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Government bak 9/11 - V 2.0

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Hva vi vet dog er at mye taler for at den offisielle historien er svada.


Jeg vil si meg uenig. Hva vi faktisk vet er at mye taler for at den offisielle historien er riktig. Vi vet også at Truther-bevegelsen har drevet med feilinformasjon - og spredd løgn.


Etter å ha sett utallige dokumentarer og utallige uttalelser fra vitner, spesialister innen sitt felt og lignende så er jeg sjokkert over at folk tror på den offisielle historien.


Det er forsåvidt viktig slik som Quote her påpeker at det er mye tull der ute og sikkert mye feil også. Men den offisielle etterforskningen er også full av huller så det jevner seg vel ut.


Tror forsåvidt hovedårsaken til at en finner så mye hummer og kanari om saken er at vi simpelthen ikke vet nok, eller at mesteparten faktisk ikke enda har fått alle detaljene om saken.


Kanskje vi aldri vil få alle detaljene, men jeg for min del er 100% sikker på at myndighetene (eller andre innen USA's etteretning ol) står bak hele opplegget.


Jeg er faktisk så overbevist at jeg ville satset livet på denne påstanden...


At det kan være feilskjær i forhold til hva som faktisk skjedde og hva vi tror skjedde, nyanseringer og slikt må en bare regne med siden det er så mye desinformasjon.

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Etter å ha sett utallige dokumentarer og utallige uttalelser fra vitner, spesialister innen sitt felt og lignende så er jeg sjokkert over at folk tror på den offisielle historien.


Som for eksempel piloten som uttalte seg i forbindelse med lysglimtet som man så da flyet krasjet i WTC? Samme person som skal ha ment at fronten er laget av et komposittmateriale som heter radome? Jessda.


Det er utallige vitner som taler dere midt i mot. Det er utallige dokumentarer som også taler dere midt i mot, men som dere nekter å se på siden dere er såpass fanatiske i troen.


Nei vet du hva, jeg er sjokkert over at folk ikke tror på den offisielle historien.


Men den offisielle etterforskningen er også full av huller så det jevner seg vel ut.

Gi meg et eksempel for Pentagon, hvor det er hull i etterforskningen. Og husk, lack of evidence is not absence of evidence.


Tror forsåvidt hovedårsaken til at en finner så mye hummer og kanari om saken er at vi simpelthen ikke vet nok, eller at mesteparten faktisk ikke enda har fått alle detaljene om saken.

Jeg tror hovedårsaken til at en finner dette er fordi det er populært med USA-hat nå for tiden. Vi VET nok til å ta et standpunkt.


Jeg er faktisk så overbevist at jeg ville satset livet på denne påstanden...

Og her viser fanatismen seg frem. Vel, beklager - du hadde nok blitt skuffet.

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Nå har du fått enorme mengder informasjon i denne tråden, og så våger du å spørre etter mer?! Fy f...


Huh?? Har ikke jeg postet lenker til enorme mengder informasjon i denne tråden, og så våger du å spørre etter mer?! Fy f...

Det var da du selv som innrømmet at du ikke visste noe særlig om saken etter at du ble grundig parkert i en deldiskusjon, var det ikke?

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Etter å ha sett utallige dokumentarer og utallige uttalelser fra vitner, spesialister innen sitt felt og lignende så er jeg sjokkert over at folk tror på den offisielle historien.

Hvilke vitneuttalelser?


Hvilke spesialister?


Snakker du om "dokumentarer" som Loose Change, som inneholder løgn på løgn på løgn? Utrolig at du innrømmer at du baserer deg på løgner fremfor fakta på denne måten.

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Det var da du selv som innrømmet at du ikke visste noe særlig om saken etter at du ble grundig parkert i en deldiskusjon, var det ikke?


Fordi man har erkjent et nederlag i ett slag er det ikke det samme som at man har endret side eller at man har tapt "krigen".

Men når man begynner å måtte erkjenne nederlag i flere titalls slag, så burde man vurdere å slå krigen tapt eller endre side. At dere argumenterer med anomaliteter kan dere ikke benekte.

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Det er utvilsomt krefter på dette forumet som vet inderlig godt at dette ble utført av vestlige styresmakter, men som av personlige årsaker velger å dekke over det.. blant annet grunnet en veldig nær relasjon til en kontroversiell stat i midt-østen.

Snakker du om enkeltpersoner? Hvem da? De første gangene du kom med vitsen om at folk var betalt og kjøpt, så var det morsomt. Nå begynner vitsen å bli oppbrukt.

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Etter å ha sett utallige dokumentarer og utallige uttalelser fra vitner, spesialister innen sitt felt og lignende så er jeg sjokkert over at folk tror på den offisielle historien.


Som for eksempel piloten som uttalte seg i forbindelse med lysglimtet som man så da flyet krasjet i WTC? Samme person som skal ha ment at fronten er laget av et komposittmateriale som heter radome? Jessda.


Det er utallige vitner som taler dere midt i mot. Det er utallige dokumentarer som også taler dere midt i mot, men som dere nekter å se på siden dere er såpass fanatiske i troen.


Nei vet du hva, jeg er sjokkert over at folk ikke tror på den offisielle historien.


Nå skal det dog sies at piloten du refererer til sa "tuppen på flyet som heter Radome er komposittmateriale"


så ser du at du bare misforstå hva han sa...


Men samme det.. det er jo en liten detalj sånn sett.. Jeg for min del mener at den bygningen aldri burde ha kollapset på grunn av fly krasjen alene, og flybensin som brenner opp (on impact) er heller ikke nok... Dette forklarer heller ikke hvorfor bygning 7 datt, selv om andre WTC bygninger som sto nærmere faktisk sto fortsatt.


Synes denne videoen beskriver dimensjonene ganske bra...




Bare ta innover deg dimensjonene på dette her... Noe mer må gi etter for at dette skal komme ned i så og si fritt fall.

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Jada, alle som tror på den offisielle historien er hjernevasket av jødene. Sannsynligvis kontrollerer de også tankene våres via små mikrobrikker som spres i lufta med fly.


Bevis for dette finner du på youtube, gutten, men dette vet du vel allerede?



Bare ta innover deg dimensjonene på dette her... Noe mer må gi etter for at dette skal komme ned i så og si fritt fall.

Uhm, uh, noe med pannekaker uhm, uh. *febrilsk lete etter NIST link*

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  • 2 uker senere...

Popular Mechanics lagte en artikkel som tar opp mange av de påstandene som blir fremmet av konspirasjonsteoretikere når det gjelder 9/11. Jeg vil sterkt anbefale alle som lurer på hvordan ting skjedde den dagen, å lese artikkelen. Blant annet så diskutere den spesifikt hva som skjedde med WTC 7, som jeg ser det har blitt reist spørsmål om i denne tråden.

Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report


Hentet fra artikkelen:



WTC 7 Collapse

Claim: Seven hours after the two towers fell, the 47-story WTC 7 collapsed. According to 911review.org: "The video clearly shows that it was not a collapse subsequent to a fire, but rather a controlled demolition: amongst the Internet investigators, the jury is in on this one."


FACT: Many conspiracy theorists point to FEMA's preliminary report, which said there was relatively light damage to WTC 7 prior to its collapse. With the benefit of more time and resources, NIST researchers now support the working hypothesis that WTC 7 was far more compromised by falling debris than the FEMA report indicated. "The most important thing we found was that there was, in fact, physical damage to the south face of building 7," NIST's Sunder tells PM. "On about a third of the face to the center and to the bottom—approximately 10 stories—about 25 percent of the depth of the building was scooped out." NIST also discovered previously undocumented damage to WTC 7's upper stories and its southwest corner.


NIST investigators believe a combination of intense fire and severe structural damage contributed to the collapse, though assigning the exact proportion requires more research. But NIST's analysis suggests the fall of WTC 7 was an example of "progressive collapse," a process in which the failure of parts of a structure ultimately creates strains that cause the entire building to come down. Videos of the fall of WTC 7 show cracks, or "kinks," in the building's facade just before the two penthouses disappeared into the structure, one after the other. The entire building fell in on itself, with the slumping east side of the structure pulling down the west side in a diagonal collapse.


According to NIST, there was one primary reason for the building's failure: In an unusual design, the columns near the visible kinks were carrying exceptionally large loads, roughly 2000 sq. ft. of floor area for each floor. "What our preliminary analysis has shown is that if you take out just one column on one of the lower floors," Sunder notes, "it could cause a vertical progression of collapse so that the entire section comes down."


There are two other possible contributing factors still under investigation: First, trusses on the fifth and seventh floors were designed to transfer loads from one set of columns to another. With columns on the south face apparently damaged, high stresses would likely have been communicated to columns on the building's other faces, thereby exceeding their load-bearing capacities.


Second, a fifth-floor fire burned for up to 7 hours. "There was no firefighting in WTC 7," Sunder says. Investigators believe the fire was fed by tanks of diesel fuel that many tenants used to run emergency generators. Most tanks throughout the building were fairly small, but a generator on the fifth floor was connected to a large tank in the basement via a pressurized line. Says Sunder: "Our current working hypothesis is that this pressurized line was supplying fuel [to the fire] for a long period of time."


WTC 7 might have withstood the physical damage it received, or the fire that burned for hours, but those combined factors—along with the building's unusual construction—were enough to set off the chain-reaction collapse.


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Popular Mechanics er en forlengst tilbakevist kilde, denne artikkelen ble laget av en fetteren til Michael Chertoff. Chertoff slapp fri de israelske "kunststudentene" (sayanim) som ble arrestert grunnet mistanker om spionasje mot USA.



Haha, språkbruken i denne "artikkelen" (coverup).


NIST investigators believe a combination of intense fire and severe structural damage contributed to the collapse, though assigning the exact proportion requires more research. But NIST's analysis suggests the fall of WTC 7 was an example of "progressive collapse"



Christopher Bollyn har dekt dette. http://www.bollyn.com/index.php




Bollyn also unearthed another fact relevant to the credibility of PM’s writing about 9/11: that 25-year-old Benjamin Chertoff, who described himself as the "senior researcher" for PM's 911 Debunking article, is a cousin of the new head of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff. Bollyn then wrote an essay entitled "9/11 and Chertoff: Cousin Wrote 9/11 Propoganda for PM." The Hearst Corporation, Bollyn charged, had hired young Chertoff to work on an article supporting the very interpretation of 9/11 that had led to the creation of the department now headed by his older cousin.


As Bollyn learned, this family relationship seemed to be something that neither Benjamin Chertoff nor PM wanted to advertise. When young Chertoff was asked by Bollyn if he was related to Michael Chertoff, he replied "I don’t know," then said that all further questions should be put to PM’s publicist. Bollyn then called Benjamin Chertoff’s mother. When asked whether her son was related to the new secretary of Homeland Security, she reportedly replied "Yes, of course, he is a cousin."



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Popular Mechanics er en forlengst tilbakevist kilde, denne artikkelen ble laget av en fetteren til Michael Chertoff. Chertoff slapp fri de israelske "kunststudentene" (sayanim) som ble arrestert grunnet mistanker om spionasje mot USA.

Vist du faktisk hadde lest artikkelen så ville du sett at Popular Mechanics adresserer bekymringene dine her!




Is PM staffer Benjamin Chertoff a cousin of Michael Chertoff, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security?



As we explain in our book, it appears that they could be distant relatives. The connection, if any exists, dates back to the 19th century, before either family immigrated to the U.S. They have never met, and never spoken to one another. Michael Chertoff has never spoken with any member of the Popular Mechanics staff, nor with any member of Benjamin Chertoff's family.


The speculation concerning the supposed Chertoff connection is a good example of how conspiracy theorists often latch on to shreds of information, but get the details wrong. Ben Chertoff ran PM's research and fact-checking department at the time of the original magazine article, and conducted some reporting for the story. He was not the "senior editor," "head writer," or any of the other incorrect titles lofted by theorists. (Ben was later promoted to online editor, and recently left the magazine to pursue work as a freelance writer and producer.)


Moreover, Michael Chertoff was not secretary of Homeland Security at the time PM researched the original story. He was sworn in on Feb. 15, 2005, more than a month after the piece went to the printers.


Conspiracy theorists often present the supposed connection between Benjamin and Michael Chertoff as ipso facto proof of some sort of collaboration. But why would that be? There are nearly 30 people on the editorial staff of PM. Virtually none of them knew each other--or Ben--before coming to work here. So far, no one has explained to us how they believe a relatively junior magazine staffer could convince dozens of his colleagues to become complicit in a cover-up of one of the worst attacks in U.S. history.


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Chertoff Cousin Wrote

911 Propaganda

Chertoff Cousin Wrote 911 Propaganda

For Popular Mechanics Magazine


How The Bush Administration Uses Nepotism

To Conceal Its Dark Secrets About 911

By Christopher Bollyn

Exclusive to American Free Press




Dictators like Saddam Hussein have always used nepotism to protect their secrets and maintain control. Like a dictatorship, the inner cabal that directs the actions of the Bush administration uses the same tactics to confuse the public and conceal the truth of 9/11.


Dictators have always employed nepotism, the placing of family members in key positions, for one simple reason: only loyal family members can be trusted with the secrets that keep them in power. For this reason the shameless nepotism of the Bush administration should alarm Americans because it indicates that a dictatorship is encroaching upon the United States.


The Defense Department defines nepotism as the situation when relatives are in the same chain-of-command.


An egregious example of dictatorial-style nepotism occurred when George W. Bush won the White House - twice - thanks to the key "swing state" of Florida, where the presidential candidate's younger brother is governor. In 2000 and 2004, against all odds, Florida swung decisively, the Bush way.


The official canvass from the 2004 election in Florida, certified less than a fortnight after the election by three hand-picked lieutenants of Governor Jeb Bush, shows Republican Members of Congress winning, such as Tom Feeney, without congressional seats without even appearing on the ballot. In other races, a handful of candidates for the Florida state house won with 100 percent of the vote against write-in candidates who didn't even receive 1 vote.


With high federal offices being given to the wives, sons and daughters of senior members of the Bush administration, the Hearst Corporation executives that publish Popular Mechanics magazine probably didn't worry about the ethical considerations of hiring a cousin of Michael Chertoff, a former Assistant Attorney General and the new Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as senior researcher.


But the March 2005 issue of Popular Mechanics (PM) plumbs new depths of nepotism and Hearst-style "yellow journalism" with its cover story about 9/11. PM's senior researcher, 25-year-old Benjamin Chertoff, authored a propagandistic cover story entitled "Debunking 9/11 Lies" which seeks to discredit all independent 9/11 research that challenges the official version of events.


"Conspiracy theories can't stand up to the hard facts," the cover reads. "After an in-depth investigation, PM answers with the truth," it says. But the article fails to provide evidence to support its claims and doesn't answer the key question: What caused the collapses of the twin towers and the 47-story World Trade Center 7?


The lead editorial by James Meigs, Editor-in-Chief of PM carries the title "The Lies Are Out There." It continues: "As a society we accept the basic premise that a group of Islamist terrorists hijacked four airplanes and turned them into weapons against us."


But do we, "as a society" accept this basic premise? None of the 19 "Islamist terrorists" were even found on the passenger lists that day.


"Sadly," Meigs continues, "the noble search for truth is now being hijacked by a growing army of conspiracy theorists."


What Meigs fails to acknowledge is that while the fact that a conspiracy is behind the 9/11 attacks is obvious, the question being raised by independent researchers is: Who was involved in this conspiracy?


The Meigs' editorial concludes, "But those who peddle fantasies that this country encouraged, permitted or actually carried out the attacks are libeling the truth - and disgracing the memories of the thousands who died on that day."


Nobody says that the United States of America did anything on 9/11, Mr. Meigs. "This country," the USA doesn't do anything, Mr. Meigs, people do. In the case of 9/11 we are dealing with a very small group of people, perhaps no more than a dozen or so at the highest "architectural" level, and there is no guarantee that they are from any one country - most likely they are not.


The Chertoff article goes on to confront the "poisonous claims" of 16 "myths" spun by "extremist" 9/11 researchers like myself with "irrefutable facts," mostly provided by individuals in the employ of the U.S. government.


But who is Benjamin Chertoff, the "senior researcher" at Popular Mechanics who is behind the article? American Free Press has learned that he is none other than a cousin of Michael Chertoff, the new Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.


This means that Hearst paid Benjamin Chertoff to write an article supporting the seriously flawed explanation that is based on a practically non-existent investigation of the terror event that directly led to the creation of the massive national security department his "cousin" now heads. This is exactly the kind of "journalism" one would expect to find in a dictatorship like that of Saddam Hussein's Iraq.


Because the manager of public relations for Popular Mechanics didn't respond to repeated calls from American Free Press, I called Benjamin Chertoff, the magazine's "senior researcher," directly.


Chertoff said he was the "senior researcher" of the piece. When asked if he was related to Michael Chertoff, he said, "I don't know." Clearly uncomfortable about discussing the matter further, he told me that all questions about the article should be put to the publicist - the one who never answers the phone.


Benjamin's mother in Pelham, New York, however, was more willing to talk. Asked if Benjamin was related to the new Secretary of Homeland Security, Judy said, "Yes, of course, he is a cousin."



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