Petter Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 (endret) Har sett litt etter den gamle rogue tråden uten hell de siste 2 dagene, så derfor tenkte jeg å lage en ny. Bli med å diskuter alt om og rundt klassen rogues i wow. Rogue Rogues are World of Warcraft's premiere melee damage dealer and especially effective in PvP. They have access to a wide range of special abilities, which depend on their constantly refilling pool of energy. Unlike other classes, such as the hunter who has the ability to deal physical damage from a distance, rogues must be in close. The primary rogue class advantage is their ability to stealth, preventing other players from seeing them unless the rogue is very close and in a 180 degree arc in front of them or much lower level. The primary rogue attribute is agility. For PvP rogues, stamina is needed for staying alive. For a rogue, agility is always preferable to strength. Agility gives both attack power and crit chance to a rogue, while strength only gives attack power. A rogue uses no mana, so intellect and spirit are completely useless. At later levels, most rogue-oriented gear will also include a lot of Attack Power. Other gear bonuses sought by rogues are Crit, Hit, Haste, and Resilience. High Crit gives burst damage, High Hit increases chance to hit, mitigating dual wield penalty and enhancing dps, high Haste enhances an already high dps, and Resilience, which is almost only desirable for PvP, gives the rogue more ability to survive. Rogues can only wear leather or cloth armor, are unable to use shields, and can only wield one-handed weapons (daggers, swords, maces, fist weapons and more recently, axes) and ranged weapons. They can dual wield one-handed weapons upon creation, in a way compensating for their lack of ability to use two-handed weapons. At level 20, they gain access to poisons that can be purchased from poison vendors. It is no longer required to complete a quest to gain the use of poisons. Rogues acquire the passive ability to be able to Detect Traps , which can be very valuable in PvP situations with a hunter, or be valuable in dungeons where traps can be found, such as Icecrown Citadel (instance) Rogues are best suited for players who like to sneak up on enemies and dish out large amounts of burst damage. Endringer i cataclysm: Cataclysm Class Preview: Priest | 2010-04-08 23:57| Bashiok In World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, we'll be making several changes to class talents and abilities across the board. Here, you'll get a glimpse at what's in store for the rogue class, including a look the new high-level abilities and an overview of how the new Mastery system will work with the rogue's different talent specs. New Rogue Abilities [Redirect] (available at level 81): Rogues will be getting a new ability to help them deal with changing targets. Redirect will transfer any active combo points to the rogue's current target, helping to ensure combo points aren't wasted when swapping targets or when targets die. In addition, self-buff abilities like [slice and Dice] will no longer require a target, so rogues can spend extra combo points on those types of abilities (more on this below). Redirect will have a 1-minute cooldown and no other costs. [Combat Readiness] (level 83): Combat Readiness is a new ability that we intend rogues to trigger defensively. While this ability is active, whenever the rogue is struck by a melee or ranged attack, he or she will gain a stacking buff called Combat Insight that results in a 10% reduction in damage taken. Combat Insight will stack up to 5 times and the timer will be refreshed whenever a new stack is applied. Our goal is to make rogues better equipped to go toe-to-toe with other melee classes when [Evasion] or stuns are not in play. This ability lasts 6 seconds and has a 2-minute cooldown. [smoke Bomb] (level 85): The rogue drops a Smoke Bomb, creating a cloud that interferes with enemy targeting. Enemies who are outside the cloud will find themselves unable to target units inside the cloud with single-target abilities. Enemies can move inside the cloud to attack, or they can use area-of-effect (AoE) abilities at any time to attack opponents in a cloud. In PvP, this will open up new dimensions of tactical positional gameplay, as the ability offers a variety of offensive and defensive uses. In PvE, Smoke Cloud can serve to shield your group from hostile ranged attacks, while also drawing enemies closer without the need to rely on conventional line-of-sight obstructions. Smoke Cloud lasts 10 seconds and has a 3-minute cooldown. Changes to Abilities and Mechanics We're also planning to make changes to some of the other abilities and mechanics you're already familiar with. This list and the summary of talent changes below it are by no means comprehensive, but they should give you a good sense of what we want for each spec. In PvP, we want to reduce the rogue's dependency on binary cooldowns and "stun-locks," and give them more passive survivability in return. One major change is that we'll put [Cheap Shot] on the same diminishing return as other stuns. The increase to Armor and Stamina on cloth, leather, and mail gear will help with this goal as well. In PvE, even accounting for active modifiers like Slice and Dice and [Envenom], a very large portion of the rogue's damage is attributable to passive sources of damage. Yes, they are using abilities for the entire duration of a fight, but we want to reduce the percentage of rogue damage that comes from auto-attacks and poisons. More of their damage will be coming from active abilities and special attacks. We would like to improve the rogue leveling experience. Positional attacks and DoT-ramping mechanics will be de-emphasized at low levels and then re-introduced at higher levels for group gameplay. We are also providing rogues with a new low-level ability, [Recuperate], to convert combo points into a small heal-over-time (HoT). To complement the change to combo points, non-damage abilities such as Recuperate and Slice and Dice will no longer have target requirements and can be used with any of the rogue's existing combo points, including combo points remaining on recently killed targets. This will not affect damage abilities, which will still require combo points to be present on the specific target you want to damage. To coincide with this, the UI will be updated so that rogues know how many combo points they have active. [Ambush] will now work with all weapons, but will have a reduced coefficient when not using a dagger. When opening from Stealth, all rogues will be able to choose from burst damage, DoT abilities, or a stun. As we've done recently with some of the Subtlety abilities, we want to make sure more rogue abilities aren't overly penalized by weapon choice. With a few exceptions (like Backstab), you should be able to use a dagger, axe, mace, sword, or fist weapon without being penalized for most attacks. [Deadly Throw] and [Fan of Knives] will now use the weapon in the ranged slot. In addition, we hope to allow rogues to apply poisons to their throwing weapons. We are very happy with [Tricks of the Trade] as a general mechanic and as a way to give rogues more group utility, but we don't want it to account for as much threat transfer as it does now. New Talents and Talent Changes In Cataclysm, the overall feel of each of the rogue's talent trees will change, as we would like each tree to have a clearly defined niche and purpose. The talent details below are meant to give you an idea of what we're going for. Assassination will be more about daggers, poisons, and burst damage. Combat will be all about swords, maces, fist weapons, axes, and being engaged toe-to-toe with your enemies. A Combat rogue will be able to survive longer without needing to rely on Stealth and evasion mechanics. The Subtlety tree will primarily be based around utilizing Stealth, openers, finishers, and survivability. It'll be about daggers, too, but less so than Assassination. In general, Subtlety rogues needs to do more damage than they do today, and the other trees need to have more tools. Weapon-specialization talents (for all classes, not just rogues) are going away. We do not want you to have to respec when you get a different weapon. Interesting talents, such as Hack and Slash, will work with all weapons. Boring talents, such as Mace Specialization and Close Quarters Combat, will be going away. The Assassination and Combat talent trees currently have a lot of passive bonuses. We plan to dial back the amount of Critical Strike Rating provided by these trees so that rogues still want it on their gear. Mastery Passive Talent Tree Bonuses Assassination Melee damage Melee critical damage Poison damage Combat Melee damage Melee Haste Harder-hitting combo-point generators Subtlety Melee damage Armor Penetration Harder-hitting finishers The initial tier of rogue Mastery bonuses will be very similar between the trees. However, the deeper that a player goes into any tree, the more specialized and beneficial the Masteries will be to the play style for that spec. Assassination will have better poisons than the other two specs. Combat will have very steady and consistent overall damage. Subtlety will have strong finishers. We hope you enjoyed this preview, and we're looking forward to hearing your initial thoughts and feedback on these additions and changes. Please keep in mind that this information represents a work in progress and is subject to change as development on Cataclysm continues. Nyttige linker Nyttige macorer Oppdateringer kommer! Endret 14. oktober 2010 av Petter Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet+6132 Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Denne kan bli nytting når jeg engang kommer så langt som å levle rogue alten min.. Lenke til kommentar
Petter Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Forfatter Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Er vel bare å sette i gang det Lenke til kommentar
Petter Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Forfatter Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Noen som har noen fasit på hvor mye haste som er cap etter den nye patchen? Lenke til kommentar
nagina Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Tror ikke det er noe haste cap akkurat, iallefall ikke noe man når eller lønnes å satse for. Heller, mutilate eller combat? Før hadde jeg mer DPS med combat, men nå mutilate above combat ;> men mangler fortsatt mye justering med de forskjellige stats + jeg sparte mye ved å ikke gemme ARP, sto med 40AP gems som ble gjort om til 20 agi :> Lenke til kommentar
Petter Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Forfatter Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Jeg har kjørt et litt rart spec igjennom hele icc tiden tbh. Har gått for mye haste og hit var nesten på white cap før patchen kom igår. gjorde god dps i forhold til hvor bra gearet mitt var så kan ikke ha gjort så mye feil. har for tiden rundt 800 haste eller noe sånt, så lurer på om det har blitt litt mye etter patchen hadde rundt 600 før... er også på vei ned til CAP når det kommer til hit. Lenke til kommentar
2ore Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Blir en del å sette seg inn i nå, ja. Noen som vet hvilket rotasjon som fungerer best for mutilate? Elitistjerks sier at vi bare skal kjøre 4+ finishers. Får vel eksperimentere litt og finnet ut av hva som fungerer best. Lenke til kommentar
Petter Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Forfatter Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Jeg bruker 2x mutilate og så finish, litt uvant å måtte bruke rupture i rotation igjen, men får gi det noen dager så går det vel fint Lenke til kommentar
Konkulf Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Lenke til kommentar
Petter Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Forfatter Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 den er veldig utdatert og lite brukt for tiden så stemmer heller for at vi bruker denne så kan jeg holde den oppdatert med nyheter osv. I førstepost. Lenke til kommentar
nagina Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Opp til moderator nå. Lenke til kommentar
Latias Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Om en ny tråd fører til at aktiviteten øker, ser jeg ingen grunn til å ikke tillate det. Lar denne tråden stå foreløpig, så tar jeg en ny vurdering om noen ukers tid. Legger til v2 i trådtittelen også. Reaksjoner taes på PM. Lenke til kommentar
Petter Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Forfatter Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Høres ut som en god ide Lenke til kommentar
nagina Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Nå har jeg ikke satt foten helt ned når det kommer til rogue men har prøvd både mutilate og combat spec men merkelig nok gjør jeg mer dps med mutilate selvom jeg skal ha bedre gear med combat, tenker på weapons nå ;> Lenke til kommentar
Petter Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Forfatter Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Multilate er veldig op om dagen i forhold til Combat. Lenke til kommentar
Colado Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Liker sub om dagen jeg, kan burste ut en 50-60k damage i løpet av sekunder Lenke til kommentar
Anonym234 Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Jeg er straks lvl 72, burde jeg gå fra combat til noko anna? Lenke til kommentar
Petter Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Forfatter Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Liker sub om dagen jeg, kan burste ut en 50-60k damage i løpet av sekunder Er nydelig i pvp ja men raider selv så da blir det bedre med litt stabil dps som Mutilate... Lenke til kommentar
nagina Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2010 (endret) Jeg er straks lvl 72, burde jeg gå fra combat til noko anna? Min rogue nr2 (2 faktisk) er level 72-73 også har ikke fått testet noe men assassination ser morsomt ut. men over til level 80 rogue talk Subletly og combat var ganske lik i dps, og det er mye enkelere å spille subletly, trenger ikke noe CD akkurat men men, skal ordne litt glyphs, og skal teste litt mer, brb! EDIT: Subletly: ca 6.7k dps med daggers (2x 1.80 speed!) Wound + deadly ca 6.2k dps med daggers (2x 1.80 speed)! Instant + deadly Assassination: (mutilate) 8k dps (2x 1.80 speed) Instant + deadly poison! Combat 7k, opp og ned. Nå vet jeg ikke om det er dårlig eller god, har ikke raidet eller sett andre rogues Endret 14. oktober 2010 av nagina Lenke til kommentar
Colado Skrevet 15. oktober 2010 Del Skrevet 15. oktober 2010 Leka meg mye med Sub PvP i hele kveld uten PvP gear, eier fortsatt hardt. Kan burste ned de fleste klasser uten problemer alene. Syykt morsomt, men litt mange knapper vis det går feil Lenke til kommentar
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