Zir0 Skrevet 12. oktober 2010 Del Skrevet 12. oktober 2010 (endret) "Beware of Him who kan cast both your body and soul to hell." "Why do ye call me good, no one is good yet God alone." "Everything is possible with faith.." "What is impossible for man is possible for God.." "Ask, and it will be given to you.." "Father, let this cup pass from me. (Hours before crusification besides the olive tree.) "Seek first for the kingdom of God and everything will come to you.." Everything? Like cruisification? Or prosecution of christians? "Be perfect, just as God is.." "..but they wouldn't allow me to enter them so I could cure them from the diseases." "Not all will come to the Kingdom of God." "Didnt we heal the sick and cast away the demons for you?" But then I will say: Who are you, go away from me." "If one sheep is lost wont the sheppered leave all of his sheeps to search for it and finally bring it back?" Endret 12. oktober 2010 av holkapolka27 Lenke til kommentar
Runar Skrevet 12. oktober 2010 Del Skrevet 12. oktober 2010 Jeg anbefaler trådstarter å lese reglene for posting, da det stilles egne krav til nye tråder i denne delen av forumet. Jeg velger å stenge tråden da den ikke åpner for debatt og diskusjon. Har du reaksjoner på moderering tar du kontakt med meg via en privat melding. 1 Lenke til kommentar
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