Gunn@r Skrevet 29. mars 2011 Del Skrevet 29. mars 2011 Når jeg starter maskinen får jeg følgende feilmelding: can't load c:\windows\system32\winload.exe 0xc000007b Så jeg tenkte at kanskje en reinstallasjon av operativsystemet ville gjøre susen (Windows Vista SP2). Men neida, jeg får samme feilmelding. Hva kan være galt? Lenke til kommentar
fiberkanin Skrevet 29. mars 2011 Del Skrevet 29. mars 2011 Var dette er "clean" install eller bare en repair install? denne feilmeldingen kommer opp i google i forbindelse med fail plassering av winload.exe programmet i vista. 1) Boot into XP...(can also be done w/ Vista DVD. Just press Shift+F10 when it asks for language/keyboard map.) 2) In command prompt go to the drive containing Vista installation and point to the \Windows\System32 folder. 3) Run 'bcdedit.exe /enum' and see your boot configuration. Try to find 'device' and 'osdevice' settings under 'Windows Boot Loader' part. For me device was 'partition=C:' which was wrong, and osdevice was 'unknown'. I solved the problem by setting both device and osdevice to the drive letter(E containing 'Vista' drive in 'Xp' installation; bcdedit.exe /set {default} device partition=E: bcdedit.exe /set {default} osdevice partition=E: If the Vista is not default on your boot list,your exact command will be different than mine. You should see an 'identifier' for each entry in the list when you run 'bcdedit.exe /enum'. Vista was default for me so you should change the '{default}' part in the commands for your needs. Also the drive letter containing Vista can be different on your machine. When I boot into Xp, Vista files are sitting in the E: drive. So you should change it in your command also. If setting both to the same partition does not work, I would try pointing them to the other partitions. Good luck! Kilde: File : \windows\system32\winload Status: 0xC0000001 Du kan også forsøke å starte opp med en ubuntu live cd/usb for å eliminere hardware fuckups fra beregningen. =P Lenke til kommentar
Gunn@r Skrevet 29. mars 2011 Forfatter Del Skrevet 29. mars 2011 Fant ut at harddisken hadde føkka seg... Lenke til kommentar
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