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Bevis for at jødene står bak "multikulturen" i Norge.


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Fact: America became involved in WWI due to Jewish intervention. England was in danger of losing the war when Jews secretly approached the British government with an unusual offer: the Jews, using their powerful influence within American President Woodrow Wilson's inner circle, would persuade Wilson to enter America into the war if the British government would declare its support for the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. As a result of that offer, Wilson's close Jewish advisors, such as Louis Brandeis, Bernard Baruch and Rabbi Stephen Wise, urged Wilson to aid the British war effort by committing American troops to enter WWI. Another Jew, Chaim Weizmann, was the key player on the British side of the plan to inject America into WWI. That the vast majority of the American people wanted nothing to do with the European war, and that Wilson had campaigned on the specific promise to keep America out of the war, turned out not to matter. The will of the people was abandoned for the will of the Jews.




The Jews refer to themselves as a light unto nations - a people that improves all countries in which it resides. But do the Jews really improve the states in which they dwell or is the claim merely public relations? We hope that the reader may decide for himself using this document, which is a short history of the Jewish people.[1]




[1] Jews are both a hybrid race/ethnic group and a religion; they are highly intelligent and are, historically speaking, inbred; such inbreeding causes grouplike thinking as a rule. Jews contract more diseases unique to Jews than any other ethnic group, suggesting that they are the most inbred of humans. Interesting in light of their proclivity for mocking the supposed inbreeding of rural White populations.


Ser du hva de har gjort i teksten her? For det første påstår de at noe er fakta, som ikke det er oppgitt referanser for. I tilleg har de i det første avsnittet oppgitt en kilde, som egentlig ikke er en kilde.


Hvis det hadde vært noe som tydet på at dette ikke bare er synsing og egne meninger skulle jeg lest det ferdig. Jeg ønsker faktisk å lese om temaet, men teksten der er enorm. Kunne du dratt frem et par punkter? Jeg antar du har en agenda bak postingen av alt dette, dersom du ønsker å informere andre mennesker burde du legge mer jobb i å få frem budskapet, ikke bare kopiere 5000 ord og forvente at folk gidder å lese det.


Forresten, jeg er helt sikker på at det finnes dårlige mennesker innenfor alle raser, etnisiteter og religiøse grupper. Forskjellen på deg og meg er at du dømmer folk avhengig av bakgrunn, jeg dømmer folk etter at jeg har skapt meg et inntrykk av individet, ikke en gruppe, etnisitet eller rase.

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"The Jews refer to themselves as a light unto nations."


Vennligst referer til en situasjon hvor en gruppe jøder har gjort dette.


"Perhaps nowhere have Jewish international bankers had a bigger impact than in funding wars. For example, they funded the Japanese in the Japan/Russia war of the early 20th century, which has been described as the first war in which non-Whites defeated White men."


Jeg håper virkelig ikke at dette er ment som noe negativt. I såfall kan hele teksten regnes som pisspreik.


"The ideology that would murder and enslave more people than any other idea in human history was crafted in the 1840s by a German Jew named Karl Marx"


Denne setningen i seg selv er ekstremt fargelagt. Nå kjenner jeg det er i ferd med at objektiviteten min allered går til side for irritasjon. Dette er en ekstrem generalisering, og det er latterlig at kommunismen bare er viet to paragrafer i denne ubrukelige teksten. Det er akkurat som om de er der bare for å nevne det faktum at det kommunismen ble til på grunn av alle jøder.


"It should be noted by the reader that communism is, as an ideology, more severe than Nazism, its sworn enemy"


Selv om disse tallene var korrekt, var det likevel flere titalls millioner ofre av nazismen. Jeg vet ikke helt, men det var vel noe sånt som 20 millioner. Men hei, da er jo nazismen fire-fem ganger bedre enn kommunismen! :roll:


"In the late 1880s, Jews began looking for a permanent place to evade gentiles irritated by their behavior. "


Hva skal dette bety liksom? Er det en fin måte å si jødeforfølgelse på?


"Of significance is that the leadership of the Federal Reserve and the key owners of the corporation's stock -- i.e., banks -- have been disproportionately Jewish."


En idiotisk påstand i seg selv når de ikke utdyper "disproportionate". Det er et historisk faktum at jøder har i stor grad vært majoriteten i flere land blant yrker som advokat og leger, og ble til og med nektet å utdanne seg i disse yrkene i nazi tyskland. Hvordan skal man da tolke ordet? At det simpelthen har vært flere jøder enn ikke-jøder? Hvorfor er ikke dette "proporsjonalt"?



"America became involved in WWI due to Jewish intervention. England was in danger of losing the war when Jews secretly approached the British government with an unusual offer: the Jews, using their powerful influence within American President Woodrow Wilson's inner circle, would persuade Wilson to enter America into the war if the British government would declare its support for the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine."


Og her trodde jeg dette var pga. senkingen av Lusitania (samt flere handelsskip av tyske ubåter..).


Dette er en noe vill påstand, som jeg syns slenges ut med en overraskende selvsikkerhet. Kilder, takk.


"of the plan to inject America into WWI. That the vast majority of the American people wanted nothing to do with the European war, and that Wilson had campaigned on the specific promise to keep America out of the war, turned out not to matter. The will of the people was abandoned for the will of the Jews."


Er det nå jeg skal flire? Gidder faen ikke å lese mer lol

Endret av Narsissisten
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Det er lov å kritisere kristne. Det er lov å kritisere muslimer. Det finnes knapt en ting man ikke har lov å si om kristne eller om muslimer. Men spørsmålet er: er det lov å kritisere jøder på samme viset?


Denne tråden, om den ikke sensureres vekk umiddelbart, skal handle om forbrytelser mot menneskeheten der forbryterne ikke er hvite nazister, kristne korstog-riddere eller muslimske selvmordsbombere. Denne tråden skal handle om jødiske forbrytere. Og delvis om deres ikke-jødiske lakeier og kumpaner. Post dokumentasjon om forbryterne og forbrytelsene her.


Jeg begynner:



Jews, Zionists Behind

Armenian Genocide Holocaust


By Jack Manuelian





The plans of the 1915-23 Armenian Genocide, where a million and half Armenians perished in a barbaric way in their ancestral lands in modern Turkey, actually were drawn up and were in place by the year 1910 or 1912.


There is the book "Inner Folds of the Ottoman Revolution" written by Mevlan Zadeh Rifat in Turkish and published in 1929, the author, a pro-sultan Turk, claims that the "Armenian genocide was decided in August 1910 and October 1911, by a Young Turk committee composed entirely of displaced Balkan Jews in the format of a syncretist Jewish-Muslim sect which included Talaat, Enver, Behaeddin Shakir, Jemal, and Nizam posting as Muslims. It met in the Rothschild-funded Grand Orient loge/hotel of Salonika." Syncretism means a combination of different forms of belief or practice; masonism fits that description. As the masons started the 1897 revolution in France with the cry "liberty, fraternity, equality," Young Turks used the same slogan in their revolution of 1908.


A 1994 conference paper/lecture by Joseph Brewda of Schiller Institute entitled "Palmerson launches Young Turks to permanently control Middle East " claims the founder of the Young Turks to be a certain Jew by the name of Emmanuel Carasso. He states: "Carasso set up the Young Turk secret society in the 1890s in Salonika, then part of Turkey, and now part of Greece. Carasso was also the grand master of an Italian masonic lodge there, called 'Macedonia Resurrected.' The lodge was the headquarters of the Young Turks, and all the top Young Turk leadership were members."


Further on Mr. Brewda says: "During the Young Turk regime, Carasso continued to play a leading role. He met with the sultan, to tell him that he was overthrown. He was in charge of putting the sultan under house arrest. He ran the Young Turk intelligence network in the Balkans. And he was in charge of all food supplies in the empire during World War I." It is ironic that four centuries after the Turkish sultans welcomed the expelled European Jews into Turkey, certain Jews belonging to secret societies and to Zionism will kick the sultan out of power early in 20th century, destroy the Ottoman Empire, and celebrated their victory by massacring by proxy almost the whole Christian Armenian people, one million and half Armenians; half million Greeks; and half million Christian Assyrians & Arameans.


In 1982, after the Israeli army conquered Lebanon, they celebrated their victory by massacring by proxy children and women in the Palestinian camp of Shattila, in Lebanon, by allowing Lebanese Phalanger militia fighters to move into the camp for two days and murder its inhabitants. Eighty percent of the camp were killed. Nearly all of the dead were old men, women and children and all of them had been unarmed. Not one gun, not one knife was found in their possession, claims a Palestinian witness.


All this according to the percepts of the Talmud, the Satanic Bible of the Jews, which encourages Jews to kill, directly or indirectly, by sayings like: "Every Jew who spills the blood of the godless, is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God." Talmud: Bammidber Raba c21 & Jalkut 772. In the eyes of Talmudists all non-Jews are godless. And "It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah." Talmud: Coschen Hamischpat, Hagah 425. Very neatly put sentence indeed.


Jesus came and shed his blood for us in order to save humanity and put an end to human and animal sacrifices practiced by Talmudist Jews who believe that the shedding of the blood of the innocents is a prerequisite of their reptilian gods, specially before embarking on an enterprise. They have orchestrated the massacres and slaughters of millions and millions of humanity so that their demonic gods will be appeased and grand them a new homeland in the near-east. Apparently, the sacrifice of hundreds of millions of humanity during the first half of the twenty century (including the six million Jews of Nazi Holocaust) have appeased their gods and their wish was granted.


Back to the Young Turks. Mr. Brewda writes: "Another important area was the press. While in power, the Young Turks ran several newspapers, including 'The Young Turk,' whose editor was none other than the Russian Zionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky. Jabotinsky had been educated as a young man in Italy."


Mr. Brewda, ignoring the possibility that Talaat could have been a secret infiltrated Jew, writes: "Of course, there were also some Turks who helped lead the Young Turk movement. For example, Talaat Pasha. Talaat was the interior minister and dictator of the regime during World war I. He had been a member of Carasso's Italian masonic lodge in Salonika. One year prior to the 1908 coup, Talaat became the grand master of the Scottish Rite Masons in the Ottoman Empire. If you go to the [archives of] Scottish Rite headquarters in Washington, D.C., you can find that most of the Young Turk leaders were officials in the Scottish Rite."


By 1916 the British and French, overpowered by greed, already had a secret agreement to divide the Ottoman Empire between themselves. Presently Hitler's "Mien Kempt " anti-semitic book is a best-seller in Turkey, it is published by various Turkish publishers by thousands and thousands. Are the Turks finally waking up and realizing that their Sultan's refusal to grant Palestine to the Zionist Jews as a homeland had cost them their centuries-old empire? And are the subjugated Turks about to discover who their real rulers are? There are claims that the blue-eyed founder of modern Turkey, Kemal Ataturk had Jewish origins. And it is known that at least two presidents of modern Turkey (Inonu and Bayar) were Jewish.


In Istanbul, which was the capital and the power center of the Ottoman Empire, there was only few thousands (less than 10,000) Jews and some 200,000 Armenians and Greeks who controlled the trade, finances and arts of the Empire. Jews and Christians were in strong competition through hundreds of years of the life of the empire. Jews were the losers and Christians were the winner always because the Sultans ( there were very few bad sultans who killed Christians) listened to and favored the Christians. For the Zionist Jews to take over Turkey, its Christians had to be eliminated; and that is another ugly facade of the first Genocide of the 20th Century in Turkey.


Another source is the lengthy article "The Armenian & Jewish Genocide Project: Eliminating Ethnic Conflict Along the Oil Route From Baku to the Suez Canal Region " written by Clifford Shack and posted in his web-site.


Mr. Shack writes: "In the 1880's, the French branch of the Rothschild family acquired interests in Russia's Baku oil fields in an effort to supply their refinery on the Adriatic with cheap Russian oil. In exchange for these interests they built a railroad linking Baku to the newly acquired Black Sea port of Batum. This opened up the Baku oil, a major world supply, to the world. With the success of the new railroad, the Rothschilds had more oil than they could actually sell. Overcoming their fear of competing with the giant Standard oil [of USA], they sought out the huge [Far East] markets east of Suez."


Further on Mr. Shack makes his point: "The decision by the shrewd French Rothschild branch to diversify into other areas of oil exploitation was, presumably, a calculated one. Three years after they joined Royal Dutch, production at Baku would come to an abrupt halt in 1905. Although shaken by political activity, the principal disruption was due to the violence of the ethnic conflict between the region's Muslims and the minority population of Armenians who are Christians. This ethnic conflict caused the first interruption of oil distribution to the world market. Standard oil was quick to supplant the needs of the effected markets as its source was operating under the blanket of peace. The Royal/Dutch/Shell Group (and the Nobles) watched their Baku investments go up in flames. Ethnic conflict was at the root of the matter. It could be safely assumed that they were taking measures to eliminate the possibility of that happening in the future." Oil corporations seem to have learned their lessons from history because before the construction of present-day Baku-Ceyhan pipeline has began, someone has made sure that no Armenians were left in Baku anymore. Mr. Shack notes that "the mere elimination of the Armenian population of Baku would not solve the problem of ethnic conflict in that region. The surrounding areas would provide reservoir effect in resupplying the conflicting minority element." And he asks: "was the removal [in 1915-23] of a small minority like the Armenians [from historical Armenia] a fair price to pay for the peace in a region so crucial to the development and investment of the Far East?" Apparently Mr. Shack ignores the factor of revenge raging in the heart of human beasts.


Mr. Shacks answers his own question by stating in his article about the big business or big corporations: "It would be fair to say that the genocide of a group of a million or so, to serve the benefit of a billion or so [in the Far East], is less of a question of should it be done, than how it could be done. So as not to reveal any plausible motive which could link the actual planners to the genocide, the scheme involved a proxy party [namely the Muslim Turks, Kurds & Azeris] , which was manipulated through layers of influence, providing sufficient cover for the planners."


In chapter 30 of the book of Isaiah we read God speaking by His prophet: "Woe to the rebellious children, who execute a plan, but not Mine, and make an alliance, but not of My Spirit, in order to add sin to sin;...For this is a rebellious people, false sons, sons who refuse to listen to the instruction of the Lord."


This is not the whole story; there is an evil aliens connection to it. Amitakh Stanford, in her web-site <http://www.xeeatwelve.com> and in her article "The Anunnaki Remnants Are Still on Earth" writes: "It is these horrible beings, the Anunnaki, that Sitchin has written an apology for. Reading Sitchin's material, he has painted these evil aliens as palatably as possible by presenting the story that they are trying to save their own planet, and leaves the readers to believe that after that is accomplished, they would leave without a trace, so to speak. But, the Anunnaki came here to conquer and enslave, not for any worthy purpose whatsoever, nor will they leave voluntarily. "Anunnaki cull people and other species from the planet. Before, this was often referred to as genocide. However, today the more euphemistic term of "ethnic cleansing" is used. The disdain of other races is another vile Anunnaki-sponsored trait to divide people into factions and create hatred and distrust of one another. Any fair look at history will verify this as true. The twentieth-century Holocaust is one such example." So after all, we are not dealing with normal human beings, but by humans who are possessed with those alien entities and humans that are manipulated, influenced, and given instructions by those evil aliens in their various factions.




This research article is not copyrighted. Reproduction is permitted. No one need waste time calling the author an 'anti-semite.' He will be the first to come to the help of a Jew if and when a Jewish life is in peril. Before you call him anti-semite your better call the God of the Bible and His prophets 'anti-semites.' If not, then you have to re-read the Bible...carefully.


For Joseph Brewda's article go to : SchillerInstitute.org then put the name of the author or title of his article in the search tab of the web-site of the institute. For Clifford Shack's article, put his name in the search tap of Yahoo in order to find his web-site where his article is posted.


The Turkish book "Inner Folds of the Ottoman Revolution" has no known English translation. It was translated into Armenian in 1939 in Beirut, Lebanon, by Donigian Press.




NB: Jeg kommer ikke til å diskutere med troll og sabotører, og oppfordrer andre seriøse forum-medlemmer til å gjøre det samme. Dette er garantert en tråd som kommer til å tiltrekke seg mange troll, og vi må sørge for at trollene ikke får tråden stengt med sin sabotasje-virksomhet slik de har gjort andre steder.

Endret av BelzeBob
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Det er lov å kritisere kristene og muslimer for ting de faktisk gjør galt, ikke finne på dritt de ikke har gjort.


Jeg kan også finne opp ting, jeg kan si at budister invaderte polen i 1939 og spiste alle polsike barn under 3 år, det gjør det ikke sant.

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Jeg kan også finne opp ting, jeg kan si at budister invaderte polen i 1939 og spiste alle polsike barn under 3 år, det gjør det ikke sant.

Men kan du bevise at de ikke gjorde det? I tillegg har jo den buddhistiske verdenskonspirasjonen nesten full kontroll over media, akademia, forummoderatorer og skolevesen. Så om du mot formodning hadde funnet noe som lignet på bevis må du nesten bevise at de ikke er forfalsket ;)
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Gjest Slettet+3165

Legg forøvrig merke til at det eneste som har kommet frem har vært det av fordømmende karakter, ingen har faktisk tatt seg bryderiet med å kommentere innholdet.

Nei, ikke selv du en gang!

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Mens vi tålmodig venter på noen som har noe om å si om folkemordet på Armenerne ved begynnelsen av forrige århundre fokuserer vi på noe annet.


En forbrytelse jødene gjør mot sine egne barn er å hjernevaske dem og indoktrinere dem til å tro at hele verden konspirerer mot dem. Hjernevasking er noe vi vet jødene gjør mot ikke-jøder også, men ikke noe sted er hjernevaskingen like ekstrem som hos jødene selv. Se denne dokumentaren som faktisk er laget av en jøde:



Endret av BelzeBob
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Ja, de var jøder. Jøder har vært de største pådriverne av de alle større bevegelser som f.eks feminisme, likestilling og multikulturalisme samtidig som de for seg selv preker det totalt motsatte.


Mere om saken.




Ja, det kan jo aldri tenkes at jøder har forskjellige meninger på saker. Da får man noen jøder som kjemper for feminisme, noen som kjemper for kommunisme, noen som kjemper for likestilling og noen som krever en høykonservativ tilnærming.


Det er en slags tvangsbesettelse enkelte "jødekritikere" besitter, der alle jøder deler preferanser og handler etter samme mønster på bakgrunn av at de er jøder...

  • Liker 4
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Ja, de var jøder. Jøder har vært de største pådriverne av de alle større bevegelser som f.eks feminisme, likestilling og multikulturalisme samtidig som de for seg selv preker det totalt motsatte.


Mere om saken.




Ja, det kan jo aldri tenkes at jøder har forskjellige meninger på saker. Da får man noen jøder som kjemper for feminisme, noen som kjemper for kommunisme, noen som kjemper for likestilling og noen som krever en høykonservativ tilnærming.


Det er en slags tvangsbesettelse enkelte "jødekritikere" besitter, der alle jøder deler preferanser og handler etter samme mønster på bakgrunn av at de er jøder...

Tvangsbesettelse faktisk. Det er ikke til å legge skjul på at jødenes gruppestrategi har vært ødeleggende for de verstsamfunn de har befunnet seg i, det er ikke uten grunn at de har blitt kastet ut av såpass mange land. Du kan ikke i all oppriktighet skylde problemet på alle de folk som har bestemt seg for å gjøre noe med sitt lands interne anliggende når det kommer til jøder. Det er ikke slik at over 80 land og nasjoner alle har en "tvangsbesettelse"


Ja, Marx var vel jøde, var han ikke? Og Trotsky?


Marx konverterte til kristendommen ;)

En leopard kan fortsatt ikke skjule sine flekker.

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