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FIFA 12: Den Gigantiske Tråden


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å fytti helvette! noen flere som opplever mye lagg?? har ikke på noe downloads så skjønner ikke hvorfor det skal lagge så sinnsykt. ble seff disconnecta fra ea serverne...


og jeg tapte kampen ja :mad:


edit: var nok jeg som dreit meg ut der, sto visst på noe downloading på steam.. men skal ikke ha så mye å si. er uansett opplastinga som mest å si

Endret av furiUZ
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1.02 update:



-Fixed a memory leak that would cause Origin to crash.


-Fixes to our installation and updating systems.


-Fixed an install issue that was forcing users to download all language packs.


-Goalkeeper control in online matches: We asked for your feedback and we got lots of it. After reviewing that and our own telemetry, we decided that enough people were abusing this feature online to negatively affect the experience of the majority. So we have decided to remove the ability to press Back/Select and play as the goalkeeper, allowing the CPU to defend, in all online matches. The function remains available in offline matches.


-Fixed a situation that would see the user in an empty FUT Store without button functionality.


-Fixed a FUT crash when using custom tactics.


-Fixed a hard lock that would occur when applying a Manager Contract after purchasing a Bronze Premium Pack in FUT.


-Fixed a situation that would see some users being disconnected from FUT after five seconds of connectivity.-


-We have optimized the FUT server to speed up transactions


Har du en link til den infoen? :)


Xbox 360/PS3: EA Forum



As you know, the teams at the studio have been working hard to address issues raised by the community since the launch of FIFA 12. A number of updates have already been rolled out to servers, and that will continue – as will work on a range of things not included in this particular update - but we can now bring you details of a new client-side game update for PS3 and Xbox 360.


First of all, thank you for your patience while we have worked on this, and thanks again to all those who have helped us out as we investigated the roots of some of the problems.


When will it arrive?


The patch is now live on PS3 in the EU and North America. The update will become available on Xbox 360 between 11am and 2pm GMT today (18 October).


Patches for PC and Mac have already been released. Find out more about those here: http://forum.ea.com/uk/posts/list/1069209.page


What’s in the update?


  • Goalkeeper control in online matches: We asked for your feedback and we got lots of it. After reviewing that and our own telemetry, we decided that enough people were abusing this feature online to negatively affect the experience of the majority. So we have decided to remove the ability to press Back/Select and play as the goalkeeper, allowing the CPU to defend, in all online matches. The function remains available in offline matches.
  • Fixed a situation that would see the user in an empty FUT Store without button functionality.
  • Fixed a FUT crash when using custom tactics.
  • Fixed a hard lock that would occur when applying a Manager Contract after purchasing a Bronze Premium Pack in FUT.
  • Fixed a situation that would see some users being disconnected from FUT after five seconds of connectivity.
  • We have optimized the FUT server to speed up transactions.
  • Fixed a situation where the game would hang when downloading a Game Face.
  • Fixed a situation that would allow an online team to be controlled by other player.

Once again thank you for your continued patience while waiting for this patch and for the ones we will be releasing in the future. While we know this patch may not contain everything you wish to be addressed, it is a good start. And with your continued support we will be addressing more issues as soon as we can.




PC: EA Forum



As you know, the teams at the studio have been working hard to address issues raised by the community since the launch of FIFA 12. A number of updates have already been rolled out to servers, and that will continue – as will work on a range of things not included in this particular update - but we can now bring you details of the first client-side game update for PC and Mac, which has just been released.


First of all, thank you for your patience while we have worked on this, and thanks again to all those who have helped us out as we investigated the roots of some of the problems.


Console gamers: We’re continuing to work on an update for Xbox 360 and PS3, and will let you know more as soon as we can.


Patch Details

  • Fixed a memory leak that would cause Origin to crash.

  • Fixes to our installation and updating systems.

  • Fixed an install issue that was forcing users to download all language packs.

  • Goalkeeper control in online matches: We asked for your feedback and we got lots of it. After reviewing that and our own telemetry, we decided that enough people were abusing this feature online to negatively affect the experience of the majority. So we have decided to remove the ability to press Back/Select and play as the goalkeeper, allowing the CPU to defend, in all online matches. The function remains available in offline matches.

  • Fixed a situation that would see the user in an empty FUT Store without button functionality.

  • Fixed a FUT crash when using custom tactics.

  • Fixed a hard lock that would occur when applying a Manager Contract after purchasing a Bronze Premium Pack in FUT.

  • Fixed a situation that would see some users being disconnected from FUT after five seconds of connectivity.

  • We have optimized the FUT server to speed up transactions.





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å fytti helvette! noen flere som opplever mye lagg?? har ikke på noe downloads så skjønner ikke hvorfor det skal lagge så sinnsykt. ble seff disconnecta fra ea serverne...


og jeg tapte kampen ja :mad:


edit: var nok jeg som dreit meg ut der, sto visst på noe downloading på steam.. men skal ikke ha så mye å si. er uansett opplastinga som mest å si


Du, this is getting old.

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Utrolig frustrerende at jeg ikke fikk lastet denne opp på til EA og ble nødt til å filme den:



Han jeg spilte mot brukte sikkert en halv time på argumentere for hvor usannsynlig målet var. Men helt ærlig vet jeg ikke selv, jeg har ihvertfall aldri sett det bli gjort i virkeligheten. Har noen andre det?

Endret av lokeland
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Nei ingen har sett det i virkeligheten, ikke akkurat sånn ihvertfall, fordi det egnetlig er umulig. Derfor er FIFA teit av og til ;)

Tenkte meg det! For å gjøre det enda mer usannsynlig ble det scoret med min egen spiller (Loke) som da kampen ble spilt ikke var spesielt godt utviklet. Nivået lå vel på rundt 70, om jeg ikke husker feil.


Det er så utrulig tragisk å møte Manchester United, De Gea er for god på Fifa. Han redder seriøst alt, andre gangen han ender opp med 10. i rating...

Erfarer ofte det samme når jeg spiller mot en kompis som alltid spiller med Man U.

Endret av lokeland
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Hadde jeg spilt uavgjort eller tapt denne, så hadde jeg ødelagt PS3 og alt inne i stuen.

Lag: Arsenal vs Chelsea


Mål: 3- 2

Skudd på mål: 11 - 2

Skudd: 15 - 2

Ballbesittelse: %65 - 35

Pasninger % 91 - 73

Taklinger % 75 - 62

Kort: 0 - 0

Frispark: 1 - 1

Hjørnespark: 3 - 0



Du eide ham jo så inni ******* !! :D

Hehe.. Jeg tapte nettopp denne:


Arsenal - Manchester City

Mål: 1-2

Skudd på mål: 10-3

Skudd: 14-4

Ballbesittelse: 58-42

Pasninger%: 91-74


Blir lettere forbannet. Traff stolpen 3 ganger i løpet av 3 sekunder. Og den ene gikk i tverra rett ved krysset, ned i stolpen og ut. Ler litt av det egentlig :)



Å fy faen, skjønner deg der, seriøst så irriterende at andre laget vinner når man er klart best !!

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Plutselig løper Santos bare ut av banen og tryner i reklameskiltet. Fikk han plutselig AD/HD anfall?


Er det Fetter Anton som trener City?


Vell, selv har jeg ikke fått et sånt anfall.. :)


hahaha, Fetter Anton :D:D



Rooneyskoringa! Kameravinkelen blei enormt stygg når eg lasta den opp på easports.com..



Her er ei anna skoring eg hadde :)



Hvordan i svarte f laster man opp videoer av kamper og lignende på Youtube og ea sports ??

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Forslag til 3-stjerners, 4-stjerners og 4,5-5 stjerners lag som har spillere som kan dempe en ball?


Har nå tapt 4 kamper på rad i H2H, og må bare finne meg et par, tre lag jeg skal kunne ut og inn.


Bør ha 2 spisser, en med minst 80 i pace, den andre bryr jeg meg ikke om, så lenge han har minst 3 stjerners skillmoves.

Gjerne en midtbanespiller som kan skyte. Forsvar som ikke er idioter, og en keeper som ikke gir retur på alt.


Forsvarspillere som takler, men ikke klarer å nå ballen før angriperen igjen har den, eller forsvarspillere som rygger på høy gjennombrudd, for så å dempe den til motstander er jeg håpløst lei av. Hva gjør jeg galt?

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