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Gears of War Kafèen


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Jeg klarer ikke å spille uten minst 2-3 andre norske. Ellers spiller jeg COD4 eller lurker forum.

Går jo greit å spille public for seg selv også da! Problemet da kan være at medspillerne dine tenker mer på å få kills, enn å holde sammen og drepe i lag. I tillegg er det utrolig mye stjeling av kills! Men opplever sjelden lagg ;)


Den måten å spille på er greit hvis du vil ha en rolig kveld. Kan bli mye fjas når man er 4-5 nordmenn i ett party. Ligger på rundt 1100xp hvert game jeg, kanskje rundt 1300xp sammen med nordmenn...


EDIT; btw, er på lvl 32 nå...

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Gears of War 3 er annonsert:

Cliff Beszinsky på Gears of War sitt forum:


- Gears of War 3 will be released 17 February 2010.

- Gears of War 3 will include 6 new weapons including a bad-ass nailgun and a Semi-Automatic sniper.

- The campaign will take place directly after the ending of Gears of War 2.

- The story is mainly going to focus at killing the Locust queen and finding the father of Clay Carmine.

- We will include five new Locust enemies, including Elites(Highly trained and stronger Locust soldiers with dual Gnasher Shotguns)

- Golden Gnasher Shotgun will come with the Collector's Edition.

- Many weapons, such as the pistols, Gnasher shotgun and Hammerburst will have the possibility to be dual wielded.

- All weapons from Gears of War 2 will return, except for the Scorcher.

- We're going a bit back to the original Gears of War with more grey and dark environment.

- The game start with the assasination of Chairman Richard Prescott.

- The "new Skorge and RAAM" will be Grim. A big bad-ass Grinder with dual Mulchers..

- The kryll will return from the original Gears of War.

- Clay Carmine(The older brother of Anthony og Benjamin) will play an important role.

- Marcus Fenix will be more "humanized."

- Gears of War 3 is not going to be released for PC.

- A map editor will come with the game.

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