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Ye Olde Premier League Pub


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Da var jeg tilbake fra bestemor og bestefar.

Slettet opp mot 30 innlegg. Takk til de som rapporterte innleggene fremfor å spamme ned tråden. Jeg hadde håpet å kunne bruke kvelden før julaften (og bursdagen min) til noe annet enn dette. Siden jeg er i julestemning blir det ikke delt ut noen advarsler i denne omgang, men jeg vil gjøre det klart her og nå at jeg fremover kommer til å slå hardere ned på denne konstante kranglingen mellom brukere. Dette har blitt tatt opp med de det gjelder på PM før. Hvis dere ikke klarer å diskutere med hverandre, så kan dere i det minste la være å svare på hverandres innlegg.

Så fra nå av kan vi:

A) Unngå å diskutere person. Herunder faller personangrep, snakk rundt signatur, og å diskutere hvorvidt noen er rasist eller ikke.

B) Tenke oss om to ganger før vi poster. Bidrar innlegget til noe annet enn kvalme og irritasjon? Innlegg som utelukkende skal provosere eller skaffe +'er hører ikke hjemme her.

C) Rapportere innlegg der vi mener brukeren troller/provoserer/går til personangrep e.l. Ikke bidra til at diskusjonen sporer av.

Reaksjoner på moderering tas på PM.

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Kunne RvP ha blitt drept av skuddet til Williams?


breaking it down to it most simple form which lets face it is probably above you anyway bit hopefully you can find an adult who can help


a ball weighs around 430g http://footballs.fif...ll-Tests/Weight


The strongest shots measured are just over 100mph ... even though williams would not have been close tp that speed lets assume he was just to show what a twunt (fyi its a cross between twat and cunt) you are (though in truth it was probably less than half that)


so again keeping it simple for you http://www.bigsoccer....r-ball.216697/


momentum = mass X velocity so this will again help you http://www.calctool....tonian/momentum


but 19 kg m s is pretty much the maximum force that would have been in the ball


the ball woul then have lost force due to air friction but most importantly when that force was transferred to rvp it would not have been a perfect collision


this again comes back to martial arts basics... a one inch punch is only effective due to the fact it is retracted so quick and the force is transferred instantly... a football deforms to the thing it hits and accentuates the transfer of energy therefore reducing the force...


again simple physics


momentum = kg m/s


so if the s is increased the impact is reduced


also as the ball deforms the area is increased and force = preassure x area so the force is also reduced


but even it it was a perfect impact in a vacuum we are looking at 19kg/ms or around 195 newtons


but its not a perfect impact - lets say it takes 0.1 of a second for the ball to hit rvp and rebound (still assuming the 100mph figure which quite frankly is way more than it was and it bounced off rvp at for argument sake 10mph)


so the change in momentum would be 19.2-1.92 kgm/ s =17.8kgm/s (gravity = 9.81m/s so that is the same as around 175 newtons)


if we than atke into account the deforming of the ball and the impact lasting around .1 of a second we have an impulse force of around 17.5 newtons


http://www.physicscl....um/momans4.cfm (even you can follow this i assume)


as this points out a force of around 3000 newtons has a 25% chance of cracking a rib




so was rvp in danger of being killed...



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