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This is Gerard Way, the lead singer of My Chemical Romance. He is a singer, writer, husband, father, comic book writer, artist, and hero. Gerard Way is unlike any other. He was never popular in school, and was one of those kids who wore all black and tried to just be ignored. He struggled with a weight problem, and lived in his own world. He blocked out reality and lived in fantasy lands whether it was from writing or drawing. His grandmother, Elena Lee Rush, always supported him in everything he did. Gerard always had a raw, talented voice and tried out to play the part of Peter Pan, at his new school in fourth grade, just to prove to himself he could do it. And, he did. His grandmother made his outfit consisting of green tights, and he knew he couldn’t back out. He really looked up to that amazing woman and when she passed away it hit him and his brother, Mikey, the bassist of My Chemical Romance, very hard. Gerard felt that her memorial service was terrible and didn’t give the highlights of what a strong, amazing woman she truly was. When she passed he was inspired to write the song Helena after her, the video is extremely emotional for Gerard. His love and compassion is something I admire about him. He started the band My Chemical Romance about two weeks after he first hand witnessed the 9/11 attacks on New York City on his way to Art School in the city. He told him self that art was doing nothing for the world, and the world needed a change, and he knew a band was the way. Him and their ex drummer, Matt, brought together the best musicians they knew and started the band we now know as, My Chemical Romance. For a very long time he had a drug and alcohol addiction which spiraled him into a deep depression. In 2005, he quit the alcohol and drugs while touring on the summer concert series, Warped Tour which they were playing. He was undoubtedly a new man. Now he openly shares his stories with his fans, telling them what happened to him. He doesn’t preach nor make decisions for us, but gives us information on the dangers and results of drugs and alcohol abuse. However, he constantly is promoting anti-suicide and anti-self harm. He knows there is a place for everyone in the world. Many people look at him as the leader of a cult, but My Chemical Romance fans are the farthest thing from a cult. We are an army, and I am a proud member of the MCRmy. This man is a true inspiration, and he will always hold a special place in my heart.


I will always love Gerard Way and My Chemical Romance! ♥




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Synes enkelte låter på The Black Parade er ganske stilige, dog ødelegger vokalen veldig. Det er litt synd, egentlig. Er sånn med en masse pop-punk bands nå til tiden; instrumentene kan sakene sine men vokalen høres ut som henrettelsen av apokalypsens fire riddere.

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Irriterer meg over at denne tråden oppdateres så ofte at man må være inne hvert 2. minutt for ikke å gå glipp av noe.



Også irriterer det meg at den siste delen av brusflaska alltid er varm og uten kullsure ;/

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Og så setter du deg rett på dataen og klager.


Kva skal eg gjere då? Ringe til ein av dei nære vennane eg ikkje har og prate om det? Henge med dei homofobe rasistane i klassa?


Ho skal berre vere glad for at eg ikkje er ute til 05.00 og drikker meg dritings.


Håper ikke det der er din definisjon på å være sosial. Ryktes at det finnes en mellomting.

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Ein viss kar i klassa irriterar. Han er frå Molde/Kristiansund, og har blanda dialekt. Etter lukta og dømme, dusjar han aldri, og tannpuss er visst noko han gjer omtrent kvart skuddår. Kosthaldet hans består av bollar frå eurospar. Han tyggjer aldri tyggis. Han har visst fått ein ide om at eg er bestevennen hans, så han kjem ofte bort til meg og pustar. Det luktar død blanda med rotne bollar og bæsj.

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Ein viss kar i klassa irriterar. Han er frå Molde/Kristiansund, og har blanda dialekt. Etter lukta og dømme, dusjar han aldri, og tannpuss er visst noko han gjer omtrent kvart skuddår. Kosthaldet hans består av bollar frå eurospar. Han tyggjer aldri tyggis. Han har visst fått ein ide om at eg er bestevennen hans, så han kjem ofte bort til meg og pustar. Det luktar død blanda med rotne bollar og bæsj.

Gi han deodorant og tyggis i julegave med en lapp der det står noe frekt, så skal du se at han forsvinner.

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