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Kamptråd - Chelsea vs Manchester United



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Bruker foten aktivt gjør jaggu Zhirkov også. Han har bestemt seg for å falle før han lar foten skli borti Smalling. Dette kan vi sikkert diskutere side opp og ned, uten å bli enig.


Fra dommerens ståsted som er 5-6 meter unna (vinklene man får 23-33 sekund i linken din), så er det rimelig tafatt for meg.


Det ser jeg forøvrig ofte også "eksperter" sier - det er berøring. Det irriterer meg grønn. Er det sisten man leker i boksen? Med berøring kan man fritt kaste seg, ettersom det da må bli straffe?


Straffen var forøvrig ikke det verste for min del, men heller at Chelsea kom tilbake og vant... Det måtte gjerne blitt blåst straffe om stillingen hadde endt 3-2 til United. =)

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Håper dere blir like flinke til å påpeke dommeren hver eneste gang han gir United seieren... men det er jo bare en ren ønsketenkning.


Fra Wigan-tråden, en kamp vi tross alt vant med 4 mål til slutt, en kamp som ikke var i nærheten av å bli like mye ødelagt av dommeren som kampen mot Chelsea ble:


Ble et bra resultat til slutt, det her. Men vi kunne fort både tapt ett og tre poeng hvis Rooney hadde blitt utvist. Jeg påpeker det hver gang vi taper poeng på grunn av dommeren, og skal derfor påpeke at det ikke er sikkert at vi hadde tatt tre poeng uten dommerens hjelp i dag.

Endret av Geir M
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Man kan diskutere seg gulgrønn, sloss og nærmest ta til våpen før vi blir enig i dette. Uansett hvor mye vi diskuterer er det et faktum at Chelsea vant 2 - 1 og tok med seg tre poeng. Manchester United har fortsatt ikke vunnet på Stamford Bridge siden 2002.

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Goal.com har sett over "kritiske" punkt i kampen og gitt sin vurdering. Like mye verdt som vår, men de mener også vi skulle hatt straffen etter 8 minutt...


Hurray - jeg fant en side som var enig med meg i den.


Ser forøvrig at de også mener det er straffe til Chelsea - uten å gå inn på om Zhirkov kaster seg over foten til Smalling.



Goal.com UK takes a look back at the key incidents, not including Fernando Torres' disallowed goal because the play had already been stopped, from the thrilling match and gives its verdict on whether the referee made the right call.



Fifth minute


Incident: Nani cuts inside Branislav Ivanovic and unleashes a right-footed shot from 25 yards which appears to be blocked inside the box by John Terry's arm.


The ref's decision: Play-on, no penalty.


Why is it controversial: With only a few minutes on the clock it would have been a huge decision for Martin Atkinson to give, but Terry does have history with handballs in the box. The Chelsea skipper's arm was out by his side and he seemed to make no effort to get it out of the way.


The law: A direct free-kick is given when a player handles the ball deliberately. If this offence is committed by a player inside their own penalty area then it's a penalty.


Goal.com verdict: The wrong decision. The ball travelled a long way giving John Terry enough time to get out of the way. A penalty should have been given.



45th minute


Incident: Manchester United defender Nemanja Vidic is shown a yellow card after bringing down Michael Essien on the edge of the box.


The ref's decision: A foul and a yellow card for Vidic.


Why is it controversial: Nothing controversial about the actual decision but if Vidic gets a caution for bringing down Essien then the referee has laid his mark on the game and every foul of a similar nature after this incident needs to be treated with the same level of consistency.


The law: A direct free-kick can be awarded when a player kicks or attempts to kick an opponent, trips or attempts to trip an opponent, jumps at an opponent, charges an opponent, strikes or attempts to strike an opponent, pushes an opponent, makes contact with the opponent before touching the ball when tackling.


A player can receive a caution for anything that can be deemed as unsporting behaviour.


Goal.com verdict: The correct decision.



59th minute


Incident: David Luiz goes in hard on Javier Hernandez after the ball had gone.


The ref's decision: No foul.


Why is it controversial: It was a clear foul and one the referee should have seen. It left Sir Alex Ferguson fuming on the touchline and in the ear of the fourth official.


The law: A direct free-kick can be awarded when a player kicks or attempts to kick an opponent, trips or attempts to trip an opponent, jumps at an opponent, charges an opponent, strikes or attempts to strike an opponent, pushes an opponent, makes contact with the opponent before touching the ball when tackling.


A player should be awarded a yellow card for any infringement that could be deemed unsporting behaviour.


Goal.com verdict: The referee should have given a direct free-kick and a yellow card.



61st minute


Incident: David Luiz challenge goes straight through the back of Wayne Rooney and completely takes the England striker out.


The ref's decision: Foul and a yellow card.


Why is it controversial: There was nothing controversial about the actual decision as the referee got it spot on but had Martin Atkinson acted by the letter of the law two minutes earlier after Luiz's challenge on Javier Hernandez, Chelsea's £21 million defender would have got a second yellow and been sent off.


The law: A direct free-kick can be awarded when a player kicks or attempts to kick an opponent, trips or attempts to trip an opponent, jumps at an opponent, charges an opponent, strikes or attempts to strike an opponent, pushes an opponent, makes contact with the opponent before touching the ball when tackling.


A player can receive a caution for persistent infringement of the laws, for example, a series of fouls. A yellow card can also be given for anything that can be deemed as unsporting behaviour.


A red card can be issued when a player receives a second caution in the match.


Goal.com verdict: The correct decision.



77th minute


Incident: David Luiz is involved again and this time he appears to body check Wayne Rooney off the ball.


The ref's decision: No foul given.


Why is it controversial: It is the second foul David Luiz got away with after a similar incident with Javier Hernandez in the first half. It could be argued the Chelsea defender should have not been on the field after the first couple of incidents but Ferguson was furious after this last challenge which came just before the penalty. To rub salt into Manchester United's wounds, Nemanja Vidic was sent off late into the game after his second booking, but Luiz survived.


The law: A direct free-kick can be awarded when a player kicks or attempts to kick an opponent, trips or attempts to trip an opponent, jumps at an opponent, charges an opponent, strikes or attempts to strike an opponent, pushes an opponent, makes contact with the opponent before touching the ball when tackling.


A player can receive a caution for persistent infringement of the laws, for example, a series of fouls. A yellow card can also be given for anything that can be deemed as unsporting behaviour.


A red card can be issued when a player receives a second caution in the match.


Goal.com verdict: Definite foul and a yellow card.



80th minute


Incident: Chris Smalling brings down Yury Zhirkov in the box.


The ref's decision: Penalty.


Why is it controversial: It is debatable whether Zhirkov 'bought the foul' and took the opportunity to go over Smalling's outstretched leg.


The law: The law on giving penalties states a referee can award a spot kick after any foul which would normally lead to a direct free-kick that is committed by a team inside their own penalty area.


Goal.com verdict: The correct decision.



93rd minute


Incident: Nemanja Vidic is beaten for pace by Ramires and the Serbian defender tugs at his shirt bringing him down just outside the box.


The ref's decision: Direct free-kick and a second yellow card for Vidic, resulting in a red card.


Why is it controversial: It was a definite yellow card and moments earlier Vidic made another reckless foul on Didier Drogba. There can be no complaints for United but after what had gone on before with David Luiz, they will feel hard done by. The United skipper did tug at the shirt of Ramires but it was no worse than had been committed by Luiz earlier. The red card means Vidic will miss the Sunday's crucial fixture against Liverpool at Anfield.


The law: A direct free-kick can be awarded when a player kicks or attempts to kick an opponent, trips or attempts to trip an opponent, jumps at an opponent, charges an opponent, strikes or attempts to strike an opponent, pushes an opponent, makes contact with the opponent before touching the ball when tackling.


A player can receive a caution for persistent infringement of the laws, for example, a series of fouls. A yellow card can also be given for anything that can be deemed as unsporting behaviour.


A red card can be issued when a player receives a second caution in the match.


Goal.com verdict: The correct decision but there was no consistency shown in the game by referee Martin Atkinson.


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Bruker foten aktivt gjør jaggu Zhirkov også. Han har bestemt seg for å falle før han lar foten skli borti Smalling. Dette kan vi sikkert diskutere side opp og ned, uten å bli enig.


Fra dommerens ståsted som er 5-6 meter unna (vinklene man får 23-33 sekund i linken din), så er det rimelig tafatt for meg.


Det ser jeg forøvrig ofte også "eksperter" sier - det er berøring. Det irriterer meg grønn. Er det sisten man leker i boksen? Med berøring kan man fritt kaste seg, ettersom det da må bli straffe?


Straffen var forøvrig ikke det verste for min del, men heller at Chelsea kom tilbake og vant... Det måtte gjerne blitt blåst straffe om stillingen hadde endt 3-2 til United. =)

Chelsea kom tilbake og vant pga at de hadde ballen 60-70% i andre omgang - og at målsjanser endte med 20-9 til slutt. De var et langt bedre lag i 2. omgang - etter en jevn første omgang.

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Bruker meg selv som eksempel også, mens Geir er i gang. Hvor ofte skylder jeg på dommeren for tap? Nesten aldri, med mindre det snakk om større overgrep. Jeg innrømmer også rett som det er når United er heldige med dommeravgjørelser. Feks så skjønner jeg godt at LFC supporterne har en grudge mot Webb på OT da han gir oss mye av fifty fifty situasjonene.


Vi ble bortdømt i går og tapte som en konsekvens av dommerens avgjørelser.


Skal passe på å påke det neste gang jeg erkjenner at det var vi som var heldige.

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Bruker foten aktivt gjør jaggu Zhirkov også. Han har bestemt seg for å falle før han lar foten skli borti Smalling. Dette kan vi sikkert diskutere side opp og ned, uten å bli enig.


Fra dommerens ståsted som er 5-6 meter unna (vinklene man får 23-33 sekund i linken din), så er det rimelig tafatt for meg.


Det ser jeg forøvrig ofte også "eksperter" sier - det er berøring. Det irriterer meg grønn. Er det sisten man leker i boksen? Med berøring kan man fritt kaste seg, ettersom det da må bli straffe?


Straffen var forøvrig ikke det verste for min del, men heller at Chelsea kom tilbake og vant... Det måtte gjerne blitt blåst straffe om stillingen hadde endt 3-2 til United. =)

Chelsea kom tilbake og vant pga at de hadde ballen 60-70% i andre omgang - og at målsjanser endte med 20-9 til slutt. De var et langt bedre lag i 2. omgang - etter en jevn første omgang.

skuddstatestikken forteller bare at Chelsea skøyt sine langskudd. Hvor mange var reele målsjanser? Jeg husker ingen i 2omg, men jeg husker at Rooney hadde en feit en skrått alene med Cech. Som de engelske kommentatorene sa, it didnt look like Chelsea were scoring"


isolert sett klager jeg ikke på resultatet, det var en jevn kamp og Chelsea hadde marginene på sin side. Dvs dommeren for dagen.

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Herlig å se hvordan enkelte Chelsea-supportere generaliserer og angriper United-supportere selv etter at de vant kampen igår. Spesielt enkelte som har uttalt at United-supportere slenger om seg med prepubertale kallenavn og andre utsagn tidligere. Men selv kom med utsagn som "Divechester" igår. Thumbsup. Hva med å være litt stor på det og overse at vi er bitter og sur etter igår?


Chelsea vant fortjent utifra spillet, det ble likevel avgjort av Atkinson, det må vi ha rett til å klage på. Spesielt når Vidic får rødt etter to forseelser, mens Luiz og Ivanovic stort sett kan gjøre som de vil.

  • Liker 1
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Goal.com har sett over "kritiske" punkt i kampen og gitt sin vurdering. Like mye verdt som vår, men de mener også vi skulle hatt straffen etter 8 minutt...


Når Rooney kaster seg?


Nei, det burde kanskje vært gult for filming, men hadde lite med resultatet å gjøre, ettersom dommeren ikke dømte straffe der.


Når Nani slår inn, og Terry vrir kroppen til og ballen treffer han i underarmen.

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Så ikke situasjonen, men hvis han handset bevist skulle det ha vært straffe, ja. Jeg kan være enig i at straffen til Chelsea var litt billig, men hvor ofte skjer ikke det i Premier League? For meg så det ut som Smalling stakk ut foten, men på reprisene så det mer ut som om Zhirkov hoppet i Smalling, det er ikke så lett å se for dommeren. Og David Luiz skulle ikke ha blitt utvist fordi Rooney ikke ble utvist mot Wigan, reglene skal gjelde alle.

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Spesielt når Vidic får rødt etter to forseelser, mens Luiz og Ivanovic stort sett kan gjøre som de vil.


To forseelser? Lær deg å telle.

Du får ta av deg brillene så kan jeg ta av meg mine, vi vil fortsatt bare finne max to som ville vært gult med tanke på linja Atkinson lå på igår.

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Goal.com har sett over "kritiske" punkt i kampen og gitt sin vurdering. Like mye verdt som vår, men de mener også vi skulle hatt straffen etter 8 minutt...


Hurray - jeg fant en side som var enig med meg i den.


Ser forøvrig at de også mener det er straffe til Chelsea - uten å gå inn på om Zhirkov kaster seg over foten til Smalling.



Goal.com UK takes a look back at the key incidents, not including Fernando Torres' disallowed goal because the play had already been stopped, from the thrilling match and gives its verdict on whether the referee made the right call.



Fifth minute


Incident: Nani cuts inside Branislav Ivanovic and unleashes a right-footed shot from 25 yards which appears to be blocked inside the box by John Terry's arm.


The ref's decision: Play-on, no penalty.


Why is it controversial: With only a few minutes on the clock it would have been a huge decision for Martin Atkinson to give, but Terry does have history with handballs in the box. The Chelsea skipper's arm was out by his side and he seemed to make no effort to get it out of the way.


The law: A direct free-kick is given when a player handles the ball deliberately. If this offence is committed by a player inside their own penalty area then it's a penalty.


Goal.com verdict: The wrong decision. The ball travelled a long way giving John Terry enough time to get out of the way. A penalty should have been given.



45th minute


Incident: Manchester United defender Nemanja Vidic is shown a yellow card after bringing down Michael Essien on the edge of the box.


The ref's decision: A foul and a yellow card for Vidic.


Why is it controversial: Nothing controversial about the actual decision but if Vidic gets a caution for bringing down Essien then the referee has laid his mark on the game and every foul of a similar nature after this incident needs to be treated with the same level of consistency.


The law: A direct free-kick can be awarded when a player kicks or attempts to kick an opponent, trips or attempts to trip an opponent, jumps at an opponent, charges an opponent, strikes or attempts to strike an opponent, pushes an opponent, makes contact with the opponent before touching the ball when tackling.


A player can receive a caution for anything that can be deemed as unsporting behaviour.


Goal.com verdict: The correct decision.



59th minute


Incident: David Luiz goes in hard on Javier Hernandez after the ball had gone.


The ref's decision: No foul.


Why is it controversial: It was a clear foul and one the referee should have seen. It left Sir Alex Ferguson fuming on the touchline and in the ear of the fourth official.


The law: A direct free-kick can be awarded when a player kicks or attempts to kick an opponent, trips or attempts to trip an opponent, jumps at an opponent, charges an opponent, strikes or attempts to strike an opponent, pushes an opponent, makes contact with the opponent before touching the ball when tackling.


A player should be awarded a yellow card for any infringement that could be deemed unsporting behaviour.


Goal.com verdict: The referee should have given a direct free-kick and a yellow card.



61st minute


Incident: David Luiz challenge goes straight through the back of Wayne Rooney and completely takes the England striker out.


The ref's decision: Foul and a yellow card.


Why is it controversial: There was nothing controversial about the actual decision as the referee got it spot on but had Martin Atkinson acted by the letter of the law two minutes earlier after Luiz's challenge on Javier Hernandez, Chelsea's £21 million defender would have got a second yellow and been sent off.


The law: A direct free-kick can be awarded when a player kicks or attempts to kick an opponent, trips or attempts to trip an opponent, jumps at an opponent, charges an opponent, strikes or attempts to strike an opponent, pushes an opponent, makes contact with the opponent before touching the ball when tackling.


A player can receive a caution for persistent infringement of the laws, for example, a series of fouls. A yellow card can also be given for anything that can be deemed as unsporting behaviour.


A red card can be issued when a player receives a second caution in the match.


Goal.com verdict: The correct decision.



77th minute


Incident: David Luiz is involved again and this time he appears to body check Wayne Rooney off the ball.


The ref's decision: No foul given.


Why is it controversial: It is the second foul David Luiz got away with after a similar incident with Javier Hernandez in the first half. It could be argued the Chelsea defender should have not been on the field after the first couple of incidents but Ferguson was furious after this last challenge which came just before the penalty. To rub salt into Manchester United's wounds, Nemanja Vidic was sent off late into the game after his second booking, but Luiz survived.


The law: A direct free-kick can be awarded when a player kicks or attempts to kick an opponent, trips or attempts to trip an opponent, jumps at an opponent, charges an opponent, strikes or attempts to strike an opponent, pushes an opponent, makes contact with the opponent before touching the ball when tackling.


A player can receive a caution for persistent infringement of the laws, for example, a series of fouls. A yellow card can also be given for anything that can be deemed as unsporting behaviour.


A red card can be issued when a player receives a second caution in the match.


Goal.com verdict: Definite foul and a yellow card.



80th minute


Incident: Chris Smalling brings down Yury Zhirkov in the box.


The ref's decision: Penalty.


Why is it controversial: It is debatable whether Zhirkov 'bought the foul' and took the opportunity to go over Smalling's outstretched leg.


The law: The law on giving penalties states a referee can award a spot kick after any foul which would normally lead to a direct free-kick that is committed by a team inside their own penalty area.


Goal.com verdict: The correct decision.



93rd minute


Incident: Nemanja Vidic is beaten for pace by Ramires and the Serbian defender tugs at his shirt bringing him down just outside the box.


The ref's decision: Direct free-kick and a second yellow card for Vidic, resulting in a red card.


Why is it controversial: It was a definite yellow card and moments earlier Vidic made another reckless foul on Didier Drogba. There can be no complaints for United but after what had gone on before with David Luiz, they will feel hard done by. The United skipper did tug at the shirt of Ramires but it was no worse than had been committed by Luiz earlier. The red card means Vidic will miss the Sunday's crucial fixture against Liverpool at Anfield.


The law: A direct free-kick can be awarded when a player kicks or attempts to kick an opponent, trips or attempts to trip an opponent, jumps at an opponent, charges an opponent, strikes or attempts to strike an opponent, pushes an opponent, makes contact with the opponent before touching the ball when tackling.


A player can receive a caution for persistent infringement of the laws, for example, a series of fouls. A yellow card can also be given for anything that can be deemed as unsporting behaviour.


A red card can be issued when a player receives a second caution in the match.


Goal.com verdict: The correct decision but there was no consistency shown in the game by referee Martin Atkinson.




Jeg bare ber goal.com legge opp. Botskjemte chelsea fan alle sammen .

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