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Holocaust - fakta eller fiksjon? (Les reglene i førstepost)

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Betyr "Det jeg er skeptisk til er påstanden om at Nazi-regimet stod bak systematisk utryddelse av jøder." at du mener folk som Eichmann, Himmler og Höss ikke visste om og/eller var involverte i henrettelser av jøder (ikke arbeidsuhell, ikke dødsfall i strid, ikke tyfus)?

Det betyr at jeg ikke tror de var involverte i systematisk utryddelse av jøder.



Flott, da har vi avklart det.



March 27, 1942: The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be described here more definitely. Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated whereas only 40 per cent can be used for forced labor.

Dette er tatt ut av kontekst: "Beginning with Lublin, the Jews in the General Government are now being evacuated eastward. The procedure is a pretty barbaric one..." Så dette er heller ikke en beskrivelse av noen "holocaust".


"Liquidated" betyr hva?

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Det er velkjent at mange ble drept drept på østfronten. Spørsmålet er om Hitlers intensjon var å utrydde eller deportere jødene.

Så, når Goebbles skriver at 60 % må bli "liquidated", mens 40 % skal bli brukt til tvangsarbeid, så betyr det hva?

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Det er velkjent at mange ble drept drept på østfronten. Spørsmålet er om Hitlers intensjon var å utrydde eller deportere jødene.

Så, når Goebbles skriver at 60 % må bli "liquidated", mens 40 % skal bli brukt til tvangsarbeid, så betyr det hva?


At mange ble drept på østfronten. Det var krig.


Contrary to the view of Holocaust historians such as Raul Hilberg and others, I said that when these reports are considered as a whole and taken in the context of other evidence, it becomes clear that these units were not established to exterminate the Jews of the Soviet Union. It is quite true that these Security Police units shot considerable numbers of Jews, I said, but that if the original reports are read objectively and in context, it is clear that Jews were shot for specific security reasons, including reprisal killings, and not simply because they were Jews. I pointed out that even Raul Hilberg, probably the most prominent Jewish Holocaust historian, acknowledges that the Einsatzgruppen did not kill Jews without a security reason. (Destruction of the European Jew, 1985 ed., p. 331.)


I stressed that the German policy towards the Jews in the occupied Soviet territories cannot be understood without taking into account the merciless war that was raging at the time between regimes with mortally opposed ideologies. The grim work of the Einsatzgruppen must be evaluated within the context of the savage conflict that was being waged outside of the accepted rules of warfare. I mentioned Stalin's order of July 3, 1941, calling on the entire Soviet civilian population to conduct a campaign of terror, sabotage and guerrilla warfare against the Germans. The Jews were especially active in this campaign, as numerous Jewish historians have proudly acknowledged, I said.

My Role in the Zündel Trial


Har du noen bevis for at Hitlers intensjon var å utrydde jødene? Alt jeg har sett tyder på at han ville deportere dem.

Endret av Skinfaxi
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Vi snakker ikke om stridende, men om jødene som skulle evakueres østover. Goebbels antok altså at 60 % av jødene måtte drepes. Nazi-Tysklands egne beregninger anslo antall jøder til 11 millioner, så om jeg forstår deg riktig var Goebbels og Hitler inneforstått at rundt 6 millioner jøder skulle dø. Du mener bare at det er sånt som skjer i krig.


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Vi snakker ikke om stridende, men om jødene som skulle evakueres østover. Goebbels antok altså at 60 % av jødene måtte drepes. Nazi-Tysklands egne beregninger anslo antall jøder til 11 millioner, så om jeg forstår deg riktig var Goebbels og Hitler inneforstått at rundt 6 millioner jøder skulle dø. Du mener bare at det er sånt som skjer i krig.







Nå har jeg prøv å legge dette ut i lange tider. Noe har tydeligvis helt endret seg siden sist jeg var aktiv for da gikk det an å legge ut overskrifter og linker uten problemermer. Men hvis linken fungerer viser den altså til dagsprogrammet til SS-sjefen Himmler fra en bok sovjetsoldater fikk tak i. Det beskrives bla. hvordan han på på starten av dagen kunne beordre ti fanger rett i konsentrasjonsleirene.

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Det er velkjent at mange ble drept drept på østfronten. Spørsmålet er om Hitlers intensjon var å utrydde eller deportere jødene.

Så, når Goebbles skriver at 60 % må bli "liquidated", mens 40 % skal bli brukt til tvangsarbeid, så betyr det hva?


At mange ble drept på østfronten. Det var krig.


Contrary to the view of Holocaust historians such as Raul Hilberg and others, I said that when these reports are considered as a whole and taken in the context of other evidence, it becomes clear that these units were not established to exterminate the Jews of the Soviet Union. It is quite true that these Security Police units shot considerable numbers of Jews, I said, but that if the original reports are read objectively and in context, it is clear that Jews were shot for specific security reasons, including reprisal killings, and not simply because they were Jews. I pointed out that even Raul Hilberg, probably the most prominent Jewish Holocaust historian, acknowledges that the Einsatzgruppen did not kill Jews without a security reason. (Destruction of the European Jew, 1985 ed., p. 331.)


I stressed that the German policy towards the Jews in the occupied Soviet territories cannot be understood without taking into account the merciless war that was raging at the time between regimes with mortally opposed ideologies. The grim work of the Einsatzgruppen must be evaluated within the context of the savage conflict that was being waged outside of the accepted rules of warfare. I mentioned Stalin's order of July 3, 1941, calling on the entire Soviet civilian population to conduct a campaign of terror, sabotage and guerrilla warfare against the Germans. The Jews were especially active in this campaign, as numerous Jewish historians have proudly acknowledged, I said.

My Role in the Zündel Trial


Har du noen bevis for at Hitlers intensjon var å utrydde jødene? Alt jeg har sett tyder på at han ville deportere dem.





HVOR skulle de deporteres, til sist..?

Hvor mye penger og mat skulle gå til å fø, medisinere, frakte og vokte dem..?

Hadde Tyskland leirer som kunne trygt holde millioner av mennesker samtidig, og en logistikkløsning for å transportere mat..?

Seriøst -- det var tilsvarende norges befolkning som ble deportert til leirer, tenk så jævlig mye ressurser de måtte brukt på å transportere mat; Et samlet ASKO, med deres tusenvis av lastebiler, ville ikke kunne levert nok -- og dette til fanger som ikke effektivt kan bidra til å forsørge eller forsvare ressursene som ville kreves å holde dem i live.


Hvorfor deportere når jødene hadde liv og kunne bidra til samfunnet -- fram til en eventuell reell løsning kunne realiseres?




Hvorfor fortsette deporteringen og samlingen av jøder etter at den første halve millionen døde..?

På et eller annet tidspunkt -- om så Hitler og Co. var helt totalt blåst i topplokket, inkompetente ledere og totalt uten noen form for plan for hvordan de skulle løse de logistiske problemene med mat, husly og medisiner til fanger som ikke er i stand til å forsørge seg selv og ville spist opp vanvittige ressurser fram til en eventuell praktisk løsning ble realisert --  så burde uansett Hitler og Co. stoppet deporteringen.

Om ikke etter 100 000 døde, så 200 000. Om ikke etter 200 000, så 500 000.


Det er to alternativer for å forklare hvorfor så mange jøder døde:

a) Hitler og Co. var totalt inkompetente strateger, logistikk-løsere og økonomer,

b) Det var ikke noe problem: De deporterte jødene, og andre minoriteter, nettopp for å drepe dem


b) Forklarer hvordan de kunne deportere millioner til leirer som til sammen bare kunne holde hundretusener, og forklarer hvorfor de ikke stoppet da det ble klart at millioner kom til å dø -- forklarer hvorfor de ikke stoppet etter at de første par hundre tusen døde.

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Ble ikke Anne Frank's pappa saksøkt av han som egentlig skrev boka (Meyer Levin), tapte i retten og ble nødt til å betale fyren 50.000$ for jobben han gjorde ?

Meyer Levin skrev et skuespill og ønsket å filmatisere Anne Franks dagbok.


Anne Franks dagbok ble skrevet av Anne Frank.


Mye informasjon om orginalene, boklanseringen og ekthetsbevis:


Endret av Red Frostraven
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Meyer Levin skrev et skuespill og ønsket å filmatisere Anne Franks dagbok.


Anne Franks dagbok ble skrevet av Anne Frank.


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Because of the lawsuit in a German court, the German state forensic bureau, the Bundes Kriminal Amt [bKA] forensically examined the manuscript, which at that point in time consisted of three hardbound notebooks and 324 loose pages bound in a fourth notebook, with special forensic equipment.


In the end, BKA clearly determined that none of the diary handwriting matched known examples of Anne’s handwriting. The German magazine, Der Spiegel, published an account of this report alleging that (a) some editing postdated 1951; (b) an earlier expert had held that all the writing in the journal was by the same hand; and thus © the entire diary was a postwar fake.


The BKA information, at the urgent request of the Jewish community, was redacted at the time but later inadvertently released to researchers in the United States.

Endret av geita_
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Jødene i Europa har en kultur som er arbeidsom og flittig. De opparbeidet seg mange viktige posisjoner og stor rikdom.

De ble også utpekt som årsak til at Tyskland tapte første verdenskrig, den strenge Versaillestraktaten de ble pålagt, samt utpekt som årsaken til kommunismens oppblomstring, og til krakket i 1929 med påfølgende depresjon. En god prosentandel av den amerikanske befolkningen støttet Hitler og hatet mot jødene og situasjonen der lignet på mange måter på den i Tyskland.

Endret av misanthrope
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Jødene i Europa har en kultur som er arbeidsom og flittig. De opparbeidet seg mange viktige posisjoner og stor rikdom.


Det skal jeg ikke uttale meg om, men mange jøder ble foretakseiere og bankmenn fordi det var en av de tingene de hadde lov til å drive med. Det var mange lover rundt hva man kunne arbeide som hvis man var jøde.

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Var ikke det på et langt tidligere tidspunkt? At de måtte jobbe som butikkmenn og bankfolk, så kom kapitalismen, og vips det man hadde satt dem til å gjøre gikk ifra å være lite lukrativt fordi det ble sett som ukristent å drive med penger, til å bli veldig ettertraktet :p

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Meyer Levin skrev et skuespill og ønsket å filmatisere Anne Franks dagbok.


Anne Franks dagbok ble skrevet av Anne Frank.


Mye informasjon om orginalene, boklanseringen og ekthetsbevis:



Because of the lawsuit in a German court, the German state forensic bureau, the Bundes Kriminal Amt [bKA] forensically examined the manuscript, which at that point in time consisted of three hardbound notebooks and 324 loose pages bound in a fourth notebook, with special forensic equipment.


In the end, BKA clearly determined that none of the diary handwriting matched known examples of Anne’s handwriting. The German magazine, Der Spiegel, published an account of this report alleging that (a) some editing postdated 1951; (b) an earlier expert had held that all the writing in the journal was by the same hand; and thus © the entire diary was a postwar fake.


The BKA information, at the urgent request of the Jewish community, was redacted at the time but later inadvertently released to researchers in the United States.




Finn og les kjennelsen fra Bundeskriminalamt.



Og jeg la ved kilden din, i posten din.


Og min forrige post har allerede svart på påstanden din blogg-kilde har påstått:

Jeg siterer relevant informasjon:


German research Earlier research had also been done before the Forensic Institute’s investigation in the 1980’s. In 1959, Anne Frank’s manuscripts were studied by graphologists (handwriting experts) in Germany, as part of the preparations for a legal action that was brought by Otto Frank. In March 1960, the Hamburg graphologists came to the conclusion in their 131-page report that all the notations in the diaries and the loose sheets, and all the corrections and additions, were ‘identical’ with Anne’s handwriting. The report also concluded that the loose sheets were not written before the three diary books. Finally, the conclusion was made that ‘‘(...) the text published in German translation as Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank may be considered true to its sources in substance and ideas." (The Diary of Anne Frank: The Revised Critical Edition, 2003, p. 87.) A very limited investigation also took place in Germany in 1980, also in preparation for legal proceedings, and this time carried out by the Federal Criminal Police Office (the Bundeskriminalamt or BKA) in Wiesbaden. The BKA came to the conclusion that all the types of paper and ink used were manufactured before 1950, and could therefore have been used in the war years.


It has been said that there are entries in the diary in ballpoint pen. Is that correct?

No, that is not correct. All the diary entries are written in various types of ink and (coloured) pencil, not in ballpoint. The document analysis by the Netherlands Forensic Institute showed that the main part of the diary and the loose sheets were written in grey-blue fountain pen ink. In addition, Anne also used thin red ink, green and red coloured pencils and black pencil for her annotations: not ballpoint. Nevertheless, the allegation can still regularly be seen on extreme right-wing websites and elsewhere that the diary of Anne Frank is written in ballpoint pen. Sneering remarks are made about "A. Frank the ballpoint girl," and it is pointed out that the ballpoint pen only came into common use in Europe after the Second World War. The conclusion forced by this allegation is that the texts in the diary could not have been written by Anne Frank herself. Annotation sheets The origin of the "ballpoint myth" is the four-page report that the Federal Criminal Police Office (the Bundeskriminalamt or BKA) in Wiesbaden, which was published in 1980. In this investigation into the types of paper and ink used in the diary of Anne Frank it is stated that "ballpoint corrections" had been made on some loose sheets. The BKA’s task was to report on all the texts found among the diaries of Anne Frank, and therefore also on the annotations that were made in Anne’s manuscripts after the war. However, the Dutch investigation by the Forensic Institute in the mid-1980’s shows that writing in ballpoint is only found on two loose pages of annotations, and that these annotations are of no significance for the actual content of the diary. They were clearly placed between the other pages later. The researchers of the Forensic Institute also concluded that the handwriting on these two annotation sheets differs from the writing in the diary "to a far-reaching degree." Photos of these loose annotation sheets are included in the NIOD’s publication (see The Diary of Anne Frank: The Revised Critical Edition, 2003, pages 168 and 170). In 1987, a Mr Ockelmann from Hamburg wrote that his mother had written the annotation sheets in question. Mrs Ockelmann was a member of the team that carried out the graphological investigation into the writings of Anne Frank around 1960. A life of its own In short: the "ballpoint myth" is easy to disprove. The careless wording of the BKA report from 1980 – a report that for the rest in no way challenges the authenticity of the diary – or at any rate its openness to several interpretations, has taken on a life of its own in extreme right-wing circles. The "ballpoint myth" is based on the simple fact that, around 1960, two annotation sheets with ballpoint writing were inserted between the original pages. These texts were written by a graphological researcher, and are not included in any edition of the diary (apart from the Critical Edition, where photos of the annotation sheets are reproduced). In July 2006, the BKA found it necessary to state in a press release that the 1980 investigation cannot be used to call the authenticity of the diary into doubt.


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