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Småprat rundt/om CoD: Black Ops

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Jeg starter en tidlig tråd om dette! Her kan vi diskutere alt rundt 2010s Call of Duty: Black Ops!


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Ut i fra teaseren kan jeg se at dette blir noe jeg kommer til å sitte i mange, mange timer med! La oss håpe TreyArch gjør jobben bedre enn IW gjorde med MW2.


3,2,1, KJØR PRAT!


PS: Ingen trolling! Spillet kan overraske, så hold kjeft om det før du har spilt det.




Primary Weapons


Assault Rifles

AK47 - Fully Automatic Russian Rifle (1000 CoDPoints)

AUG - Fully Automatic Austrian Bullpup Rifle with 30 Round Magazine (1000 CoDPoints)

Commando - Fully Automatic American Carbine with 30 Round Magazine (1000 CoDPoints)

Enfield - Fully Automatic British Bullpup Rifle (1000 CoDPoints)

FAMAS - Fully Automatic French Prototype Rifle with 30 Round Magazine (1000 CoDPoints)

FN FAL - Semi-Automatic Belgian Rifle (1000 CoDPoints)

G11 - 3 Round Burst German Prototype Rifle with 48 Round Magazine (Classified)

Galil - Fully Automatic Israeli Rifle (1000 CoDPoints)

M14 - Semi-Automatic American Battle Rifle with 20 Round Magazine (1000 CoDPoints)

M16 - 3 Round Burst American Rifle with 30 Round Magazine


Sub-Machine Guns

AK74u - Fully Automatic Russian Carbine with 30 Round Magazine

MAC11 - American Machine Pistol

MP5K - Fully Automatic German Prototype SMG with 30 Round Magazine

MPL - German SMG

PM63 - Polish Machine Pistol

Skorpion - Fully Automatic Czechoslovakian Machine Pistol with 20 Round Magazine

Spectre - Fully Automatic Italian SMG with 30 Round Magazine

UZI - Israeli SMG


Light Machine Guns

HK21 - Fully Automatic German LMG with 30 Round Magazine

M60 - Fully Automatic American HMG with 100 Round Magazine

RPK - Fully Automatic Russian LMG based off the AK47



Olympia - Double-Barreled American Shotgun with 2 Rounds

SPAS - Semi-Automatic Italian Shotgun with 8 Rounds

Stakeout/Ithaca - Pump-Action American Shotgun with 4 Rounds

HS-10 - Single Shot American Shotgun with 4 Rounds


Sniper Rifles

Dragunov - Semi-Automatic Russian Rifle with 10 Rounds

L96A1 - Bolt-Action British Sniper Rifle with 5 Rounds

WA2000 - Semi-Automatic German Sniper Rifle with 6 Rounds


Secondary Weapons



ASP - Semi-Automatic American Handgun

CZ75 - Semi-Automatic Czech Handgun (750 CoDPoints)

M1911 - Semi-Automatic American Handgun

Makarov - Semi-Automatic Russian Handgun with 8 Rounds

Python - Revolver/American Six-Shooter



China Lake - Pump-Action American Grenade Launcher with 2 Projectiles

M72 LAW - American Light Anti-Tank Weapon with 1 Unguided Projectile

RPG-7 - Russian Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher with 1 Projectile

Strela - Russian Surface-to-Air Missile System



Ballistic Knife - Russian (Spetsnaz) Knife with Detachable Blade as a Fast Firing Projectile

Crossbow - Bow Weapon that Fires Bolts or Similar Projectiles


Special Weapons


Care Packages

Death Machine - Portable Mini-Gun with 499 Rounds

Grim Reaper - M202 "Flash", American Rocket Launcher with 4 Incendiary Rockets




Assault Rifle

Extended Magazines - Larger magazines that hold more ammunition than a normal mag (500 CoDPoints)

Dual Mag - Two magazines strapped together to enable faster reloading between them (500 CoDPoints)

ACOG Sight - Enhanced zoom ACOG sight (750 CoDPoints)

Red Dot Sight - Replaces iron sights with a precision red dot sight (750 CoDPoints)

Reflex - Replaces iron sights with a precision reflex sight/red dot scope (750 CoDPoints)

Grip - Front Foregrip that reduces recoil and kick (750 CoDPoints)

Masterkey - An under barrel shotgun attachment (750 CoDPoints)

Flamethrower - An under barrel attachment that shoots flames. Has three gas cartridges (750 CoDPoints)

Infrared Scope - Enhanced zoom infrared scope (1000 CoDPoints)

Grenade Launcher - An under barrel grenade launcher attachment (1000 CoDPoints)

Rapid Fire - Increased Rate of Fire (1000 CoDPoints)

Suppressor - Reduces weapon sound and flash, while also reducing range (1000 CoDPoints)

Dual Wield - Ability to hold this weapon in both hands


Pistols (Python)

Snub Nose - A shorter barrel with more accuracy and slightly less damage (500 CoDPoints)

ACOG Sight - Enhanced zoom ACOG sight (750 CoDPoints)

Speed Reloader - Speed reloader for a revolver (750 CoDPoints)

Dual Wield - Ability to hold this weapon in both hands


Sight Customization


Crosshair Color









Crosshair Shape

Dot - (500 CoDPoints)

Semicircle - (500 CoDPoints)

Line with Dot - (500 CoDPoints)

Circle - (500 CoDPoints)

Smiley - (500 CoDPoints)

Arrows Horizontal - (500 CoDPoints)

Arrows Vertical - (500 CoDPoints)

Arrows with Dot - (500 CoDPoints)

Boxes - (500 CoDPoints)

Burst - (500 CoDPoints)

Circle within a Circle - (500 CoDPoints)

Circle with Dot - (500 CoDPoints)

Circle with Crosshairs - (500 CoDPoints)

Circle with Inner Line

Circle with Outer Line

Circle with Arrows

Circle with Triangles

Outer Crosshairs

Small Crosshairs

Large Crosshairs


Diamond Outline





Square Outline


Three Dots



Outer triangles


X with Dot

Yin Yang




None - (250 CoDPoints)

Dusty - (250 CoDPoints)

Ice - (250 CoDPoints)

Red - (250 CoDPoints)

Olive - (250 CoDPoints)

Nevada - (250 CoDPoints)

Sahara - (250 CoDPoints)

ERDL - (250 CoDPoints)

Tiger - (250 CoDPoints)

Berlin - (250 CoDPoints)










Frag Grenade - Cookable Grenade that is affected by physics (1000 CoDPoints)

Semtex - Sticky Grenade that attaches to any surface and detonates shortly later (1000 CoDPoints)

Tomahawk - Throwable Axe that is a One-Hit-Kill and can be picked up to be reused (1000 CoDPoints)




Willy Pete - Smoke Grenade (750 CoDPoints)

Concussion x2 - Slows and disorientates the Target. Stuns Equipment and Turrets (750 CoDPoints)

Flashbang x2 - Blinds and Deafens the Target. Stuns Equipment and Turrets (750 CoDPoints)

Nova Gas x2 - Impairs Movement, Blurs Vision, and Causes Damage over Time (750 CoDPoints)

Decoy x2 - Simulates Gunfire and Radar Indicators (750 CoDPoints)




Camera Spike - Camera that takes up the Mini-Map. Can be picked up and moved (2000 CoDPoints)

C4 - Two Plastic Explosives that must be detonated manually (2000 CoDPoints)

Tactical Insertion - Marker that determines your next spawn point (2500 CoDPoints)

Jammer - Marker that disrupts enemy Mini-Map when in proximity (2500 CoDPoints)

Motion Sensor - Mine that detects enemy locations when in proximity (3000 CoDPoints)

Claymore - Explosive Mine that is triggered by movement. Can be picked up and moved (3000 CoDPoints)




Spy Plane - 3 Killstreak - Shows enemies on the Mini-Map. Can be shot down

RC-XD - 3 Killstreak - Remote control car strapped with explosives. 30 second time limit (1200 CoDPoints)

Counter Spy Plane - 4 Killstreak - Temporarily disables enemy Mini-Map (1600 CoDPoints)

SAM Turret - 4 Killstreak - Airdrop a placeable SAM Turret that destroys aircraft (1600 CoDPoints)

Care Package - 5 Killstreak - Airdrop a random killstreak or ammo crate

Napalm Strike - 5 Killstreak - Airstrike that covers an area in napalm (2400 CoDPoints)

Sentry Gun - 6 Killstreak - Airdrop a placeable Sentry Gun (3200 CoDPoints)

Mortar Team - 6 Killstreak - Target three locations to be bombarded with Mortar Strikes (3200 CoDPoints)

Attack Helicopter - 7 Killstreak - Call in a support helicopter

Valkyrie Rockets - 7 Killstreak - Launcher with two remote controlled rockets (4000 CoDPoints)

BlackBird - 8 Killstreak - Shows locations and directions of all players. Can't be shot down (4500 CoDPoints)

Rolling Thunder - 8 Killstreak - Carpet Bomb (4500 CoDPoints)

Chopper Gunner - 9 Killstreak - Man a chain gun on the side door of a helicopter (5000 CoDPoints)

Attack Dogs - 11 Killstreak - Call in the Dogs of War that can kill in one bite (5000 CoDPoints)

Gunship - 11 Killstreak - Pilot a helicopter complete with rockets and machine guns (6000 CoDPoints)


Game Modes


Team Deathmatch

Hardcore Team Deathmatch


Search & Destroy



Capture the Flag



Gun Game

Stick and Stones


One in the Chamber







Slaughter House

(I'm sure there is more)




Black Ops






In-Game Bonuses


Avenger - Kill an Enemy Who Has Just Killed Your Teammate (+50xp)

Backstabber - Knife an Enemy in the Back (+50xp)

Double Kill - Kill Two Enemies Simultaneously (+50xp)

Headshot - Get a Kill by Headshot (+50xp)

Longshot - Get a Kill at Distance (+50xp)

One Shot One Kill - Kill an Enemy with a Sniper in One Shot (+50xp)

Payback - Kill the Enemy Who Last Killed You (+50xp)

Rescuer - Kill an Enemy Who Has Injured Your Teammate(+50xp)

Skewer - Kill an Enemy with the Ballistic Knife (+50xp)

Buzzkill - Kill an Enemy One Kill Before a Killstreak (+100xp)

Comeback - Get a Kill after a Deathstreak (+100xp)

First Blood - First Kill of the Match (+100xp)




Challenge: 5 M16 Kills - Get 5 kills with the M16 (+250xp)

Challenge: 10 Knife Kills - Get 10 kills with knife (+250xp)

Challenge: 10 M16 Kills - Get 10 kills with the M16 (+350xp)

Challenge: 1 Hour Played - Play online for 1 hour (+500xp)

Penetration Kills - (+500xp)

The Short Cut - (+750xp)

Challenge: 25 MP5K Kills - Get 25 kills with the MP5K (+1000xp)

Perfect Accuracy: Shotgun - Fire all rounds from a Shotgun without missing (+2500xp)

Steady Aim: Sprint Kill - (+2500xp)

MVP Kills - (+2500xp)

Hardline Pro 1: 10 Killstreak - Acquire a 10 Killstreak




- Players can go directly from sprint to prone by diving. While diving, players cannot fire their weapon, and then will have to recuperate after landing.

- Players will receive three spare magazines rather than the standard two spare magazines.

- Players will receive in-game updates about their friends and what they have done.

- Gore will not be featured in Multiplayer

- Matchmaking will feature a Local Search ability such as the one in the Xbox 360 version of CoD:WaW.

- The highest level is 50, and there are at least five Prestiges

- The Mini-Map will features a grid system to enable easier callouts.

- Objective Markers will fade out/away when the player is looking/aiming towards them.

- The Kill-Feed will use solid text unlike the transparent text featured in MW2.

- The Teaser Trailer may have been recorded in the Theater Mode using two different players' games.

Endret av TheKopKing89
  • Liker 2
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Jeg starter en tidlig tråd om dette! Her kan vi diskutere alt rundt 2010s Call of Duty: Black Ops!


Grunnen til at tråden starter allerede nå er fordi denne har kommet ut:




Ut i fra teaseren kan jeg se at dette blir noe jeg kommer til å sitte i mange, mange timer med! La oss håpe TreyArch gjør jobben bedre enn IW gjorde med MW2.


3,2,1, KJØR PRAT!

Haha, gleder meg til og få quadfeed med den bilen. :D

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Finner bare ikke ut hva den sniperen heter :hrm: Den på 1:14. Den ligner sykt på SV-98, men den kom jo ikke før i 1998. Kan være en GOL, men tror ikke det er den heller. Og 5. killstreaken ser ut til å være en missil man kan fly rundt på bana. Ikke som en predator som flyr rett ned.

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Ugh..Hva er det Treyarch driver med. Fjernstyrt biler? Kamera på tripod? Hadde håpet de skulle ta en litt mer edruelig vei enn IW, men ser ut som de absolutt skal toppe det. De knivsakene så dessuten verre ut enn det i MW2. + for innebygd opptaker/redigerings funksjon. Lager de et bra system for å opploade filmene til nettet slik at du kan redigere videre blir det veldig bra.

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M16a1 ser du på starten.


Må innrømme at jeg egentlig ikke likte det jeg så. Care pacakge, first blood, buzzkill, rc bil?


Nei, håper bare at de ikke kjører det i samme grøft som MW2.


Edit: Nei, husket feil. Car 15 var det.

Endret av Jottnegen
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Gjest Slettet-GlDE6z

On Topic: COD 5 syntes jeg var dritt kjedelig, og jeg antar cod 7 blir det samme. Uansett så har jeg et håp om at Treyarch greier å skape noe gøy denne gangen, blir det slik jeg håper er det garantert kjøp på meg. Men husk, på trailerene viser de bare det beste, så det blir nok noen nedturer med dette spillet og.

Endret av Slettet-GlDE6z
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Her var det jo litt Battlefield i det heile -.- Kjeme til å savne MW2 stort, faktisk. Den grafikken MW2 har slår ingen. Og det er sånn action der, lydane er suverene.


Mens her blei det litt stille - den semtexen eg såg ein heiv, var jo ikkje lyd av den.

Lydene til MW2 var forferdelige. Jeg vil faktisk høre skikkelige skytelyder, ikke poppe popcorn lyder som i mw2. Hvis du noengang har spilt BC2 merker du hvor overlegen det er på lyd, mw2 har ingenting å stille opp med.

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