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Håpløst å spille vel og merke. Tier 5-tanks i kamper med tier 1 tanks? :|


Det er sånn i spillet ellers også ;) har sett tier 9 sammen med tier 4/5 men tror det er maks 5 tier i forskjell :)

KV og BDR G1B havner i tier 9 kamper. KV-3, M6 og ARL 44 havner i tier 10 kamper. KV kan jo gjøre litt i en tier 9 kamp som regel, BDR G1B not so much. M6 kan ikke gjøre stort annet enn å eksplodere i tier 10 kamper. KV-3 mye det samme. ARL har i det minste en gun som faktisk kan skade tier 10 tanks, men tar et år å sikte inn med. Spesielt tier 6 heavyene har en tendens til å havne i høy-tier battles mye oftere enn andre tanks virker det som. Er vel hovedgrunnen til at å grinde M6 er en plage. Gunnern er for så vidt grei nok, men sliter med tier 8 og høyere, og havner som regel i akkurat de kampene.

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Hva med 5 mot 8?

Vi hadde bare tier 2, de hadde tier 2 til 4.


Vi vant vel og merke, såeh ... Klager ikke.


Og de nye TD-ene er fantastiske.

Jeg gleder meg til å blåse litt freexp og gull på T49 og M18 Hellcat.

Satan, så skøy å spille!


Håpløst å spille vel og merke. Tier 5-tanks i kamper med tier 1 tanks? :|


Det er sånn i spillet ellers også ;) har sett tier 9 sammen med tier 4/5 men tror det er maks 5 tier i forskjell :)

Men jo takk, jeg vet det er sånn ellers i spillet også, er bare det at tier 1 vanligvis ikke møter tier 5 om de ikke er platoona.

I dette tilfellet var det et par platoons, men de var bare med tier 1-kids.

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Det er jo BETA smurfen, så all spilling på den serveren er bare for å prøve ut at ting fungerer. Kan jo være at de har endret litt på hvilken tier de møter siden det er få som spiller. Har opplevd å stå i opp til 1 minutt i kø før jeg begynner å laste nytt kart på vanlig WOT og der er det nok flere spillere å velge mellom.

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Er det noen andre som har slitt med lag og pakketap de siste dagene?

Dette skjer gjerne fra 19:00 og utover.

Har sjekket med pingplotteren mot EU serveren og ligger i snitt under 60ms og det går helt greit.


Det som er værre er når pakketapet trår til - da blir det mye kjøring i hytt og pine, og det ender som regel med at jeg dukker opp som et vrak.


Pingplotteren mener det er i telia.net sitt backbone problemene ligger.

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Uten at jeg har noen formening om hvor problemet ligger har jeg opplevd mer lag etter at versjon 7.1 kom ut. Før dette kan jeg ikke huske å ha opplevd lag i det hele tatt. Har en relativt god bredbåndsløsning men som sagt ingen formening om hvor problemet ligger.



Spm til dere som har vært på test server. Grinder som en gal om dagen for å får t34 og t30 før 7.2 slik at jeg får de nye heavies US, T30 (TD) og T34 premium. Mangler ca 150.000 xp som jeg må konvertere fra andre vogner.....(må bruke opp Bat Chat før nerf gjør den ubrukelig). Men spørsmålet er ER DER VERDT DET? noen som har testet de nye US heavies på test server?

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Vel, jeg skjøt en tier 10 i rompa med en stock T18 i natt og penetrerte, men bortsett fra det, aner jeg ikke.



Det er jo BETA smurfen, så all spilling på den serveren er bare for å prøve ut at ting fungerer. Kan jo være at de har endret litt på hvilken tier de møter siden det er få som spiller. Har opplevd å stå i opp til 1 minutt i kø før jeg begynner å laste nytt kart på vanlig WOT og der er det nok flere spillere å velge mellom.

Ja, jeg vet det er BETA, men når jeg spiller med T-28-en, KV-en, Hellcat-en eller for den saks skyld, SU-26-en, så får jeg i 9/10 tilfeller normal matchmaking i nærheten av min tier (okay, ikke SU-26, den går opp til tier 7, men det er arty, så det er forståelig) med minst 10 tanks på hvert lag.


Jeg vet det kommer av at det er færre folk som spille de laveste tierene, det var kun 6k folk pålogget etc, men det er likevel frustrerende. Hadde vært enklere om jeg bare ble kastet ut av køen som jeg ble da jeg prøvde å spille med MS-1. :p

Endret av Datasmurf
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Her er en artikkel om en av de mest berømte kampene med KV fra 2.verdenskrig.

KVen tar ut 18 tyske T -III og T -IV.




The newspaper "Into the glory of the native land" from 09.09.06


Main battle of Senior Lieutenant Zinoviy Kolobanov.


"To stand to death!" - task I obtained personally from the division commander Baranov, told Kolobanov after war to Leningrad journalists. - he showed me on the map the fork of the roads, which go in the Luga and Kingisepp, and he ordered: "to overlap and to stand to death". Situation in the environs of Leningrad was such, that I perceived the order of division commander literally. Yes, to step back was already nowhere: behind was Leningrad...

Kolobanov told: "when I returned to the company, they soldiers already concluded loading rounds. Were taken mainly armor-piercing. Two fire units. There were three roads, which should be be overlapped, .

I gave orders to the crew, to defend roads on the flanks, and I decided to defend the road in the center. With the tank commanders we supported radio communication. Company sent two tanks - Lieutenant Sergeyev and Junior Lieutenants Yevdokimenko - to the Luga road (now - Kiev highway). Two additional KV under the command of Lieutenant Lastochkin and Junior Lieutenant Degtyar were directed to protect the road, which leads to Volosovo. Tank of company commander stood in ambush in the road, which connects Tallin highway with the road to Marienburg - in the North outskirts of Krasnogvardeysk.

Let us again give word to Zinof kolobanov: "road went past us at small angle, excellently examined. We began organization of the position for the ambush. But to dig out caponnier for KV - this, I will directly say, heavy labor. On top of that soil fell strong. But we equipped the primary position, and spare. Tank was placed, all they thoroughly disguised ".

For his tank Kolobanov determined position in such a way, that in the sector of fire was the longest, well opened section of road. Distance to it about 150 meter. Around in the field the untidy stacks was seen: the extensive swampy meadows were pulled along both sides of road in Marienburg. There was even small lake with the ducks carelessly floating on it.

Nearer to the night approached infantry cover. Very young Lieutenant reported Kolobanovu, that he arrived at his disposal. Experienced tanker understood: from the infantry in this battle it will be little to sense. But fearing, that the Germans will visit KV into the rear and will blind crew by the smoke pots, he ordered to place infantrymen behind the tank, in the side so that they would look after the flanks.

"To the battle!"

19 August 1941. Morning. The sun rose. About ten o`clock they heard shots to the left - on the road, where held defense the armored machines of Lieutenant Lastochkin and Junior Lieutenant Degtyar. They reported on the radio that one of the crews engaged the battle with the German tanks. Kolobanov called for the commander of the infantry unit and ordered: to him to open fire only after KV`s gun will fire. About two o`clock appeared enemy vihicles. After slamming the hulls, crew stood still at their places. Gunner Senior Sergeant Andrey Usov reported, that he sees three motorcycles with the carriages. The order of the commander followed: - don`t open fire! German motorcyclists rushed forward to the side of Marienburg, without noticing disguised in the ambush KV. Carrying out the order Of Kolobanov, reconnaissance and the infantrymen did not begin to open fire also. Dust yet did not calm down , when column appearad . In front - staff vihicles, after them - tanks. To Leningrad moved units of the 10th tank regiment of the eighth tank division of Wehrmacht.

T -.III and T -.IV moved on the reduced distance, substituting their left boards almost on strict angle to KV`s gun: ideal targets! Their hulls were opened, part of the Germans sat on the armor. Crew even distinguished their faces - it was only 150 meter to the road!

Column pulled out along the highway. It seemed it will be no end. "eighteen... Twenty... Twenty two!", - counted the tanks Kolobanov. At this time with the company commander along the radio connected battalion commander Shpiller. He sternly asked: - "Kolobanov, why you let Germans to pass?!" To answer battalion commander there was no time: leading tank slowly left to the cross-road and close approached two birches - orientator №1.

Leading tank they blowed with the first round. By the second shot, directly on the cross-road, was stopped the second tank. The plug arose on the road. Column was pressed as spring, and tanks merged into one gray wall. Kolobanov ordered to transfer fire to the tail of column in order to finally lock it on the road. So enemy was in the trap: neither forward nor back tanks could move, and they did not dare to roll up to the swampy field. First time germans could not even determine from where shooting is conducted, and they opened fire from their guns on the shocks of hays, which immidiatelly caught fire. But soon ambush was discovered, and tank duel of one KV against eighteen German tanks began. To the Kolobanov`s tank was brought down entire deg of armor-piercing shells. About what thaught enemy tankers, turning towers and loking to the target sights? Probably, lonely Soviet tank seemed them a suicider. They yet did not know that they deal with KV.

From the masking soon did`t remain anything. Tankers suffocate from gunpowder gases, became deaf from the frequent impacts of German rounds about the armor. Loader, Red Army private Nikolai Rodenkov worked in the rabid rate, forcing into the breech of gun round after round. Usov didn`t abandon the target sight, and continued to conduct fire...

Kolobanov recalled after the war: "I`m frequently asked: did I feel fear at that moment? It is uncomfortable to answer, you can think that I`m boasting. But I felt no fear. I will explain, why. I`m soldier. After retirement for twenty three years worked in the national economy. But nevertheless entire life it felt myself soldier. At that time division commander gave me order "to stand to death". These words are not some emotional formulation, but precise order. I accepted it to the performance. It was finished, if it is necessary, to die. And no fear I had and couldn`t have ".

... the commanders of the tanks, which held defense on other roads, reported on the radio about the situation in their sections. Kolobanov understood from their reports that there also occur fierce fightings and reinforcment will not come...

Understanding, that burn into the trap, Germans attempted somehow to maneuver. But they got stuck in the swamp. KV`s rounds struck their tanks one after another. But numerous direct hits of enemy rounds did not cause special harm to Soviet tank. Infantry unit came to help German tankers. Germans rolled for the road anti-tank guns. Kolobanovnoted these preparations of the enemy. - orientator is two! - he yelled. - straight line, under the front panel, fragmentation - fire! Usov

struck by HE fragmentation round the antitank guns. When German infantry joined the battle the infantry unit located behind KV began fire. Usov managed to destroy one of the guns immediately. But the second gun had time to produce several shots. One of them broke the scanning periscope, from which conducted the battlefield surveillance Kolobanov, and another, after striking under the tower, wedged it. Usov soon was possible to break that gun, but KV lost the possibility to turn its seven-ton tower. Now the corrective turns of the gun to the right and to the left could be made, only turning entire tank.

And again word to Kolobanov: "What does remember tanker about the battle? Crossing of sight. Here stress is such, that the time is compressed, to the outside thoughts there is not second. I remember, as my fellows shouted: "hurray!", "it burns!.." But to restore some details of this battle - I can`t". ... Nikolai Kisel'kov came out to the armor and established spare periscope instead of the damaged. Kolobanovt ordered driver Nikolai Nikiforov to derive tank from the caponnier and to engage alternate firing position. On the eyes in Germans huge tank moved backward from its shelter, drived in the bushes and again opened fire on the column. Now it was necessary for the driver to show his skills. Carrying out Usov's orders, he once after at once turned KV in the necessary direction. The fire of enemy gradually weakened. Finally last tank was destroyed, battle ceased. They burnt all of 22 German tanks. In their armored wombs the ammunition continued to vomit, heavy dark-blue smoke was pulled above the swampy plain...

During the slaughter that lasted more than hour, Kolobanov`s crew

fired on the tanks and the anti-tank guns of the enemy 98 rounds, including all armor-piercing. In that battle KV obtained 156 hits from the armor-piercing shells. The battalion commander established connection.

By the loud voice Shpiller asked:

- Kolobanov how it goes? Do they burn?

- They burn well, comrade battalion commander!

Senior Lieutenant reported: crew destroyed the enemy tank column with number into 22 combat vehicles, crew cannot further hold position, cause ammunition end, there are no armor-piercing shells, and tank itself obtained serious damages.

Soon on the armored car drove up Shpiller. Together with him there was civil person with the film camera in the hands. After clinging to the viewfinder, he shot a long panorama of the burning column of Germans. Shpiller thanked crew for the successful fulfillment of combat mission and reported that soon the place of battle will approach the tanks of Lieutenant Lastochkin and Junior Lieutenant Degtyar.

For that battle Senior Lieutenant Kolobanov was rewarded with the Order of the Red Banner, and the gunner of tank Senior Sergeant Usov - by Order of Lenin.




Kolobanov is in the center of the foto!



Soldier Fates


After the battle the Kolobanov`s company was brought out into the neighbor rears to the completion of ammunition and for the repair. But the repairing of tank tightened itself almost for the month: in the city, from the last forces resisting Hitler assault, there were no spare parts, no workers... At night on 21 September in the South outskirts of Pushkin near to Kolobanov's tank German round exploded. Hero obtained heavy injury into the spine. At the end of February 1942 injured Kolobanov was transferred from blockade Leningrad to the large earth. Both 43 and 44 he stayed in the hospitals, anew he learned to walk with difficulty. Kolobanov recalled: "for some reason I was convinced that I will not die. But he proved to be by cripple. Entire body by piston walked, head shook. In the hospital, by the way, with me it was brought to anew see battle under Voyskovitsami: the personnel, taken there, entered into one of the releases of military newsreel. After being collected forces and courage, it asked again into the native army. It was necessary, of course, to reject stick, to be held. Great happiness: they took. He served. "Comrades understood me, they helped. Thanks to them ". At the end of 1944 it returned into the acting army. The miracle happened: He survived in heaviest combat. And what is more - for combat on The Magnushevskom bridgehead he was rewarded with the Order of the Red Star, for the Berlin operation - by second Order of the Red Banner. War Zinoviy Grigor'evich finished in Berlin. The hero-tanker died 12 years ago...

The fate of gunner Andrey Mikhaylovich Usov proved to be happier. He passed with combat war to the end. He returned to Vitebshchinu, he was the secretary of the district committee of party. But, probably and in its native Tolochine there is no Usov's street...

Brave radio operator Pavel Kisel'kov perished soon after Kolobanov was injured in combat on the Neva "pyatachok". The relatives of courageous front line soldier now live in Saint Petersburg . Perished and loader, a "good person" Red Army private Nikolai Rodenkov. All that is known about the fatee of the former KV driver Nikolai Ivanovich Nikiforov is that he passed entire war to the end, and then he remained to serve in the army, trained young tankers. In 1974 died from the severe illness of lungs. He is buried in the environs of Leningrad, in his native village Of Borki * * *





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Gjest Slettet+127836

Hadde foretrukket wikipedia infoen. Det var visst panzer II(20mm autokanon) og panzer III de møtte.


ikke vet jeg hva T. III og T. IV er, men det er ihvertfall en oppjustering av tallene :)

Endret av Slettet+127836
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Fra dagbøker:


6. Panzer-Division war diary, 25 June 41


"Unfortunately, the Russian 52 ton heavy tanks showed that it was almost insensitive to hits from the 10.5cm [field howitzer]. Several hits from a 15cm [field howitzer] were ineffective and bounced off. "

"... a Russian heavy tank had blocked the communications route ... An 8.8cm Flak battery was sent up by the commander to fight this tank. It was just as unseccessful as the 10.5cm battery whose fire was directed by a forward observer. In addition, an attempt by a Pionier assault troop using balled explosives failed. It was impossible to get close to the tank because of heavy machine gun fire."


3. Panzer-Division war diary, 10 Jan 42


"It is noteworthy that the Pz-III ... hit a KV tank driving along the village street at a range of about 20 meters and four times at a range of 50 meters with 5cm Pzgr 40 without observing any effect."


12. Panzer-Division war diary, 30 March 42


"... encountered a 52 ton tank and a T34. Under the covering fire from one Panzer, the other pair circled to the left and from a range of 50 to 80 meters opened fire on the enemy tanks. All three Pz-IV scored hits that showed no effect other than on the enemy morale.... the 53 ton ton tank drove off at high speed ... the T34 followed him."

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Gjest Slettet+127836

Ja blir jo ikke no mindre suspekt uten kilder dette her da. Det jeg mener er at de har gjort pz II om til Pz III og pz III om til pz IV i din første "fortelling".

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Jada....forsatt interessert i innspill rundt heavies US i 7.2. (føler inlegget druknet i "history channel" ovenfor)


Videre; noen som har tanker rundt skills og perks i neste patch. Vet nesten ikke hvor jeg skal begynne dette begynner å bli vel komplisert...

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At KV var en temmelig formidabel motstander er det vel liten tvil om. Fra Wikipedia-artikkelen om KV-1: "Almost completely immune to the 3.7 cm KwK 36 and howitzer-like, short barreled 7.5 cm KwK 37 guns mounted respectively on the early Panzer III and Panzer IV tanks, until better guns were developed often the only way to defeat a KV was a point-blank shot to the rear."

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Gjest Slettet+127836

Det sier jeg da heller ingenting på. men at det er fantastisk at den slo ut 22 pz II/pzIII i 1941 er jeg ikke enig i. :)

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Videre; noen som har tanker rundt skills og perks i neste patch. Vet nesten ikke hvor jeg skal begynne dette begynner å bli vel komplisert...


Hadde tenkt jeg ihvertfall skulle ha Tutor på alle tanksene mine og Premonition på light og TD.


Ace er vel et must for TD, Cruise Master & Steady Hands for medium/light. Do or Die virker jo flott å ha på alle, Non Impact ammo rack for Tigeren min =) (jeg tror rack-et ryker hver andre match jeg spiller >_>)


Radio skill-ene virker litt meh, men det blir vel Sonar.

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Håhå.. IS er godmat for min skjønne T29. :love:


Men hva du skal velge etter KV3 eller KV1S? Da er det nå bare IS du kan velge.


Edit: Du var kjapp med å rette den ja ;) KV-3 gir deg kjappeste vei til IS dog, bare forske motor før du kan åpne IS.

Endret av Whitefall
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Hva skal jeg velge etter KV. KV-3 eller KV1S? Ønsker en rask grind til IS :)

KV-3. Når 7.3 kommer blir KV-3 til en tier 7, og om du har den i garasjen får du den i den nye versjonen, samtidig som du får den nye tier 6 tanksen, T-150. KV-1S gir deg ingenting :p KV-1S er mer som en IS i spillestil, mens KV-3 er mer av KV. Treg jævel med bra armor.

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Jada....forsatt interessert i innspill rundt heavies US i 7.2. (føler inlegget druknet i "history channel" ovenfor)


Sitter med samme dilemmaet, skal jeg gidde å prøve å skaffe meg den amerikanske T34. Jeg mangler masse cash (2,5M), og forsåvidt en god del xp. Noen sjanse for at det blir halv pris på tier 8 og oppover? Har det vært det noen gang?


Er veldig lenge siden det var dobbel inntjening på noen tanks. Noe håp om at det blir det igjen?


Når tror folk 7.2 egentlig kommer?

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