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Hmm.. begynner å lure på om trådstarter ikke spiller med en full kortstokk.. for å si det slik.


Men det er underholdning..han tror på HEAD CHEESE og at HEAD CHEESE sine lover gjelder på månen, mars osv.. :grin2:

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ja de har gjort det MEN ambassadøren havna ikke i fengsel ved dom. han ble ikke domfelt.


Tyskland sin sak står enda stille


Kina kaster ut mye rart men uansett så har de ikke stoppa han eller fått gjort noe mot han

kina stoppa porno au, stoppa iphone eller hva det var. kina skal man ikke tenke så mye på for de er litt rare på mange ting. de har enda ikke stoppa barneporno... LOL


Det er kun 1 sak til du ikke har tatt med og det er Fugitive Lunar Embassy Operator Arrested

Fugitive = Flyktning = ikke rart han ble arrestert


Ellers så er det ikke noe mer å finne på scams



det er ikke Head Cheese sine love men United Nations sine lover



Utlandet/Land utenfor Hjemlandet er fortsatt på jordkloden. man trenger ikke det i skrift for å forstå det. nå snakker jeg om hvordan staten ser på det.


for utenfor atmosfæren så betegnes noe helt annet nemlig celestial bodies eller martian surface eller lignende og slike ting står ikke i selvangivelsen

Endret av DrHawkins
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advokaten har sakt det er ekte og legit, Loven står det fullt ut. man blir registrert og man har rettigheter

Da prøver jeg igjen: du er klar over forskjellen på hva en advokat mener er "legit" eller ikke, og hva som evt. blir avgjort i en domstol/rettsinstans? Ja eller nei?


Du har enda ikke svart på dette... du kommer bare med "legit" betyr ekte. Åpne øynene og les hva faen han skriver. Seff er det "legit" til det er motbevist i en evt. rettsak, som nevnt tidligere, hvilken domstol skal ta denne? Supreme Earth Court kanskje? (ref futurama)


Hvis du har tomt på mars, som USA, EU, Asia og andre vil bygge på, tror jeg de gir faen i deg, og de 4 mill andre idiotene som mater en psykopatisk star trek elsker (No offence til dere star trek elskere der ute, sikter til Mr. Hope). Har du sjekket om NASA ikke allerede har gravd på noens eiendom enda? Kanskje det var din stein NASA klarte å kræsje i, med roveren? Kanskje de burde saksøke deg for uryddig tomt?


Om de vil ha tomten din, tar de den i så fall med makt. Hva har du å stille opp med? Én sprettert og noen mars-steiner? Eller skal du sitte her på jorden, og papercutte folk med skjøtet ditt?


Dette har vært morsomt å lese, og ja, har lest alle sidene, ble lei av alle gjentakelsene dine. Så kommer jeg også tilbake til spørsmålet til pax1; "du er klar over forskjellen på hva en advokat mener er "legit" eller ikke, og hva som evt. blir avgjort i en domstol/rettsinstans? Ja eller nei?" Det virker som om ingenting er klart for deg, du er en som gir faen i andre sine meninger.


Og fortell meg hvordan du har planer om å få råd til å reise til Mars og "sjekke forholdene"? Tviler på at du hadde fått lånt utstyr fra NASA (om du en gang kommer deg til mars).


Keep up the writing, DrHawkins, du har underholdt meg! :w00t:

Endret av baNteX Kaa
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Ahh enkle folk faller for enkle svindler.


Another one bites the dust.


Tenk over at det er ikke bare at dere taper 200 kr eller hva det er . Dere støtter også en svindler som tjener seg rik på dette. Om det så hadde vært bare 1 kr ville jeg ikke ha gått på denne svindelen da jeg ikke vil støtte svindlere.

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Jeg har svart på hva legit er for noe. flere ganger

Legit er en forkortelse på legitimate


Legitimate er et anna ord for ekte og verdifullt


buy legit mugs, tshirts and magnets Short for legitimate; real; not false. A] "I told you this Rolex is legit, you don't have to look twice."


B) "I swear this information I got for you is legit man, ask anyone!"


C) "If that ain't legit, I don't know what is.

det er mange forskjellige forlengelser på legit men når en advokat sier dette så mener han det over. men nei dere skal vel ikke tro på det nei.




Space law is an area of the law that encompasses national and international law governing activities in outer space.





Question #1 [back to Top]


Does Mars have its own laws?




Absolutely. Mr. Hope, the absolute and final omnipotent ruler of the entire Martian surface (whom we amicably call " BIG RED " aka The Head Cheese for the purposes of ruling Mars), has drafted and introduced a Martian Constitution and Bill of Rights for Mars. Mars also has it's own flag.




The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs is the Secretariat for the Legal Subcommittee of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS), which is the primary international forum for the development of laws and principles governing outer space. In addition to providing parliamentary services, the Office prepares legal studies and background documents on various aspects of space law to assist member States in their deliberations. In accordance with the Action Plan endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 55/122, the Office provides information and advice, upon request, to governments, non-governmental organizations and the general public on space law in order to promote understanding, acceptance and implementation of the international space law agreements concluded under United Nations auspices.



Question #11 [back to Top]


Are you getting rich doing this?




Many large companies have proposed to us to sell the extraterrestrial properties for a large amount of money per property. If it wasn't for the Lunar Embassy, that is probably what would happen. But that is not the objective. It is the Lunar Embassy's intention to allow as many people as possible to obtain an extraterrestrial property, so if it were expensive, this could not be the case. After company costs, printing costs, registry costs, mailing costs, huge International phonebills, faxbills and electricity bills, paying our Internet Service provider, paying maintenance on the webserver and paying all our employees, no, we are really not getting rich at all. But we assure you, it is a lot of fun and that is it's own reward.


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Jeg har svart på hva legit er for noe. flere ganger

Legit er en forkortelse på legitimate


Legitimate er et anna ord for ekte og verdifullt


buy legit mugs, tshirts and magnets Short for legitimate; real; not false. A] "I told you this Rolex is legit, you don't have to look twice."


B) "I swear this information I got for you is legit man, ask anyone!"


C) "If that ain't legit, I don't know what is.

det er mange forskjellige forlengelser på legit men når en advokat sier dette så mener han det over. men nei dere skal vel ikke tro på det nei.


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In 1967, the United Nations signed the Outer Space Treaty, which forbids any government from claiming the Moon (or any part of space for that matter). The treaty failed to mention anything about private individuals or corporations, so a second treaty forbidding anyone from claiming ownership of extraterrestrial real estate was proposed. Only a handful of nations (none of them space-faring) signed this treaty. This left a loophole in international law as big as the void of space itself. Oops. In 1980, Dennis Hope sent letters to the United Nations, the United States government and the government of the former Soviet Union, informing them that he was officially claiming ownership of all planetary and lunar surfaces (aside from the Earth) in our solar system. He even gave them the opportunity to respond if they had objections, and as crazy as it sounds, he hasn't heard a word from any of them since. So...for twenty years Dennis Hope has been selling plots on the Moon, Mars and other heavenly bodies - for a pretty reasonable price! And he's been pursuing this as not just a novelty sale, but a serious real estate transaction (complete with covenants and bylaws that prevent the unsightly or trivial usage of the property). His sales are accelerating, and within a couple of years he anticipates he'll have a constituency in the millions - enough to put serious pressure on the UN and the U.S. to recognize the government of Luna (never mind that not a single landlord has set foot on the property yet). We talked to Dennis Hope, head of the Lunar Embassy and the self-described "Head Cheese," just after the holiday season.



Her kan dere selv lese at folk er i tvil men Hope er fortsatt den riktige eier nettopp på grunn av smutthullet som er skrevet ovenfor her. oosa eller United Nations nekter å si noenting om smutthullet og dermed så er det fint avgjort. selvfølgelig legger de skjul på smutthullet men det tar ikke vekk smutthullet


1. What is Law today.


With regard to extraterrestrial property sales, two treaties exist today.


These treaties do not refer to "ownership" as such, they more commonly refer to the "exploitation of the Moon and other celestial bodies for profit purposes", and extraterrestrial property sales distinctly fall under that section. The treaties are, The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 and the Moon Treaty of 1984.


The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 explicitly forbids any government from claiming a celestial resource such as the Moon or a planet.


What does this mean? Well it means that governments can not appropriate the Moon or other celestial bodies. Effectively, governments have signed to the fact that they have no rights to these bodies at all. As a law expert will tell you, what is actually important here is what the Outer Space Treaty does not say. It explicitly does not say whether commercial enterprises or private individuals can claim, exploit or appropriate the celestial bodies for profit. (Note that the Lunar Embassy are not a government.)


You may think that this is a real stretch of the law but fortunately it is not. The UN and all countries that signed the Outer Space Treaty became aware of this vital ommission almost immediately after the treaty was ratified in 1967. In fact, the United Nations have expended a large amount of time trying to ratify an amendment to the treaty ever since, that would explicitly include corporations and individuals. Unfortunately, all attempts at ratifying such an amendment failed because member states did not agree with it. So, in the end, all the ratification attempts were summarized into the famous Moon Treaty some 15 years later. This information is well documented fact today.



Snakk med en advokat


selv hvis dere er i tvil


Loven er loven. smutthull er smutthull. han la krav på det med sine f7ulle rett og de har ikke lov til å nekte han det. de har ikke lov til å si nei på det kravet hans, derfor er det ikke besvart fordi de har ikke lov til å nekte han eierskap over planetene



Recently Dennis Hope and the Lunar Embassy have been presented a wonderful acknowledgment from the Congress of the United States.


Mr. Hope has been named co-chairman of the Republican Congressional Business Advisory Council. He has also been given the National Republican Leadership Award and most recently he has been issued the highest honor the National Republican Congressional Committee has, the prestigious Republican Gold Medal.








Til dere nye som


diskuterer. Les alle


sidene før dere


kommenterer 1 ord så


får dere svar på veldig





Jeg må visst quote denne hele veien for at folk i det hele tat skal få det med seg så fra nå av kommer denne på hver eneste side

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Ved å søke med "Dennis Hope" på nasa.gov kom jeg fram til nettsiden http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/business/moon_sale_000915.html

"We’re doing everything in our power to make this as legitimate as can be," said Hope, who admits the operation began as a tongue-in-cheek lark. It has since grown into a lucrative business, bringing in $1.6 million over the last 20 years.


The 1979 Moon Treaty forbade ownership of the moon -- including by any individual -- but was not signed by any spacefaring nations.


Even so, experts said Hope might as well being selling pieces of Antarctica.


"It’s basically the same law," said John Pike, a space policy analyst at the Federation of American Scientists. "The bottom line is, he can’t own property on the moon unless he’s got a government to back him up. No one is claiming sovereignty rights on the moon. And if any government did, I’d be very skeptical that any other government would recognize that claim."


Add to the mix the 6 million people worldwide Hope dreams will become lunar land owners by yearend, and the potential enormity of the lunar legal question grows.


"This has to be clarified. It’s a bit like space tourism: We’re past the giggle factor," said Dasch, who advocates the formation of some international statute that would permit some sort of land registry. "We’re beginning to see the lack of definition creating problems for space development."


Pike said that clarification would come only when corporations -- say, someone like Russian energy giant OAO Gazprom -- were actually ready to begin exploiting the moon. Only at that point -- still decades off, Pike said -- would nations be pushed to formalize any lunar law, pushing aside claims like Hope’s.


"The notion that some guy in California has printed up deeds to the moon and sold them to citizens will have no legal standing whatsoever," Pike said.

Så sakens kjerne her er klar, så lenge ingen nasjoner planlegger å utnytte ressurser på månen eller naboplanetene så kan Hope fortsette å lure godtroende naut å betale penger for papirlapper som vil være fullstendig verdiløse den dagen én eller flere nasjoner bestemmer seg for å bruke planetene til noe nyttig. Men innen den dagen er nok Hope og hans 5 ansatte (i følge det usanske foretaksregisteret) så søkkrike at de kan ta livet med knusende ro.

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For det første så har han Goverment bak seg

United Nations og ikke minst:


Recently Dennis Hope and the Lunar Embassy have been presented a wonderful acknowledgment from the Congress of the United States.


Mr. Hope has been named co-chairman of the Republican Congressional Business Advisory Council. He has also been given the National Republican Leadership Award and most recently he has been issued the highest honor the National Republican Congressional Committee has, the prestigious Republican Gold Medal.



For det andre: det har allerede blitt lagt Lunar Laws og space laws og outer space laws


In 1967, the United Nations signed the Outer Space Treaty, which forbids any government from claiming the Moon (or any part of space for that matter). The treaty failed to mention anything about private individuals or corporations, so a second treaty forbidding anyone from claiming ownership of extraterrestrial real estate was proposed. Only a handful of nations (none of them space-faring) signed this treaty. This left a loophole in international law as big as the void of space itself.


In 1980, Dennis Hope sent letters to the United Nations, the United States government and the government of the former Soviet Union, informing them that he was officially claiming ownership of all planetary and lunar surfaces (aside from the Earth) in our solar system. He even gave them the opportunity to respond if they had objections, and as crazy as it sounds, he hasn't heard a word from any of them since.

So...for twenty years Dennis Hope has been selling plots on the Moon, Mars and other heavenly bodies - for a pretty reasonable price! And he's been pursuing this as not just a novelty sale, but a serious real estate transaction (complete with covenants and bylaws that prevent the unsightly or trivial usage of the property). His sales are accelerating, and within a couple of years he anticipates he'll have a constituency in the millions - enough to put serious pressure on the UN and the U.S. to recognize the government of Luna (never mind that not a single landlord has set foot on the property yet).

We talked to Dennis Hope, head of the Lunar Embassy and the self-described "Head Cheese," just after the holiday season.

dette er da en lunar law med smutthull i...

Pike said. pike kan ikke bedømme det i det hele tatt. det er United Nations som bestemmer det og der har han fulle rettigheter

The 1979 Moon Treaty forbade ownership of the moon -- including by any individual -- but was not signed by any spacefaring nations.

og nasa kan fortsatt gjøre det de vil gjøre der oppe. ingen som forhindrer de det....

Nasa bestemmer ingen lover eller rettigheter. de har mindre peiling enn advokater på juss. og det er United Nations som bestemmer ting



Jeg må visst quote denne hele veien for at folk i det hele tat skal få det med seg så fra nå av kommer denne på hver eneste side


Det kalles spam.


Ja så får jeg spamme den. mods og admins skjønner det veldig godt siden ingen her vil forstå eller lese av seg selv så blir jeg jo nødt til å minne på den hele veien... det kommer spørsmål om lover og at jeg ikke har lagt fram lover eller noenting når det er noe av det første jeg gjør og har gjort det på hver side og slike ting. folk gidder ikke å lese, de følger bare med på de 2-3siste postene eller siste side også kommenterer de. derfor skal jeg slenge den ut på hver eneste side slik at man slipper 50 poster med bare urelevant piss fra folk som ikke gidder å lese noenting



Uansett smutthull tror jeg USA kvitter seg med alle som prøver og kjøre søksmål mot de den gangen mars blir bosatt.

USA har absolutt null med saken å gjøre. det er United Nations (195 Land)

Endret av DrHawkins
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Question #1 [back to Top]


Does Mars have its own laws?




Absolutely. Mr. Hope, the absolute and final omnipotent ruler of the entire Martian surface (whom we amicably call " BIG RED " aka The Head Cheese for the purposes of ruling Mars), has drafted and introduced a Martian Constitution and Bill of Rights for Mars. Mars also has it's own flag.


If we settle on the Moon and Mars for example, such laws must be established to ensure people's rights. Again, that can not be done unless ownership rights are addressed and settled. That is where all our customers and the Lunar Embassy have made a start at forming public opinion.


Others have suggested that it would be a good idea, when extraterrestrial claim laws are established, that they should be linked to the proximity of the individual to the property in question. That means if you have the money to go there, you can have it. The Lunar Embassy think this is not a good idea, because it would give precedence to corporations and financially capable organisations to file and receive an extraterrestrial property, because they can afford to go there. The normal member of the public would therefore loose out on any claims if such a suggestion were followed, because it is much more difficult for us mortals, physically and financially, to reach the Moon or the other eight planets.


It has therefore become an objective of the Lunar Embassy, if and when such laws are established, to help to protect the right of the general public to be allowed to claim and use these extraterrestrial resources, regardless of whether you are in proximity of the property or not.


Du har tydeligvis ikke lest mye

Endret av DrHawkins
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4 mill kunder da din sopp


How do I declare the property on my Tax Form?




This one, we believe deserves a 10/10 for brilliance. We have NO IDEA. Yes, you are property owner and you should not keep this from the taxman. We will not advise you to commit tax fraud, however, we are also sure it will confuse him, big time. Seeing as the value of the property is very low, ie less than 20 Dollars, it's debatable whether this is actually a Corpus Delicti you can be taken to court for if you don't declare it. The Lunar Embassy shall investigate this further! But don't you think you life is complex enough as it is? Ours is.


utlandet er på jorda det. tomten er ikke på jorda...


nasa har lov til å explore så mye de vil, men de har ikke lov til å grave eller gjøre noe, omtrent kun å kjører over og forbi eiendommen så det er ingen leieinntak. man kan sikkert inngå leieavtale slik at de kan gjøre disse tingene men..


alt som er av eiendom i selvangivelsen handler om jordkloden. utlandet er ikke utenforbi atmosfæren

Må si meg enig med flere. Denne tråstarteren er tydligvis ikke helt god. Mangler ord.

Endret av Brv
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Det handler om juss. noe du ikke forstår lillegutt


Vurderer nå seriøst å kjøpe meg tomt på månen, enten til meg selv eller som gave. Som en morsomhet, og ikke fordi jeg har stor tro på framtidig vinning...


det er bare å gjøre det det. hva faen har du å tape?


begynner du å se hvor sterkt jeg står?

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