BelzeBob Skrevet 4. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 4. mars 2011 (endret) Det er en roman. Igjen: se på Ernst Zündels rettssak: der kom det fram at en av de største Holocaust-forfatterne hadde benyttet seg av noe som heter "poetisk fantasi" (el. lign). Og dette er visst OK: man har lov å smøre tjukt på om det gjør boken bedre. Vis meg heller noe som er kategorisert som non-fiction. Og vis meg gjerne statistikk: prosentvis - hvor mange deserterte fra Wehrmacht, og hvor mange deserterte fra de andre hærene som var involvert i krigen. Og - hvordan ble de straffet. Om det er interessant. Si gjerne også noe om de mange jødene som kjempet for Tyskland sammen med ariske tyskere. Dere andre som leser: legg merke til om hvordan historien blir merkeligere og merkeligere... Enda en tankeforbrytelse: jeg presenterer en jøde som forsvarer Hitler: Endret 4. mars 2011 av BelzeBob 4 Lenke til kommentar
Zaftig Skrevet 4. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 4. mars 2011 (endret) Ja det er en roman, som er basert på virkeligheten. Dette er tatt fra wikipedia, vet ikke om det er for Zionistisk for deg da. "Of the Germans who deserted the Wehrmacht, 15,000 men were executed" Man må anta at noen greide å flykte og noen overlevde. Derfor var nok det nok endel flere som deserterte. Endret 4. mars 2011 av Geeder Lenke til kommentar
BelzeBob Skrevet 4. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 4. mars 2011 Greit nok. Men har du litt mer dokumentasjon enn Wikipedia? 2 Lenke til kommentar
Zaftig Skrevet 4. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 4. mars 2011 Greit nok. Men har du litt mer dokumentasjon enn Wikipedia? Min lenke Her står det at total 100 000 deserterte, mellom 1935-1945 var det 18 000 000 soldater som var aktive i løpet av den tiden. Da kan man dele 18 000 000 på 100 000 og finne ut at hver 180. Soldat deserterte. Lenke til kommentar
BelzeBob Skrevet 4. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 4. mars 2011 (endret) Sjekket Wikipedia: 18.2 millioner tjenestegjorde i Wehrmacht. "The total number of soldiers who served in the Wehrmacht during its existence from 1935 until 1945 is believed to have approached 18.2 million." Greit. 1 av 180 makes sense. Men hva skal vi bruke denne informasjonen til? Hva er poenget? Tillegg: ettersom Tyskland er busemann i dag kan vi selvsagt regne med at det Wikipedia sier er overdrevet. Men anyway: hva har dette å gjøre med bevisføringen for at slemme Adolf gasset millioner av jøder? Tilbake til Holocaust: Om løgnene om gasskamre og utryddelse: Alle sammen: legg merke til - at etter 74 sider har fremdeles null beviser blitt presentert for at nazistene utryddet 6 millioner jøder. Endret 4. mars 2011 av BelzeBob 4 Lenke til kommentar
BelzeBob Skrevet 4. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 4. mars 2011 For en gjeng med trøttinger. Her har dere en sang: Lenke til kommentar
Woina Skrevet 4. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 4. mars 2011 Hehe. Har sett den videoen før og den er god. Endelig noen jøder som har skjønt hva det dreier seg om:) Jeg føler med hjertesukket ditt om trøttinger, men det er det lite å gjøre noe med. Husk at du på et vis kan sette deg mentalt tilbake til middelalderen for å forstå mekanismene rundt deg. Da var det vedtatt at Jesus ble født ved jomfrufødsel og at jorden var flat. Ytret du det motsatt offentlig reagerte den hjernevaskete og vettskremte konforme massen akkurat slik de troene HoloCa$hianerne gjør det idag. Her har jeg forresten en artig liten artikkel som tar opp og dokumenterer noe du har nevnt tidligere om alle de avanserte og industrielle utryddelsesmetodene tyskerne brukte til å avlive 6 milliarder jøder under krigen. Bildet over skal være av en jødisk mordkommando i Belzec. Og her under kommer artikkelen. Merk deg at dette er ikke etterkrigspropaganda for den er såvidt jeg forstår utgitt i Sverige i 1944. Så dette er ferskvare rett fra HoloCa$h slik det var: Her er et sitat fra artikkelen etter at vitnet har beskrevet hvordan metoden fungerte: "Den moderne teknikken i nazistisk regi feiret triumfer. Den hadde løst massemordets problem". Linker opp Vigrid sin reserveside siden har problemer. Husk at dette er skrevet i det nøytrale Sverige som også var temmelig tyskvennlig i en periode og det var landets største forlag som ga den ut. At det var jøder som eide forlaget har null å si for jøder tenker og handler individuelt, ifølge PK-propagandaen. 2 Lenke til kommentar
Dux ducis Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Det er en roman. Igjen: se på Ernst Zündels rettssak: der kom det fram at en av de største Holocaust-forfatterne hadde benyttet seg av noe som heter "poetisk fantasi" (el. lign). Og dette er visst OK: man har lov å smøre tjukt på om det gjør boken bedre. Vis meg heller noe som er kategorisert som non-fiction. Dette illustrerer hvordan du tenker: du plukker ut handlingene til ett menneske og bruker det som et slags bevis på at noe som omhandler millioner av mennesker er galt. For det er vel akkurat det du sier? Denne jøden overdrev, og da må jo alle andre ha gjort det også. For ikke å nevne andre vitner til sakene. Jeg er for øvrig fornøyd med å finne kjernen i denne debatten - en strid om beviser. Det ser altså ikke ut til at du nøyer deg med noe annet enn direkte videobevis på gassingen, og selv da kommer du vel til å påstå at videoen er manipulert av sionistene. Den listen din med 10 punkter blir umulig for meg å fremskaffe uten å legge ned en masse tid og penger, og det faktum at jeg innrømmer det er en seier for meg: jeg er ikke uvitende, dum og arrogant. Til slutt vil jeg si følgende: hvis dere faktisk tror på saken deres så er dere nødt til å skjerpe dere. Uten en betydelig hevning i kvalitet mtp. kilder og dokumentasjon så vil de eneste støttespillerne deres være de uintelligente og uniformerte. Les nøye gjennom de 15-20 siste sidene i denne debatten og se hvilke solide argumenter dere har blitt stilt ovenfor, og ta det til dere. 1 Lenke til kommentar
pk2010 Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Forfatter Rapporter Del Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Du gjentar det samme drøvtygde oppgulpet som alltid ja. "kildene deres er ikke bra nok, men vår fullstendige mangel på kilder har du ikke lov til å kritisere" Herpaderp. 2 Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet+127836 Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Ja jeg kan jo igjen vise til noen utvalgte kilder om temaet, som jeg presenterte for snart 10 sider i denne tråden. Jeg har i ettertid også henvist til denne posten, da den er forsøkt begravd av youtubevideoer og oppgulp. her kommer listen igjen: Adler, Hans G., The managed human. Studies on deportations tion of Jews from Germany, Tübingen 1974th Aly, Götz (Eds.), Action T4 1939 to 1945. The "euthanasia" - In the central Tiergarten Strasse 4, Berlin 1989th Aly, Götz / Heim, Susanne, architects of the destruction. Auschwitz witz and the German plans for a new European-Ord tion, Hamburg 1991st Eight others, Dietrich (ed.), documents the history of Frankfurt Jews 1933 -1945, ed. by the Commission to Researching the history of the Frankfurt Jews, Frankfurt Main 1963rd Angermair, Elizabeth, last stop Milbertshofen. Photo graphic evidence of the deportation and their tradition, in: "... spoiled, destination unknown," ed. from the city archive Munich, Munich, nd, p. 25 -36. Arnsberg, Paul, The Jewish communities in Hesse. Beginning, In response, new beginning, Frankfurt am Main 1973rd The expatriation of German citizens 1933 -1945 in accordance with the Imperial Gazette published lists. Expatria- tion lists as published in the "kingdom Scoreboard 1933 -1945, Vol 1-3, ed. Michael Hepp, Munich 1985th Barbian, Jan-Pieter among others, Jews in the Ruhr. From age the Enlightenment to the present day, eating 1999th Behrens, Beate, Mecklenburg during the period of National- mus 1933 -1945. A documentary, Rostock 1996th Benz, Wolfgang (ed.), dimension of genocide. The number the Jewish victims of National Socialism, Munich 1996. Birn, Bettina, The Higher SS and Police Leader. Himmler Representatives in the Reich and the occupied territories, Dusseldorf 1986th Boberach, Heinz, reports from the Reich in 1938 -1945. The secret situation reports of the Security Service of the SS [Full texts from the holdings of the Bundesarchiv Koblenz], 17 vols, ed. and intro. Heinz Boberach, Koblenz 1984 -1985. Brachmann-Teubner, Elisabeth, The revised edition of the Ge- MEMORY BOOK "victims of persecution of the Jews", in: Archiv History. Festschrift für Friedrich P. Kahlenberg (fonts the Federal Archives, Vol 57), Dusseldorf 2000, p. 275-290. Brandt, Harm-Hinrich, National Socialism and bureaucracy. ÜberlegungenzurRollederEisenbahnbeiderVernichtungder European Jews, in: train of time, time of the trains. Exhibition tion catalog Nuremberg 1985, ed. of the railway year Edit Nuremberg Exhibition Company. Ulrich Langner and Karl Heinz Rohmer, Berlin (West) 1985, p. 692 -701. Breitman, Richard, Official Secrets. What the Nazis Planned, what the British and Americans Knew, New York (1998-German scheAusgabeu. Baptist state secrets. DieVerbrechender Nazis - the Allies tolerated), Munich 1999th Brilling, Bernard, The Jews in the province of Westphalia 1815 -1945, in: churches and religious communities in the Province of Westphalia, ed. Eduard Hegel and Robert Stupperich, Münster 1978th Brocke, Michael Heitmann, Margret / Lordick, Harald (eds.), ZurGeschichteundKulturderJudeninOst undWestpreußen, Hildesheim etc. 2000th Browning, Christopher, The unleashing of the "Final Solution". National Socialist Jewish Policy 1939 -1942, Munich 2003rd Burmeister, Helmut / Dohr, Michael (ed.), The eighth light. Contributions to the cultural and social history of Jews in North Hesse, Hofgeismar 2002nd The deportation of Jews from Germany. Plans - Practice - Reactions. 1938 -1945 (Contributions to the History of the National Socialism, Volume 20), ed. Birthe Kundrus and Beate Meyer, Göttingen 2004th Use in the Reich Commissariat Ostland. Related documents Genocide in the Baltics and Belarus 1941 -1944, ed. Wolfgang Benz, Konrad Kwiet and Jürgen Matthäus, Berlin 1998. Population - Citizens - disenfranchised. Seven centuries Jewish life in the Bielefeld area. An exhibition of the City Archives (Bielefeld contributions to urban and regional history, 6), ed. Monica Minninger, Anke and Stüber Rita Klussmann, Bielefeld 1988th "Evacuated to the East". Deportation of Jews from Württemberg and Hohenzollern 60 years ago (series the Association Old Synagogue Hechingen, Vol 2), ed. of Ver- an old synagogue Hechingen, Haigerloch 2,001th ExilShanghai1938-1947.JüdischesLebeninderEmigration, rev. and ed. George Armbrüster, Michael Kohlstruck and Sonja Mühlberger. With the first release of 14 800 Registration of the foreign list of Japanese xenophobia Police on CD-ROM (series of museum assets Berlin), Teeter 2000th Franke, Julia, Paris - a new home? Jewish emigrants Germany from 1933 -1939, Berlin 2000. Friedlander, Saul, Nazi Germany and the Jews. The annual pursuing 1933-1939, Munich 1998. Gerlach, Christian, War, Food, genocide. German Destruction policy in World War II, Zurich 2001. Gerlach, Christian, calculated murder. The German economy Economic and destruction policy in Belarus 1941 -1944, Hamburg 1999th The Gestapo. Myth and Reality, ed. Gerhard Paul and Klaus-Michael Mallmann, Darmstadt 1998th Gilbert, Martin, final solution. The expulsion and Venichtung of the Jews (An Atlas), Reinbek 1982nd Gold, Hugo, History of the Jews in Austria, Tel Aviv 1971st Gottwaldt, Alfred, On the deportation of Jews from East Prussia in the years 1942/1943, in: Nazi tyranny. Reviews to historical research and legal fight (Publications of the memorial and educational center of the house Wannsee Conference, vol 11), ed. Alfred Gottwaldt, Norbert Kampe, Peter Klein, Berlin 2005, p. 152 -171. Gottwaldt, Alfred / Schuller, Diana, The "Jewish deportations" from the German Reich in 1941 -1945. An annotated Chronology, Wiesbaden 2005th Gruner, Wolf, the deportation of Jews from Germany. Planning and implementation (1939 -1945), in: "And no one has Kaddish said for us. " Deportations from Frankfurt Main 1941-1945 (exhibition catalog), ed. of Jewish Museum Frankfurt am Main 2005, p. 19 -48. Local history guide to the sites of resistance Board and the pursuit of 1933 -1945. 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Documentation on the history of Jewish population in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland from 1800 -1945 (Publications of the Landesarchivverwal- tion Rheinland-Pfalz, vol 18), Koblenz 1974th Hilberg, Raul, special trains to Auschwitz (documents Railway History, vol 18), Mainz 1981st Hilberg, Raul, The Destruction of the European Jews, Chicago (USA) 1961; German edition ud T.: The Destruction of the European Jews. The whole history of the Holocaust, Berlin (West) 1982, revised edition ud T.: The Ver- extermination of European Jews (3 vols), Frankfurt am Main 1990th Historical Guide to the Jewish communities in low- Saxony and Bremen, ed. Herbert Obenaus in co- collaboration with David Bankier, and Daniel Fraenkel, Göttingen 2003rd Hoffmann, Dieter, "... we're German." To history and fate of the rural Jews in Rheinhessen (Alzeyer Ge- layer of leaves, Special Issue 14), 1992 Alzey Homeyer, Friedel (ed.), yesterday and today. Jews in the land circular Hannover, ed. County of Hanover, Hanover 1984th Hundsnurscher, Franz / Taddey, Gerhard, The Jewish-Ge municipalities in Baden. Monuments, history, fate (Ver- Publications of the State Archives Administration of Baden- Württemberg, vol 19), ed. by the archive administration Stuttgart, Stuttgart. Inventory of sources on the history of the "euthanasia" crimes Chen 1939 -1945 rev. Matthias Meissner, excluding online at - holdings and finding aids, Berlin 2003. Jacobs, Reinhard, terror under the swastika. Places of He- Interior in Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, Göttingen 2000th Jews in Baden in 1809 -1984. Oberrat 175 years of the Israelites Edit bathing. by Jael B. Paul, Karlsruhe 1984th The Jewish communities in Baden rev. Franz Hundsnurscher, Stuttgart 1967 (Publications of the State- Lichen Archives of Baden-Württemberg, Bd 19). Justice and Nazi crimes. Collection of German-Strafurtei le because of Nazi murders 1945 - 1966, rev. 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The Einsatzgruppen of the Security health services and the SD 1938 -1942, Stuttgart 1981st Kulka, Otto Dov / Jäckel, Eberhard (ed.), The Jews in the secret Nazi sentiment reports 1933 -1945, with CD-ROM (Writings of the Federal Archives, Vol 62), Dusseldorf 2004th Kwiet, Konrad, ReichskommissariatNiederlande.Versuchund Failure of Nazi reorganization, Stuttgart 1968th Lekebusch, Sigrid, hardship and persecution of the Christians of Jewish HerkunftimRheinland1933-1945.DarstellungundDokumen- tation (Series of the Society for Rhenish Church Enge- history, 117), Cologne 1995th Longerich, Peter (ed.) / Pohl, Dieter (Mitarb.), The Assassination of European Jews. A comprehensive documentation of the Holocaust, 1941 -1945, Munich and Zurich 1989th Longerich, Peter, politics of destruction. A total representation of the Nazi persecution of Jews, Munich - Zurich 1998th Lozowick, Yaacov, Hitler's Bureaucrats. Eichmann, his willi- gene executor and the banality of evil, Zurich 2000th Marx, Albert, History of the Jews in Lower Saxony, Han- Hanover 1995th Meyer, Beate, "Jewish half-breeds". Racial Politics and Prosecution experience 1933 -1945, Hamburg 1999th Moser, Jonny, The persecution of the Jews in Austria, Vienna 1966th Moser, Jonny, demography of the Jewish population Austria 1938 -1945 (Series of publications archivsdesösterreichischenWiderstandeszurGeschichteder NS-violent crimes, Vol 5), Vienna 1999. Naasner, Walter, SS and SS-economic management. "The SS Economic Administration Main Office and under his Supervision related economic enterprises " and other documents (publications of the Federal Archives, Bd 45a), Dusseldorf 1998th Noam, Ernst / Kropat, Wolf-Arno (ed.), Jews in court 1933-1945. 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Possibilities - Limitations - Results, Karlsruhe 1971st Saxony in the Nazi era, ed. Clemens Vollnhals, Leipzig 2002nd Sauer, Paul (ed.), Documents of the persecution of Jewish citizens in Baden-Württemberg through the national- 1933 -1945 socialist regime, Stuttgart 1966th Sauer, Paul, The Jewish communities in Württemberg and Hohenzollern. Monuments, history, stories, ed. of Archives Directorate of Stuttgart, Stuttgart 1966 (publications Gen. of the State Archives Administration of Baden-Württemberg, Vol 18). Sauer, Paul (ed.), The fate of the Jewish people Baden-Württemberg during the Nazi 1933 -1945 persecutions (Publications of the State- Lichen Archives of Baden-Württemberg, Bd 20), Stuttgart gart 1969th Sauer, Paul, The Jewish communities in Baden and in Württemberg from 1933 to 1945 for the reconstruction, in: The religious communities in Baden-Württemberg, ed. Heinz Sproll and Jörg Thierfelder, Stuttgart 1984, p. 189 - 206. Scheffler, Wolfgang, persecution of Jews during the Third Reich 1933 1945, Frankfurt am Main 1965th Schneider, Gertrude, Exile and Destruction. The Fate of Austrian Jews 1938 -1945, Westport 1995th The special law for the Jews in the Nazi state. A collection the legal measures and policies - content and Meaning, ed. Joseph Walk, Heidelberg 1996th Toury, Jacob, The history of the expeller- command against the Jews in the Saar Palatinate and Baden (22-23. October 1940 - Camp de Gurs), in: Yearbook of the Institute of German History, Vol XV, Tel Aviv 1986, p. 431 ff Tuchel, John, a concentration camp. Organisationsge- history and function of the "inspection of the concentration- camp "1934 -1938 (writings of the Federal Archives, Vol 39) Koblenz 1991st Tuchel, John, the Inspectorate of Concentration Camps 1938 -1945. The system of terror, Berlin 1994. Pre eggs, Barbara, The deportations of German and Austrian rich Eastern Jews from France, Paris 1980th Way to annihilation. The deportation of the Jews Main franken 1941 -1943, ed. by the National Archives and Würzburg the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich, Munich 2003. Wilhelm, Hans-Heinrich, The use of Group A of the security Police and the SD 1941-42, Frankfurt am Main and others 1996th Wlaschek, Rudolf M., Jews in Bohemia. Contributions to the Ge- history of European Jewry in the 19th and 20 Year hundred, Munich 1990 (Publications of the Collegium Carolinum, vol 66). Yahil, Leni, The Holocaust, Munich 1998. Adler, Hans G., The Hidden Truth. Terezin Documents, Tübingen 1958th Adler, Hans G., Theresienstadt 1941 -1945. The face of a Forced community, 2, improved edition, Tübingen 1960th Ambach, and Dieter Köhler, Thomas (ed.), Lublin-Maj- Danek. The concentration and extermination camps in the mirror Rule of witness statements, ed. Ministry of Justice of the North Rhine-Westphalia, Dusseldorf 2003rd Arad, Yitzhak, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka. The Operation Reinhard Death Camps, Bloomington (USA) in 1987. Labor and extermination. The concentration camp at New- gamme 1938 -1945, Catalogue of the exhibition in the document house the Memorial Neuengamme, ed. by Ulrich Abdomen, Heinz Brüdigam, Ludwig and Wolfgang Eiber Wiedey, Branch of the Museum of Hamburg History, Hamburg 1991st Barkai, Avraham, GermanspeakingJewsinEasternEuropean Ghetto, in: Leo Baeck Institute Year Book XXXIV (1989) Blank, Manfred, for example: the murder of the Jews in the "General" Poland, in: NS processes. 25 years Prosecution. Possibilities - Limitations - Results, ed. Adalbert Rückerl, Karlsruhe 1971, p. 52 ff Journal, Thomas Toivi, only the shadows remain. Insurrection in the death camp Sobibor, Berlin 2000. Blumenthal, Nachmann, Conduct and actions of a Jewish Council. Documents from the Bialystok ghetto. From the Yad Vashem Archives, Vol IV, Jerusalem 1962 (Hebrew with English. Introduction). 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The last ghetto on Polish soil (Part of the Federal National Home Service, Issue 59) Bonn 1962nd i samme post eksisterer og ufullstendige deportasjonslister fra noen europeiske land Lenke til kommentar
Dux ducis Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 5. mars 2011 (endret) Du gjentar det samme drøvtygde oppgulpet som alltid ja. "kildene deres er ikke bra nok, men vår fullstendige mangel på kilder har du ikke lov til å kritisere" Herpaderp. Jeg har ikke lagt frem noen tvilsomme eller omdiskuterte kilder, ditt nek, og det er akkurat det som gjør meg bedre enn deg. Det finnes mange andre her i tråden som har fremlagt en slags dokumentasjon på at Holocaust skjedde, selv om vi ikke har videobevis av selve gassingen. Men, du mener vel at enhver ting som ikke filmes på kamera ikke har skjedd, du? Lurer på hvordan man har klart å dømme folk for drap i rettssaler i så mange år da.. Det er tross alt hos dere bevisbyrden ligger, og det enkleste for meg er å diskutere bevisene deres. Du burde egentlig takke meg for at jeg i det hele tatt gidder å komme med råd. Hvis dere ikke hører på meg så vil dere aldri få gjennomslag for teorien deres, og det vil jo være trist om det faktisk er sant. Faktum er at vi åpenbart mangler spesialkunnskaper på dette området, og at ingen av oss faktisk har lest noe som helst originaldokumentasjon o.l. Dere kan ikke føre en så teknisk og omfattende debatt basert på mangelfulle, resirkulerte og/eller manipulerte internettkilder. Jeg gjentar meg selv ettersom dere har problemer med å forstå hva jeg sier. EDIT: når det kommer til "våre" internettkilder så mener jeg ikke nødvendigvis at de er ufeilbare og helt korrekte, men de ser i hvert fall ut til å være bedre enn deres. Endret 5. mars 2011 av Dux ducis Lenke til kommentar
Tå. Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 5. mars 2011 La oss gjøre det enkelt. Gi meg navnet på en profilert jøde som døde i gasskamrene. 1 Lenke til kommentar
BelzeBob Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 5. mars 2011 GM250 Sikkert en grei liste. Men kan du dokumentere at et eneste menneske døde i Holocaust? Med 6 millioner å ta av burde jo dette være lett som en plett. Hyggelig om du kunne vise oss et tysk gasskammer også. Samt forklare oss hvorfor deportasjon=masseutryddelse. Og kanskje si noe om hvorfor vi bruker tallet 6 millioner. Lenke til kommentar
Red Frostraven Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 5. mars 2011 (endret) Hva med intervjuet med Franz Suchomel? Øvrig informasjon om Franz Suchomel. ... Her er en liste over ~150 000 tyske jøder som ble drept: ... Hvis noen kan fortelle meg hva som skjedde med DEM, hadde det vært fint. ... MEN dere kan jo begynne med de NORSKE jødene som ble deportert. Hvor ble DE av???! ... Last name↓ First name↓ Date of birth↓ Arrested in↓ County↓ Profession↓ Arrested on↓ Deported on↓ Ship↓ Date of death↓ Age at death↓ Location of death↓ Auschwitz serial number↓ Abosch Abraham 15-Dec-1869 Skiptvet Østfold Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 72 Auschwitz Adler Ernst 3-Sep-1910 Oslo Oslo 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 32 Auschwitz 79064 Appelsin Eika 12-Jun-1879 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 63 Auschwitz Aronstam Anna 27-Sep-1907 Oslo Oslo Seamstress 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 35 Auschwitz Aronstam Menasse 6-Jul-1868 Oslo Oslo Shoe worker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 74 Auschwitz Aronstam Rebekka 18-Dec-1878 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 63 Auschwitz Aronstam Sofie 22-Dec-1915 Oslo Oslo Seamstress 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 26 Auschwitz Arsch Bertha 28-Jan-1882 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 60 Auschwitz Arsch Jakob Samuel 3-Nov-1913 Oslo Oslo Retiree 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 29 Auschwitz 79066 Arsch Josef 14-Feb-1918 Oslo Oslo Office clerk 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 2-Jan-1943 24 Auschwitz 79065 Arsch Moritz 15-Jun-1877 Oslo Oslo Saleseman 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 65 Auschwitz Arsch Sara 5-Oct-1908 Oslo Oslo Retail worker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 34 Auschwitz Arsch Tancum 9-Dec-1885 Oslo Oslo Watchmaker 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 56 Auschwitz Asberg [5] Benno 8-Jul-1912 Oslo Oslo Salesman 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Survived 79065 Aschkanaze Edda 12-Sep-1904 Oslo Oslo Stenographer 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 38 Auschwitz Aschkanaze [6] Feige Taube Fanny 29-May-1880 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 62 Auschwitz Aschkanaze Sarah 3-Jul-1906 Oslo Oslo Translating stenographer 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 36 Auschwitz Barchan Glenny 19-Jun-1899 Oslo Oslo Retail worker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 43 Auschwitz Basseches Marie 1-Oct-1883 Tønsberg Vestfold Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 59 Auschwitz Basseches Max 4-Aug-1879 Tønsberg Vestfold Merchant 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 63 Auschwitz Becker Ada Abigal 20-Jan-1922 Stavanger Rogaland Student 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 21 Auschwitz Becker David 24-Jun-1898 Skien Telemark Merchant 2-Jun-1942 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 1-Dec-1942 44 Auschwitz 81966 Becker David 1-Dec-1900 Oslo Oslo Transport manager 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 5-Feb-1943 42 Auschwitz Becker Frida 25-Jun-1900 Oslo Oslo Office clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 42 Auschwitz Becker[7] Hille 15-Aug-1885 Stavanger Rogaland Watchmaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 57 Auschwitz Becker[7] Ida 4-Feb-1917 Bergen Hordaland Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 26 Auschwitz Becker[7] Josef 26-May-1916 Bergen Hordaland Retail clerk 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 26 Auschwitz 79065 Becker[7] Judith 2-Aug-1888 Stavanger Rogaland Massage therapist 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 54 Auschwitz Becker Louis 6-Jan-1906 Skien Telemark Merchant 20-Jun-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 10-Aug-1943 37 Auschwitz 105256 Becker Mendel 15-Oct-1862 Oslo Oslo Retiree 23-Feb-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 80 Auschwitz Becker Mina 25-May-1869 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 23-Feb-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 73 Auschwitz Becker Sam 8-Apr-1941 Bergen Hordaland Child 24-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 1 Auschwitz Becker Sara 20-May-1912 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 30 Auschwitz Becker Wulff 18-Sep-1907 Oslo Oslo Physician 12-Jul-1941 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 17-Feb-1943 35 Auschwitz 81974 Behak Nils 27-Mar-1903 Oslo Oslo Merchant 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 5-Jan-1943 39 Auschwitz Bekker Esther 3-Dec-1892 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Homemaker 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 50 Auschwitz Bekker Moses 20-Jun-1884 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Businessman 6-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 58 Auschwitz Benkow [8] Annie Louise 30-Jan-1895 Bærum Akershus Entrepreneur 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 47 Auschwitz Berenhaut Bernhard 19-May-1881 Oslo Oslo Merchant 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 61 Auschwitz Berenhaut Gertrud 12-Feb-1884 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 58 Auschwitz Berg Josef[9] 2-Aug-1917 Oslo Oslo Language teacher 9-Jun-1942 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa Survived 81949 Berg Ruben 20-Jan-1920 Oslo Oslo Mechanic 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 22 Auschwitz 79077 Berger Marie 24-Apr-1874 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 68 Auschwitz Bergmann David 10-Feb-1925 Oslo Oslo Apprentice 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Jan-1943 17 Auschwitz Bergmann Else Marie 16-Sep-1922 Oslo Oslo Office clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 20 Auschwitz Bergmann Martin Moses 6-Jul-1896 Oslo Oslo Railroad worker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 11-Jan-1943 46 Auschwitz Bergmann Ruth 8-Feb-1896 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 46 Auschwitz Berkowitz Adolf 6-Apr-1912 Tønsberg Vestfold Blacksmith 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Auschwitz. 79069 Berkowitz Betty 9-Feb-1913 Tønsberg Vestfold Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 29 Auschwitz Bermann David 7-Oct-1899 Oslo Oslo Businessman 1-Apr-1942 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 22-Jan-1943 43 Auschwitz Bernstein Abraham 1-Nov-1882 Fredrikstad Østfold Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 60 Auschwitz Bernstein Gisela 21-Mar-1888 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 54 Auschwitz Bernstein Herman 1-May-1874 Oslo Oslo Watchmaker 21-Aug-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 68 Auschwitz Bernstein Mauritz 1-Apr-1869 Oslo Oslo Merchant 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 73 Auschwitz Bernstein Paul 11-Oct-1903 Oslo Oslo Physician 13-Aug-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 7-Jan-1943 39 Auschwitz 80024 Bernstein Rebekka 27-Apr-1873 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 69 Auschwitz Bernstein Richard 12-Sep-1882 Oslo Oslo Office clerk 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 21-Jan-1943 60 Auschwitz Bernstein Samuel 14-Feb-1886 Oslo Oslo Merchant 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 30-Dec-1942 56 Auschwitz Bernstein Seiki 10-May-1886 Oslo Oslo Fruit merchant 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 56 Auschwitz Bernstein Sigmund 7-Aug-1922 Oslo Oslo Student of engineering 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 5-Feb-1943 20 Auschwitz • Bersohn David 10-Dec-1863 Jevnaker Oppland Merchant 27-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 79 Auschwitz Bersohn Isak Meyer 23-Dec-1902 Jevnaker Oppland Gardener 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 15-Jan-1943 40 Auschwitz 79074 Bersohn Markus Alex. 1-Dec-1904 Jevnaker Oppland Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 9-Jan-1943 38 Auschwitz 79073 Bild Benjamin[10] 8-Aug-1912 Rælingen Akershus Mechanic 1-Mar-1941 27-Apr-1941 Other route 26-Dec-1941 29 Gross Rosen Bild Herman 15-Aug-1883 Ås Akershus Shoemaker 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 59 Auschwitz Bild Ida 23-Jul-1922 Ås Akershus Student 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 20 Auschwitz Bild Leopold 19-Oct-1910 Ås Akershus Musician 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Feb-1943 32 Auschwitz Bild Philip Moses 14-Feb-1920 Oslo Oslo Artisan 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 22 Auschwitz Bild Thina 15-Jul-1877 Ås Akershus Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 65 Auschwitz Bing Otto Leo 6-Dec-1883 Oslo Oslo Sales agent 24-Mar-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 14-Jan-1943 59 Auschwitz Bjerke [11] Sara Vesla 27-Jul-1920 Oslo Oslo Packaging 14-Jan-1943 6-Oct-1943 Other route 20-Nov-1943 23 Auschwitz Blått Hilel 15-May-1893 Oslo Oslo Shoemaker 27-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Other route 50 Auschwitz Blått Rebekka 1-May-1894 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 48 Auschwitz Blomberg Selig 10-Feb-1882 Oslo Oslo Merchant 2-Sep-1942 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 61 Auschwitz Bodd Anna 2-Apr-1908 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 34 Auschwitz Bodd Anna 4-Sep-1929 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 13 Auschwitz Bodd Arvid 6-May-1922 Lørenskog Akershus Tailor apprentice 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 20-Feb-1943 20 Auschwitz Bodd Benjamin 6-Jan-1926 Lørenskog Akershus Pupil 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 20-Feb-1943 17 Auschwitz 79084 Bodd Bernhard 17-Jul-1912 Oslo Oslo Chocolate factory worker 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 20-Apr-1945 32 Skutt u/transp. 79080 Bodd Isak 26-Sep-1927 Lørenskog Akershus Pupil 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 15 Auschwitz Bodd Jacob 29-Apr-1894 Oslo Oslo Rabbi 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Feb 43 48 Auschwitz 79070 Bodd Jente 14-Sep-1902 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 40 Auschwitz Bodd Kaja 24-May-1906 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 36 Auschwitz Bodd Leiser 10-Jul-1872 Oslo Oslo Sales agent 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 70 Auschwitz Bodd Liv 6-Jan-1926 Lørenskog Akershus Seamstress 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 16 Auschwitz Bodd Manja 28-Sep-1931 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 11 Auschwitz Bodd Mary Dora 6-May-1922 Lørenskog Akershus Seamstress 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1943 21 Auschwitz Bodd Moritz Meyer 25-Jun-1903 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 40 Auschwitz 79089 Bodd Rakel 20-Nov-1897 Lørenskog Akershus Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 45 Auschwitz Bodd Salomon 10-Jan-1898 Lørenskog Akershus Tailor 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 26-Jan-1943 45 Auschwitz 79085 Bodd Sofie Hanna 20-Sep-1913 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 29 Auschwitz Bogomolno Marie 24-Dec-1889 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 52 Auschwitz Bogomolno Salomon jr. 6-Sep-1926 Oslo Oslo Pupil 27-Oct-1941 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 16 Auschwitz Bogomolno Salomon sen. 25-Feb-1891 Oslo Oslo Glassworks worker 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 51 Auschwitz Borinsky Alice 5-Jul-1892 Bergen Hordaland Homemaker 6-Jan-1943 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 50 Auschwitz Borinsky Paul 27-Apr-1881 Bergen Hordaland Chemist 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 61 Auschwitz Borochstein Abraham 15-Sep-1892 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Merchant 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 1-Apr-1943 50 Auschwitz 81973 Borochstein Julius Isak 5-Nov-1937 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Child 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 5 Auschwitz Borochstein Leopold 8-Jan-1932 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Pupil 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 11 Auschwitz Borochstein Mascha 4-Sep-1910 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 32 Auschwitz Borochstein Philip 30-Oct-1933 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Pupil 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 9 Auschwitz Borochstein Rosa 8-Oct-1930 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Pupil 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 12 Auschwitz Borochstein Sonja Nannie 25-Aug-1936 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Pupil 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 6 Auschwitz Braude Benzel 15-Oct-1890 Oslo Oslo Sausage maker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 52 Auschwitz Braude Bertha Sara 21-Aug-1892 Oslo Oslo Seamstress 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 50 Auschwitz Braude Harry 21-Jun-1919 Oslo Oslo Tailor 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 23 Auschwitz 79072 Braude Isak 2-Feb-1914 Oslo Oslo Chauffer 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 7-Jan-1943 28 Auschwitz 79087 Buchmann Bertha 20-Dec-1884 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 58 Auschwitz Caplan Conrad 2-Dec-1922 Tromsø Troms Warehouse worker 21-Mar-1942 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 10-Jan-1945 22 Transport 81956 Caplan Daniel 15-Apr-1870 Tromsø Troms Merchant 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 72 Auschwitz Caplan Herze 18-Jun-1913 Tromsø Troms Merchant 18-Jun-1941 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 3-Mar-1943 29 Auschwitz Caplan Jacob 31-Dec-1903 Narvik Nordland Merchant 18-Jun-1941 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 19-Mar-1943 39 Auschwitz 81954 Caplan Solly 12-May-1908 Tromsø Troms Manager 18-Jun-1941 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 16-Dec-1942 34 Auschwitz 81955 Claes Alexander 16-Jan-1904 Oslo Oslo Barber 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Mar 42 38 Auschwitz 79092 Claes Arvid 17-May-1935 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 7 Auschwitz Claes Bertha 13-Feb-1911 Oslo Oslo Factory worker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 31 Auschwitz Claes Daniel 14-Dec-1905 Oslo Oslo Waiter 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 24-Feb-1943 37 Auschwitz 79091 Claes [12] Ida Iris 28-Jan-1930 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 12 Auschwitz Claes Jan 2-Feb-1938 Oslo Oslo Child 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 4 Auschwitz Claes Rubin 5-Apr-1879 Oslo Oslo Greengrocer 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 63 Auschwitz Claes Sofie 3-Jun-1889 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 53 Auschwitz Cohn Fritz 28-Jun-1885 Asker Akershus Attorney 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 7-Jan-1943 57 Auschwitz Cohn Ludvig Paul 11-Jun-1889 Oslo Oslo Businessman 23-Oct-1942 3-Aug-1944 Other route Survived Cohn Margot 2-Aug-1892 Asker Akershus Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 50 Auschwitz Dabrosin Lina 10-Jun-1891 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 51 Auschwitz Dabrosin Samuel 15-Jan-1887 Oslo Oslo Painter 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 16-Feb-1943 56 Auschwitz Damelin Benno 11-Oct-1924 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 3-Mar-1943 18 Auschwitz Damelin Israel 14-Jul-1888 Oslo Oslo Businessman 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 54 Auschwitz Daus Franz 16-Nov-1896 Bergen Hordaland Retiree 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 13-Dec-1942 46 Auschwitz Davidsen Bernhard 25-May-1892 Strømmen Akershus Teamster 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 50 Auschwitz Davidsen David 13-Jan-1917 Strømmen Akershus Retail clerk 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 17-Feb-1943 26 Auschwitz Davidsen John 10-Oct-1935 Strømmen Akershus Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 7 Auschwitz Davidsen Michael 17-Jan-1921 Bærum Akershus Jockey 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 31-Jan-1943 22 Auschwitz Davidsen Nina 25-Apr-1895 Strømmen Akershus Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 47 Auschwitz Davidsen Ruth 4-Jul-1924 Strømmen Akershus Installer 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 18 Auschwitz Davidsen Simon 13-Jan-1887 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 14-Jan-1943 56 Auschwitz Dickman Herman 28-Feb-1910 Oslo Oslo Bookkeeper 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 16-Jan-1943 32 Auschwitz Dickman Meier 5-May-1881 Oslo Oslo Merchant 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 61 Auschwitz Dickman Sigurd 9-Nov-1915 Oslo Oslo Car mechanic 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 15-Feb-1943 27 Auschwitz Dobkes Kjell 18-Feb-1923 Oslo Oslo High school student 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 2-Mar-1943 20 Auschwitz Dobkes Moses Jacob 24-Dec-1887 Oslo Oslo Factory owner 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 24-Dec-1942 54 Doller[13] Friedrich 3-Feb-1894 Grimstad Aust-Agder Technician 14-Oct-1943 10-Aug-1944 Other route Survived Stutthof Doller Grete 6-Aug-1899 Grimstad Aust-Agder Homemaker 14-Oct-1943 10-Aug-1944 Other route Survived Stutthof Dsenselsky Georg David 5-Aug-1895 Oslo Oslo Factory owner 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Dec 42 47 Auschwitz Dsenselsky Moritz Wulf 2-Feb-1892 Oslo Oslo Factory owner 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Dec 42 50 Dvoretsky Lilly 29-Jun-1922 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Seamstress 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 20 Auschwitz Dvoretsky Marie 14-Jul-1891 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Homemaker 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 51 Auschwitz Dvoretsky Meyer 21-Feb-1894 Brønnøysund Nordland Merchant 18-Jun-1941 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 48 Aurelind Dvoretsky Sigurd 9-Oct-1920 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Office clerk 7-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 7-Jan-1944 23 Auschwitz 105266 Dworsky Arvid 4-Mar-1923 Oslo Oslo Handyman 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 24-Jan-1943 19 Auschwitz Dworsky Asbjørn 10-Dec-1920 Oslo Oslo Warehouse worker 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 24-Feb-1943 22 Auschwitz 79098 Dworsky David 18-Mar-1886 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Dentist 7-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 56 Auschwitz Dworsky Käthe 30-Nov-1902 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Fashion draftsman 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 40 Auschwitz Dworsky Rebecca 14-Aug-1890 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 52 Auschwitz Dworsky Rosa 15-Jul-1891 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 51 Auschwitz Dworsky Samuel 14-Oct-1889 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Dec 42 53 Auschwitz Dworsky Selig 4-Apr-1895 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Retail clerk 7-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 47 Auschwitz Dworsky Taube 22-Oct-1919 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 23 Auschwitz Ebstein Elias 18-May-1887 Oslo Oslo Merchant 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 55 Auschwitz Ebstein Josef 1-Aug-1927 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 5-Jan-1943 15 Auschwitz 79103 Egelstein Abraham 27-May-1891 Oslo Oslo Machine operator 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 51 Auschwitz Egelstein Borghild 22-Sep-1921 Oslo Oslo Special education teacher 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 21 Auschwitz Egelstein Sonja Sara 17-Jul-1894 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 48 Auschwitz Eidenbom Julius 27-Mar-1871 Bergen Hordaland Merchant 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 71 Auschwitz Einziger Walter 25-Sep-1905 Oppegård Akershus Office clerk 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 37 Auschwitz Eiris Jacob 20-Jan-1920 Oslo Oslo Worker 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 11-Jan-1943 22 Auschwitz 79106 Eiris Sonja Sofie 20-Jul-1916 Oslo Oslo Seamstress 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 26 Auschwitz Eisen Leon 28-Nov-1897 Oslo Oslo Chemical engineer 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 45 Auschwitz Eisler[14] Otto 1-Jun-1893 Oslo Oslo Architect 27-Oct-1942 21-Aug-1943 Other route Survived Eitinger[15] Leo 21-Dec-1912 Nesjestranda in Molde Møre og Romsdal Physician 16-Mar-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland Survived 105268 Elias Carl Ludwig 19-Sep-1891 Lillehammer Oppland Dr.juris 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 51 Auschwitz Epstein Berthold 1-Apr-1897 Oslo Oslo Physician 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Survived 79104 Epstein Othilie 8-Feb-1895 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 47 Auschwitz Falck-Ytter Bertha 6-Oct-1904 Oslo Oslo Musician 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 38 Auschwitz Feidelmann Abraham 13-Apr-1895 Mosjøen Nordland Municipal worker 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 47 Auschwitz Fein Isak Jacob 24-May-1882 Oslo Oslo Merchant 2-Dec-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 60 Auschwitz Fein Julius 15-May-1885 Stavanger Rogaland Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Feb 43 57 Auschwitz Fein Nathan 14-Apr-1887 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 2-Sep-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 15-Mar-1945 57 Shot during transport to Buchenwald Fein Rosi (Rosl) 5-Nov-1892 Stavanger Rogaland Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 50 Auschwitz Feinberg Anna Sara 2-Feb-1872 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 70 Auschwitz Feinberg Clara 10-Sep-1885 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 57 Auschwitz Feinberg Elias 7-Sep-1894 Oslo Oslo Wholesaler 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 7-Jan-1943 48 Auschwitz Feinberg Hermann 29-Jun-1901 Oslo Oslo Auditor 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 15-Jan-1943 41 Auschwift 79111 Feinberg[16] Kai 23-Dec-1921 Oslo Oslo Student 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Survived 79108 Feinberg Martin 16-Feb-1899 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 4-Feb-1943 43 Auschwitz 79110 Feinberg Rachel 6-Jun-1923 Oslo Oslo High school student 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 19 Auschwitz Feldmann Hermann 1-Mar-1918 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 20-Aug-1943 25 Auschwitz 105273 Filländer Abraham 12-Mar-1879 Oslo Oslo Merchant 5-Sep-1941 17-Dec-1941 Other route 27-Jan-1942 62 Sachsenhausen Fischel Emanuel 5-Mar-1870 Oslo Oslo Factory owner 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 72 Auschwitz Fischel Erwin 7-Aug-1874 Oslo Oslo Physician 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 68 Auschwitz Fischel Grete 6-Jul-1911 Oslo Oslo Transient 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 31 Auschwitz Fischel Hans 2-Mar-1919 Oslo Oslo Office clerk 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 15-Feb-1943 23 Auschwitz 79107 Fischel Lisel 17-Feb-1889 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 53 Auschwitz Fischer Bertha 4-Jun-1897 Narvik Nordland Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 45 Auschwitz Fischer David 20-Jun-1899 Narvik Nordland Factory owner 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 43 Auschwitz Fischer Dina 15-Aug-1872 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Homemaker 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 70 Auschwitz Fischer Emanuel 30-Oct-1923 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Retail clerk 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 8-Feb-1943 19 Auschwitz Fischer Eva 1-Apr-1905 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Homemaker 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 37 Auschwitz Fischer Gusta 29-Dec-1893 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 49 Auschwitz Fischer[17] Hermann 1-Jan-1893 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Factory owner 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 2-Jan-1943 49 Auschwitz 81968 Fischer Idar 12-May-1931 Narvik Nordland Pupil 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 24-Mar-1943 11 Auschwitz Fischer Judith 10-Jun-1930 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Pupil 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 12 Auschwitz Fischer Lilian 1-May-1928 Narvik Nordland Pupil 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 14 Auschwitz Fischer Martin 22-Apr-1895 Narvik Nordland Merchant 18-Jun-1941 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 5-Jan-1943 47 Auschwitz 81957 Fischer Ruth 18-Dec-1931 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Pupil 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 11 Auschwitz Fischer Samuel 5-Oct-1907 Narvik Nordland Bookkeeper 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 12-Jan-1943 35 Auschwitz 79117 Fischer Theodor 15-Jan-1937 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Child 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 6 Auschwitz Fischer Wulf 13-Feb-1922 Narvik Nordland Farmer 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Mar-1943 21 Auschwitz 79116 Flanter Salo 9-Nov-1885 Oslo Oslo 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 57 Auschwitz Florence Solveig 28-Jan-1904 Bærum Akershus Entrepreneur 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 38 Auschwitz Fraenkl[18] Pavel 20-May-1904 Oslo Oslo Dr. philos 4-Aug-1942 29-Jan-1944 Other route Survived Freidmann Bernhard Meyer 30-Sep-1887 Oslo Oslo Sausage maker 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 55 Auschwitz 79112 Fridmann Benjamin 8-Aug-1896 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 2-Jan-1943 46 Auschwitz 79119 Fridmann Ruben 15-Apr-1898 Oslo Oslo Worker 23-Apr-1942 21-Aug-1943 Other route 45 Auschwitz Fried Abraham 17-May-1880 Oslo Oslo Cantor/ teacher 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 62 Auschwitz Ganz Charles 29-Apr-1932 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 10 Auschwitz Ganz Fanny 12-Dec-1935 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 6 Auschwitz Ganz Lea 7-Feb-1903 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 39 Auschwitz Ganz Marie 14-Nov-1868 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 74 Auschwitz Garmi Benjamin 15-Jul-1918 Oslo Oslo Furrier apprentice 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Dec 43 25 Auschwitz 79124 Garmi Gideon 25-Oct-1921 Oslo Oslo Furrier 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 15-Feb-1943 21 Auschwitz Gedanken Bjørn 17-May-1925 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 17 Auschwitz Gedanken Heimann 12-May-1922 Oslo Oslo Apprentice 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 20 Auschwitz Gedanken Josef 9-Nov-1893 Oslo Oslo Weaver 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 49 Auschwitz Gedanken Lilly 22-Jan-1916 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 26 Auschwitz Gedanken Lina 15-Apr-1895 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 47 Auschwitz Gettler Hendrik 1-Dec-1916 Oslo Oslo Truck driver 22-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 26 Auschwitz 105281 Gettler Herman 26-Mar-1885 Oslo Oslo Roofer 22-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 57 Auschwitz Gettler Marie 28-Apr-1889 Oslo Oslo Seamstress 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 53 Auschwitz Gettler Sonja 13-Mar-1910 Oslo Oslo Seamstress 22-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 32 Auschwitz Gettler Svend 21-Dec-1912 Oslo Oslo Roofer 22-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 1-May-1943 30 Auschwitz Gittelsen Israel Jakob 9-Sep-1877 Oslo Oslo Watchmaker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 65 Auschwitz Gittelsen Lea 18-May-1872 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 70 Auschwitz Gittelsen Signe 10-Nov-1903 Oslo Oslo Office clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 39 Auschwitz Glick David 4-Oct-1907 Sunndalsøra Møre og Romsdal Transport worker 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 22-Jan-1943 35 Auschwitz 79127 Glick Isak 23-Apr-1915 Ås Akershus Chemical engineer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 19-Jan-1943 27 Auschwitz Glick Jenny 2-Oct-1874 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 68 Auschwitz Glick Rakel 17-Nov-1882 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Factory owner 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 60 Auschwitz Glickman David 5-Jan-1921 Oslo Oslo Hair stylist 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 24-Feb-1943 22 Auschwitz Glickmann Sara 27-Feb-1920 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 22 Auschwitz Goldberg Alexander 7-Mar-1905 Oslo Oslo Businessmann 2-Sep-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 15-Jan-1943 37 Auschwitz Goldberg Anna 29-Oct-1879 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 63 Auschwitz Goldberg David 19-Aug-1879 Oslo Oslo Merchant 2-Sep-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 1-Dec-1942 63 Auschwitz Goldberg Gustav 28-Mar-1917 Oslo Oslo Apprentice 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 24-Dec-1942 25 Auschwitz 79126 Goldberg Marie 2-Dec-1903 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 38 Auschwitz Goldenheim Rebekka 24-Aug-1883 Oslo Oslo Music teacher 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 59 Auschwitz Goldmann Isak Meyer 27-Aug-1883 Hammerfest Finnmark Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 59 Auschwitz Goldwasser Abel 28-May-1927 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 15 Auschwitz Goldwasser Sigmund 12-Jun-1923 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 19 Auschwitz Goldwasser Simon 27-Apr-1890 Oslo Oslo Tanner 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 52 Auschwitz 87542 Gordon Arne 14-Mar-1928 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 14 Auschwitz Gordon Bernhard 22-Nov-1905 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 37 Auschwitz Gordon Doris 13-Oct-1934 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 8 Auschwitz Gordon Edith 8-Nov-1901 Oslo Oslo Busineswoman 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 41 Auschwitz Gordon Leo 9-Oct-1932 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 10 Auschwitz Gorvitz Adolf 5-Jul-1884 Oslo Oslo Roofer 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 58 Auschwitz Gorvitz Bjarne 5-Jul-1925 Oslo Oslo Roofer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 17 Auschwitz 79122 Gorvitz David 3-Jul-1919 Oslo Oslo Roofer 7-Sep-1941 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 8-Feb-1943 23 Auschwitz 80040 Gorvitz Elias 7-Sep-1911 Oslo Oslo Roofer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 17-Apr-1943 31 Auschwitz 79123 Gorvitz Ester 10-Jan-1923 Oslo Oslo Seamstress 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 19 Auschwitz Gorvitz Herman 27-Apr-1922 Oslo Oslo Roofer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 20 Auschwitz 79120 Gorvitz Leopold 29-Jun-1915 Oslo Oslo Roofer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Mar 43 27 Auschwitz 79121 Gorvitz Lina 27-May-1887 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 55 Auschwitz Gorwitz Edel 9-Sep-1928 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 14 Auschwitz Gorwitz Esther 10-Jan-1923 Oslo Oslo Seamstress 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 19 Auschwitz Gorwitz Ida 23-May-1916 Oslo Oslo Office clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 26 Auschwitz Gosias Philipp 30-Mar-1883 Oslo Oslo Businessman 28-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 59 Auschwitz Grabowski Josef 11-May-1911 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Cantor 7-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland May 43 31 Auschwitz 105359 Grabowski Liesebeth 30-Apr-1920 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Homemaker 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 22 Auschwitz Graf Tibor 25-Sep-1908 Oslo Oslo University tutor 20-Apr-1943 30-Sep-1943 Other route 35 Auschwitz Granstein Sara 20-May-1894 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 48 Auschwitz Gross Israel 10-Jul-1878 Oslo Oslo Factory owner 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 64 Auschwitz Gruder Felix 26-Sep-1904 Oslo Oslo Engineer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 38 Auschwitz Grün Helga 24-Jun-1892 Oslo Oslo Translator 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 50 Auschwitz Gunst Emil 21-Oct-1891 Oppegård Akershus 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 51 Auschwitz Gunst Gjertrud 15-Oct-1930 Oppegård Akershus Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 12 Auschwitz Gunst Lilly 8-Oct-1911 Oppegård Akershus Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 31 Auschwitz Gurewitz Josef 15-Apr-1905 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Retail clerk 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 37 Auschwitz Gurewitz Klara 13-Sep-1900 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 42 Auschwitz Gurewitz Michael 31-Dec-1908 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Worker 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 34 Auschwitz Hammerschlag Friedrich 20-Nov-1888 Halden Østfold 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 54 Auschwitz Hammerschlag Toni Sara 10-Dec-1896 Halden Østfold Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 46 Auschwitz Hanauer Clothilde 29-Nov-1882 Ålvik in Hardanger Hordaland Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 2-Mar-1943 60 Auschwitz Heilbuth Julius 10-Apr-1863 Oslo Oslo 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 79 Auschwitz Heilbuth Rosalie 22-Sep-1868 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 74 Auschwitz Hirsch[15] Asriel-Berl ("Pelle") 4-Apr-1920 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Student 7-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland Survived 105302 Hirsch[15] Assor 9-Apr-1923 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Student 8-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland Survived 105303 Hirsch Chaim 8-Sep-1879 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Businessman 8-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 63 Auschwitz Hirsch Chaja 20-Dec-1912 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Retail clerk 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 30 Auschwitz Hirsch Esther 26-May-1905 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1942 36 Auschwitz Hirsch Frida 18-Dec-1868 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 74 Auschwitz Hirsch Gittel 27-Mar-1909 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Retail clerk 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 33 Auschwitz Hirsch Jakob 20-May-1866 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Merchant 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 76 Auschwitz Hirsch Leon 9-Jan-1908 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Gardener 7-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 16-Dec-1943 35 Auschwitz 105304 Hirsch Liv 21-Apr-1922 Oslo Oslo Office clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 20 Auschwitz Hirsch Marie 7-Jul-1887 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Homemaker 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 55 Auschwitz Hirsch Ruben 20-Aug-1914 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Musician 8-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 21-Jan-1944 29 Auschwitz 105305 Hirsch Stephanie 10-Oct-1875 Lillehammer Oppland Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 67 Auschwitz Hirsch Wolf 30-Jul-1897 Kristiansund Møre og Romsdal Businessman 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 45 Auschwitz Hirschberg Meta Toni 4-May-1865 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 77 Auschwitz Hirschfeld Taube 2-May-1883 Oslo Oslo Physician 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 59 Auschwitz Hurwitz Anna 30-May-1890 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 8-Dec-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 52 Auschwitz Hurwitz Arvid 30-Jan-1922 Oslo Oslo Electrical installer 23-Jun-1941 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Jan-1944 21 Auschwitz Hurwitz Benno 22-Apr-1932 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 10 Auschwitz Hurwitz Bernhard 25-Jul-1877 Oslo Oslo Buyer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 65 Auschwitz Hurwitz Fredrik 18-Oct-1928 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 14 Auschwitz Hurwitz Gabriel 24-Aug-1889 Oslo Oslo Transient 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 53 Auschwitz Hurwitz Jakob 7-Feb-1916 Oslo Oslo Chauffer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 23-Feb-1943 27 Auschwitz 79132 Hurwitz Jenny 10-Jan-1907 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 35 Auschwitz Hurwitz Jenny 2-Dec-1922 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 19 Auschwitz Hurwitz Josef 31-May-1920 Oslo Oslo Mechanic 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Jan-1944 23 Auschwitz Hurwitz Klara 20-Dec-1880 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 61 Auschwitz Hurwitz Marie 7-Dec-1911 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 30 Auschwitz Hurwitz Markus 15-Oct-1898 Oslo Oslo Tobacco worker 25-Aug-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland Mar 43 44 Auschwitz Hurwitz Meier 28-Jan-1916 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Mar 43 27 Auschwitz Hurwitz Salemon 10-Aug-1910 Oslo Oslo Factory owner 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Mar 43 32 Auschwitz Hurwitz Therese 3-Oct-1899 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 43 Auschwitz Huszar Hans Paul 31-Jul-1914 Bergen Hordaland Draftsman 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 16-Jan-1943 28 Auschwitz Isachsen Benjamin 23-Apr-1905 Sørumsand Akershus Farm hand 8-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 15-Jan-1943 37 Auschwitz Isaksen Aron 13-Sep-1905 Oslo Oslo Bookkeeper 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 37 Auschwitz Isaksen Gittel Gerd 25-Aug-1925 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Pupil 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 17 Auschwitz Isaksen Harry Samuel 6-Jul-1932 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Pupil 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 10 Auschwitz Isaksen Hermann 4-Jun-1908 Oslo Oslo Tailor 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 4-Mar-1943 34 Auschwitz 79136 Isaksen Isak Leiser 15-Aug-1875 Oslo Oslo Tailor 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 67 Auschwitz Isaksen Isidor 2-Nov-1896 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Merchant 28-Jul-1942 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 9-Apr-1943 46 Auschwitz 81972 Isaksen Leonhard 11-Nov-1928 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Pupil 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 14 Auschwitz Isaksen Rebekka Sonja 25-Sep-1885 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 57 Auschwitz Isaksen Rosa 7-Jul-1896 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 46 Auschwitz Iskin Awschey 15-Dec-1877 Oslo Oslo Furrier 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 64 Auschwitz Jacobowitz Lewek 3-Apr-1888 Oslo Oslo Merchant 22-Jan-1941 Other route 19-Jul-1943 55 Auschwitz Jaffe Arnold 3-Jan-1927 Gjøvik Oppland Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 15 Auschwitz Jaffe Cecilie 8-Feb-1911 Oslo Oslo Maid 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 31 Auschwitz Jaffe Esther 20-Feb-1888 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 54 Auschwitz Jaffe Esther Emy 17-Nov-1883 Tønsberg Vestfold Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 59 Auschwitz Jaffe Eva 22-Aug-1919 Tønsberg Vestfold Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 23 Auschwitz Jaffe Gerhard 19-May-1905 Oslo Oslo 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 4-Jun-1943 38 Auschwitz Jaffe Hanna 18-Jul-1914 Oslo Oslo Typographer 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 28 Auschwitz Jaffe Ida 15-May-1912 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 30 Auschwitz Jaffe Isak 15-May-1882 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 60 Auschwitz Jaffe Leopold 3-May-1892 Tønsberg Vestfold Manager 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 50 Auschwitz Jaffe Markus 13-Dec-1861 Tønsberg Vestfold Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 80 Auschwitz Jaffe Mendel 5-Dec-1920 Gjøvik Oppland Photography apprentice 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 22 Auschwitz Jaffe Moritz 25-Jun-1889 Halden Østfold Merchant 2-Nov-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 53 Auschwitz Jaffe Rakel 22-Jan-1894 Tønsberg Vestfold Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 48 Auschwitz Jaffe Robert 16-Apr-1924 Gjøvik Oppland High school student 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 18 Auschwitz Jaffe Rudolf 27-May-1923 Tønsberg Vestfold Student 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 15-Jan-1943 19 Auschwitz Jaffe Ruth 19-Jun-1897 Gjøvik Oppland Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 45 Auschwitz Jaffe Samson 15-Dec-1887 Gjøvik Oppland Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 54 Auschwitz Jakubowitz [19] Jenny 12-Jul-1935 Bærum Akershus Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 7 Auschwitz Jakubowitz Mina 25-Feb-1908 Bærum Akershus Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 34 Auschwitz Jakubowitz Rudolf 5-Feb-1889 Bærum Akershus Businessman 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 53 Auschwitz Jakubowitz[19] Simon 11-Mar-1933 Bærum Akershus Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 9 Auschwitz Jakubowitz[19] Sonja Henny 14-Aug-1931 Bærum Akershus Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 11 Auschwitz Jaroschy Wilhelm 16-Apr-1886 Oslo Oslo Physician 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 56 Auschwitz Jelaawitz Esther 15-Apr-1886 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 56 Auschwitz Jelaawitz Fanny 5-Apr-1906 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 36 Auschwitz Jelaawitz Isak Leib 15-Feb-1882 Oslo Oslo Businessman 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 61 Auschwitz Jellineck Hans 22-Dec-1906 Oslo Oslo Office clerk 26-Oct-1943 26-Nov-1942 Donau 14-Jan-1943 36 Auschwitz Jelo David 23-May-1904 Oslo Oslo Businessman 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 12-Dec-1942 38 Auschwitz Jelo Herman 1-Mar-1908 Oslo Oslo Hair stylist 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 2-Jan-1943 34 Auschwitz Jelowitz Dora 3-Jul-1910 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 32 Auschwitz Johansen[20] Helene 19-Apr-1903 Oslo Oslo Secretary 22-Jun-1941 15-Nov-1941 Donau May 42 39 Auschwitz Joseff David 23-Apr-1893 Stavanger Rogaland Workshop manager 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 2-Jan-1943 49 Auschwitz Joseff Hildur Sara 25-Jan-1916 Stavanger Rogaland Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 27 Auschwitz Joseff Selmer 13-Nov-1922 Stavanger Rogaland Rubber worker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 20 Auschwitz Joseff Sophie 1-Sep-1892 Stavanger Rogaland Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 50 Auschwitz Joseph Cecilie 25-Jun-1897 Oslo Oslo Tobacco worker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 45 Auschwitz Joseph Fanny 20-Dec-1874 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 67 Auschwitz Joseph Herman 25-Oct-1876 Åsnes Hedmark Retired merchant 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 66 Auschwitz Kahan Moritz 1-Feb-1916 Oslo Oslo Driver 23-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Survived Kahn Ada Ester 15-Oct-1938 Bærum Akershus Child 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 4 Auschwitz Kahn Cecilie 4-Feb-1900 Bærum Akershus Entrepreneur 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 42 Auschwitz Kahn Rosa 10-Apr-1876 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Factory owner 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 66 Auschwitz Kaplan Isak 14-Apr-1889 Oslo Oslo Tobacco worker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 16-Jan-1943 53 Auschwitz Karpol Esther 25-Dec-1903 Harpefoss Oppland Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 38 Auschwitz Karpol Klara 25-Aug-1899 Oslo Oslo Office clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 43 Auschwitz Karpol Samuel 7-Feb-1901 Harpefoss Oppland Farmer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 13-Jan-1943 41 Auschwitz Kassan Bassy 10-Jun-1912 Oslo Oslo Book binder 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 30 Auschwitz Kassan Cecilie 15-Mar-1878 Oslo Oslo Ironer 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 64 Auschwitz Kassan Max Martin 2-Apr-1909 Oslo Oslo Brewery worker 21-Aug-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 12-May-1943 34 Auschwitz Kassan Mona Esther 10-Aug-1914 Oslo Oslo Typographer 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 28 Auschwitz Katz Moses 28-Oct-1874 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 68 Auschwitz Kazerginsky Bertha 27-Jun-1867 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 75 Auschwitz Keil Eugen 4-Jun-1907 Hønefoss Buskerud Watchmaker 25-Oct-1942 22-May-1943 Other route Survived Kermann Anna 11-Oct-1919 Oslo Oslo Tobacco worker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 23 Auschwitz Kermann Charles Abraham 5-Jul-1916 Oslo Oslo Presser 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 13-Jan-1943 26 Auschwitz Kermann Gerda 2-Nov-1919 Oslo Oslo Seamstress 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 23 Auschwitz Kermann Isak 5-Aug-1885 Lillestrøm Akershus Amusement park worker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 57 Auschwitz Kermann Markus 1-Jan-1891 Oslo Oslo Tailor 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 51 Auschwitz Kermann Moritz 10-Dec-1914 Oslo Oslo Presser 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 2-Mar-1943 28 Auschwitz Kermann Olga 7-May-1892 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 50 Auschwitz Kermann Robert 25-Feb-1918 Oslo Oslo Disinfectant worker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 15-Jan-1943 24 Auschwitz Kermann Sara 10-May-1888 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 54 Auschwitz Kerner Jacob Isak 21-Jan-1896 Oslo Oslo Furniture merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 46 Auschwitz Kirschner Carl Leopold 28-Aug-1865 Oslo Oslo Transient 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 77 Auschwitz Klein Abraham 12-Jun-1926 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag High school student 7-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 16 Auschwitz Klein[21] Cissi Pera 19-Apr-1929 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Pupil 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 13 Auschwitz Klein Moritz 29-Jan-1911 Tromsø Troms Merchant 18-Jun-1941 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 17-Feb-1943 32 Auschwitz 81950 Klein Wolf 5-Jun-1886 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Merchant 7-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 56 Auschwitz Knøpfler Ernst 30-Jun-1906 Kolbotn in Årdal Sogn og Fjordane Dairy worker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 36 Auschwitz 79150 Knøpfler Helene 9-Apr-1915 Kolbotn in Årdal Sogn og Fjordane Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 27 Auschwitz Knøpfler Leopold 8-Apr-1935 Kolbotn in Årdal Sogn og Fjordane Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 7 Auschwitz Knøpfler Odd 2-May-1939 Kolbotn in Årdal Sogn og Fjordane Child 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 3 Auschwitz Koklin Benjamin 12-Oct-1891 Tønsberg Vestfold Businessman 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 51 Auschwitz Koklin Emil Georg 17-Nov-1925 Tønsberg Vestfold Machine operator 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 17 Auschwitz 79153 Koklin Ida 15-Jun-1887 Tønsberg Vestfold Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 55 Auschwitz Koklin Julius 31-Jul-1922 Tønsberg Vestfold Student 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 14-Jan-1943 20 Auschwitz 79152 Kolnitzansky Henrik 1-Nov-1919 Kristiansand Vest-Agder Machine operator 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 13-Jan-1943 23 Auschwitz Komnik Beer 1-Apr-1927 Hurum Buskerud Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 15 Auschwitz 79161 Komnik Jakob 23-Oct-1897 Hurum Buskerud Factory owner 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 45 Auschwitz Komnik Julie 23-Dec-1898 Hurum Buskerud Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 43 Auschwitz Kraast Adolf 18-Jan-1890 Oslo Oslo Painter 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 52 Auschwitz Kraus Eugen 12-Jan-1909 Oslo Oslo Salesman 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Feb 43 34 Auschwitz 79149 Kreilisheim Gisela (Ella) 10-Dec-1867 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 74 Auschwitz Krieger Jacob 1-Sep-1899 Oslo Oslo 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 43 Auschwitz Krieger Klara 27-Mar-1906 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 36 Auschwitz Krimm Jenny 21-Aug-1901 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 41 Auschwitz Kristiansen[20] Mirjam 26-Jun-1899 Oslo Oslo Secretary 22-Jun-1941 15-Nov-1941 Donau May 42 42 Auschwitz Krømer Frida 8-Apr-1902 Oslo Oslo Music teacher 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 40 Auschwitz Kronik Ame 21-Sep-1924 Oslo Oslo Steel worker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Feb 43 18 Auschwitz 79155 Kronik Anna 5-Oct-1891 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 51 Auschwitz Krupp Bernhard 23-Mar-1916 Oslo Oslo Plumber 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 12-Jan-1943 26 Auschwitz Krupp Hermann 1-Jan-1913 Oslo Oslo Cutter 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 30-Dec-1942 29 Auschwitz 79147 Krupp Isak 15-May-1905 Oslo Oslo Businessman 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 22-Jan-1943 37 Auschwitz 79158 Krupp Jan Larry 28-Jul-1942 Oslo Oslo Infant 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 0 Auschwitz Krupp Leopold 23-Dec-1911 Oslo Oslo Worker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 12-Jan-1943 31 Auschwitz Krupp Moses 23-Apr-1885 Oslo Oslo Traveling salesman 27-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 57 Auschwitz Krupp Rachel 10-Aug-1907 Oslo Oslo Office clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 35 Auschwitz Lahn Abel 15-Oct-1892 Sandefjord Vestfold Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Dec 42 50 Auschwitz Lahn Herman 14-Jan-1920 Sandefjord Vestfold Student 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 22 Auschwitz 79174 Lahn Oscar Ellis 1-Aug-1923 Sandefjord Vest-Agder Installer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 19 Auschwitz 79175 Laksov Håkon 29-Jul-1911 Oslo Oslo Attorney 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Mar 43 31 Auschwitz 79179 Landau Herman 20-Oct-1878 Skarnes Hedmark Tenant farmer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 64 Auschwitz Lasnik Anna 19-Nov-1911 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 31 Auschwitz Lasnik Dora 10-Oct-1888 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 54 Auschwitz Lasnik Elias 24-Dec-1887 Oslo Oslo Roofer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 54 Auschwitz Lasnik[22] Kathe Rita 13-Oct-1927 Oslo Oslo High school student 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 15 Auschwitz Leimann Bernhard 24-Aug-1897 Oslo Oslo Tailor 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 45 Auschwitz Leimann Dina 19-Nov-1903 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 39 Auschwitz Leimann Isak 16-Dec-1869 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 72 Auschwitz Leimann Martha 10-Sep-1885 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 2-Jan-1943 57 Auschwitz Lemkow Dora 25-Nov-1888 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 54 Auschwitz Lemkow Ethel Frida 26-Jun-1920 Oslo Oslo Dental assistant 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 22 Auschwitz Lemos de Sigrid 8-Mar-1883 Oslo Oslo Language teacher 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 59 Auschwitz Leopold Martha 20-Mar-1882 Lillehammer Oppland Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 60 Auschwitz Leventhal Benjamin 31-Oct-1909 Oslo Oslo Hair stylist 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 4-Jan-1943 33 Auschwitz Leventhal Berit 6-Aug-1934 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 8 Auschwitz Leventhal Esther 11-Aug-1913 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 29 Auschwitz Leventhal Flora 20-Sep-1878 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 64 Auschwitz Leventhal Isak 27-Jun-1880 Oslo Oslo Traveling salesman 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 62 Auschwitz Levin Karl 15-Nov-1887 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 55 Auschwitz 79177 Levin Lea 29-Aug-1905 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Manager 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 37 Auschwitz Levin Leonard 31-May-1905 Oslo Oslo Physician 1-Apr-1942 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 19-Jan-1943 37 Auschwitz Levin Leopold 18-Nov-1899 Orkanger Sør-Trøndelag Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 [23] Donau 4-Jan-1943 43 Auschwitz Levin Lisa 18-Apr-1896 Oslo Oslo Seamstress 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 46 Auschwitz Levin Ragnhild 12-Oct-1912 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Cutter 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 30 Auschwitz Levin Sigurd 21-Mar-1898 Oslo Oslo Merchant 3-Sep-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa Jan 43 44 Auschwitz Levinsohn[24] Aron 9-Feb-1900 Elverum Hedmark Merchant 11-Sep-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 4-Jan-1943 42 Auschwitz 105672 Levinsohn Mina 25-Jun-1907 Oslo Oslo Office clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 35 Auschwitz Levinsohn Mina Micle 26-Mar-1868 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 74 Auschwitz Levinsohn Moses 7-Jun-1866 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 76 Auschwitz Levinson Anna 14-Oct-1919 Oslo Oslo Seamstress 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 23 Auschwitz Levinson Bernhard Jacob 25-Jan-1889 Oslo Oslo Merchant 2-Sep-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa Jan 43 53 Auschwitz Levinson Dina Rosa 4-Jan-1924 Oslo Oslo Factory worker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 18 Auschwitz Levinson Herman 8-Jan-1918 Oslo Oslo Carpenter 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 18-Jan-1943 25 Auschwitz Levinson Jette 3-Jan-1887 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 55 Auschwitz Levinson Salomon 15-Aug-1889 Oslo Oslo Worker 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 53 Auschwitz 79166 Levinson Samuel 13-Oct-1920 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 5-Feb-1943 22 Auschwitz Levinson Simon 27-Jun-1913 Oslo Oslo Warehouse worker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 29 105345 Levkowitz Simon 12-May-1883 Oslo Oslo Barber 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 59 Auschwitz Lewenstein Benjamin 1-Oct-1891 Oslo Oslo Glassmaker 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 51 Auschwitz 79173 Lewenstein Heimann 11-Jun-1920 Oslo Oslo Glassmaker 23-Jun-1941 26-Nov-1942 Donau Feb 43 22 Auschwitz 79171 Lewenstein Meier Bjørn 10-Jan-1915 Oslo Oslo Glassmaker apprentice 23-Jun-1941 26-Nov-1942 Donau 19-Jan-1943 28 Auschwitz Lewenstein Salomon 28-Nov-1916 Oslo Oslo Glassmaker 23-Jun-1941 26-Nov-1942 Donau 27-Jan-1943 26 Auschwitz 79172 Lewenstein Sara 15-Oct-1887 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 55 Auschwitz Lewin Eugen 24-Apr-1883 Oslo Oslo Ethnologist 9-Jan-1942 Other route Jul 42 59 Unknown Libowitz David 8-Jan-1886 Oslo Oslo Fruit merchant 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 56 Auschwitz Loewy Fritz 27-Nov-1898 Oslo Oslo 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 44 Auschwitz Løgård Leo 23-May-1912 Oslo Oslo Dental technician 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 30 Auschwitz Lomnitz Elfriede 13-Dec-1885 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 57 Auschwitz Lomnitz Lurje Felix Georg Salomon 29-Nov-1884 Oslo Oslo Businessman 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 58 Auschwitz Løwidt Kurt 14-May-1921 Oslo Oslo Cook 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 19-Jan-1943 21 Auschwitz Løwy Fritz Gustav 12-Aug-1870 Oslo Oslo 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 27-Dec-1942 72 Auschwitz 79176 Lurje Salomon 25-Dec-1888 Oslo Oslo 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 54 Auschwitz Lustig Fritz 28-Oct-1922 Nesjestranda in Molde Møre og Romsdal Student 16-Mar-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland Survived 105350 Lustig Nora 22-Apr-1899 Nesjestranda in Molde [25] Møre og Romsdal Homemaker 16-Mar-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 43 Auschwitz Lustig (Levold) [26] Hans 28-Oct-1922 Nesjestranda in Molde Møre og Romsdal Student 16-Mar-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland Survived 105351 Magnus Else 9-Mar-1869 Oslo Oslo 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 73 Auschwitz Magnus Gertrud 29-Feb-1904 Oslo Oslo 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 38 Auschwitz Mahler Abraham 9-Jun-1920 Strinda Sør-Trøndelag Office clerk 31-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 26-Apr-1905 22 Auschwitz Mahler Malke Rachel 2-Apr-1896 Strinda Sør-Trøndelag Homemaker 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 46 Auschwitz Mahler Mina 18-Aug-1927 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Pupil 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 15 Auschwitz Mahler Selig 3-Nov-1923 Strinda Sør-Trøndelag Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Dec 42 19 Auschwitz 79183 Mahler Simon 31-Dec-1886 Strinda Sør-Trøndelag Merchant 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 55 Auschwitz Maier[27] Ruth 10-Nov-1920 Oslo Oslo 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 22 Auschwitz Maliniak[28] Jacques 31-Oct-1883 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Music conductor 7-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 59 Auschwitz Maliniak Mathilde 21-Mar-1887 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Language teacher 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 55 Auschwitz Mankowitz Max Abraham 30-Oct-1892 Oslo Oslo Tailor 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Feb 43 50 Auschwitz Marianson Isak Leib 21-Sep-1889 Bergen Hordaland Transient 28-Jun-1941 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 17-Feb-1943 53 Auschwitz Markus Jette Lea 13-Feb-1890 Elverum Hedmark Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 52 Auschwitz Markus Leif Sigurd 22-Aug-1919 Elverum Hedmark Bookkeeper 23-Mar-1942 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa May 43 23 Auschwitz Markus Liv 23-Jan-1925 Elverum Hedmark High school student 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 17 Auschwitz Markus Ragnar 3-Jul-1937 Elverum Hedmark Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 5 Auschwitz Markus Selik 23-May-1882 Elverum Hedmark Merchant 13-Aug-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa Jan 43 60 Auschwitz Markus Sylvia 10-Nov-1926 Elverum Hedmark Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 16 Auschwitz Matolsky Anna 14-Dec-1897 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 44 Auschwitz Matolsky Carl Herman 15-Mar-1882 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Dec 42 60 Auschwitz Medvedjeff Julius 3-May-1884 Oslo Oslo Tobacco worker 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 58 Auschwitz Meieranovski Charles 15-Jul-1915 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Dec 42 27 Auschwitz Meieranovski Moritz 25-Nov-1881 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 61 Auschwitz Meieranovski Rosa 5-May-1880 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 62 Auschwitz Meifan Jacob 20-Dec-1905 Oslo Oslo Factory owner 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 3-Mar-1943 37 Auschwitz 79182 Meiran Ellinor 10-Sep-1937 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 5 Auschwitz Meltzer Ludwig 7-Mar-1886 Hordaland Hordaland Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 56 Auschwitz Mendel Esther 24-May-1914 Oslo Oslo Postal worker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 28 Auschwitz Mendel Harry Isidor 10-Jul-1918 Oslo Oslo Musician 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 24 Auschwitz Mendelsohn Aron 17-Nov-1871 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Factory owner 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 71 Auschwitz Mendelsohn Henryk 4-Nov-1896 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Factory owner 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland Spring '44 47 Auschwitz 105353 Mendelsohn Thora 19-Mar-1874 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Homemaker 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 68 Auschwitz Mesner Herman 12-May-1911 Oslo Oslo Factory owner 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 5-Jan-1943 31 Auschwitz Meszansky Martin 29-Nov-1904 Oslo Oslo Factory owner 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Auschwitz 79185 Meyer Ethel 10-Nov-1886 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Businesswoman 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 56 Auschwitz Meyer[29][30] Harry 7-Nov-1912 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Attorney 1-Apr-1943 Kvarstad Survived Michel Heinz Adolf 28-Mar-1910 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Apr-1943 33 Auschwitz 79184 Millamed Herman 30-May-1866 Oslo Oslo Warehouse worker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 76 Auschwitz Minster Josef 5-May-1916 Oslo Oslo Day laborer 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Mar 43 26 Auschwitz Minster Mina 10-Jan-1893 Oslo Oslo Greengrocer 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 49 Auschwitz Mogolovsky Rolf Elja 21-Sep-1889 Oslo Oslo Sales agent 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 53 Auschwitz Mollet Moritz 24-Jun-1891 Hurum Buskerud Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 51 Auschwitz Moritz Aksel 17-Aug-1906 Oslo Oslo Book printer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 14-Jan-1943 36 Auschwitz 79187 Moritz Ben Abraham 1-Apr-1911 Oslo Oslo Pianist 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 13-Jan-1943 31 Auschwitz 79188 Moritz Ester 17-May-1908 Oslo Oslo Maid 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 34 Auschwitz Moritz John Charles 26-Jul-1937 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 5 Auschwitz Moritz Leif 29-Apr-1933 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 9 Auschwitz Moritz Rakel 4-Mar-1877 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 65 Auschwitz Moritz Sara 15-Jan-1904 Oslo Oslo Factory owner 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 38 Auschwitz Moritz Sonja Ester 1-Nov-1911 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 31 Auschwitz Muller Bertha 14-Feb-1932 Bergen Hordaland Pupil 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 11 Auschwitz Müller Cecylie 27-Feb-1907 Bergen Hordaland Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 36 Auschwitz Müller Oscar 30-Jun-1928 Bergen Hordaland Pupil 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 14 Auschwitz Nachemsohn Gulmann 25-Apr-1879 Oslo Oslo Transient 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 63 Auschwitz Nachemsohn Hanna 10-Jan-1890 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 52 Auschwitz Nachemsohn Henry 10-Aug-1916 Oslo Oslo Book printer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 26 Auschwitz 79193 Nachemsohn Samuel 10-Oct-1913 Oslo Oslo Sales agent 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 22-Jan-1943 29 Auschwitz Nachtstern[31][32] Moritz 11-Nov-1902 Oslo Oslo Typographer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Survived 79194 Nathan Einar 23-Dec-1886 Oslo Oslo Attorney 27-Oct-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa Jan 43 56 Auschwitz Nathan Selma 23-Mar-1888 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 54 Auschwitz Omstein Leonhard 23-Jul-1868 Oslo Oslo 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 74 Auschwitz Oster Ida 9-Aug-1885 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 57 Auschwitz Oster Max 1-Dec-1884 Oslo Oslo Sign maker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 57 Auschwitz Oster Miriam 31-Dec-1918 Oslo Oslo Redaktør 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 23 Auschwitz Oster Rebekka 20-Oct-1914 Bærum Akershus Redaktør 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 28 Auschwitz Pajkin Isja 1-Nov-1891 Oslo Oslo Merchant 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 51 Auschwitz Pajkin Ivar 3-Jun-1926 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 16 Auschwitz Paltiel Idar 24-May-1919 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 13-Feb-1943 23 Auschwitz 79200 Paltiel[15][33] Julius Louis 4-Jul-1924 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag High school student 7-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland Survived 105362 Paltiel Kaja Ruth 23-Sep-1895 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Entrepreneur 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 47 Auschwitz Philipsohn Abraham 19-Dec-1864 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Merchant 7-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 78 Auschwitz Philipsohn Esther Rosa 19-Sep-1903 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Retail clerk 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 39 Auschwitz Philipsohn Maja 15-May-1912 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Retail clerk 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 30 Auschwitz Philipsohn Phillip 10-Aug-1897 Berlevåg Finnmark Construction worker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 45 Auschwitz Pickelner Isak 8-Sep-1887 Narvik Nordland Executive 18-Jun-1941 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa Jan 43 55 Auschwitz Pinkowitz Ruben 17-Feb-1889 Oslo Oslo Factory owner 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 53 Auschwitz Pinkowitz Salomon 6-Jan-1896 Oslo Oslo Painter 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 15-Feb-1943 47 Auschwitz Pintzow Michael Wulff 24-Jun-1910 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 28-Apr-1905 34 Gleiwitz 105371 Pintzow Samuel Jacob 13-Dec-1879 Oslo Oslo Factory owner 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 63 Auschwitz Pinzow Ruben 11-Mar-1914 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 13-Jan-1943 28 Auschwitz Plavnik Elias 14-Aug-1915 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 23-Mar-1943 27 Auschwitz 79197 Plavnik Oskar 25-Jan-1919 Oslo Oslo Engineer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 5-Feb-1943 24 Auschwitz Plavnik Salomon 18-Jan-1882 Oslo Oslo Wholesaler 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 60 Auschwitz Plesansky Gabriel 12-Jul-1894 Oslo Oslo Factory owner 2-Sep-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 10-Apr-1943 48 Auschwitz Plesansky Isak 4-May-1892 Tønsberg Vestfold Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 50 Auschwitz Plesansky Mauritz 28-May-1924 Oslo Oslo High school student 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Feb 43 18 Auschwitz 79196 Plesansky Mina 7-May-1932 Tønsberg Vestfold Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 10 Auschwitz Plesansky Rosa 5-Feb-1894 Tønsberg Vestfold Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 48 Auschwitz Plesansky Sem 4-Jan-1930 Tønsberg Vestfold Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 12 Auschwitz Rabinowitz Hermann H. 30-Oct-1891 Bergen Hordaland Merchant 30-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 22-Dec-1942 51 Auschwitz 79204 Rabinowitz[34] Moritz 20-Sep-1887 Haugesund Rogaland Merchant 4-Dec-1940 22-May-1941 Other transport 27-Feb-1942 54 Sachsenhausen Ramson Benno 28-Oct-1896 Oslo Oslo Factor manager 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 46 Auschwitz Raphael Edith 8-Aug-1906 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 36 Auschwitz Raskow Joseph 25-Sep-1903 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Mar-1943 39 Auschwitz 79206 Rechenberg[35][36][37]. Georg 7-Dec-1912 Haugesund Rogaland Dental technician 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Survived 79207 Reichmann Anna Frume 23-Feb-1910 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 32 Auschwitz Reichmann Arne 18-Feb-1922 Oslo Oslo Office clerk 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 2-Mar-1943 21 Auschwitz 79209 Reichmann David Michel 20-Aug-1916 Oslo Oslo Journalist 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 25-Feb-1943 26 Auschwitz 79210 Reichmann Gerhard 21-May-1942 Oslo Oslo Infant 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 6 months Auschwitz Reichmann Nathan 7-Jun-1888 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 54 Auschwitz Reichwald[38] Edith 16-Aug-1918 Skånevik Hordaland Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 24 Auschwitz Reichwald Hans 29-Sep-1916 Skånevik Hordaland Machine installer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 17-Jan-1943 26 Auschwitz Reichwald Harry 23-Nov-1940 Skånevik Hordaland Child 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 2 Auschwitz Reichwald Jakob 13-Mar-1887 Skånevik Hordaland Disabled war veteran 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 55 Auschwitz Reichwald Jeanette 8-Jun-1887 Skånevik Hordaland Homemaker 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 55 Auschwitz Reiff Abel 17-Nov-1893 Oslo Oslo Tailor 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 24-Feb-1943 49 Auschwitz 79211 Reiff Cecilie 17-May-1910 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 32 Auschwitz Reiff Leopold Wulf 21-Jan-1887 Oslo Oslo Tailor 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 55 Auschwitz Reiss Johan 25-Jul-1929 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 13 Auschwitz Reiss Robert 19-May-1928 Ås Akershus Pupil 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 14 Auschwitz Resnick Zemack 17-Dec-1893 Tromsø Troms Merchant 4-Jun-1941 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 14-Jan-1943 49 Auschwitz Rosenberg Arthur 15-May-1899 Son Østfold Merchant 5-Mar-1942 21-May-1942 Other route Jan 42 42 Lublin Rosenberg Bernhard 16-Mar-1895 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Tailor 7-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 47 Auschwitz Rosenberg Charles 12-May-1924 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Messenger 7-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 18 Auschwitz Rosenberg Elly 1-Jul-1906 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 36 Auschwitz Rosenberg Ignaz 12-Jul-1874 Oslo Oslo Sales agent 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 68 Auschwitz Rosenberg Jenny 20-Dec-1895 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Homemaker 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 47 Auschwitz Rosenberg Rosa 5-Jan-1880 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 62 Auschwitz Rosenblum Lesser 23-Jun-1880 Oslo Oslo Lathe operator 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 62 Auschwitz Rothenberg Mathilde 27-Jan-1891 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 51 Auschwitz Rothkopf[39] Wilhelm 17-Aug-1903 Oslo Oslo 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 19-Aug-1943 40 Auschwitz Rothschild Rosa 20-Oct-1875 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 67 Auschwitz Rottmann Leopold 24-May-1917 Oslo Oslo Roofer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 13-Jan-1943 25 Auschwitz Rottmann Max Wulff 23-Apr-1890 Oslo Oslo Roofer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 52 Auschwitz Rottmann Sara 7-May-1892 Oslo Oslo Seamstress 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 50 Auschwitz Rouff Bertha 6-Aug-1917 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 25 Auschwitz Rubinstein [40] Isidor 28-Mar-1909 Oslo Oslo 19-Apr-1941 7-Jan-1942 Other route 27-Mar-1945 35 Mieste[41] Rubinstein Molly Amalie 24-Aug-1913 Oslo Oslo Seamstress 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 29 Auschwitz Rubinstein Oskar 20-Apr-1885 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 57 Auschwitz Rubinstein Rosa 2-Feb-1887 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 55 Auschwitz Rubinstein Viktor 26-Nov-1922 Oslo Oslo Apprentice 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 23-Dec-1942 20 Auschwitz Ruzicka[42] Fritz Georg 28-Apr-1908 Oslo Oslo Journalist 4-Nov-1942 28-May-1944 Other route Survived Stutthof Sachnowitz Elias 1-Oct-1911 Stokke Vestfold Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 22-Feb-1943 31 Auschwitz Sachnowitz[43] Frank 8-Feb-1925 Stokke Vestfold Farm hand 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 15-Jul-1943 18 Natzweiler Sachnowitz Frida 21-Jul-1923 Stokke Vestfold High school student 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 19 Auschwitz Sachnowitz[44] Herman 13-Jun-1921 Stokke Vestfold Musician 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Survived Sachnowitz Israel Leib 31-Mar-1880 Stokke Vestfold Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 62 Auschwitz Sachnowitz Marie[45] 11-Apr-1919 Stokke Vestfold Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 23 Auschwitz Sachnowitz Martin 10-Oct-1910 Stokke Vestfold Retail clerk 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 14-Mar-1943 32 Auschwitz Sachnowitz Rita 1-Aug-1915 Stokke Vestfold Office clerk 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 27 Auschwitz Sachnowitz Samuel 8-Dec-1912 Stokke Vestfold Retail clerk 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 11-Jan-1943 30 Auschwitz Sakolsky Rebekka 20-Sep-1912 Tromsø Troms Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 30 Auschwitz Sakolsky Ruth 5-Jul-1940 Tromsø Troms Child 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 2 Auschwitz Auschwitz Sakolsky Selik 24-Dec-1887 Tromsø Troms Merchant 18-Jun-1941 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 1-Dec-1943 55 Auschwitz Salit Eva 15-Mar-1882 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 60 Auschwitz Salit Mary 28-Mar-1903 Oslo Oslo Office clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 39 Auschwitz Salomon Elly 23-Jul-1910 Oslo Oslo Secretary 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 32 Auschwitz Samersav Anna 15-May-1889 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 53 Auschwitz Samersav Rachel 6-Jun-1916 Oslo Oslo Spinner 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 26 Auschwitz Samersav Rudolf 21-Jun-1919 Oslo Oslo Land worker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 23 Auschwitz Samersav William 13-Jan-1926 Oslo Oslo Mechanic 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 16 Auschwitz 79222 Samuel[46] Julius 19-Dec-1902 Oslo Oslo Rabbi 2-Sep-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 16-Dec-1942 39 Auschwitz Sangvil Abraham 10-Jul-1894 Oslo Oslo Tailor 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 18-Feb-1943 48 Auschwitz 79223 Savosnick Ernst 16-Jul-1879 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Watchmaker 8-Oct-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 13-Jun-1943 63 Auschwitz 79224 Savosnick[35][47] Robert 8-Oct-1915 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Medical student 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Survived 79225 Scelowsky John 21-May-1887 Oslo Oslo Textile agent 2-Sep-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 1-Dec-1942 55 Auschwitz Schacht Adolf 13-Jun-1918 Oslo Oslo Waiter 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Dec 43 25 Auschwitz 79230 Schacht Harry 10-Apr-1923 Oslo Oslo Drawer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 29-Jan-1943 19 Auschwitz 79228 Schacht Olga 15-Dec-1892 Oslo Oslo Entrepreneur 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 49 Auschwitz Schacht Salomon 26-Mar-1921 Oslo Oslo Engineer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 2-Mar-1943 21 Auschwitz 79239 Schapiro Moses 18-Aug-1887 Mosjøen Nordland Leather merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 55 Auschwitz Schapow Hanna 15-Mar-1900 Oslo Oslo Factory worker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 42 Auschwitz Schapow Isak 12-Oct-1896 Hurum Buskerud Traveling salesman 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 46 Auschwitz Schapow Jette 20-Dec-1895 Hurum Buskerud Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 46 Auschwitz Schapow Julius 12-Aug-1922 Oslo Oslo Office clerk 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 20 Auschwitz Schapow Lina 2-Dec-1901 Oslo Oslo Factory worker 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 41 Auschwitz Schapow Salomon 6-Feb-1892 Oslo Oslo Merchant 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 50 Auschwitz Schapow Sara 13-Aug-1907 Oslo Oslo Factory worker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 35 Auschwitz Scharff Alexander 1-Apr-1882 Hønefoss Buskerud Sales agent 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 60 Auschwitz Scharff Aron 1-Apr-1886 Oslo Oslo Sales agent 24-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 56 Auschwitz Scharff Bjørn Meier 14-May-1940 Hønefoss Buskerud Child 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 2 Auschwitz Scharff Herman 30-Apr-1911 Hønefoss Buskerud Warehouse worker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 31 Auschwitz Scharff Idar 11-Aug-1941 Hønefoss Buskerud Child 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 1 Auschwitz Scharff Jacob 26-Oct-1908 Hønefoss Buskerud Musician 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Dec 42 34 Auschwitz 79213 Scharff Jessy 21-Nov-1921 Hønefoss Buskerud Maid 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 21 Auschwitz Scharff Julius 2-Sep-1914 Hønefoss Buskerud Sales agent 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 14-Jan-1943 28 Auschwitz 79214 Scharff Lisa 28-Apr-1919 Hønefoss Buskerud Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 23 Auschwitz Scharff Mina 15-Feb-1914 Oslo Oslo Maid 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 28 Auschwitz Schechter Josef 2-Jul-1892 Bergen Hordaland Music conductor 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 50 Auschwitz Scheer Benjamin 10-Jul-1900 Bergen Hordaland Factory owner 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 2-Mar-1943 42 Auschwitz 79240 Scheer Carl 14-May-1906 Bergen Hordaland Factory owner 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 7-Jun-1943 37 Auschwitz 79239 Scheer Fanny 28-Apr-1901 Oslo Oslo Factory owner 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 41 Auschwitz Scheer Harry 19-Sep-1913 Bergen Hordaland Factory owner 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 2-Mar-1943 29 Auschwitz 79240 Scheer Leonard 12-Apr-1919 Oslo Oslo 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 15-Feb-1943 23 Auschwitz Scheer Olga 15-Jul-1862 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 80 Auschwitz Schermann Charles 31-Dec-1915 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 15-Feb-1943 27 Auschwitz Schermann Moritz Moses 8-Dec-1889 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 20-Jan-1943 53 Auschwitz 79217 Schermann Oskar 19-Jan-1925 Oslo Oslo Messenger 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Mar 43 18 Auschwitz Schermann Willy 14-Nov-1918 Oslo Oslo Tailor 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 20-Aug-1943 24 Auschwitz 105392 Schidorsky Jenny 22-Jun-1882 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag Homemaker 25-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 60 Auschwitz Schiff Frieda 20-Dec-1876 Øverskogen Buskerud Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 66 Auschwitz Schimberg Moritz 20-Dec-1888 Oslo Oslo Tailor 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 53 Auschwitz Schuchad Esther 13-Jun-1890 Oslo Oslo Seamstress 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 52 Auschwitz Schulmann Herman 12-Mar-1917 Oslo Oslo Broom binder 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 25 Auschwitz Schulmann Jenny 17-Jul-1920 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 22 Auschwitz Schuster Anna 15-Jan-1904 Nakkerud Buskerud Homemaker 12-Dec-1942 15-Feb-1943 Other route 39 Auschwitz Schuster Johann 31-Dec-1926 Nakkerud Buskerud Pupil 12-Dec-1942 15-Feb-1943 Other route 16 Auschwitz Schuster Rosa 11-Aug-1930 Nakkerud Buskerud Pupil 12-Dec-1942 15-Feb-1943 Other route 12 Auschwitz Seelig Rudolf 17-Feb-1921 Oslo Oslo Tailor 2-Oct-1941 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 17-Feb-1943 21 Auschwitz Segal[48] Frida 29-Nov-1882 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 15-Jan-1943 15-Feb-1943 Other route 9-Apr-1944 61 Vittel Internment camp, France Segal [49] Leopold 31-Mar-1922 Oslo Oslo 26-Oct-1942 15-Feb-1943 Other route Survived Segal [50] Lisa 18-Mar-1924 Oslo Oslo 15-Jan-1943 15-Feb-1943 Other route Survived Segal Miriam 27-Jan-1917 Oslo Oslo Spinner 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 25 Auschwitz Segal Tonny 27-Oct-1918 Oslo Oslo Factory worker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 24 Auschwitz Seligmann Erik Otto 19-Sep-1916 Oslo Oslo Ad drawer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 26 Auschwitz 105025 Seligmann Luise B. 15-Mar-1893 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 49 Auschwitz Seligmann Richard S 1-Jul-1884 Oslo Oslo Editor 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 58 Auschwitz Seligmann RolfS. 23-Sep-1920 Oslo Oslo Secretary 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 22 Auschwitz Selikowitz Hannah 16-Jul-1901 Oslo Oslo Factory owner 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 41 Auschwitz Selikowitz Sara 20-Apr-1880 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 62 Auschwitz Senderowitz Essayas 25-Dec-1885 Oslo Oslo Tobacco worker 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 57 Auschwitz Senderowitz Rakel 13-Oct-1883 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 59 Auschwitz Shotland Eva 29-Dec-1908 Tromsø Troms Retail clerk 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 34 Auschwitz Shotland Eva 1-Nov-1909 Harstad Troms Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 33 Auschwitz Shotland Harry Simon 24-Aug-1941 Harstad Troms Child 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 1 Auschwitz Shotland Isak 24-Jun-1892 Mosjøen Nordland Factory owner 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 50 Auschwitz Shotland Isak 20-Mar-1907 Harstad Troms Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 29-Jan-1943 35 Auschwitz Shotland Meyer Leib 1-Aug-1878 Tromsø Troms Merchant 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 64 Auschwitz Shotland Rosa 28-Jan-1878 Tromsø Troms Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 65 Auschwitz Shotland Salomon 18-May-1902 Tromsø Troms Bookkeeper 18-Jun-1941 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 11-Feb-1943 40 Auschwitz Siew Joseph 2-Apr-1876 Oslo Oslo Sales agent 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 66 Auschwitz Siew Sarah 14-Jun-1890 Oslo Oslo Seamstress 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 52 Auschwitz Silber Felix 15-Jun-1875 Oslo Oslo 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 67 Auschwitz Silber Feodossi 3-Jul-1876 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 66 Auschwitz Smith Bertha 6-Oct-1904 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 38 Auschwitz Smith Finn 6-Sep-1911 Oslo Oslo Hair stylist 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Feb 43 31 Auschwitz Smith Hans Lauritz 20-Apr-1877 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 65 Auschwitz Smith Herman 13-Feb-1907 Tromsø Troms Merchant 17-Jun-1941 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 13-Feb-1943 36 Auschwitz Smith Israel 25-Oct-1882 Strømmen Akershus Worker 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 60 Auschwitz Spielmann Paul Israel 11-Nov-1904 Nakkerud Buskerud Roofer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 3-Feb-1943 38 79226 Springmann Sofie 28-Feb-1896 Oslo Oslo Stenographer 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 46 Stanning[51] Jacques Stavanger Rogaland Ethnologist Fall of 1940 March 1942 Other route Survived Steinfeld[52] Israel 30-May-1889 Ålesund Møre og Romsdal Merchant 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 15-May-1943 53 Auschwitz Steinfeld[52] Lea 26-Oct-1896 Ålesund Møre og Romsdal Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 46 Auschwitz Steinfeld[52] Morten 7-Jul-1925 Ålesund Møre og Romsdal Pupil 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 17 Auschwitz Steinfeld[52] Reidun 8-Nov-1922 Ålesund Møre og Romsdal Pupil 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 20 Auschwitz Steinmann Harry 10-Jan-1920 Oslo Oslo Retail clerk 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 22 Auschwitz 79232 Steinmann[15][53] Samuel 24-Aug-1923 Oslo Oslo High school student 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Survived Auschwitz 79231 Steinsapir Arne 20-Oct-1937 Oslo Oslo Child 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 5 Auschwitz Steinsapir Fanny 7-Oct-1907 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 35 Auschwitz Steinsapir Judit 19-Sep-1875 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 67 Auschwitz Steinsapir Leopold 15-May-1869 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 73 Auschwitz Steinsapir Moritz 24-Dec-1906 Oslo Oslo Tobacco worker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 18-Jan-1943 36 Auschwitz 79216 Steinsapir Robert 1-Oct-1909 Oslo Oslo Chauffer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 16-Feb-1943 33 Auschwitz Stiris Markus 10-Apr-1922 Oslo Oslo Office clerk 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau Jan 43 20 Auschwitz 79227 Taglicht Tibor 29-Nov-1929 Nesjestranda in Molde [25][54] Møre og Romsdal Pupil 11-Feb-1943 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 13 Auschwitz Taglicht Vera 22-Sep-1932 Nesjestranda in Molde[25] Møre og Romsdal Pupil 11-Feb-1943 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 10 Auschwitz Tomsinsky Salomon 16-Feb-1891 Oslo Oslo Sales agent 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 51 Trebitsch Cajoline 3-Sep-1880 Lillehammer Oppland Homemaker 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 62 Auschwitz Türkheimer Clara 13-Apr-1879 Ålvik in Hardanger Hordaland Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 63 Auschwitz Türkheimer Fritz Josef 27-Feb-1907 Ålvik in Hardanger Hordaland Journalist 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 14-Jan-1943 35 Auschwitz 79243 Ullmann Isak 15-Aug-1892 Moss Østfold Merchant 4-Dec-1941 21-May-1942 Other route 1-Oct-1942 50 Lublin Ullmann Paul 27-Dec-1916 Moss Østfold Merchant 4-Dec-1942 21-May-1942 Other route 1-Oct-1942 25 Lublin Ullmann Ruben 13-Dec-1918 Moss Østfold Medical student 4-Dec-1941 21-May-1942 Other route 30-Sep-1942 23 Sachsenhausen Valner Herman 9-Nov-1888 Oslo Oslo Merchant 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 20-Dec-1942 54 Auschwitz Wainer Johny 15-Apr-1920 Oslo Oslo Tool maker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 23-Jan-1943 22 Auschwitz 79244 Wainer Lina Rakel 17-Oct-1895 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 47 Auschwitz Wainer Pauli (Anna) 5-May-1925 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 17 Auschwitz Wainer Salomon 1-Oct-1893 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Oct-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 11-Apr-1943 49 Auschwitz 105411 Watchman Arthur 19-Jun-1926 Oslo Oslo Pupil 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 16 Auschwitz Watchman Florence 24-Apr-1892 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 50 Auschwitz Watchman Philip 8-Jun-1885 Oslo Oslo Antique dealer 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 57 Auschwitz Weinberg Josef 15-Aug-1885 Oslo Oslo Merchant 2-Sep-1942 20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 22-Jan-1943 57 Auschwitz Weiner Ida 1-Mar-1879 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 64 Auschwitz Weinstein[55] Robert 24-Nov-1901 Nesjestranda in Molde[25] Møre og Romsdal Factory owner 16-Mar-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 7-Aug-1943 41 Warsaw 105412 Weinstock Bertha 3-Apr-1895 Oslo Oslo Merchant 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 47 Auschwitz Weinstock Fanny 11-Aug-1893 Oslo Oslo Ekspeditrise 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 49 Auschwitz Weinstock Jenny 20-Jun-1938 Oslo Oslo Child 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 4 Auschwitz Weinstock Josef 21-Oct-1908 Oslo Oslo Sales agent 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 34 Auschwitz 79246 Weinstock Sara 12-Dec-1909 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 32 Auschwitz Weiss Stephan 7-Apr-1903 Oslo Oslo 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 31-Jan-1943 39 Auschwitz 79247 Werner Friedrich 28-Mar-1873 Oslo Oslo 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 69 Auschwitz Wilk Bernhard 5-Oct-1883 Oslo Oslo Sales agent 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 59 Auschwitz Wolf Paul 15-Oct-1885 Oslo Oslo Cabinetmaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 57 Auschwitz Wolfberg[56][57] Leif (Leiba) 10-Oct-1914 Oslo Oslo Violinist 3-Apr-1942 26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa Survived 81952 Wolkoff Elias 6-Mar-1923 Oslo Oslo Mason 27-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 19-Jan-1943 19 Auschwitz 79248 Wulff Doris 19-Feb-1938 Oslo Oslo Child 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 4 Auschwitz Wulff Harry 24-Oct-1908 Oslo Oslo Businessman 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 22-Mar-1943 34 Auschwitz 79245 Wulff Olga 17-Apr-1911 Oslo Oslo Homemaker 26-Nov-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 1-Dec-1942 31 Auschwitz Zilsel Martin Heinz 22-Aug-1917 Oslo Oslo Photographer 26-Oct-1942 26-Nov-1942 Donau 14-Jan-1943 25 Auschwitz Zuckmann Frida 24-Dec-1888 Trondheim Sør-Trøndelag 26-Nov-1942 24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 3-Mar-1943 54 Auschwitz Endret 5. mars 2011 av Rampage La evig lang codeoppsummering i spoiler 2 Lenke til kommentar
pk2010 Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Forfatter Rapporter Del Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Jeg har ikke lagt frem noen tvilsomme eller omdiskuterte kilder, ditt nek, og det er akkurat det som gjør meg bedre enn deg. Hahaha. Takk for at du får meg til å le. Din agenda er avslørt for lengst. 2 Lenke til kommentar
pk2010 Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Forfatter Rapporter Del Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Red Frostraven: De norske jødene ble drept på Cap Arcona, iallefall de som ville tilbake til Norge. Resten reiste til Palestina. 1 Lenke til kommentar
Dux ducis Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Jeg har ikke lagt frem noen tvilsomme eller omdiskuterte kilder, ditt nek, og det er akkurat det som gjør meg bedre enn deg. Hahaha. Takk for at du får meg til å le. Din agenda er avslørt for lengst. Ja, min agenda er å oppdra det norske folk. Du gjør skam på oss, pk2010. Vi kan ikke sitte her på et diskusjonsforum og tro at vi klarer å avgjøre en så omfattende sak, som skjedde for så mange år siden. Det finnes ikke en sjel på dette forumet som er i stand til å fortelle oss om tyskerne faktisk bedrev gassing eller ikke for så mange år siden. Dere spekulerer i at det ville være praktisk umulig og farlig, men dette er kun spekulasjoner! Hva er det egentlig du baserer dine svært bastante uttalelser på? Videoer fra YouTube som er laget av folk med åpenbare agendaer (Ernst Zundel som vil heve skylden fra det tyske folk)? Har du i det hele tatt noen kvalifikasjoner? Har du noen gang vurdert kildene dine? Har du noen gang oppsøkt originaldokumentasjon i et arkiv eller lignende? Det er slike ting som skiller de useriøse fra de seriøse. Det er rett og slett en fornærmelse mot sunn fornuft! 1 Lenke til kommentar
BelzeBob Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 5. mars 2011 (endret) Sunn fornuft? Holocaust har ingenting med sunn fornuft å gjøre. Beklager at jeg, i likhet med visse andre, gjentar meg selv. Denne gangen vil jeg gjerne ha en forklaring på dette: Reprise: Litt fra "Best of" 6 millioner og holocaust: 1899: "mighty holocaust of Jews" i Spania: http://img256.images...shholocaust.gif 1905: Russisk holocaust av jøder: http://img220.images...russiaholo5.gif 1906: 6 millioner i Russland som holder på å dø: http://www.holocaust...russia_1906.jpg 1919: 6 millioner i Russland som har dødd eller holder på å dø: http://www.holocaust...t_holocaust.jpg 1921: 6 millioner i Russland som holder på å dø: http://www.holocaust...russia_1920.gif 1933: "Run away from the holocaust": http://img291.images...olocaustsru.gif 1936: European holocaust: http://img90.imagesh.../smokinggun.gif 1938: 6 millioner ofre for anti-semittisme: http://img148.images...56/holyhoax.gif 1943: millioner er allerede drept. Flere kommer til å bli drept: http://www.historiog...e-third/09.html Jan. 8, 1945: 6 millioner har dødd i nazi-Tyskland: http://img229.images...upthenumber.gif Feb. 17, 1945: Av Europas 6 millioner jøder slapp bare 500.000 unna døden: http://img233.images.../2323/total.gif -------------------------------------------- Er det "sunn fornuft" at først dør millioner av jøder gang på gang og så gjør de det en gang til i andre verdenskrig? Med massevis av overlevere og igjen så snakkes det om "6 millioner" og "holocaust"? Endret 5. mars 2011 av BelzeBob 1 Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet+3165 Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Red Frostraven: De norske jødene ble drept på Cap Arcona, iallefall de som ville tilbake til Norge. Resten reiste til Palestina. bevis? Lenke til kommentar
BelzeBob Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Rapporter Del Skrevet 5. mars 2011 Henrik: de eneste som trenger å bevise noe er de som påstår Holocaust skjedde. Men det får du visst aldri inn i hodet ditt. 1 Lenke til kommentar
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