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FM11: Football Manager 2011 - Diskusjon og pratetråd

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Da tar jeg min første store utfordring på FM11, starta uten jobb, dro på ferie, var på ferie til i november da det plutselig dukket opp et jobb-tilbud fra reading, tok det såklart, hvor de da ligger på 16 plass i championship.. vet ikke helt hva som venter meg her, men ble litt lei av å spille lfc <3 hele tiden.:)


setter stor pris på tips og triks angående billige "stjerner" her nede.:)


kommer til å kjøre på med en 4-2-2-2 formasjon. kee

FV - FS - FS - FH




Ving Ind-løper


2X målscorere


er det jævlig offensivt.?

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Mitt tips til deg er å følge LLM-reglene og lytte til speiderene dine og backroom-tipsene du får på spillere. Det er mulig jeg er litt sær, men jeg finner relativt stor glede i denne noe mer realistiske retningen. For alle som føler at laget stagnerer over en periode i sesongen bør dere se på denne team talk-guiden. Å holde motivasjonen i laget oppe, uten at selvtilfredsheten blir for høy, og laget tror det holder å møte opp for å vinne er nøkkelen for å slippe unna kollapser. Å benytte seg av kunnskapen wolfsong deler kommer man meget langt på vei.

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Jeg kjører konstant "Expect a win" før kamp og "Don't let your performance drop" til andre omgang (med "none" på de som har over 7,5 i rating). Noen lag er unntatt fra prematch, og det er rivaler (for the fans), Shitty (som er gode men ikke rival - "Wish luck"), samt CL-sluttspillet (for the fans). Funker greit.

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Det står vel basically det jeg bruker (jeg har lest den før).


I tillegg står det noe om individuelle instrukser i pausen, som kan være kjekt å få med seg.


Dette her:



1. It does not address motivation only - it can easily mislead a game player as it attempts to mix 3 factors into 1 description. The 3 factors are morale, player rating and complacency/nervous levels.


E.g. A player noted as "Looking motivated" really ONLY means that he has Very Good - Superb morale, if you trust that description you would think nothing needs to be said/done to that player; but such a player may be getting a 6.2 rating and really deserves a fire-up teamtalk or substitute off, or he may be complacent at the same time and you really need to cure complacency via your teamtalks.


Another example is the description of "having an OK game", players with this description generally have a below 6.7 rating, they deserve a fire-up or substitute off, they are NOT having an OK game by teamtalks standard.


The third example is players described as "playing with confidence" or "having a good game" or better, these are typically players with above 7 rating and good morale, if you read that and think "Ok I should say nothing to him" then you miss the opportunity to increase his match ratings to 8 or 9 by saying "you have faith" or "you can make the difference" to players with 7.5 or higher rating and/or players who have scored.


2. It is not accurate as the description could change every 2 seconds. A player with a varying match rating between 5.5 and 6.6 in one match can have his "motivation" reported as changing from "looking nervous" to "playing with confidence" and back and forth every 2 seconds if you monitor the motivation feedback while you run the match on "key". What do you do with such a player at half time if you trust the motivation feedback only? .... All you have to do is to ignore the motivation feedback, look at his match rating, look at his morale, look at whether he is named by your Ass Man in the abovementioned Ass Man Feedback as having complacency/nervous problems and decide your teamtalk/action on him purely relying on the above 3 pieces of information.


3. It is not available prior to you confirming your pre-match teamtalks hence even if it is accurate, it does not help your pre-match teamtalks at all.


Therefore I rather look at the abovementioned 3 primary factors myself instead of reading/relying on the description in the "Motivation" feedback for both pre-match and half time teamtalks.)


In summary for pre-match team talks, the factors I take into account other than complacency/nervous levels are: pre-match odds, morale, whether a player achieved a 7.5 or higher rating in the previous match, whether a player achieved a 5.5 or lower rating in the previous match, whether a player reacts well to "expect a performance" (judged through trial and error), whether a player reacts well to "you have faith" (judged through trial and error) and whether the target player is a youngster making his debut.


I will illustrate my approach for general pre-match teamtalks by way of scenarios but before that let's look at individual teamtalks pre-match which are generally applicable to all scenarios:


If a player has achieved a 7.5 rating or above in his previous match, the individaul teamtalk "Pick up where you left from" becomes available for him. The use of this individual teamtalk has never yielded any negative effect for me. Possible positive result: "Seemed Motivated", positive result occurrence chance: 25%. Trial and error recommended (when I say this I mean try to remember on which player the individual teamtalk has worked in the past and use it on him whenever available). This is also applicable to half-time teamtalks and teamtalks on substitutes.


If a player has achieved a 5.5 rating or below in his previous match, the individaul teamtalk "Expect Better" becomes available for him. Likewise the use of this individual teamtalk has never yielded any negative effects for me. Possible positive result: "Seemed Motivated", positive result occurrence chance: 20%. Use whenever available. This is also applicable to half-time teamtalks and teamtalks on substitutes.


The following is a link to a screenshot showing successful uses of the above two individual teamtalks pre-match:




Certain players sometimes react well to "Expect a Performance" even when they are not reported as complacent. These players typically are high calibre senior players who perform well in big games, e.g. Essien, Drogba, Terry etc. Use it on players with "good" or above morale level only. Do not use it on players who often get worried or nervous. If used right possible positive result: "Seemed Motivated". Trial and error recommended.


Some players also react well to "You have faith" pre-match. However I generally try save "you have faith" for half time overperformers and substitutes coming on (those of you who have read my original guide are already familiar with this approach). If your striker is suffering a goal draught and/or having a low morale, you could try saying "you have faith" to him pre-match, likely result "looked delighted", sometimes "seemed motivated". Trial and error recommended.


Your youngster making debut should generally have a "no pressure" on him pre-match, followed by "pleased" half time if he achieved a 6.8 or above rating then. Likely result "Happy. Looked delighted", sometimes "more relaxed". "No pressure" also works on players who are reported by your Ass Man as looking nervous in his Pre-Match Feedback (again NOT the "looking nervous" in the Motivation screen).




Det er det viktige med individuelle instrukser. Når det gjelder generelle, så blir det som jeg sa i stad:


Expect a win der man er favoritt - UNNTATT mot rivaler, da kjører man For the fans

Wish luck der det er jevne odds - UNNTATT mot rivaler, da kjører man For the fans

Enjoy the match der man er underdog - UNNTATT mot rivaler, da kjører man For the fans



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Som det nevnes i guiden kan "wish luck" skyte deg i foten til tider da spillere kan bli demotiverte av det. Jeg bruker utelukkende "expect a win" eller "for the fans" før kampen avhengig av hvordan oddsen er. "Have faith" på spillere som har scoret og innbyttere virker også rimelig bra.


At this point one may ask "hey Wolfsong what happened to 'We can win this!' and "Wish luck!'?". I do not use them anymore whether pre-match or half-time because they randomly yield the negative effect of "seemed DEMOTIVATED. looked delighted". You should definately avoid the above two when your players are reported as complacent. However even when I am not on a winning streak and my squad morale is below "superb", these talks sometimes demotivate one or two of my players too. When one or two players gets the "seemed demotivated" effect from pre-match teamtalks, your whole team's performance suffers and you are likely to go 1 to 3 goals down in the first half; in that case even excellent half-time teamtalks are unlikely to turn your match around.
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Football Manager er tidenes spillserie, ingen tvil om det.


Dessverre så blir hver versjon tregere enn den forrige. De siste årene har jeg ikke orket å spille normalt, men bygger opp laget, tegner kontrakter etc om sommeren, før jeg så går på ferie i 10 måneder og ser hvordan det har gått.


Mulig jeg ville spilt slik om spillet hadde vært raskere også, da det er en artig måte å se de langsiktige resultatene av det man gjør, umiddelbart.


Nå kjøper jeg meg imidlertid ny PC og lurer derfor på om dere tror det vil gå raskere nå?

Hva er det FM krever av en maskin? Hva må oppgraderes før det går raskere? HD, GPU, CPU, RAM?

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