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Star Wars The Old Republic - Tråden!

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Jøsses, for et latterlig system!


Nå er slik legaleese vanskelig å tolke. Men i beste fall holde det å logge inn på kontoen i ny og ne. I værste fall må man starte hvert spill med to års mellomrom for ikke å miste dem. Jeg heller mot den første, men jeg er ikke sikker. Uansett en helt idiotisk løsning. Skjønner ikke hvorfor de har implementert denne restriksjonen.

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Ja og ikke bare det, men leste noe om at spill kjøpt via origin systemet varer så så lenge. Den har en expiration date. Så om du 2 år etter tenker på å reinstallere spillet kan du glemme det. Så jeg skal ha alle origin spill som dette og BF3 fysisk . No way om jeg kjøper digitalt.

Tull og vas.. :nei:

Hvor henter du denne informasjonen fra? Link kilde.


If you have not used your Entitlements or Account for twenty four (24) months or more and your Account has associated Entitlements, your Entitlements will expire and your Account may be cancelled for non-use.



Det der er nok bare noe de har for sikkerhetsskyld - slik jeg forstår det er det kun hvis du ikke logger inn på kontoen eller denne er aktiv - så har de mulighet til å slette i alle fall. Jeg har fortsatt tilgjengelig BF2: Armored Fury, Euro Forces og Special Forces, selv om jeg ikke har spilt dette eller lastet det ned på år og dag, faktisk 17. september 2007...


De aller fleste MMO's har også dette med liten skrift i sine avtaler, dersom du kansellerer subscription vil de etter en viss tid kunne slette / ikke garantere at karakterene er i behold. Selvsagt bare for å skremme folk til å ikke si opp.


Det JEG synes var latterlig med pre-order er at det koster 50kr! Spillet koster 549,- (Digital Deluxe), men jeg måtte betale 50,- ekstra for å få lov til å forhåndsbestille! :S

Endret av KriFos
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Ja og ikke bare det, men leste noe om at spill kjøpt via origin systemet varer så så lenge. Den har en expiration date. Så om du 2 år etter tenker på å reinstallere spillet kan du glemme det. Så jeg skal ha alle origin spill som dette og BF3 fysisk . No way om jeg kjøper digitalt.

Tull og vas.. :nei:

Hvor henter du denne informasjonen fra? Link kilde.


Q: Will my game download ever expire?

A: Digital download rights remain available for at least one year after purchase.

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Fra presentasjonen med litt Q&A på sdcc..





We are here LIVE at Comic-Con International: San Diego with the Star Wars: The Old Republic panel!



The big news hit late last night: Pre-orders are open and the collector's edition is awesome. http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20110721



On the dais are Game Director, James Ohlen



Executive Producer Rich Vogel



and Community Manager Stephen Reid



"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" means you're about to see something epic.



"When you play the game, this is the first thing you'll see:



Star Wars crawl done per class!



The Sith Warrior: The Sith Empire tightes its grip on the galaxy...



Sorry, not gonna type the whole thing out, but this is a great way to start it out.



From the crawl, as the music fades into the classical strings we move into space. Imperial cruisers high above a planet



And that's all we get to see for the moment!



This game takes place about 3,653 BBY, about 300 years after the events of Knights of the Old Republic



The cinematics were released in reverse chronological order



So proper order is Return, Hope, and Deceived.



The cold war set up in Deceived is the setting of the game.



8 classes in the game, for the unitiated.



Each story, per class, is "several hundred hours long"



"You will not see one single duplicate mission if you play different classes."



"Story and Choice"



Choose a faction, choose a class, then make "hundreds of thousands of choices in game"



You can make "dark side" choices as a republic character, and vice versa for the empire, as we detailed in our E3 stories.



For full details on what they're showing in panel right now, check this out: http://www.newsarama.com/games/e3-2011-star-wars-old-republic-closed-doors-110614.html



It shows a former Sith Warrior reforming because of a choice made by a Jedi player



Now they are pointing out once again that this game is "Full Voiceover"



Every. Single. Character in this MMO has a voice.



David Hayter is the voice of the male Jedi Knight character



They show him voicing both a Human and a Zabrak Jedi Knight



Lacey Chabert is a charcter named "Mako"



Kari Wahlgren is the Jedi Knight Female.



Catherine Taber (Padme on Clone Wars) is Vette, a Twi'lek companion to the Sith Warrior.



And she just took the stage!



Another companion character, Nadia, companion to Jedi Consular (a romance option as well!)



Holly Fields, who also took the stage.



Rich Vogel is now talking about Exploration, one of their four pillars



"What better place to explore than Star Wars"



Planets that have been seen in KOTOR, and some planets that have never actually been seen in the expanded universe.



They're showing the personal ship, and a galaxy map that takes you to differen planets or to space combat.



You also have vehicles on-planet



classic land speeder, and a souped up one



some vehicles are only for higher-level gameplay.



Progression is not just your basic class, but tons of weapons, armor, and "hundreds" of power customizations to do.



Combat is the last of the four pillars.



James Ohlen takes over for Combat



"Companion characters have been an integral part of BioWare role playing games for 15 years"



"They'll be a huge part of the story as well."



You can customize companion characters, from clothing, weapons, and even their skin color, hair color, etc.



You can also do some "more significant changes to companion characters"



including adjusting AI of companions, like in the Dragon Age series



When they went to fan questions, the line got huge very fast.



Killing time while people line up, Cat Taber was asked about her Star Wars voiceover work.



She said her script for this game is about 2 feet tall in paper.



Holly Fields has been voicing lots of games, including the Shrek series



This is her first Star Wars game, and she's excited, she likes that her character is "a hot character" too



First fan Q: How many actors/actresses did voice over?



Reid "Over 900 actors, and still growing" Vogel: "We've been doing that for over two years."



Ohlen said the first lines were actually recorded in 2007 or 2008



Q: "How will an individual's story progression affect friends when they party up?"



Ohlen: Your personal story, your class story, will not affect that of your party members. On top of that there are group stories.



Ohlen "Party conversations harken back to old school D&D tabletop."



Q: How do the party decisions work?



Ohlen: "If you're getting Dark Side points if your friend kills the princes, you'll be pissed off. So whatever your choice is, you get the points for that, no matter who wins the "roll" and moves the story forward"



Q: How much of an influence did the movies have on the troopers' armor design?



Ohlen "it's a huge influence. One of the decisions we made for KOTOR, we could've had an art style that was ancient or medieval, but that would alienate Star Wars fans."



"So we made that decision to make it LOOK like Star Wars. Star Wars is more space fantasy than science fiction, and in fantasy technology never changes! "



Q: How many planets now, how many will be released later?



Ohlen: Right now 19 major worlds, an undetermined number of other minor worlds



We eventually want dozens, even hundreds of worlds.



Q: Can you change up to higher-level armor without changing the style of your armor?



Ohlen said that "Troopers will always look like Troopers, Bounty Hunters will always look like Bounty Hunters. We have set bonuses in the game, to encourage players to wear full sets."



Q: Will end-game content just be geared toward Raids?



Ohlen "It's an important part of any MMO, especially ours."



Ohlen just let slip that level 50 is the upper limit at release



There are also bonuses for people that re-roll that they'll talk about more soon



Voger talked about how their studio sets up "pods" to work on specific planets or features in the game.



Q: How much pressure do you guys think you're under?



Rich: That's a great question. Everyone has different expectations. We try to make sure we match the iconic roles for people in the game and we match the fantasy.




Comment From niijonodhg

That's not a slip.. we've known that for months.



Thanks for the correction, niijonodhg! He seemed to think it was a slip.



Q: When traveling with the use of a ship will you have quick travel from planet to planet?



Ohlen "We had a couple different design ideas, like taking 5 or 6 minutes, but now it's more instantaneous, a very quick hyperspace jump."



Ohlen went on to say that the worlds themselves are massive, which is why they put in vehicles.



If you ran across Tattooine, it would take half an hour.



Voiceactress Holly Fields talked a little about how deep the character of the companions are, and how surprising that was to her.



Taber said she's having fun doing Dark Side stuff for the first time.



Q: How'd you get your start in video games, and do you have any advice?"



Dallas came from a theater and english background and fell into a production role, and loved doing it so much that he kept doing it for the last 15 years.



Reid started in Journalism and ended up in Community. "do not be fooled by how much work it takes to get into the game industry"



Ohlen "I kinda got lucky. I was with BioWare as a startup on Baldur's Gate"



Rich went to film school and also kinda fell into video games



last fan question:



How will PVP work?



Reid "Very Well. In fact, we're showing Alderaan Warzone PvP here all weekend"



Vogel said a lot of Warhammer folks "came over to help us out on the PvP side"



Ohlen and Dallas both noted that they weren't PvP fans before and like it in TOR



Now we're getting an all-in-game trailer exclusive to here (for now).



Seeing massive armies, and now spotlights on the classes



"I will face down all darkness in the galaxy " Jedi Knight



"only good imperial is a dead imperial " Commando



"I wasn't planning to live forever anyway, I'm in" Smuggler



Wow, these are great little one liners. A huge Sith lightning storm was shown (first time we've seen one that big) from the Sith Inquisitor.



"My hate knows no bounds" "There will be no survivors" were a couple more taglines.



Reid is going over the details of Pre-Order now, which opened last night at 12:01am



Standard Edition can be bought at retailers or digital download on Origin.com



Digital Deluxe is on Origin.com



Collector's Editon



sold out at Origin.com and Amazon.com (who is increasing their order) but still found at other retailers



CE comes with Journal of Gnost-Dural, Darth malgus Statue, Galaxy Map, Security Authentication key Fob, Music of SWTOR, and the game, plus 7 virtual items.



"When can we play the game" said Dallas



A couple answers



"We're doing large beta testing weekends in September, sign up on swtor.com"



HUGE numbers of people will play then.



"If we're letting in huge numbers of people for beta testing weekends, that implies we'll be releasing the game soon"



Reid says "Yes, Beta weekends in September. Now our Release Window Target is Holiday 2011."



Vogel noted "we really want to release a quality product, and that's most important."



If you didn't hear already, pre-orders mean you get to play before the general public.




Endret av Quaric
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Ja og ikke bare det, men leste noe om at spill kjøpt via origin systemet varer så så lenge. Den har en expiration date. Så om du 2 år etter tenker på å reinstallere spillet kan du glemme det. Så jeg skal ha alle origin spill som dette og BF3 fysisk . No way om jeg kjøper digitalt.

Tull og vas.. :nei:

Hvor henter du denne informasjonen fra? Link kilde.


If you have not used your Entitlements or Account for twenty four (24) months or more and your Account has associated Entitlements, your Entitlements will expire and your Account may be cancelled for non-use.



Nå står det may, så dette betyr nok i praksis at den ikke blir cancelled selv etter 24mnd. Skal nok noe spesielt til for at det skjer.

Lenke til kommentar

Ja og ikke bare det, men leste noe om at spill kjøpt via origin systemet varer så så lenge. Den har en expiration date. Så om du 2 år etter tenker på å reinstallere spillet kan du glemme det. Så jeg skal ha alle origin spill som dette og BF3 fysisk . No way om jeg kjøper digitalt.

Tull og vas.. :nei:

Hvor henter du denne informasjonen fra? Link kilde.


Q: Will my game download ever expire?

A: Digital download rights remain available for at least one year after purchase.


Den har jeg lest, og det er noe som EA har tatt med seg over til Origin.

Leser du Terms of Service som du aksepterer når du kjøper/installerer andre spill?

Et lite utdrag fra Valve (Steam) som er en tilsvarende tjeneste:


"2. In the case of a one-time purchase of a product license (e.g., purchase of a single game) from Valve, Valve may choose to terminate or cancel your Subscription in its entirety or may terminate or cancel only a portion of the Subscription (e.g., access to the software via Steam) and Valve may, but is not obligated to, provide access (for a limited period of time) to the download of a stand-alone version of the software and content associated with such one-time purchase."


Jeg har aldri lest om noen som har "mistet" lisensen til et spill de har kjøpt digitalt.

Jeg har derimot lest et par tråder der noen har fått forlenget sin "lisensperiode" fra f.eks Origin.


Dette er ikke noe problem, viser det seg at denne perioden er over, er det bare å kontakte Origin så forlenger de denne.

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Det Steam snakker om er MMO som Steam har flust av faktisk :p "Subscription". EA's Origin snakker om å rett og slett fjerne download rettigheter til deg. Ganske stor forskjell.

Dem poengterer også at det er opp til dem om dem gjør dette eller ikke, men jeg tar ikke sjansen. Jeg har over 30 spill i Steam. Tanken på å miste alle dem plutselig hadde jeg ikke likt. Så stoler ikke på Origin enda ....

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Det Steam snakker om er MMO som Steam har flust av faktisk :p "Subscription". EA's Origin snakker om å rett og slett fjerne download rettigheter til deg. Ganske stor forskjell.

Dem poengterer også at det er opp til dem om dem gjør dette eller ikke, men jeg tar ikke sjansen. Jeg har over 30 spill i Steam. Tanken på å miste alle dem plutselig hadde jeg ikke likt. Så stoler ikke på Origin enda ....

Det er akkurat det samme Valve snakker om. :roll:

In the case of a one-time purchase of a product license (e.g., purchase of a single game) from Valve, Valve may choose to terminate or cancel your Subscription in its entirety or may terminate or cancel only a portion of the Subscription (e.g., access to the software via Steam


Visst de tar fra deg din subscription, får du selvfølgelig heller ikke lastet ned noe.



Men som jeg sier, ta nå dette med en klype salt. Tror ingen kommer til å miste rettigheten til spill de har kjøpt hverken i Steam eller Origin.

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Var innom Gamestop Gunerius idag, fikk byttet min forhåndsbestilling fra standard til collectors edition med 99% sikkerhet om at jeg er sikret en collectors edition ved release, mottok da også pre-order key på stedet. Rakk dette 2min før det smalt og kaoset brøyt løs i sentrum.


Veldig hyggelige folk som vet sakene sine rundt pre-orders imotsetning til endel andre Gamestop butikker jeg har vært innom!




IMG_0806 by RamGuy239, on Flickr



IMG_0804 by RamGuy239, on Flickr

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Det blir 1'300kr, men jeg har jo da 7-dager på å finne ut om jeg ser på spillet som verdt det eller ikke da jeg fremdeles ikke er pliktet til å plukke opp og betale for min Collectors Edition, og det koster meg jo bare 50kr å avholde på Gamestop som blir trukket fra prisen om jeg skulle hente det ved release.


En grei løsning syntes nå jeg!

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Nice!. Haha jeg angrer litt nå på at jeg ikke kjørte noen mil til nærmeste gamestop. Jeg håper spillet blir bra.


Jeg liker spesialet at man kan trene opp companions til å gjøre oppdrag på vegne av deg mens du er offline, eller sende de ut for å samle inn skrot og utvikle bedre utstyr. Da får jeg gjort ting mens jeg studerer på BI.


Ny trailer: http://www.swtor.com/media/trailers/join-fight

Endret av Albatraum
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