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Ye Olde Premier League Pub


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Var det ikke fordi han ikke var pen nok at han ble solgt? Kan jo kanskje henge sammen med labert draktsalg det...

Real Madrid er verdens mest kyniske fotballklubb. De bryr seg ikke nevneverdig om du kanskje er bedre en annen spiller på laget , det er pengene du genererer som er det som er mest viktig .


Nå lønner det seg vel ganske godt for de dog, er vel ingen lag i verden som har spillere som genererer mer inntekt for klubbene sine når det gjelder salg av rekvisita en de.

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Plutselig blir ikke VM 2022 om vinteren noe problem, fordi Qatar kjøper opp ligaen og flytter den til når på året de selv ønsker.

Det verste med dette er at det er sannsynlig.



Shit, kanskje jeg ikke burde sagt det og gitt noen en ide?! 


Håper ikke Sheik Ben Redic Fy Fazan har en bruker her...

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"Roy Keane is a very unique character in his own way and not many are like him, are they? That honest attitude summed up the winner he was.


The Newcastle result [a 2-1 win] had been decent, but it was in a run of results that were far from it – six defeats in nine games before we played Aston Villa was enough to tell us that. That game was the scene of one of the most bizarre team talks I’ve ever experienced, and that’s saying something from someone who had a childhood acquaintance give one. It was bizarre at the time, but turned out to be a stroke of genius.


“Listen lads,” he said. “Basically, you’re shit. Try and enjoy the game. You’re probably going to get beat. But just enjoy being shit.”


Then he just walked out. Those words have got to be insulting to any professional, no matter who they come from, and I’ll admit it served as the perfect motivation to get out there and prove him wrong. I scored after 10 minutes and we were leading at half-time. We ended up drawing.

It was a decent result, Villa were doing okay and Roy’s reverse psychology had worked – on me, at least. He’s a far cleverer person than people realise or would like to acknowledge. He knew what he was doing when he said that, he knew the reaction he would get from some of us, and that was a trick right out of the Brian Clough handbook.


In our penultimate game of the [’07/08] season, we lost at Bolton 2-0. Roy came in after the game and the mood around the dressing room was essentially, “Okay, we’ve lost, we could have done better, but we’ve just secured our safety”.


Roy went ballistic – scary at the time, but looking back, another indicator of his standards and expectations for the club.


“You’re the reason I’m driving up and down the f*****g country to find another player, you’re not f*****g good enough,” he yells at one player. “Your attitude is shit. You’re not good enough,” he bawls at others. “Next week we’ve got our last home game, against Arsenal. You know at the end of the season when you walk around the pitch, thank the fans for their support? I’m ringing Umbro and getting you some hooded jumpers, because you’re a f*****g embarrassment, it’s a joke and this is not going to stay this way,” he finishes" - http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/news-and-comment/danny-higginbotham-autobiography-extracts-roy-keane-gave-the-most-bizarre-team-talk-i-have-ever-heard-10150166.html


Inspirerende. :p

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