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Generell diskusjon rundt World of Tanks

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Sexton I was unbalanced.

Malinovka's windmill upgrade will probably spread to other maps.

Decrease of skill requirements for 4th and 5th skills was explored, and rejected.

The Hetzer might get renamed to its real name (Jagdpanzer 38(t)) when the second TD tree comes out.

Another Soviet medium line is not coming this year.

A second German TD tree is coming this year.

All premium tanks of one tier have the same profitability coefficient.

Separate company/randoms stats are coming eventually. It is unknown if they can split off existing company stats.

Devs are revisiting the idea of re-training useless crew members into less useless specialties.

Despite WoWP having a pilot model, tanks will never ever have crew models.

There may be some loyalty rewards, but no comment for now.

Tier 8 arty will be able to play in Champion companies after 0.8.6. The overall point limit is unlikely to change.

If you destroy a tank with a blind shot, you only share XP with the spotters if it was unspotted less than 5 seconds ago.

"Dutch loading" of autoloader magazines will not be implemented.

Every patch from now on will bring a new map.

There will be new tier 8 premiums in the second half of this year.

Serene Coast and Komarin will return in the second half of the year, massively changed.

The ELC will not be able to turn its turret fully (it was able to do so while sitting still).

Hull height is the only parameter that determines drowning depth.

No "nuclear wasteland zombie mutant" historical battles for tier 10s.

Modules still require repairs, and those repairs are not free. When you drown, all modules are destroyed.



Q: SerB says that premium accounts will be improved, Storm says they will not, who's wrong and what do I do?

A: No one is wrong. Don't do anything.


Q: I am a player that plays in CW, tournaments, and I never have enough silver for new tanks. Will the economy be rebalanced?

A: Play better.


Q: Do you plan on rewarding players for skill improvement?

A: Yes. Players that improve their skills earn more credits, XP, and medals.


Q: Are you going to solve the problem of players spending most of their time farming credits?

A: That's not a problem.


Q: Why not let players design maps? I'm sure many talented players will be able to make an interesting and original map.

A: We don't want maps to be interesting and original, we want maps to be good.


Q: Where is Veider? I haven't seen him lately.

A: I'm here, watching you.


Q: I saw a player with only 1000 battles with an Object 907!

A: I sincerely apologize for not consulting you about our testing methodologies.


Q: I saw a player named "ViktorKis", and I think he was shooting all gold!

A: Why "think"? Viktor Kisliy is not a poor man, he can afford real gold.


Q: Will we get the ability to merge accounts?

A: Sure, we'll get right on that feature most requested by hackers, freeloaders, and ToS violators.


Q: I heard that the 88L/71 had HEAT, will we get it in the game?

A: Don't smoke that anymore.


Q: German commanders preferred armoured cars for scouting. Will we get them in the game?

A: We're not German commanders.


Q: Are you going to treat something that's not win rate as the primary measure of skill (accuracy, average damage/experience, etc)?

A: No. Win more.


Q: Prohorovka Encounter has a very fast cap rate.

A: It's a conspiracy, for sure.


Q: What can I do if a teammate shoved me off a bridge?

A: Drown.


Q: Is gameplay going to be radically changed by skills or equipment?

A: No, we're not planning the "Jump drive" skill or "turn the tank into a helicopter" equipment.


Q: Why do I get massive ping spikes during certain battles?

A: Your ISP is playing on the opposite team.


Q: Can Storm answer questions? His answers are more informative.

A: No, he suffers from whiners much more than I do.


Q: You've earned -3 rep per day from me!

A: I'm so sad I can cry.



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Var nok ikke meg i den kampen, men regner med at de vant ganske greit ja. Og det er siste versjon XVM, usikker på akkurat hvem som har moddet til den der configen. Men om du gidder så kan du mekke det til selv med editoren her: http://www.koreanran...%B2-xvm-editor/


Har selv mekka det sånn at jeg ser overall winratio over tanksen til folk, og når jeg holder inne alt får jeg opp win-rate i den tanksen. Loading screen er under loading, og det som henger overtanksene til folk er under markers -> text fields.


Listen over makroer du kan bruke er i readme-filen som kom med xvm.

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