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Men Hazard er vel ingen supporter av noen av topplagene kan det virke som. Da vil det være naturlig for han å gå dit hvor han tjener bra, samtidig som han får spille fotball på et høyt nivå. De husker tydeligvis ikke hva Rooney gjorde mot klubben. Penger er viktig, uansett om han tjener millioner fra før. Fult forståelig. De skal tross alt kun holde på i noen år.

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Dette "de skal bare holde på noen få år" argumentet synes jeg er litt tullete. Selv middelmådige spillere tjener like mye på en uke som en vanlig arbeider tjener på et år.


Dessuten er det svært mange som etter karrieren er over får jobb i fotballbransjen, enten som trener, pundit, scout eller hva som helst og tjener fremdeles ganske bra

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Tok dette fra NO. Aner jo ikke om det stemmer, men ikke første gangen det går rykter om bust-ups i Blackburn-garderoben.


Been reading a few of the Rovers forums and this was posted about the half time incident

"May I point out I am not "In The Know" and have never posted any rumours on here at anytime.

However, I can confidently shed some light on events at half-time. I sit in Block No 1, Lower Tier Blackburn End. I sit next to two lads who are Rovers representatives on the Sky Fans Forum. They are always feeding me little bits of news, but last night was very interesting.

To avoid the risk of someone at the club getting in trouble at work, I would rather not say who gave them this information, but I can confirm that it was not a player. One of the people I sit with received a text literally two minutes after the half-time whistle blew.

It was not Orr and Givet that were arguing in the dressing room.

It was not a hamstring strain.

It was nothing to with with heart palpitations.

I have it on very good authority that Givet and Kean had another almight bust up at half-time about the way we were playing. Givet subsequently refused to play after telling Kean he did not have a clue what he was doing and that his tactics were inviting pressure. The two ended with Givet pinning Kean to the wall by his neck with his forearm.

This explains perfectly why Sky felt sure they had a breaking story, the confusion in the tunnel, Sky panning to the security guard (who prevents people getting down the tunnel) talking furiously down his mike, Givet strolling out without limping and taking his seat and no other players responding to him at that time. Orr mouthing at the physio may have been in relation to the incident but I am not sure.

The same source has also stated that at half-time away at Bolton, Robbo and Roberts had a blazing row with Kean and told him he did not know he was doing. They told him they would run the team for him. Roberts immediately went to Reading and Robbo was suddenly also in bad books.

Believe what you will."


Also, from the same poster:

" I was also told that Kean completed his interview last night immediately after the game, subsequently recorded by Sky and then released maybe 30 minutes later. Kean apparently then left the ground immediately upon police advice."

Kean really should f*** off out of there like. Helping to destroy that club. Feel really sorry for Rovers fans.


Om det ligger no i dette er vanskelig å si, men ryktene skulle jo ha det til at Givet hadde hjerteproblemer igjen. Og om han hadde det er det jo rart at han kommer ut igjen så kjapt, er det ikke? Jeg kan ikke mye om hjerteproblemer så det kan godt være at jeg tar feil.

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