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Libyakrigen-kampen mot Gaddafi's regime

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Confirmation comes regarding NATO Mercenaries who were trapped, gained heavy casualties in Sabha and fled. At least 45 killed and hundreds captured, the green flag still flying over Sabha according to new reports.


Noen som vet noe mer om dette?


Cnn sin journalist i Sabha er iallefall rimelig lei disse ryktene skal vi tro Twitter meldingene hans:




A tour of Qadhafi's digs in #Sabha. Shot in Sabha, #Libya, not Doha. http://t.co/LnpT3QHD


Photo: #Sabha citadel w/#Libya independence flag. NOT photoshopped. BBC, Jazira here. still think it's all faked? http://t.co/73Az7Nnp


Photo taken moments ago 4 all the doubters out there. Al-'Atiq mosque, Sabha's Manshiya district this morning. #Libya http://t.co/eVHSwz1G


Hvordan NATO beskytter sivile.



La nettopp merke til at bildet til venstre/toppen i youtubestillbildet er fra Misrata, og som vi alle vet så var det Ghaddafi som forårsaket ødeleggelsene der. LAtimes har publisert en artikkel i dag:



Libyan fighters drive past buildings in Misurata damaged during battles this year between Libyan rebels and troops loyal to Moammar Kadafi. The western city is known as "Libya's Stalingrad" because of the extended siege it endured. (Darren Whiteside, Reuters / September 24, 2011)


Reporting from Misurata, Libya—

Its principal commercial drag, Tripoli Street, could be the Hollywood set for an urban warfare action thriller: Charred tanks and pulverized shipping containers sit in front of blackened buildings pockmarked with rounds from bullets, rockets and sundry other lethal ordnance.


But the hellish scene in the western port city of Misurata has nothing to do with fiction. More than a thousand people were killed here and many more injured in a months-long series of street battles that ousted the forces of Moammar Kadafi from the city and eventually, its environs. No one has cataloged the vast scope of damage to homes and factories, businesses and infrastructure.


Yet, despite the devastating tableau, Misurata — which became an international emblem of the uprising against Libya's longtime autocratic leader — has already made strides in reclaiming a sense of normality amid the disarray. Even as Kadafi remains on the lam and his loyalists continue to hold out, or wreak havoc, in several towns, a certain commercial bustle is now evident amid the ruins of Misurata, dubbed "Libya's Stalingrad" during the protracted siege.


There is, of course, a profound sense of mourning for the dead, and deep concern for the fate of thousands of others injured or still unaccounted for. More than 200 residents lost limbs. No Libyan city has suffered more than Misurata during the more than six months of fighting that has roiled this North African nation.


The rebellion here began, as it did elsewhere in Libya, with street protests in February that quickly evolved into armed clashes between government forces and residents. Kadafi's troops were driven from Misurata but mounted a new assault in March, shelling the city and also attacking with tanks and snipers positioned in buildings along Tripoli Street.


By May, rebel fighters, aided by North Atlantic Treaty Organization airstrikes, had ejected Kadafi's forces, leaving Misurata as the sole insurgent beachhead along Libya's western Mediterranean coast.


The improbable accomplishment of ousting Kadafi's forces with an all-volunteer army of individuals who had mostly never fired a weapon before seems to have unleashed a sense that anything is possible.



Endret av Kirikovski
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Gadafis datter sier faren er i Libya og slåss


Muammar Gaddafis datter Aisha sier at faren har det bra og står på barrikadene inne i Libya. Hun kaller landets nye lederskap forrædere.




Forrædere... :!: :roll: Når ble man liksom forræder av å styrte en brutal despot for å frigjøre et land? Hun burde tenke på at Gaddafi selv kom til makten gjennom et kupp...

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En bransje der man bruker de mulighetene som finnes


Overgangsrådet i Libya har sagt at land som bidro i krigen mot Muammar Gaddafi skal få fordeler når nye oljekontrakter skal inngås. Norske eksperter tror Statoil på sikt vil prøve å sikre seg mer av Libyas sorte gull.




Interessang artikel. Det ser ut til at Norge vil få et godt forhold til "Det nye Libya". :thumbup:

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At least 70 people sheltering in a school massacred by NATO


On the 22nd of September at least 70 innocent women and children killed inside a school in Sirte according to new reports. The families were using the school as a shelter, thinking North Atlantic Terror Organization wouldn't target it.


Let's take a moment of silence, and pray for these innocent souls who were killed, these crimes against humanity will never be forgotten. People say forgiveness is possible, no matter how heinous the crime, but it will never be forgotten, no matter how many corrupt mass media riles up to deny the terrorism committed by NATO.

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Norske eksperter tror Statoil på sikt vil prøve å sikre seg mer av Libyas sorte gull.





Fra din NRK artikkel :


"Det har tidligere blitt meldt at Frankrike har sikret seg en tredjedel av Libyas olje, men det har i ettertid oppstått usikkerhet om hvorvidt dette faktisk stemmer."


Ifølge Kirikovski betyr dette at NRK er totalt useriøst. Siden de viderebringer dette med den angivelige kontrakten.

Endret av Kubin
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Ja, vet at det med Frankrike var fram og tilbake. Men hva er det egentlig du vil ha fram?


Bare at Kirikovski har latt meg tro at det er en avgjordt sak at det ikke var noe i dette, og at de som nå fortsatt snakker om det er bare de totalt useriøse.


Men her er det altså NRK som snakker om det. Og som ikke utelukker noenting.

Endret av Kubin
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Nei dette var useriøst av NRK, siste gangen jeg betaler NRK-lisensen!


Men på den annen side, selv de beste gjør feil, jeg kan vel egentlig tilgi de denne ene gangen..


NTC krigere har avansert flere kilometere i dag mot Sirte fra øst:



"They are 2km ahead of the gate and holding positions there. Technically we can say that we entered Sirte from the east," Zlitni said. He said the fighters "did not face any resistance" when they crossed.


The campaign, however, has been delayed until fighters could evacuate residents.


"We're trying to get the families out," commander Osama Muttawa Swehly told the AFP news agency. "We are averaging between 400 to 500 cars a day."


Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr, reporting from the front lines west of Sirte, further explained: "The real test today is...not about pushing into Sirte, it's about holding that territory."

Endret av Kirikovski
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CNN melder fra Niger, om hvordan krigen mot Gadaffi har åpnet en "Pandoras Box" for Al Qaida. Al Qaida vokser i Niger, men også i Mauritania, Mali, deler av Algerie, "even as far south as Nigeria".



Som det ble sagt i diskusjonen om droner : Det er ikke akkurat mangel på mål. Nei, og de har ikke tenkt å la det bli mangel på mål heller.

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Jeg ser det ikke som noe underlig at Libya vil prioritere de landene som hjalp dem med å bli kvitt Gaddafi og regimet hans fremfor andre land.


Det gjør ikke brevet mindre falskt.


"Det har tidligere blitt meldt at Frankrike har sikret seg en tredjedel av Libyas olje, men det har i ettertid oppstått usikkerhet om hvorvidt dette faktisk stemmer."


Lurer på hvor denne usikkerheten stammer fra? kan det være at:


Sarkozy har gått ut og sagt at brevet er falsk og at Frankrike ikke forventer noen prioritering/spesialbehandling i fremtidige kontrakter?

At NTC har gått ut og sagt at brevet bare er tull/forfalskning?

At ingen oljeselskap i Frankrike har hørt noe om en slik avtale?


At i brevet så står det at Shammam har erstattet Jabril som offisiell representant etter at Jabril bedro opprørerne og hoppet tilbake til Ghaddafi (Jabril er den nåværende statsministeren..)?

At det i brevet står at Frankrike anerkjente NTC i slutten av Mars selv om de gjorde det tre uker tidligere?

At det ikke står NTC i brevet men "Popular Front for the Liberation of Libya" selv om de allerede het NTC på tidspunkt brevet ble skrevet?





Endret av Kirikovski
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Serie oppdateringer som spenner over de siste timene:




De samme opprørerne som kom 2km inn fra østporten i videoen over:

NTC fighters are inside Sirte, 4 km from city's center; heavy fighting reported

Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr gave a live report describing heavy fighting as NTC forces attempt to reach and evacuate remaining civilians. NATO hit some targets overnight, and at one point about two hours ago NTC fighters had to pull back several hundred meters while NATO warplanes attacked several targets.


Samtidig entrer opprørerne Sirte fra vest:

Reuters now reports NTC forces massing in Zafran Square, about 1 km from city's center

Black smoke billowed over the town as National Transitional Council (NTC) forces massed in Zafran Square about 1 km (half a mile) from its centre. Gunfire could be heard from the town centre as NTC fighters moved tanks and mortars into the square.


Pick-up trucks mounted with machineguns and loaded with NTC fighters raced into the town. NTC forces also advanced from the south of Sirte, the deposed leader's hometown.


"They have snipers above the mosques, above the buildings. They're using the houses and public buildings," NTC fighter El-Tohamy Abuzein told Reuters from his position on a roundabout in Zafran Square.



Libyan forces push into Gadhafi's hometown Sirte

A commander of one of the brigades fighting for Sirte, Mohammed al-Sugatri, said foot soldiers had gone past the roundabout and were heading toward the downtown area. He said Gadhafi's forces and snipers also were attacking from buildings on the outskirts of the city.


The former rebels had said they would wait until civilians could escape, but al-Sugatri said commanders decided to advance because several families from the rebel-held city of Misrata were in danger.


"There are lots of people from Misrata who are stuck in the city living in basements. They have no food or water and many of their children are sick so we had no choice but to attack," he said.



NTC fighters advance to broadcasting station in Sirte

In Sirte, revolutionary fighters occupied a key roundabout called Zafaran west of the downtown area in the Mediterranean coastal city, 250 miles (400 kilometers) southeast of Tripoli. They then advanced to a broadcasting station on a major boulevard. Many were wounded by hand grenades and snipers firing from tall buildings, according to witnesses returning from the front lines.



NTC forces have reached the centre of Sirte.

Fighters aligned with Libya's National Transitional Council have launched a fierce two-pronged assault on Sirte with the support of heavy artillery, tanks and NATO warplanes.


Al Jazeera correspondents said NTC fighters on Saturday had pushed into the center of the city, overrunning positions that forces loyal to deposed dictator Muammar Gaddafi had held for months.


Gaddafi's forces battled the attackers with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades and snipers as explosions rocked Sirte and its outlying areas and plumes of smoke rose into the sky


Ambulances have been carrying casualties from the fighting, with one medic estimating that one NTC fighter had been killed and 25 wounded.


Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr, reporting from the battle in Sirte, said the momentum in the fighting has so far been behind the onrushing NTC troops.


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Libyan forces push into Gadhafi's hometown Sirte

A commander of one of the brigades fighting for Sirte, Mohammed al-Sugatri, said foot soldiers had gone past the roundabout and were heading toward the downtown area. He said Gadhafi's forces and snipers also were attacking from buildings on the outskirts of the city.


The former rebels had said they would wait until civilians could escape, but al-Sugatri said commanders decided to advance because several families from the rebel-held city of Misrata were in danger.





On the 22nd of September at least 70 innocent women and children killed inside a school in Sirte according to new reports. The families were using the school as a shelter, thinking North Atlantic Terror Organization wouldn't target it.


Akseptable tap eller?

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Enda mer blod på deres hender...


TUNIS (Reuters) - Ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's spokesman told Reuters on Thursday that NATO air strikes and shelling of Sirte by interim government forces on Wednesday and Thursday killed 151 people.


He also said the city's main hospital had run out of medical supplies and power.


His claims could not immediately be verified as Sirte, Gaddafi's hometown, is largely cut off from communication and is besieged on three fronts by ruling National Transitional Council (NTC) forces.


NATO comment was not immediately available.


"Between yesterday and this morning, 151 civilians were killed inside their homes as the Grad rockets and other explosives fell upon their heads," Moussa Ibrahim said in a satellite phone call to Reuters in Tunis.


"The city hospital stopped functioning altogether last night. Patients died simply because nothing can be done to help them."

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Overgangsrådet: Ny regjering i Libya neste uke


En ny regjering i Libya vil bli presentert i neste uke, ifølge Mustafa Abdel Jalil, lederen for overgangsrådet i landet.


Jalil innrømmer at uenighet om sammensetningen av regjeringen har gjort at det har tatt tid å få den på plass. Men han mener ministerpostene vil være fordelt i neste uke.




Dette lover bra. Får bare håpe de klarer å løse uenighetene og gjennomføre det.

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Bloggen til en kvinne som bor i Tripoli, hun hadde ikke internett mesteparten av tiden men skrev en type dagbok som hun lastet opp når hun fikk nett igjen.


19 march:

That evening, on the Libyan channel they were showing people; mostly women, children and youths celebrating and demonstrating in Kadafy's compound in Bab El-Azizia. Many of them had Down's Syndrome or looked retarded - obviously they had brought them from the orphanage and home for the mentally challenged. Leading the fray was Aisha Kadafy. Maybe the people were from one of her 'charity organizations'. Surely the mentally retarded and those with Downs Syndrome are unaware of the risks to their own personal safety. How sick to turn these people into a human shield. Who would do such a thing?


22 march:

The Libyan television channels are ridiculous. Last night after I'd gone to bed Nora came in and said 'Mom! Mom! Remember that girl that was in the elementary English class a few summers ago? The one with the drawn on eyebrows? Come see... she's on TV.' Sure enough, there she was; same over made-up face with the eye brows drawn on. She was moderating a call-in show. ... sigh.. poor thing. They have people 'calling in' to the studio... but there is no phone number listed to call in. Probably the 'callers' are sitting in the next room.


We flip over to the Libyan channels to have a look from time to time. This morning they had 'Bab El-Aziziyah - Now' on. The film showed people waving their green scarves and pictures of Kadafy... the sky was dark and was filmed at night, but it was noon - so it couldn't have been 'Now'.


24 march:

The news services are showing a mass funeral of civilians said to have died during the bombings. In all my years in Libya, I have never seen fresh flowers on newly made caskets at a funeral. Muslims in Libya are removed from the casket before burial, wrapped only in a shroud, they are lowered to their simple graves. The caskets are usually very basic and are taken back to the mortuary to be reused, over and over again. The funeral shown on the news seemed so staged and unreal. Not surprisingly the news reporters could not find anyone at the funeral who was related to, or even acquainted with the people being buried, and BBC reported that some of the caskets were opened only to find they were empty (and then hastily taken away). Who were they burying? Where were their families and friends?


April 14th, 2011

An afternoon bombing raid disturbed our afternoon of watching the news about the meeting in Doha. Later we heard lots of gunfire coming from the main road. Other than that it was a normal day, well, as normal as life gets these days.


Jenna had her last exam. She said that during the art exam the students were asked to draw a picture. Most of the kids in the class made good use of the colours red, black and green, although no one drew the flag.



Endret av Kirikovski
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Det gjør ikke brevet mindre falskt.


Akkurat den saken der har jeg ikke fulgt noe særlig med på. Jeg har konsentrert meg om selve kampen mot Muammar al-Gaddafi og terroristregimet hans samt om Libyas framtid etter at denne gale og grusomme despoten er borte!


Dessuten henger jeg her mindre nå som det skjer så mye i FN ang. Palestina. Blir mer i tråden om Midtøsten nå samt at diskusjonen om dødsstraff har flammet opp igjen.

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