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Test Drive Unlimited 2 - Diskusjon og pratetråd!

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Finnes vel ikke noen patch til xbox som fikser savegame problemen?? Har ihvertfall ikke blitt fikset her, nå er det jo tross alt 2uker eller noe siden jeg har prøvd å starte spillet, så hvis det finnes en slik patch så si ifra..


Forresten, ingen dato om når den patchen alle venter på kommer?? Hva fikser denne patchen egentlig??

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Finnes vel ikke noen patch til xbox som fikser savegame problemen?? Har ihvertfall ikke blitt fikset her, nå er det jo tross alt 2uker eller noe siden jeg har prøvd å starte spillet, så hvis det finnes en slik patch så si ifra..


Forresten, ingen dato om når den patchen alle venter på kommer?? Hva fikser denne patchen egentlig??



Bra du svarer på et spørsmål du selv stiller. Ingen som vet når patchen kommer, men ja den skal visstnok fikse årsaken til corrupt save og reparere de som er currupta:   XBOX 360

Last Update: February 25, 4:30AM PST  Loyal TDU2 Fans,  The upcoming patch has been sent to Microsoft for approval. We will post additional information as soon as we hear back.  The goal of this patch is as follows:      * Improve login process to allow a higher volume of successful connections     * Increase online stability across all multiplayer functionality     * Improve performance and stability of Friends List and Friend Invites     * Address issues related to file corruption     * Enable Club and MyTDULife functionality     * Enable Co-Op races     * Enable weather while offline     * Address an issue where players can get a Lancia which has no car data (the patch should prevent this from occurring in the future, and restore players who are currently affected by the issue)   This post will be continually updated with all the latest details.  We're very thankful for our Xbox 360 players who have shown passion and dedication while we get these issues resolved. Thanks to everyone that has posted their issues, feedback, and positive words here on the official TDU2 forum.  Sincerely,  GMDestra and the TDU2 Team  Service Status      * Online Play – Online, being monitored closely     * DLC Purchasing – Online     * Pre-Order Code Redemption - Online     * Pre-Order Casino Code Redemption -Online     * Getting pre-order cars and Casino in-game - Some users are reporting that their cars don't show up in the Used Car Dealer after the code is redeemed. If this affects you, try playing the game in Offline Mode to see if the cars show up.     * Getting pre-order cars and Casino in-game - There is a bug where pre-order cars don't show up in the Used Car dealer if you are online. However, you can play Offline, purchase the car, then sign back on and you'll still have it.     * MyTDU2Life - Offline - This is working as designed. TDU2MyLife is dependent on the Club Server.     * Clubs - Offline - Scheduled to go live when the next patch is released.     * Casino Access - Online, being monitored. Until the next round of optimizations goes live, you may experience intermittent issues with being disconnected from Casino games. Roulette is currently disabled to address an exploit.   Until the next round of optimizations goes live, you may experience issues with:      * Signing in to online mode     * Seeing other players in the world and on the map     * Seeing your Friends lists and sending/receiving friend requests     * Claiming your pre-order cars and accessing the Casino     * Entering multiplayer races and joining friends' sessions     * In-game communications  

Issues being investigated once multiplayer issues are resolved:      * No Accessory/Avatar Controls (Xbox Wheel) - Xbox wheel users report that they cannot control the accessories or their Avatar if they are using a racing wheel. This will be looked into after the current round of priorities is addressed.


This post is now out of date. Individual issues that are discovered will be posted as unique stickies.   Hello Everyone,  We recently released a PC patch which contained the following fixes:      * Friends list should no longer disappear     * Login issues should be resolved     * Friend invites should now consistently work     * Clubs are enabled.     * Further enhancements to prevent file corruption have been added.     * Additional back-end functionality to recover previously corrupted save files has been aded.   Please feel free to post your feedback here on the forums. Right now, our focus is Clubs, and Online play. Let us know if the issues above have been fully resolved for you! Your voice is an important part of the process.  Once again, thanks to everyone who has taken the time to share their feedback here on the forums. Rest assured that we have been working diligently to get these issues resolved, and are very grateful for the support that we have received from our fans during the launch rush.  We are currently troubleshooting an issue where players report that their club information has been lost.  Sincerely,  GMDestra and the TDU2 Team  Service Status:      * Online Play – Online, being monitored. Although the servers are online, we are receiving a small number of reports from players who are being disconnected during online play. If this affects you, please make sure to let us know here in the forums so we can better measure the number of impacted players.     * UpLauncher Service Status – There is a known issue with the launcher where it is always saying that the servers are offline, even if they are online.     * DLC Purchasing – Online     * Pre-Order Code Redemption - Online     * Pre-Order Casino Code Redemption -Online     * Getting pre-order/DLC cars and Casino in-game - We are actively troubleshooting an issue where DLC cars are not always showing up on the PS3 platform. Playing offline can help, but for some players it is still not displaying even if they are offline. We are looking into this.     * Casino Access - Online     * Friends list - Online     * MyTDULife - Online     * Clubs - We are currently troubleshooting an issue where players report that their club information has been lost.   Issues being investigated soon:      * Manual Unavailable - Some users have reported that the PC install did not come with a PC manual. We're working on a solution for customers affected by this issue. A helpful user has posted a scanned version in Members Helping Members.     * Changing your account password locks out your profile - This has been escalated for investigation.     * Wheel control issues? - Wheel control issues will be tackled shortly.


Last Update: February 25, 4:30AM PST  Loyal TDU2 Fans,  The upcoming patch has been sent to Sony for approval. We will post additional information as soon as we hear back.  The goal of this patch is as follows:      * Improve login process to allow a higher volume of successful connections     * Increase online stability across all multiplayer functionality     * Improve performance and stability of Friends List and Friend Invites     * Address issues related to file corruption     * Enable Club and MyTDULife functionality     * Enable Co-Op races     * Enable weather while offline     * Address an issue where players can get a Lancia which has no car data (the patch should prevent this from occurring in the future, and restore players who are currently affected by the issue)   This post will be continually updated with all the latest details.  As a reminder, the DLC items missing from the PSN store for EU/AUS players is a known issue. The current ETA is that the Casino should hopefully go live in a couple of days, with the cars slated to arrive a week after the launch of the Casino DLC.  We're very thankful for our PS3 players who have shown passion and dedication while we get these issues resolved. Thanks to everyone that has posted their issues, feedback, and positive words here on the official TDU2 forum.  Sincerely,  GMDestra and the TDU2 Team    Service Status      * Online Play – Online     * DLC Purchasing – Online (US) / Offline (EU/AUS)     * Pre-Order Code Redemption - Online     * Pre-Order Casino Code Redemption - Online     * Getting pre-order/DLC cars and Casino in-game - We are actively troubleshooting an issue where DLC cars are not always showing up on the PS3 platform. Playing offline can help, but for some players it is still not displaying even if they are offline. We are looking into this.     * Casino Access - Online, being monitored. Until the next round of optimizations goes live, you may experience intermittent issues with being disconnected from Casino games. Roulette is currently disabled to address an exploit.     * MyTDU2Life - Offline - This is working as designed. TDU2MyLife is dependent on the Club Server.     * Clubs - Offline - Estimated to go live at the time the next patch is released.   Until the next round of optimizations goes live, you may experience issues with:      * Signing in to online mode     * Seeing other players in the world and on the map     * Seeing your Friends lists and sending/receiving friend requests     * Claiming your pre-order cars and accessing the Casino     * Entering multiplayer races and joining friends' sessions     * In-game communications   Issues being investigated after multiplayer issues are resolved:      * Limited to one profile? - Users have reported that even if they have multiple profiles available on their PS3, that it's not possible to create a new save file for TDU2. This is scheduled to be reviewed in the future.     * Wheel Support Improvements - Customers have reported issues surrounding Wheel support, which will be investigated after the current round of priorities have been addressed.


Endret av Mister Gnu
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Fant en liten glitch nå. Det er mulig å kjøre inn i den fotobutikken, der man får oppdraget i starten om å finne fotolokasjoner. Kjør rundt på baksiden, så er det bare å gasse på opp trappa, og vips så er man inni butikken :)


Og for de som ønsker å kjøre på rullebanen på Ibiza flyplassen, så trenger du ikke å lete etter plasser å hoppe over. Det er bare å stille seg ved et gjerde/port, trykke på map, og så gå inn igjen å gi gass. Man er ghost i to sekunder etter man går ut av mappet, og det holder for å kjøre gjennom gjerdet :)

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Fant en liten glitch nå. Det er mulig å kjøre inn i den fotobutikken, der man får oppdraget i starten om å finne fotolokasjoner. Kjør rundt på baksiden, så er det bare å gasse på opp trappa, og vips så er man inni butikken :)


Og for de som ønsker å kjøre på rullebanen på Ibiza flyplassen, så trenger du ikke å lete etter plasser å hoppe over. Det er bare å stille seg ved et gjerde/port, trykke på map, og så gå inn igjen å gi gass. Man er ghost i to sekunder etter man går ut av mappet, og det holder for å kjøre gjennom gjerdet :)



Ha ha kan man kjøre ned han fotografen. Hadde vært flott siden han ikke gidder å fotografere ting selv. Heldigvis ferdig med alle fotooppdragene unntatt Hummer i regn på Hawaii. Tror neste gang det regner der er i 2014...


Vet du om man kan gjør den glitchen på havna? Hadde vært kult å råne rundt imellom containerne der nede...

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Hvordan får jeg rullet frem driverne ?


På lørdag kveld var det oppdateringer, så serverne lå ned. la da inn gammel exe fil 0.86 og fikk spilt igjen. Nå som jeg legger inn 0.93 som er nyeste, så starter det opp, men den driver og laster ned oppdateringer, og så er det plutselig 0.86 igjen. Den ruller altså tilbake driverne selv etter at jeg har lagt inn den nye...


How to fix ?

Endret av PrayingMantis
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Club HiGH er en norsk klubb i TDU2(pc) som er i oppstarts fasen(lvl2.rank 991),og ute etter nye medlemmer. vi er alle snille å greie, og hjelpsomme om noen trenger noen råd

spiller mest club vs club.

noen som spiller som er intr i å joine? er d bare å adde Endlessnight i friends.

da kommer d en inv vet du :)

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Da er første patch til xbox 360 tilgjengelig. http://www.vg247.com/2011/03/11/tdu2-gets-first-of-two-patches-on-360/


The first patch will resolve corrupted save game files, and will fix any previously corrupted files automatically.


The update is still being certified by Sony for PS3.


The second update, due on Monday, will “stabilize the network and address log-in issues,” according to a post on the developer’s forums, as well as bring clubs back online, friends lists be populated again and invites will work again.

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Par kjappe spørsmål om TDU2 til X360

- Når kommer club`en opp? Den har vært offline siden jeg åpnet spillet for første gang for en måned siden.

- Hvordan invitere folk hjem til seg?

- Hvordan forandre kontroller og knappene på spillet?

- Hvordan få flere låter inn? Evt streame fra pc/spotify/nettradio?

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Da er første patch til xbox 360 tilgjengelig. http://www.vg247.com/2011/03/11/tdu2-gets-first-of-two-patches-on-360/


The first patch will resolve corrupted save game files, and will fix any previously corrupted files automatically.


The update is still being certified by Sony for PS3.


The second update, due on Monday, will “stabilize the network and address log-in issues,” according to a post on the developer’s forums, as well as bring clubs back online, friends lists be populated again and invites will work again.


Står at det skulle komme en patch idag.. Men hvor er den??

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Ahh, deilig og kunne spille igjen :) Har gjort ferdig Ibiza, har igjen bare hawaii nå. Men til min "store" bekymring så leser jeg på div forum at man ikke får nok penger til å kjøpe alle bilene. Noen som har tips til å tjene penger? Har sittet litt på casino, men er ikke såå mye å hente der heller, hvertfall ikke med min flaks :)

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Da er første patch til xbox 360 tilgjengelig. http://www.vg247.com/2011/03/11/tdu2-gets-first-of-two-patches-on-360/


The first patch will resolve corrupted save game files, and will fix any previously corrupted files automatically.


The update is still being certified by Sony for PS3.


The second update, due on Monday, will “stabilize the network and address log-in issues,” according to a post on the developer’s forums, as well as bring clubs back online, friends lists be populated again and invites will work again.


Står at det skulle komme en patch idag.. Men hvor er den??


Følg med i TDU2 forum: Xbox 360 - Open Issues and Service Status Sist oppdatering 12 mars.


EDIT: Også kan du lese denne her: Xbox Patch

Endret av TuRb0
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patchen som kom føre helga som skulle fikse corrupta saves hjalp ikke for meg. dog så sier den ikke at saven er corrupta da. jeg får bare besjed om at den ikke finner noe savegame og spør om jeg ønsker å starte et nytt.


dritt as, dersom jeg må starte helt på nytt så blir jeg grinete.

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Det skal vist ha kommet en xbox patch for TDU2 idag, men når jeg slår på spillet mitt, så får jeg ikke noe spørsmål om å laste ned noe som helst..Har prøvd å slå av hele xboxèn, osv.. Når jeg kommer inn på spillet står det bare at den ikke får kontakt med servrene... Hva er problemet? Flere som har opplevd dette??

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