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Feilmelding etter installasjon av Harry Potter og Mysteriekammeret, noen tips?

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Jeg bestemte meg for å ta fram det gammle spillet: Harry Potter og Mysterie Kammeret.

Jeg fikk installert det men når jeg skal starte det opp får jeg en feilmelding som sier:


"critical error!

general protection fault!

history: appInit"


Er det noen som har en ide om hvordan jeg får fikset det?

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Why am I seeing one of the following error messages: 'General Protection Fault'; 'Cannot find ini: Engine.Engine.GameEngine'; or 'General Protection fault History:: AppINIT'?




If you are receiving either of those error messages, the software has an issue writing the game's configuration file when the game is started. You will want to delete the bad configuration file so that the software can re-write this file properly.


To delete this configuration file: 1. Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar. 2. Click Find (or Search). 3. Click All files and folders on the left-navigation panel. 4. In the Named field, type in hp.ini. 5. Select the hard drive that the game was installed to in the Look In field. (Usually this is the C: drive.) 6. Click Find Now or Search and give the utility a moment to find the file. 7. Once the file is located delete it from the listing in this window. If there are two different hp.ini files found and you have a Hewlett-Packard, be sure to delete the one that is found in the Harry Potter/system directory. 8. Right-click the file and select Delete. (Click Yes when prompted.) 9. Close the window.


Sakset fra EA support for spillet.

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