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Generell diskusjon rundt World of Tanks

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Berre eit spoermsaal... Har t 50 blitt nerfa noko inni granskauen i det siste? Tenkte eg skulle ha det litt moro med den vesle rotta igjen no nettopp, og eg veit ikkje om det er noko eg inbiller meg, men den verker for aa vere forbanna treig i forhald til kva den var, og aktiv scouting fungerer rett og slett ikkje. Finnest ikkje det spor moro aa spele lenger...

Balansert? Den er jo heilt oeydelagd... Og saa mista eg all xp'en i tillegg...


"Rebalansert" (og redusert MM) og aktiv scouting fungerer ikkje mest fordi 8.6 introduserte bedre accuracy, så nissetussar som snapshottar i øst og vest treff deg plutselig. XP'en har blitt flytta til KV-1S (T-50 leidde til T-50-2, som har blitt erstatta av MT-25, og KV-1S leier til MT-25).




You will be unable to buy tanks when roaming between servers.

WoT Blitz is probably not going to be released this year.

Tracks are repaired for free. Therefore, if you are rammed by a teammate and he only damages your tracks, he pays no compensation.

WG wants to "normalize" the Soviet light tree, but there is no such possibility.

The ability to turn off the chat is bad, and SerB is against it.

Chinese Clan Wars use a fictional World Map, since using the real one is illegal.

There will be measures to prevent "inadequates" from roaming and spoiling their server's reputation.

There are not enough American TDs to make a third branch.

Low tier premium tanks are mostly in the game to help out beginner players.

WG has an ad campaign to get people to play artillery again.

If WG decides to make a modern warfare tank game, it would be a distinct game, and not WoT.

AA MGs and autocannons aren't planned yet. There is little point, and the load on the sever is high.

The most recent tanks in the game are from about 1965: AMX 13 90 and later WZ-132 modifications.

SerB considers the combat in WoWP more intense than in tanks.

Roaming between servers may not be free. There are arguments for and against it.

The usefulness of the radio module will increase when maps increase in size.

APCR does the same amount of damage as AP for gameplay reasons.

Tank numbers are planned, but you don't get to choose your own.

SerB is of the opinion that making WoT an e-sports platform was not the optimal direction to take the game in. His favoured project was historical battles, but e-sports has priority right now.

The Waffentrager E-100 will definitely not have the 173 mm gun.

WG clans are not allowed to participate in Clan Wars or tournaments.

The Austrian SK-105 tank is pretty recent, but satisfies the game's requirements. There are no plans to include it yet.

Wittmann's medal was removed according to an official request of the German government.

Due to germanophiles being typically bad at tanks, historical battles will not give a numerical advantage to Soviet forces.

Historical battles will cover WWII and chronologically close conflicts (Spain, Khalkin-Gol, Korea).

Shells interacting with more than one tank (shooting all the way through a thinly armoured tank) will not be implemented on purpose, since this is a rare occurrence. The only possibility of this happening is from a side effect of engine modifications.

The tank's drowning level is determined only by its height. The tank begins to drown when it is submerged more than half.

No replacements are planned for the IS-7 or FV215b.

Firefighting reduces the amount of hit points lost by every tick of the fire. Dead crewmen increase the time it takes to put the fire out.

Some people write WoT fanfiction, despite SerB asking them not to.

It is technically possible to ricochet twice from an open top vehicle and have the shell fly off into space without dealing damage.

Upgradeable hulls will come way after 0.9.0.

The engine is capable of having moving parts of the map (like trains on Ensk). This will be included in some maps, in small amounts.

There are lots and lots of tanks in store. The second Soviet medium branch, Japanese tree, Euro tree and second German TD branch are not everything WG has.

0.8.8 will introduce counters for events, so it's easier to keep track of how close you are to getting your rewards.

The second German TD tree is coming before dynamic characteristics in the garage.

There will be a new Soviet tier 9 medium eventually, just not in this patch.

The AMX 65t is very far off, possibly in 2014.

The amount of battles with lighter matchmaking depends on the tier. Low tiers get 3-5 such battles, higher tiers get about 10.

World of Tanks Generals alpha testers ask a lot of stupid questions. SerB jokes that the inability to read is a prerequisite.

Tank shells fly for 700 meters. Caliber does not affect this.

At least 2 of the A-44's 3 variants will be in the game.

Object 430 is not forgotten, and will be the third Soviet tier 10 medium.



Q: Why did you give us such a bad tank for your birthday?

A: Did you give all of your friends a Rolls-Royce for theirs?


Q: Are you planning on giving a tier 5 or 6 tank for New Year?

A: To stupid and greedy children like you, it's obvious what we are giving and where it's going.


Q: I know you don't want to turn off team chat, but what about all-chat?

A: And skip out on calling your enemies scrubs? That's a core gameplay element!


Q: Only an idiot would give you a +1 for that answer! I will have to neg-rep you.

A: How awful.


Q: Why is the game so boring?

A: Don't play it if it's boring.


Q: I don't play anymore.

A: Why would you post on a forum for a game you don't play?


Q: I come to read your terrible treatment of your players, watching you saw off the branch you're sitting on.

A: Ah, so I guess I can RO you without impacting your enjoyment of the forums.


Q: I didn't expect any better from you. Give me a month or two.

A: It would be cruel of us to let you return and suffer.


Q: Will 8.8 bring new German TDs? Maybe with autoloaders?

A: Ironically, patch 8.8 will not have new German TDs.


Q: Do you have a personal life? Judging by how often you post in this thread, you don't.

A: Judging by my two children, I used to.


Q: Will you get bonus XP for breaking cover the enemy is hiding behind?

A: You will get bonus XP for every sneeze in the direction of the enemy.


Q: Seeing as how this game uses an obsolete engine, I have two questions. Do the developers still have resources for adding new gameplay features? Will there be a massive engine upgrade sometime soon?

A: Seeing as how you drown a kitten in a bucket every morning, I have two questions. Does the bucket still have resources for drowning more kittens? Will there be a massive bucket upgrade sometime soon?


Q: Is it true that the KV-1S will be moved to tier 7 and become a premium?

A: Is it true that if you look in the mirror for long enough, you will see Bloody Mary?


Q: Is there a technical possibility to make every tank in the vicinity of an ammo racked tank take damage, like with HE splash? It's planned ASAP, I assume?

A: Everyone has the technical possibity to jump off the balcony, but I choose to not exercise mine, not even ASAP.


Q: Do you really judge people's intellect by two posts on an internet forum?

A: In your case, one was enough.


Q: Are you going to put in any way to make your vehicle more distinctive?

A: Yes, for $100,000, you can make your tank look like a pony.


Q: Everyone uses gold fire extinguishers, effectively removing the fire mechanic.

A: Kittens.


Q: What?

A: Look above, there are many answers involving kittens to questions with Very Important Opinions.


Q: I'm not a kitten, I'm the server's top player.

A: So?


Q: What will be so special about Japanese vehicles?

A: They will be driven by samurai and schoolgirls.


Q: I killed 38 tanks, where is my 300 000?

A: Here you will only get your 14.


Q: Will there be a bonus for playing well? You can do 10k damage and still lose and get nothing.

A: Damn, let's just give these guys rewards for looking at the enemy angrily.


Q: I have a question about maps...

A: If you spent as much time reading this thread as you did writing, you would see that this question is ancient, and save the wear and tear on your keyboard.


Q: I demand that the players in this screenshot be banned! They lose in their top tier vehicles on purpose in order to cause grief for other players!

A: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


Q: Can we get M60s outside of Clan Wars? It's not fair.

A: Depends, are you a hot girl? Actually, no, I'm married, even that won't help you.


Q: Will 0.9.0 introduce any radical changes?

A: No, we'll only change the colour of grass.


Q: Is historical accuracy or game balance more important?

A: Who do love more, your mother or your father?


Q: Are developers friendlier on WG's birthday? Can I appeal to get my chat ban reduced?

A: I'd increase it.

Lenke til kommentar

er det noen som har både E-25 og JagdPanther og som kan sammenligne de to mot hverandre.

jeg er jo en røver med JagdPantheren, både 1 og 2, men er litt usikker på om jeg skal invistere i en E-25. man kan jo fort bli litt skuffet om den ikke svarer til forventningene mine.

og hvilken TD ligner E-25 mest på i spillestil?

Lenke til kommentar

er det noen som har både E-25 og JagdPanther og som kan sammenligne de to mot hverandre.

jeg er jo en røver med JagdPantheren, både 1 og 2, men er litt usikker på om jeg skal invistere i en E-25. man kan jo fort bli litt skuffet om den ikke svarer til forventningene mine.

og hvilken TD ligner E-25 mest på i spillestil?

E-25 minner svært lite om JagdPanther:

E-25 har mye mer camo.

E-25 har en helt annen akselerasjon, og når toppfarten på sekunder.

E-25 kan doble som aktiv scout.

E-25 er langt mindre, en liten grop kan skjule deg fra LOS til fienden.

E-25 har mobiliteten og camoen til å flanke og skyte siden og baken på fienden.


Jeg spiller ingen andre TD-linjer enn tyskerne nå, men jeg tror ELC AMX med langt høyere DPM beskriver E-25 rimelig greit.


Sjekk denne postens replay: https://www.diskusjon.no/index.php?showtopic=1313959&view=findpost&p=20825189

Lenke til kommentar

Vi har allerede E-25, hva skal Stridsvagn 103 bringe på bordet?

Hvilken nasjon skal få Sv 103 forresten?


Er snakk om et samletre for europeiske nasjoner som ikke har nokk tankts til et eget.


er det noen som har både E-25 og JagdPanther og som kan sammenligne de to mot hverandre.

jeg er jo en røver med JagdPantheren, både 1 og 2, men er litt usikker på om jeg skal invistere i en E-25. man kan jo fort bli litt skuffet om den ikke svarer til forventningene mine.

og hvilken TD ligner E-25 mest på i spillestil?


Som arni sa kan du knapt sammenligne de to. E-25 er en StuG III på crack (samme kanon med bedre stats) som går like fort som en ELC AMX. Artig å kjøre men kan være litt slitsomt i høyere tiers.

Lenke til kommentar

er det noen som har både E-25 og JagdPanther og som kan sammenligne de to mot hverandre.

og hvilken TD ligner E-25 mest på i spillestil?


Øh, JP er jo helt anderledes enn E-25 og gjør det stortsett bedre mot t8 og oppover pga den faktisk har alha og pen. Det eneste du kan si er like med dem er at de er tyske TD-er.

Lenke til kommentar

Vi har allerede E-25, hva skal Stridsvagn 103 bringe på bordet?

Hvilken nasjon skal få Sv 103 forresten?


Som Valle79 seier blir det eventuelt Europa-treet. Paa den andre sida har faktisk Sverige nok stridsvogner til sitt eiget tech-tre. Ikkje at eg trur det kjem til aa hende.


Og at det er ein E-25 er god nok grunn til aa ikkje ha Strv 103? IS og M6 likner meir paa helholdsvis KV-1S og T1 enn E-25 liknar paa Strv 103. 105 mm autoloader. Driver/gunner forover og ein baklengs driver og, saa farten baklengs er like raskt som framlengs, Skraapansring heilt ekstrem. Kanon sit bom fast i taarnet saa du maa kontrollere kor du skyt ved hjelp av suspension og belteverk. Hoeyrest unikt nok ut for min del.

Endret av Bonnskij
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