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Bra lesing rundt Muamba.


iandovaston @skydovaston

Bobby Barnes of the PFA on Muamba: 'That he's where he's at now is a miracle in itself.' Barnes has been talking with Fabrice.


iandovaston @skydovaston

Barnes adds that Muamba is 'tired', but it seems clear his improvement continues.


iandovaston @skydovaston

Barnes is the players' union deputy chief executive.

iandovaston @skydovaston

Barnes revealed Thierry Henry flew in from Salt Lake City to visit Muamba, who he will have known as an Arsenal youngster.


iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Andrew Deaner, Spurs fan cum cardiologist: 'I noticed FM had collapsed. As soon as I saw them doing CPR, I thought I should go and help.'


iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Deaner told the steward 'this is what I do every day'. 'I just said I'm a cardiologist, can I help?'


iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Deaner confirms he advised going to the London Chest Hospital.


iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Deaner says everything went to plan. Calls Muamba being saved 'miraculous'. Survival after heart stopped for 78mins 'very unusual'.


iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Deaner 'not in a position to answer' if Muamba could play again.

iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Deaner may not have been at the match. He'd taken someone else's ticket who couldn't be there.


iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Deaner suggests it's likely Muamba will be fitted with a pacemaker.

iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Mohiddin, in charge of Muamba's treatment, says he's 'exceeded expectations'.


iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Mohiddin says rapid response and expertise of Lond Ambulance service getting him to Lond Chest Hospital lead to 'extraordinary outcome'.


iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Mohiddin: 'It's extraordinary' that heart can stop for almost 80 mins and patient survive.


iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Mohiddin: 'degree of humour in some of his responses'.


iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Mohiddin: 'Screening is not a crystal ball. It can only identify risk.'


iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Mohiddin: Because top athletes are stressing their hearts they're probably at more risk.



iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Mohiddin: Fundamentally we will always want to improve screening.



iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Mohiddin: I don't think we can begin to discuss playing again. Too many unknowns.



iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Mohiddin: Testament to Muamba's recovery so far that that question can even be asked at this stage.



iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Mohiddin: Opportunities for us here to demonstrate how good the heart service is here.



iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Mohiddin: Role that the people who resuscitated him 'fundamental' to his recovery.



iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Mohiddin: 'revelation' the deep personal relationship between player, manager Coyle and chairman Gartside.



iandovaston @skydovaston

Dr Mohiddin: Early still, encouraging, still have to talk about spectrum of outcomes. 'One end of the spectrum is a normal life.'



Edit: Poppa opp jævli rart, men dere skjønner vell.

Endret av Iceman #10
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Haha, studioet til TV2 er en parodi. Hadde det morro sammen med far og bror om hva som kom til å bli sagt i pausen. Børrestad med "Å, så fantastisk!" og Schau's "Andre omgang kommer til å bli knall" var bankers og gikk inn.


Piss poor første omgang, skulle vært straffe til Chelsea, og skikkelig dårlig av Vaart på dobbeltsjansen.

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Helt enig i at det er straffespark. Merkelig av dommer å ikke se det når han står så godt plassert.

En relativt rolig første omgang som er sterkt preget av betydningen av oppgjøret. Ut med Sturridge og inn med Torres så får vi iallefall en litt hardtjobbene spiss.

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