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Trenger hjelp til overklokking av M4A785TD-V EVO og Phenom™ x4 20/Phenom™II x3 720

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First and foremost,I am a complete and utter noob in computing.

Second,I understand norwegian perfectly but I suck at writing in it so I REALLY hope you guys don't mind. Please bare in mind that I understand norwegian very well so your answers can be in norwegian without any problems for me whatsoever.


I need help and I need help big time.

I turned Google upside down in order to get some help but...to no avail. I could contacted english speaking people( forums) but somehow I trust norwegians better. They been a lot more helpful in the past.


Anyway,I want to overclock my CPU and...pretty much anything I can do ( with your help) to improve my system ( speed wise) without investing in new hardware ( Im a poor student,studying at BI in Sandefjord)


I have:

- motherboard : M4A785TD-V EVO

- processor: Phenom™ x4 20


However,my processor actually is Phenom™II x3 720

The reason it shows the way I posted above is because when I restarted my computer,it asked me to press 4 if I want to unlock the 4th core which I did. After that,it showed as Phenom™ x4 20

What that REALLY mean is beyond me but...


Anyway,I dont know what other sort of data you guys may need in addition ( in order to be able to help me) but just let me know and I will provide ANY information asap.

For what is worth,I also have 4 RAM memory and a 400V Corsair power supply.


PLEASE help me!


P.S. What I want to do with my comp above anything else is GAMING! Oh yeah,the sweet killing spree Black Ops,Counter Strike,World at War head blasting gamine! :D

Ignore my enthusiasm,I'm italian :D

Lenke til kommentar

First off: your topic is nondescript and needs to be changed.


Secondly: If you try to over clock a system and still admit to being new to it then you should stop before you electrocute yourself.


Thirdly: Many three-core processors do actually have four cores, however there are often times when the 4th core did not pass the quality checks and enabling it may cause instability.


Finally: Gaming is (almost) all about your graphics card and internet connection. There is little to gain in over clocking a processor that is capable enough.

Lenke til kommentar

First off: your topic is nondescript and needs to be changed.


Secondly: If you try to over clock a system and still admit to being new to it then you should stop before you electrocute yourself.


Thirdly: Many three-core processors do actually have four cores, however there are often times when the 4th core did not pass the quality checks and enabling it may cause instability.


Finally: Gaming is (almost) all about your graphics card and internet connection. There is little to gain in over clocking a processor that is capable enough.


What do you mean nondescript?

Why the somewhat hostile attitude?

All I did was asking for help. As long as I know about overclocking its obvious that wont electrocute myself,no?

And whether or not there is something to gain it's irrelevant as what Im after is see how far I can push my cpu. I know there is possible to overclock it and I asked for help. Is that simple.

If I'm on the wrong place to seek help,all you had to do was say so. I would have left you and your site alone.

Lenke til kommentar

I've edited the thread name so it's easier to see exactly what the thread is about. When making a thread remember that it should be clear for everyone what it is about without actually opening the thread. "Hjelp meg please" does not give users any clue as to what you want.



Lenke til kommentar

I've edited the thread name so it's easier to see exactly what the thread is about. When making a thread remember that it should be clear for everyone what it is about without actually opening the thread. "Hjelp meg please" does not give users any clue as to what you want.



Hmmm...fair enough. That makes a lot more sense :p

Sorry about that. I guess Im just getting desperate here :D

been surfing Google since 4 days now,without finding something idiot proof enough to make me wanna try on my own.

Lenke til kommentar

First of all, congratulations as you have already unlocked your CPU, meaning instead of operating on 3 cores, you are operating on 4 cores.


The last core was probably deactivated for a reason, meaning it's potentially unstable. You'll notice that if your computer starts crashing a lot.


Overclocking an unlocked CPU can be tricky as you are already playing with an unstable CPU.


However... there is TONS of how-to's on how to overclock AMD Phenom II's on Asus moterboards. Just google for these keywords: overclock phenom asus

Here's an article for your specific motherboard:



Here's a video on Asus/Phenom overclocking:



BUT! And it's a big but. Your Phenom processor is actually quite good already. Should be able to do very intense gaming. You need to focus on your graphics. If you are using the graphics-card that is built-in on your motherboard ...forgetaboutit. You'll never be able to do any high-end gaming no matter how much you overclock.


Even an 800kroner new graphics card would be insanely much better.



If you absolutely cant get a new graphics card, what you want to overclock is the GPU, also known as IGP.

Here's an article on that: http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleid=2472&page=5

Endret av Kjellvez
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First of all, congratulations as you have already unlocked your CPU, meaning instead of operating on 3 cores, you are operating on 4 cores.


The last core was probably deactivated for a reason, meaning it's potentially unstable. You'll notice that if your computer starts crashing a lot.


Overclocking an unlocked CPU can be tricky as you are already playing with an unstable CPU.


However... there is TONS of how-to's on how to overclock AMD Phenom II's on Asus moterboards. Just google for these keywords: overclock phenom asus

Here's an article for your specific motherboard:



Here's a video on Asus/Phenom overclocking:



BUT! And it's a big but. Your Phenom processor is actually quite good already. Should be able to do very intense gaming. You need to focus on your graphics. If you are using the graphics-card that is built-in on your motherboard ...forgetaboutit. You'll never be able to do any high-end gaming no matter how much you overclock.


Even an 800kroner new graphics card would be insanely much better.



If you absolutely cant get a new graphics card, what you want to overclock is the GPU, also known as IGP.

Here's an article on that: http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleid=2472&page=5


Thank you SO much for your time :)

I do not use the integrrated card,i use an GTS 250 ( aka Dark Knight)

And my computer doesnt crash at all. The reason I havent activated the 4th core until now is because I disabled something in bios long ago and re-enabled it again.

I shall read your material,hopefully it will help me.

Lenke til kommentar

Yea you might, so if you don't know what you are doing, don't!

As mentioned earlier in the thread, your CPU is probably not the limitation for gaming.

If I knew what I was doing,I wouldnt need you now would I ?

Obviously Im on the wrong forum ffs...

Geez,is almost as if you're losing money or something if you help me.

I have a hard time imagining that you werent a noob at some point :mad:

Lenke til kommentar

There is a program from AMD that might make it easier for you if you dont want to mess with the BIOS.

AMD Overdrive

Download it from here:



Ofcourse, I take no responsibility for any damage to your system :)

I will hold NOBODY responsible in ANY way whatsoever,about ANYTHING that may happen to my system.


I just want help to do it and I am WELL aware that sometimes,things just go sideways. It's a calculated risk I am willing to take.

Lenke til kommentar

Nope,this damn computer just WONT allow me to overclock it.

I tried via several youtube ( idiot proof step by step) and each and every time I would get the error message: Overclocking failed!Press F1 to go to the system setup or F2 to load default configuration.


I tried with AMD Overdrive ( the auto clock feature) and what happened was that my screen turn black ( in fact it turned in stand by mode) and the computer acted as an old engine that is desperately trying to start.

I left it there for a good 20 min imagining that maybe it's part of the procedure.

After that,I had enough and pressed the swedish button and restarted with default config.


Needless to say,I am really pissed right about now. I found my self cursing and talking loud although I am all alone in the flat: "oh you stupid retarded piece of robojunk crap,I will send you to sleep with the fishes you worthless pile of screw's and bits!!! magnetic fishes as well if I can find them !!! " :D


So the way I see it,is man vs machine now. Terminator 4 if you will :D

Oh and btw...help? :D

Lenke til kommentar

Gjør som du sa jeg og skriver på norsk:) Har du skrudd av den fjerde kjernen før du har forsøkt å klokke? Den kan godt ha vært disablet fordi den ikke taklet mer enn akkurat stock hastighet.

Skru tilbake til 3kjerne, sett opp vCore til 1,35 f.eks og sett multiplyer til 16 eller 17 til å begynne med. Dette burde vel de fleste 720 BE takle. btw. hva slags kjøling har du? Husk å holde øye med temperaturer og sjekk stabilitet med f.eks Prime95 eller OCCT.

Lenke til kommentar

Can aid with some info here.


Ive unlocked my 4th core aswell and ive been running 3,0Ghz stable for the past year now.

Thats with Multiplier 15 and 200FSB @ 1,335 Boxed cooler.

From what i can read from CPU-Z


Havent found my cpu willing to go any higher without going unstable.


Also, when you unlock the fourth core, you remove the ability to check the temperature with the build in tempsensor in the cpu. So watch the temp!


Another Question, Whats most efficient? 4 Cores or 3 Cores running @ say 3,6ghz?

Endret av HansGeorg
Lenke til kommentar

Gjør som du sa jeg og skriver på norsk:) Har du skrudd av den fjerde kjernen før du har forsøkt å klokke? Den kan godt ha vært disablet fordi den ikke taklet mer enn akkurat stock hastighet.

Skru tilbake til 3kjerne, sett opp vCore til 1,35 f.eks og sett multiplyer til 16 eller 17 til å begynne med. Dette burde vel de fleste 720 BE takle. btw. hva slags kjøling har du? Husk å holde øye med temperaturer og sjekk stabilitet med f.eks Prime95 eller OCCT.

yes I did.

In fact,right now my cpu is on 3 cores and clocked to 3.0. I managed to clock it that much using a pre-defined profile alreadi in the bios,profile that gives me the possibility to clock it to 5% or 10%. Not higher.

Also,how do I determine what cooler do I have ?

And,can my failure attempts have something to do with my 400w PSU?

Lenke til kommentar

Det er det AMD kaller Cool&Quiet, den klokker seg ned når den ikke er under belastning. Ser at du ikke har klokket via mulpiplier, men ved å justere opp Bus speed. DA er det mye mer du må tenke på plutselig, blant annet minnehastighet, northbridge, PCI hastighet o.l. I og med at det er en Black Edition, ville jeg heller klokket med kun å justere vCore og CPU mulitplier og se om du har mer hell med det. Hvis du ikke vet hva slags kjøler du har, regner jeg med at du har den som fulgte med prosessoren. Tror ikke den er veldig god, men dersom du kjører med kun 3 kjerner, kan du jo rapportere hvilke temperaturer du får under belastning.

Lenke til kommentar

Det er det AMD kaller Cool&Quiet, den klokker seg ned når den ikke er under belastning. Ser at du ikke har klokket via mulpiplier, men ved å justere opp Bus speed. DA er det mye mer du må tenke på plutselig, blant annet minnehastighet, northbridge, PCI hastighet o.l. I og med at det er en Black Edition, ville jeg heller klokket med kun å justere vCore og CPU mulitplier og se om du har mer hell med det. Hvis du ikke vet hva slags kjøler du har, regner jeg med at du har den som fulgte med prosessoren. Tror ikke den er veldig god, men dersom du kjører med kun 3 kjerner, kan du jo rapportere hvilke temperaturer du får under belastning.

I spent the whole night ( yeah,I have no life) cleaning my comp.

I took it apart and vacuumcleaned every single fan,every single element. With a vacuum cleaner and a tooth brush :D

Then I put it back together and surprise,its still working :p

Anyway,the reason I took it apart is due to 2-3 fans that were set up wrong. Now it has a much better air flow and the cpu is a lot cooler.


By that I mean that I am running Firefox with 8 fans open,MSN,SC2 and AMD Overdrive and the temperature of each of my 3 cores is 32.5


However,there is something weird going on ( unless it is normal and Im just being a royal noob): no matter in which application Im checking,the frequency of the cpu's are wild. They go from 880 to 2410 and then to 3020 like...every second.

I opened Cool&Quiet just to doublecheck and in there is the same fluctuation. Is that normal? Shouldnt my cpu be to a stable value,end of discussion? Or...?


Anyway,please walk me through ( step by step) in how to clock it via your settings. The way is clocked now has been done by the default solution in BIOS. I did nothing manually. But I would lobve to get it to work,after i spend the past 4 days gathering info and reading a ton of articles.

Eventually,I can post screenshots of my BIOS so that you will know EXACTLY how it looks like?


P.S. I flushed BIOS as well last night and now Im having the latest on for my motherboard: 2105

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