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Nvidia redde eller? For kva?

Sakset fra www.omegacorner.com








Well, as most of you have heard by now, I will not be releasing any more Omega drivers for nvidia cards. I know this must come as a surprise for many since there are a lot of people who trust my work and know that I'm doing all of this to help people. This is what REALLY happened:

I received an E-Mail from nvidia on June 17, it was from one of their attorneys, and he wanted to speak with me personally on the phone. The mail seemed friendly, but since it was coming from the nvidia law offices, I was worried of some kind of lawsuit because of my work. I called him after reading the mail, and he greeted me in a friendly tone, so my nerves started to calm down as soon as he told me that he only wanted to ask me a few questions. He started by telling me that many people filled complaints at nvidia because my drivers where "damaging" PCs and that people thought my drivers where approved by them since I had the nvidia logo on my page, so I corrected him and told him that I have a very clear statement on my page and in the driver installation that warned users about the drivers, that they where not supported by nvidia in any way and in case of problems contact me directly or through the forums. Then he told me that what I was doing was illegal, that I can't reverse engineer their drivers, because it was in the license agreement, so I explained to him that I never did that, that I use registry tweaks and dll swaps to make the drivers work like I wanted, then I used settings and patch scripts that are freely available in tweakers like RivaTuner, plus I add some others that are of my own creation, like the custom resolutions and DirectX optimizations, and at the end I just packed all that work in one simple installer and distributed it freely on the internet. After my explanation the only thing he had against me was the nvidia logo on my page, so he told me that I must remove it immediately because people would get confused an think that my drivers are official nvidia drivers, so I told him that there is no problem, the logo will go. He thanks me and asks my phone number because they will be contacting me again, so I gave him my number and thank him for his time.

After that I removed the logo and didn't heard from them again, I was gonna continue to make the drivers, but had my doubts...


Then, just a few days ago, I got an E-Mail from Zardon telling me that nvidia E-Mailed him about my drivers, and told him to REMOVE THE DRIVERS FROM DRIVERHEAVEN...

Now that does it! One thing is contacting me about my drivers and asking me to stop working on them, another is to force websites to take down the drivers which they host as a favor to the community.

Right now I'm really pissed of at nvidia for that thing alone, first the cheats, then buying Futuremark's statement and now, Take down 3rd party sets that help them by making their customers happy? What's wrong with them!? They think money can buy anything?

They are in the wrong track, they just want to cover all that bad press that they have been receiving lately by buying trust, but TRUST is not something they can buy, is something they must EARN! Gamers know that, they are no fools, maybe they can convince some old guy sitting in a president chair about it, showing him big numbers in synthetic benchmarks and showing their financial year gains, but they can't fool US:


WE are the ones that buy their cards.

WE are the ones that play the games.

WE are the ones that support each other in forums when something goes wrong.

WE are the ones that make their hardware reviews.

WE are the ones that they should listen.

WE are the ONLY ones, that can make a difference...


See ya! nvidia....


Sorry to all who supported my work, may GOD bless you all...







On the other hand, there is ATI...


In the beginning, their drivers left much to be desired. When I bought my Radeon 8500 half of the things didn't worked and it was not working as advertised, that was a bad step for ATI. But unlike nvidia, they listened to their customers and with each driver release, things got better and better, fixing little by little all those holes, errors and memory leaks, to the point where the Catalyst drivers are right now, a point where they are almost bug free, at least is really difficult for me to spot bugs anymore...

Then ATI goes a step further and creates a BETA testing community where all member report bugs directly to the driver programmers and hardware engineers, a plus for "normal" tech support and one that encourages trust and the shows the company's dedication to their users.

I must personally thank Terry (Catalyst Maker) for his trust in my work, for noticing that I do this to help people, for his personal help and for letting me be part of the excellent Catalyst's Elite Beta Testing Group.



In other news, the new Omega drivers based on the Catalyst 3.5 are ready; go get them in my ATI page.




Many thanks for your support and may GOD bless you all...




Remember that I do this as a free service to make life more enjoyable for gamers.


Thanks for your support,


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Hehe, vel skal ikke ha noe nvidia kort, har et 3år gammel ATI AIW kort og det har fungert som bare ******, men jeg merker på nye spill at jeg bør ha et nytt, har bestilt meg et Saphirre 9800 pro ATI kort og gleder meg til det kommer, hadde også Onboard ATI kort på min gamle p100 =)




ATI Rule! :woot:

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Skal vi se.


tekststørrelse: mellomstor

Skjerm: 19"

Oppløsning: 1280x1024


Hele innlegget på den sia som han siterte fra var på kanskje 10 linjer og her måtte du scrolle ganske langt for å bli ferdig med posten. :evil:


Ikke nok med den, men så har du juksa og satt ned skriftstørrelsen igjen.

Stå for det du gjør du :grumpy:

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Ikke nok med den, men så har du juksa og satt ned skriftstørrelsen igjen.

Stå for det du gjør du  :grumpy:


Han fiksa det folk spurte om, er vel helt greit det.

F.eks.: Hvis noen slipper et fullstendig ubrukelig program p.g.a bugs, vil du da at de som ga dette ut ikke skulle fikse det, men heller "stå for det de gjorde" ?

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Ikke nok med den, men så har du juksa og satt ned skriftstørrelsen igjen.

Stå for det du gjør du  :grumpy:


Han fiksa det folk spurte om, er vel helt greit det.

F.eks.: Hvis noen slipper et fullstendig ubrukelig program p.g.a bugs, vil du da at de som ga dette ut ikke skulle fikse det, men heller "stå for det de gjorde" ?

De burde ihvertfall ikke klage på meg fordi jeg brukte det.

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Greit å siter og sånn altså..


Bare ikke så fordømte STORT


Skjermen min er så liten og oppløsninga så lav at jeg bare ser TOR over hele skjermn. Hva var det du skrev LoS?


DrE :shrug:


Hadde skjermen din vært så liten og oppløsninga så dårlig så hadde du bare sett STO

Left align vettu :D

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