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BSOD på rekke og rad. Debug ligger ved, kan noen titte på den plz?

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Har brått og plutselig fått en hel haug med BSOD her, og trenger litt hjelp til å prøve å finne feilen.

Jeg TROR det startet med at microen tok kvelden på kjøkkenet og dro med seg sikringen i farta. Pc'n er på en helt annen krets i huset, men NAS, switch, modem og ruter er på samme strømkrets som kjøkkenet. Men utrolig nok fikk jeg blåskjerm idet microen røyk på kjøkkenet. Maskina startet igjen, men jeg hadde ikke noe nett.

Fikler litt bak for å sjekke nettverkskabelen, og får blåskjerm igjen. "Ok..?" tenker jeg og går ut til der alt det overnevnte står plassert, og ser at switchen bare lyser på power, og ikke på noen av kablene. Napper ut kabel og setter den direkte i modemet igjen, og jeg har tilbake nettet. Og etter kjøp av ny switch fungerte alt som det skulle igjen. Forutenom diverse blåskjermer da... Nå kommer og går BSOD'ene ut av det, eh, blå. Skulle sjekke brannmuren på min Panda AV, så frøys alt og... BSOD! Ikke noe annet belastet pc'en.

Før det kjørte jeg med 3 IE vinduer med mange faner hver seg, 2 explorer vinduer, tungt 3d program, mediaplayer, winamp og garantert to eller tre programmer til også, og hadde hardkjørt maskina i timer uten problem. Så: krasj ut av det blå.

Før det igjen, diverse krasj i tide og utide.

Jeg har kjørt memtest 4.00 i flere pass uten feil, men det var med fire brikker innstallert, og ikke en og en brikke slik jeg tror det skal være..? Stemmer det?


Jeg har lastet ned og kjørt debug av den siste dumpen, og håper at noen kan se på den for meg, for jeg er helt grønn på sånt. Det står at mulig feil er ntoskrnl.exe kan det stemme?

Jeg vet at minnekontrollere er meget ømfintelige. Finnes det noen måte å sjekke dem på? Det behøver jo ikke være selve brikkene det er noe galt med, for det har jeg erfart før !!


Håper noen kan hjelpe meg her!


Hilsen Stig




Microsoft ® Windows Debugger Version 6.12.0002.633 AMD64

Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



Loading Dump File [C:\Windows\Minidump\Mini042410-02.dmp]

Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available


Symbol search path is: *** Invalid ***


* Symbol loading may be unreliable without a symbol search path. *

* Use .symfix to have the debugger choose a symbol path. *

* After setting your symbol path, use .reload to refresh symbol locations. *


Executable search path is:


* Symbols can not be loaded because symbol path is not initialized. *

* *

* The Symbol Path can be set by: *

* using the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable. *

* using the -y <symbol_path> argument when starting the debugger. *

* using .sympath and .sympath+ *


Unable to load image \SystemRoot\system32\ntoskrnl.exe, Win32 error 0n2

*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for ntoskrnl.exe

*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for ntoskrnl.exe

Windows Server 2008/Windows Vista Kernel Version 6002 (Service Pack 2) MP (4 procs) Free x64

Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS

Machine Name:

Kernel base = 0xfffff800`02c4a000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff800`02e0edd0

Debug session time: Sat Apr 24 17:57:45.815 2010 (UTC + 2:00)

System Uptime: 0 days 0:11:37.578


* Symbols can not be loaded because symbol path is not initialized. *

* *

* The Symbol Path can be set by: *

* using the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable. *

* using the -y <symbol_path> argument when starting the debugger. *

* using .sympath and .sympath+ *


Unable to load image \SystemRoot\system32\ntoskrnl.exe, Win32 error 0n2

*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for ntoskrnl.exe

*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for ntoskrnl.exe

Loading Kernel Symbols




Loading User Symbols

Loading unloaded module list



* *

* Bugcheck Analysis *

* *



Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.


BugCheck A, {fffffa7fffffffea, 2, 0, fffff80002c5895c}


***** Kernel symbols are WRONG. Please fix symbols to do analysis.



*** ***

*** ***

*** Your debugger is not using the correct symbols ***

*** ***

*** In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path ***

*** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. ***

*** ***

*** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not ***

*** contain the required information. Contact the group that ***

*** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to ***

*** work. ***

*** ***

*** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB ***

*** ***



*** ***

*** ***

*** Your debugger is not using the correct symbols ***

*** ***

*** In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path ***

*** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. ***

*** ***

*** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not ***

*** contain the required information. Contact the group that ***

*** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to ***

*** work. ***

*** ***

*** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB ***

*** ***



*** ***

*** ***

*** Your debugger is not using the correct symbols ***

*** ***

*** In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path ***

*** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. ***

*** ***

*** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not ***

*** contain the required information. Contact the group that ***

*** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to ***

*** work. ***

*** ***

*** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB ***

*** ***


Probably caused by : ntoskrnl.exe ( nt+e95c )


Followup: MachineOwner



1: kd> !analyze -v


* *

* Bugcheck Analysis *

* *




An attempt was made to access a pageable (or completely invalid) address at an

interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high. This is usually

caused by drivers using improper addresses.

If a kernel debugger is available get the stack backtrace.


Arg1: fffffa7fffffffea, memory referenced

Arg2: 0000000000000002, IRQL

Arg3: 0000000000000000, bitfield :

bit 0 : value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation

bit 3 : value 0 = not an execute operation, 1 = execute operation (only on chips which support this level of status)

Arg4: fffff80002c5895c, address which referenced memory


Debugging Details:



***** Kernel symbols are WRONG. Please fix symbols to do analysis.



*** ***

*** ***

*** Your debugger is not using the correct symbols ***

*** ***

*** In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path ***

*** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. ***

*** ***

*** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not ***

*** contain the required information. Contact the group that ***

*** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to ***

*** work. ***

*** ***

*** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB ***

*** ***



*** ***

*** ***

*** Your debugger is not using the correct symbols ***

*** ***

*** In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path ***

*** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. ***

*** ***

*** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not ***

*** contain the required information. Contact the group that ***

*** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to ***

*** work. ***

*** ***

*** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB ***

*** ***



*** ***

*** ***

*** Your debugger is not using the correct symbols ***

*** ***

*** In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path ***

*** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. ***

*** ***

*** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not ***

*** contain the required information. Contact the group that ***

*** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to ***

*** work. ***

*** ***

*** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB ***

*** ***




Use '!findthebuild' command to search for the target build information.

If the build information is available, run '!findthebuild -s ; .reload' to set symbol path and load symbols.




FAULTING_MODULE: fffff80002c4a000 nt




READ_ADDRESS: unable to get nt!MmSpecialPoolStart

unable to get nt!MmSpecialPoolEnd

unable to get nt!MmPoolCodeStart

unable to get nt!MmPoolCodeEnd







fffff800`02c5895c ?? ???








LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from fffff80002ca426e to fffff80002ca44d0



fffffa60`0c1ba6c8 fffff800`02ca426e : 00000000`0000000a fffffa7f`ffffffea 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000 : nt+0x5a4d0

fffffa60`0c1ba6d0 00000000`0000000a : fffffa7f`ffffffea 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000 fffff800`02c5895c : nt+0x5a26e

fffffa60`0c1ba6d8 fffffa7f`ffffffea : 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000 fffff800`02c5895c fffff800`02ddc160 : 0xa

fffffa60`0c1ba6e0 00000000`00000002 : 00000000`00000000 fffff800`02c5895c fffff800`02ddc160 00000000`00000000 : 0xfffffa7f`ffffffea

fffffa60`0c1ba6e8 00000000`00000000 : fffff800`02c5895c fffff800`02ddc160 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x2



STACK_COMMAND: .bugcheck ; kb




fffff800`02c5895c ?? ???


SYMBOL_NAME: nt+e95c




IMAGE_NAME: ntoskrnl.exe




Followup: MachineOwner


Lenke til kommentar

Hmmm.... ser ut til at signaturene her på diskusjon har blitt fjernet, så jeg får legge inn specsene mine manuelt :/

ASUS Crosshair II hk, AMD 9950BE cpu, 4x 2gig OCZ 1066mhz minne, Vista 64bit Ultimate norsk og lovlig pluss masse mer som egentlig ikke har noe med saken å gjøre. Tror jeg.


* w00t !! Post nr 200 !! *

Endret av Foe_of_Good
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