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Småprat rundt/om CoD: Black Ops

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Problemet jeg har er at jeg ser selv når jeg bruker sniper at jeg har siktet rett på personen, men jeg treffer ikke når jeg skyter. Hørest vell kanskje ut som att jeg bare syter fordi jeg har dårlig aim. Men tror faktisk det ikke er det, siden jeg er SIKKER på jeg har siktet rett på personen. Det irriterer meg sykt mye, har ikke samme problemet på MW2 eller noen andre FPS spill. Frameraten min er bra, MS/Pingen min er bra, FPSen min er bra og alt mulig.

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Har folk prøvd å sette på så de kun søkter etter Local only? Er tydeligvis bedre å møte folk i Europa enn langt unna.

Men uansett, med mindre du har host har du egentlig dårlig sjanse til å få et optimalt game.


Når jeg er host, så treffer choppern på alt jeg sikter på. Når jeg ikke er host kan jeg så og si skyte igjennom dem uten at dem dør, et eksempel bare.

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Problemet jeg har er at jeg ser selv når jeg bruker sniper at jeg har siktet rett på personen, men jeg treffer ikke når jeg skyter. Hørest vell kanskje ut som att jeg bare syter fordi jeg har dårlig aim. Men tror faktisk det ikke er det, siden jeg er SIKKER på jeg har siktet rett på personen. Det irriterer meg sykt mye, har ikke samme problemet på MW2 eller noen andre FPS spill. Frameraten min er bra, MS/Pingen min er bra, FPSen min er bra og alt mulig.


At skarpskytterrifler suger i BLOPS er en kjent sak, og du er ikke aleine. Hvis du gidder kan du lese den mest aktive tråden om dette for øyeblikket på det offisielle BLOPS forumet. Under er et sitat fra "sjefen sjøl" som et svar i den tråden.






If you are in a hurry, you can skip to the Summary at the bottom.


I took a look at this in code again last night and spent four hours with someone who is a good to great sniper.


The community will sometimes use very different names for things than we do. I've commented before that it can be sometimes challenging for us to map the community terminology back to what it's actually called in the game or game engine.


For example, my friend calls it the "killfeed." I knew what he meant, but we call it and have called it forever, the "obituary." This is a gross simplification of two very obvious terms to illustrate a broader point. When you spend all of your waking hours working in the game engine it's can be challenging to understand what gamers mean by any term.


The terms we use are:




This is what you see when you first scope up. It's going to be hard to explain, but bear with me. When you first scope up, the gun will go down and to the left or right. Over the length of that that quarter of a second, the gun is trying to re-center itself. It all happens really fast.


We can easily control the amount it goes down and how fast it tries to recenter.


This is commonly seen as that "initial jerk" when you scope up.


The community uses a lot of different terms for this.




Spread is the variability of the bullet path. It's easiest to visualize when hip firing. Draw a square from the inside corner of each of the 4 hashes on your screen, which I am calling the aiming reticle. Don't draw a diamond, as tempting as it may be. When hip firing, a bullet could land anywhere in that imaginary square.


When using a sniper rifle, slowly ADS and watch those aiming reticles. Notice how they bounce around? Now switch to any other weapon that has a slow ADS raise time. M60 might be a good test case. See how those aiming reticles are getting close and close together until they completely disappear when you are fully ADS?


The community uses a lot of different terms for this as well. A common one I've heard is the "random bullet."


Ironically, this is no more random then hip firing. The way this is currently tuned is that the sniper rifle never gets 100% accurate until it's completely and fully scoped in.


Conclusions and Observations


Without a doubt, after spending a lot of time with a really good sniper last night, the spread modifiers being applied to sniper rifles is what is causing the majority of headaches. If you combine this with even modest amounts of latency in the connection between you (the sniper), the player being targeted, the host, the problem will appear self magnifying.


It's very important to mentally separate latency with game tuning. We can change the game tuning. We can't improve internet latency (although we can and will continue to improve matchmaking and other core systems to provide as low latent games as possible).


We are still not ready and we are still never going to "remove the sniper patch" or "make it like COD4 or World at War."


The part that I am considering and will talk to the team about at length over the next day or three is how fundamental the game mechanic of getting more accuracy as you scope in is. I, personally and only speaking for myself, feel that game mechanic is fairly sacred. Even for snipers.


Having a "full spread" and going to a "no spread" only after being fully ADSed makes snipers the only weapon in the entire game that does that.


The current solution is fully viable as a way to prevent "quick" scoping. You can't "quickly" scope if you have to wait to be fully ADSed and "locked in" to have 100% accuracy.


Where we will need to improve this in future games is that the game feedback system about when you are fully accurate doesn't exist. It's not like your crosshairs are blurry until fully ADS and 100% accurate. They are just somewhat transparent for a bit.


Hindsight is 20/20 and we anyone can seem brilliant after the fact. Frankly, it may have been easier, less controversial, and not change anything about how people know weapons work in a Call of Duty game, to just increase the time it takes to raise the scope in the first place. The player feedback systems wouldn't have changed. It would of just taken longer to do something. Certainly people would be unhappy about that, for different reasons.


Why I'm so personally interested in this topic is because I am a designer. Designers like to solve problems. What we have is a really effective method for reducing the amount of "Quick Scoping." However, it is a "code" solution. It's math behind the scenes that you don't have a great method to engage with or understand. From that perspective alone, you can argue it needs better design.


Even if you are unhappy that we added any form of "anti-quick scoping" because you don't believe it's a problem and never has been, it's still my responsibility as a game designer to give the player solid feedback systems so he can understand how to interact with a game system.




We changed a fundamental, low level, game mechanic that has existed forever but didn't do much to explain it. After finally having some time think about it this, and talk to reasonable Snipers about it 1 on 1, this is the principal reason I'm personally not fully satisfied with the current tuning and why we will likely tweak it again.


Give me a day or three to talk things over with the team. As always, please keep the thread clean I'll be here. Derail the topic, get hostile towards one another, me, or Treyarch and I'm out.


David 'Vahn' Vonderhaar


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Driver og prøver meg med Fal. Hadde det vært pc jeg spillte på hadde det nok vært favoritt-våpenet som det var i mw2, men sliter litt på xbox merker jeg. Sikte og trykke flere ganger på skyteknappen samtidig er jommen ikke lett. Blir litt kluss mellom tommel og pekefinger når du hamrer løs med pekefingeren, og skal være presis med tommelen. Virker som den får mindre recoil med silencer enn uten, noen andre som har samme erfaring? Ellers er det jo et fantastisk våpen, 3 treff = kill. Bruker reflexsight, siden den virker litt unøyaktig med ironsight.

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sånn jeg hater drittunger i capture the flag! 2-2 og han som har flagget bestemmer seg for å gå på fiendens side å lete etter hvem som har flagget vårt -_- han ga jo flagget tilbake til de med å holde seg på deres side! håper ungen sin ps3 får ylod! skikkelig fristrerende runde som resulterte i ødlagt kontroll... den fungerer med skyteknappen er mye løsere og mykere og har ikke feedbacken

Endret av NinjaChriis
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