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Libyakrigen-kampen mot Gaddafi's regime

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Dette tegner ikke bra i det hele tatt... Alle vi som har bistått i å fjerne Gaddafi og terror-regimet hans og som den nye ledelsen i Libya nå ønsker kontakt med burde presse dem til å gå med på dette uten betingelser! Håper denne avvisningen får sterke reaksjoner.


Kanskje han lederen for overgangsrådet hadde en finger med i spillet der? ;-) Tror det blir mindre vestlige verdier med det nye lederskapet - Tripoli kommer ikke til å passere Tel Aviv på listen over homovennlige byer i løpet av det nye regimets regjeringstid:


"Den nye lederen for Libyas overgangsråd, Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, har sagt at sharia - den strenge muslimske loven - skal være en rettesnor for det nye Libya."


Kommer an på hvordan de implementerer den, finnes mange land med Sharia vi liker.


Yet, all of this begs two questions: why do Muslims wantShari’ah? And why do western governments oppose it so much? Especially when they are happy to support repression, authoritarian rule and undemocratic regimes .


The answer lies in an accurate understanding of Shari’ah - not the caricatures and misrepresentations peddled as part of ‘war on terror’ propaganda.




It means guaranteeing food, shelter and clothing for all citizens. It means public utilities – energy sources, water etc – are public property. It means people can own private property and trade for profits – provided they pay their zakat. It means land laws such that unused land is confiscated and reallocated to someone that will make that land productive. It means a ban on interest, so ending the debt that cripples the poor of the world.




Når det gjelder tel-aviv, det nylig skapte demokratiske partiet er i det minste ok med de:

Democratic Party of Libya figure Ahmad Shabani said on 23 August that the Libyan opposition wanted the support of the international community, including Israel, despite the state's current lack of diplomatic relations with Libya. When asked if a democratically elected Libyan government would recognise Israel, Shabani responded, "The question is whether Israel will recognize us." He said his party supports a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine.[60] The DPL is not an official organ of the NTC, but it supports the council's transitional role.



Og NTC ser ikke ut til og ha store problemer med jøder:

World Organization of Libyan Jews: On 17 July 2011, the group of 200,000 Jewish refugees and ex-refugees from Libya, most of whom now reside in Israel, sent a letter to National Transitional Council Chairman Mustafa Abdul Jalil recognising the council as the legitimate government of Libya. The group appointed established NTC proponent David Gerbi, an Italian Libyan, as its permanent representative in Benghazi, though Abdul Jalil asked that Gerbi postpone his arrival in Benghazi "until the end of the revolution". The Italian foreign ministry reported that the letter was "well received" by the NTC.[402] Gerbi visited the Nafusa Mountains in August and September, where he was received by Amazigh representatives, and is reportedly planning to meet with Abdul Jalil in Tripoli later in the month.[403]




On 16 September 2011, Israel voted in the United Nations General Assembly to accredit the NTC as Libya's legal representative.[61]


Jeg stusset også over en formulering på aftenposten.no for litt siden: "Det libyske overgangsrådet (NTC) sliter med å ta knekken på de siste restene av Muammar al-Gadafis hær".


Begrepet "ta knekken på" føler jeg beskriver omtrent det Anders Breivik prøvde å gjøre på Utøya - som en slags bra ting.


Er vel mer som "Nå skal vi ta knekken på siste rest av et tyrannisk regime som har undertrykket en hel befolkning i en årrekke" altså en bra ting.

Endret av Kirikovski
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Det var nettopp derfor USA og NATO started krigen. Det handlet aldri om å "beskytte sivile"

De hadde flere hensikter med å starte denne krigen, og en av dem var å innsette en ekstrem muslimsk regjering.

Det var aldri meningen å "beskytte sivile" eller å innføre demokrati i Libya.

Dette ble bare brukt som unnskyldning for krigen, og for å lure folk til å støtte den.


Å fjerne Gaddafi og regimet hans gikk nettopp under å beskytte sivile!

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Opprørerne selv har visst ingen illusjoner om hvorfor NATO bomber :




Utdrag :


"But the rebels have no illusions about the economic interests behind the NATO bombing."


Opprører :


"There is oil, there are companies, NATO will help you. There is no oil, there is no companies, NATO will not help you."


"This sentiment is nearly universal in eastern Libya, from the battlefields to the offices of the largest libyan state owned oil company."


Talsperson :


"In politics there is no ethics. There is much talk about human rights and these things, but in reality the economic interest has priority. Why is this not happening in Somalia or Syria? Because there is nothing there. Here there is the oil, and they have interests."

Endret av Kubin
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Libya nekter Lockerbie-hjelp

Selv etter Gaddafis fall, får skotske myndigheter ingen hjelp til i jakten på terroristene bak Lockerbie-bomben.


Libya's National Transitional Council will aid Lockerbie inquiry

Libyan authorities have said they will co-operate with Scottish prosecutors and police investigating the Lockerbie bombing, the Foreign Office has said.


The National Transitional Council (NTC) has reassured the UK government after reports suggested Libya's interim justice minister had said the Lockerbie bombing case was "closed".




http://www.laobserved.com/archive/2011/09/ucla_kid_back_from_libya.php <-- Video i link.


Chris Jeon, the UCLA student who turned up with Libyan rebel fighters last month, is back on campus. He sat for an interview on today's CBS Early Show and shared his personal video footage from his month with the rebels — and reveals them to be fans of Justin Bieber.

Endret av Kirikovski
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"How Britain courted, armed and trained a Libyan monster.


From lavish parties to SAS help, UK plc pulled out all the stops to please Khamis Gaddafi.




In 2007, on the sidelines of the infamous “tent deal” between Tony Blair and Col Gaddafi in the Libyan desert (...) the Khamis Brigade signed an £85 million contract for a state-of-the-art command and control system from General Dynamics UK."



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"How Britain courted, armed and trained a Libyan monster.


For at ikke England skal føle uthengt, her er de andre EU landene som solgte våpen til Ghaddafi:



Kan vel ta med at Khamis brigaden ble også trent av en tysk spesialsoldat(dog på "feire" i landet) og Norge solgte ikke-dødelige våpensystemer til Libya (Lysforsterkere og dataprogrammer til 1 million).


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En blog og GlobalResearch?


Det vil vel vise seg i fortsettelsen, hvor mye det er i disse meldingene om at flere tusen tuareger vil sloss med Gadaffi styrkene.


"Muammar Gaddafi is believed to be hiding near the western town of Ghadamis near the Algerian border under the protection of Touareg tribesmen, a senior Libyan military official said.


"One tribe, the Touareg, is still supporting him and he is believed to be in the Ghadamis area in the south," Hisham Buhagiar, a senior military official of the Libya's new leadership, told Reuters by telephone late on Tuesday."



Endret av Kubin
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Krigen i Libya handler som sagt ikke om å "beskytte sivile" Gaddaffis ugjerninger er for det meste blank løgn og propaganda fra NATO for å få støtte for krigen.

Det er heller ikke folket i Libyasom reiser seg og gjør opprør mot en brutal diktato, det er en planlagt krig for å skifte ut en tidligere nikkedukke som er blitt for egenrådig og faktisk bryr seg om sitt eget folk, med et regime som er mer "passende" for den gjeldende agenda som USA, NATO og ikke minst Israel jobber for.



US too broke for real war on Libya Solution= Use The Radical Muslims From Al Shabab Al Qeada



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Ghaddafi gikk i en "arrester så mange som mulig, de er alle forrædere!" modus de siste ukene før Tripoli falt, folk ble plukket opp på gaten tilsynelatende uten grunn og slengt i fengsel.


Many of those held in the facility were political prisoners, or had been caught up in crackdowns on rebel sympathizers or on the many battlefields edging closer to the capital.


Among the confirmed escapees was Baltimore, Maryland writer and journalist Matthew VanDyke, who had been captured in March in Brega by forces loyal to Gaddafi.



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Ahmed Bani, a spokesman for the NTC's defence ministry, says NTC fighters are in control of Sirte's port, airport and air base.


"We are also controlling north of the city now and our fighters advanced some kilometers from the east side of Sirte.




(vestlige frontlinjen til venstre, havna til høyre, flyplassen nederst)


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Omkring 5000 flyktninger fra Tawergha - byen som ble tømt - befinner seg i Sirte :


"It is estimated that as many as 5,000 refugees from Tawergha sought safety in Sirte and now fear that they will be slaughtered by the militia forces attacking the city from Misrata to the west."




"About 5,000 Tawergha natives were stuck in Sirte and thousands more were being held in the Jufra region south of the city, according to several displaced families."



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Gadaffis sønn, Saif al-Islam, blir intervjuet av en russisk TV-kanal.


Det er ganske interessant det han forteller om at det nå er mange ( på hans side ) som er rasende på ham, og retter pekefingeren mot ham, fordi han var den som førte ann i å liberalisere Libya, og knytte kontakter med Vestmaktene.


Spesielt er de sinte på ham fordi han var pådriver for at flere tusen islamister ble løslatt fra fengsel for ett par år siden. ( Disse spilte selvsagt en stor rolle i opprøret. )




Youtube-link til intervjuet. Gjordt 1. Juli :


Endret av Kubin
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NATO Mercenaries faced big trap in Eastern Sirte before retreat loosing 90




Due to the loss of NATO Mercenary commanders, NATO forces are confused in all fronts. In the Eastern front, the remaining NATO Mercenaries attempted an assault without higher up orders, the result was devastating. They captured a building and sheltered inside and held surrounding positions. They received no resistance at all mainly because it was a booby trapped building. Explosives were detonated while NATO Mercenaries were planning their next move, causing at least 90 casualties, the rest fled the scene leaving dead bodies and injured Mercenaries.


Libyan Defence Forces contacted NATO Mercenaries and asked them to come and retrieve the dead and the critically wounded because Hospitals in Sirte are overwhelmed due to NATO terror operations.


The devastating result has left many in the Eastern front demoralized, reports indicate that some fighters have laid down arms and have gone home to Misratah. When they entered Misratah they were harassed by hard core NATO loyalists, and some were refused entry. Reuters reported that many were not allowed to enter Misratah, some who do enter are called traitors and are abducted immediately, locked up for indefinite period of time in harsh and inhumane conditions.

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