

Kaller du deg Bare Ban eller :p


Og ja jeg synes den patchen fikset på kontrollen og det føltes enda bedre en det allerede konge det var!!

Faen så glad jeg er nå!!


Fikset på kontrolleren kun i MP, eller også SP?

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Nå skal jeg spise, ta en pils. Rydde har jeg gjort, så er det rett på Killzone 2 Campain. For og så senere teste ut Online delen :D Gleder meg!


Toman! Legg meg til da! ;) du har jo full venneliste...

Kaller du deg Bare Ban eller :p


Og ja jeg synes den patchen fikset på kontrollen og det føltes enda bedre en det allerede konge det var!!

Faen så glad jeg er nå!!


Ops sorry, kaller meg Bare_Ban hehe måtte jo det da ;)


Edit: Fått spilt i noen timer nå, og spillet er bare helt sykt. Det er En Action - adrenalin pakke uten like. Å du sitter med hjerte i halsen hele tiden. Fienden er vanskelig, smart, men samtidig ikke umulig og ta. Hadde noen episoder der jeg rusha meg inn og tok en etter en. Gøy! Anbefaler dette spillet til alle som liker en god fps shooter. Dette er en blanding av gears of war / Call of duty 4. Pluss en hel bøtte med action.


Fikk tak i sniperen i spillet, utrolig deilig og ta headshoot her!

Endret av Bare Ban
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Mangler bare fire medaljer før jeg har alle medaljene online nå B)


Mangler følgende medaljer:

- Headshot-medaljen (har 5 ribbons)

- Melee-medaljen (har 5 ribbons)

- Assasination defend-medaljen (har 2 ribbons, denne kommer over tid)

- Capture and hold-medaljen (denne er da nærmest umulig?)

Endret av CheeseyJunk
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