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kosthold og treningslogg. Lengde 3 måneder! .

Anbefalte innlegg

Vekt: 76 kg Høyde: 1.73

Mål vekt: 68. armhevinger 3x50 armhevinger og 3 x 10 hang ups

Virkemåter: trening og kosthold.



- Vann eller Melk

- Frukt

- mindre pasta ,potet og brød

- ingen måltid etter klokka 19

- 5 måltid om dagen. Små porsjoner

- Ikke brus eller godteri

- middag bestående av proteiner og salat, frokost av en musliblanding.


Trening: 8 treinger i uken.

4 morningstreninger. 4 treninger før frokost. Gåtur/joggetur + armhevinger og push-ups.

4 treninger på spinningsykkel/skitur/sykkeltur/svømming. Har en egen spinningsykkel.



Skal føre treningsdagbok og kostholdsdagbok. Skal poste resultater her 2-3 ganger i uken.

Mitt nye og bedre "liv" starter NÅ! Den 22 mars! :D

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- ingen måltid etter klokka 19



- 5 måltid om dagen. Små porsjoner





Det viktigste er å holde styr på mengden energi (kCal/kJ) du putter i magesekken (ikke oralt altså). Forholdet mellom P/K/F (protein,karb,fett) er ikke fult så viktig (det er veldig individuelt hva man fungerer best på). Bare pass på å få i deg nok proteiner og essensielle fettsyrer, så kan du prøve deg litt frem med resten. Lykke til.

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ingen måltid etter klokka 19: Er ikke så disiplinert. Så bare minimerer risikoen for sprekk:D


5 måltid om dagen: Flere små måltider, istedenfor 2 store. Høyere blodsukker, mer energi? (gjetter her)


Om du hadde spist 2 måltider om dagen hadde det gått utover forbrenningen din. 5 måltider hørest bra ut :)

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ingen måltid etter klokka 19: Er ikke så disiplinert. Så bare minimerer risikoen for sprekk:D


5 måltid om dagen: Flere små måltider, istedenfor 2 store. Høyere blodsukker, mer energi? (gjetter her)


Om du hadde spist 2 måltider om dagen hadde det gått utover forbrenningen din. 5 måltider hørest bra ut :)

Er du seriøs?

Endret av Pollador
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ingen måltid etter klokka 19: Er ikke så disiplinert. Så bare minimerer risikoen for sprekk:D


5 måltid om dagen: Flere små måltider, istedenfor 2 store. Høyere blodsukker, mer energi? (gjetter her)


Om du hadde spist 2 måltider om dagen hadde det gått utover forbrenningen din. 5 måltider hørest bra ut :)

Er du seriøs?

Nå er det på tide denne myten legges død en gang for alle. Det blir til og med skrevet om i aviser.

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Les linkene jeg la ut.


Jeg orker seriøst ikke å diskutere en myte som er utdatert for år og dager siden med en som tydeligvis ikke har peiling på temaet.


Her er litt mer forskning (ja, jeg er klar over hvilken side det er, men Emma-Leigh er på samme nivå som Lyle):



Litt mer:



Lol, jeg kan like gjerne poste en link til Nordisk mester i Bodyfitness, Kristine Weber:



Og gjerne post opp litt ny forskning som backer opp det du kommer med. Kanskje de gjorde en studie på rotter på 1800-tallet hvor rottene fikk 47 'måltider' som du har lyst til å vise meg?

Endret av Pollador
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Les linkene jeg la ut.


Jeg orker seriøst ikke å diskutere en myte som er utdatert for år og dager siden med en som tydeligvis ikke har peiling på temaet.


Her er litt mer forskning (ja, jeg er klar over hvilken side det er, men Emma-Leigh er på samme nivå som Lyle):



Litt mer:



Og gjerne post opp litt ny forskning som backer opp det du kommer med. Kanskje de gjorde en studie på rotter på 1800-tallet hvor rottene fikk 47 'måltider' som du har lyst til å vise meg?


Hvem du gidder å diskutere med driter jeg i. Jeg har ikke sakt noe om at jeg vet noe om saken, men ernæringsfysiologen min vet mye om det, og han sier at det beste for forbrenningen er 5 måltider om dagen.

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[quote name=TheFighter94' date='24. mars 2010 - 16:03' timestamp='1269442999'

Hvem du gidder å diskutere med driter jeg i. Jeg har ikke sakt noe om at jeg vet noe om saken, men ernæringsfysiologen min vet mye om det, og han sier at det beste for forbrenningen er 5 måltider om dagen.

Han vet det han har lest i sine utdaterte læringsbøker og liker jobben sin tydeligvis så godt at han ikke gidder å oppdatere seg, som igjen fører til at han driver vranglære. Fantastisk.

Ernæringsfysiologen din vet mindre en hunden min om forbrenning.


Siden du ikke gidder å lese noen linker vi gir deg, får vi sitere litt.


Increased meal frequency does not promote greater weight loss in subjects who were prescribed an 8-week equi-energetic energy-restricted diet.

Dette er nok en studie som motbeviser det alle amatørene der ute tror. Link. Og selv om dette har vært kjent lenge, har til og med NY Times fått det med seg.


Denne karen har fettprosent på rundt 5, hele året, og spiser hver 17. time. Så med mindre ernæringsfysiologen din har samme fettprosent, året rundt, og samme muskelmasse, er han full i skit og bør ta seg en tur på google.com. Han er vel også en av de som mener fett er satan?


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Tar meg også tid til å quote alle rapportene nevnt i tråden Pollador linket.





Eur J Clin Nutr. 1991 Mar;45(3):161-9.Links

Influence of the feeding frequency on nutrient utilization in man: consequences for energy metabolism.


Verboeket-van de Venne WP, Westerterp KR.

Department of Human Biology, University of Limburg, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

A study was conducted to investigate whether there is a diurnal pattern of nutrient utilization in man and how this is affected by meal frequency to explain possible consequences of meal frequency for body weight regulation. When the daily energy intake is consumed in a small number of large meals, there is an increased chance to become overweight, possibly by an elevated lipogenesis (fat synthesis and accumulation) or storage of energy after the meal. Thirteen subjects, two males and eleven females, were fed to energy balance in two meals per day (gorging pattern) and seven meals per day (nibbling pattern) over 2-day intervals. On the second day on each feeding regimen, the diurnal pattern of nutrient utilization was calculated from simultaneous measurements of oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production and urinary nitrogen excretion over 3 h intervals in a respiration chamber. A gorging pattern of energy intake resulted in a stronger diurnal periodicity of nutrient utilization, compared to a nibbling pattern. However, there were no consequences for the total 24 h energy expenditure (24 h EE) of the two feeding patterns (5.57 +/- 0.16 kJ/min for the gorging pattern; 5.44 +/- 0.18 kJ/min for the nibbling pattern). Concerning the periodicity of nutrient utilization, protein oxidation during the day did not change between the two feeding patterns. In the gorging pattern, carbohydrate oxidation was significantly elevated during the interval following the first meal (ie from 1200 h to 1500 h, P less than 0.01) and the second meal (ie from 1800 h to 2100 h, P less than 0.05). The decreased rate of carbohydrate oxidation observed during the fasting period (from rising in the morning until the first meal at 1200 h), was compensated by an increased fat oxidation from 0900 to 1200 h to cover energy needs. In the nibbling pattern, carbohydrate and fat oxidation remained relatively constant during the active hours of the day.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2001 Apr;25(4):519-28.Links

Compared with nibbling, neither gorging nor a morning fast affect short-term energy balance in obese patients in a chamber calorimeter.


Taylor MA, Garrow JS.

Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, King's College London, London, UK.

OBJECTIVE: To test if a diet of 4.2 MJ/24 h as six isocaloric meals would result in a lower subsequent energy intake, or greater energy output than (a) 4.2 MJ/24 h as two isocaloric meals or (b) a morning fast followed by free access to food. DESIGN: Subjects were confined to the Metabolic Unit from 19:00 h on day 1 to 09:30 h on day 6. Each day they had a fixed diet providing 4.2 MJ with three pairs of meal patterns which were offered in random sequence. They were: six meals vs two meals without access to additional foods (6vs2), or six meals vs 2 meals with access to additional food (6+vs2+), or six meals vs four meals (6+vsAMFAST). In the AMFAST condition the first two meals of the day were omitted to reduce daily intake to 2.8 MJ and to create a morning fast, but additional food was accessible thereafter. Patients were confined in the chamber calorimeter from 19:00 h on day 2 until 09:00 h on day 4, and then from 19:00 h on day 4 to 09:00 h on day 6. The order in which each meal pattern was offered was balanced over time. MEASUREMENTS: Energy expenditure (chamber calorimetry), spontaneous activity (video) and energy intake (where additional foods were available) during the final 24 h of each dietary component. SUBJECTS: Ten (6vs2), eight (6+vs2+) and eight (6+vsAMFAST) women were recruited who had a BMI of greater than 25 kg/m2. RESULTS: From experiment 6vs2 the difference between energy expenditure with six meals (10.00 MJ) and two meals (9.96 MJ) was not significant (P=0.88). Energy expenditure between 23:00 h and 08:00 h ('night') was, however, significantly higher (P=0.02) with two meals (9.12 MJ/24 h) compared with six meals (8.34 MJ/24 h). The pattern of spontaneous physical activity did not differ significantly between these two meal patterns (P>0.05). Total energy intake was affected by neither meal frequency in experiment 6+vs2+ (10.75 MJ with six, 11.08 MJ with two; P=0.58) nor a morning fast in experiment 6+vsAMFAST (8.55 MJ/24 h with six, 7.60 MJ with AMFAST; P=0.40). The total diet of subjects who had a morning fast tended to have a lower percentage of total energy from carbohydrate (40%) than when they had six meals per 24 h (49%) (P=0.05). Subsequent energy balance was affected by neither meal frequency (6vs2; P=0.88, 6+vs2+; P=0.50) nor a morning fast (P=0.18). CONCLUSIONS: In the short term, meal frequency and a period of fasting have no major impact on energy intake or expenditure but energy expenditure is delayed with a lower meal frequency compared with a higher meal frequency. This might be attributed to the thermogenic effect of food continuing into the night when a later, larger meal is given. A morning fast resulted in a diet which tended to have a lower percentage of energy from carbohydrate than with no fast.


Br J Nutr. 2008 Jun;99(6):1316-21. Epub 2007 Dec 6. Links

Acute effects on metabolism and appetite profile of one meal difference in the lower range of meal frequency.


Smeets AJ, Westerterp-Plantenga MS.

Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD, Maastricht, The Netherlands. [email protected]

A gorging pattern of food intake has been shown to enhance lipogenesis and increase body weight, which may be due to large fluctuations in storage and mobilisation of nutrients. In a state of energy balance, increasing meal frequency, and thereby decreasing inter-meal interval, may prevent large metabolic fluctuations. Our aim was to study the effect of the inter-meal interval by dividing energy intake over two or three meals on energy expenditure, substrate oxidation and 24 h satiety, in healthy, normal-weight women in a state of energy balance. The study was a randomised crossover design with two experimental conditions. During the two experimental conditions subjects (fourteen normal-weight women, aged 24.4 (SD 7.1) years, underwent 36 h sessions in energy balance in a respiration chamber for measurements of energy expenditure and substrate oxidation. The subjects were given two (breakfast, dinner) or three (breakfast, lunch, dinner) meals per d. We chose to omit lunch in the two meals condition, because this resulted in a marked difference in inter-meal-interval after breakfast (8.5 h v. 4 h). Eating three meals compared with two meals had no effects on 24 h energy expenditure, diet-induced thermogenesis, activity-induced energy expenditure and sleeping metabolic rate. Eating three meals compared with two meals increased 24 h fat oxidation, but decreased the amount of fat oxidised from the breakfast. The same amount of energy divided over three meals compared with over two meals increased satiety feelings over 24 h. In healthy, normal-weight women, decreasing the inter-meal interval sustains satiety, particularly during the day, and sustains fat oxidation, particularly during the night.

PMID: 18053311 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Br J Nutr. 1997 Apr;77 Suppl 1:S57-70. Links

Meal frequency and energy balance.


Bellisle F, McDevitt R, Prentice AM.

INSERM U341, Hotel Dieu de Paris, France.

Several epidemiological studies have observed an inverse relationship between people's habitual frequency of eating and body weight, leading to the suggestion that a 'nibbling' meal pattern may help in the avoidance of obesity. A review of all pertinent studies shows that, although many fail to find any significant relationship, the relationship is consistently inverse in those that do observe a relationship. However, this finding is highly vulnerable to the probable confounding effects of post hoc changes in dietary patterns as a consequence of weight gain and to dietary under-reporting which undoubtedly invalidates some of the studies. We conclude that the epidemiological evidence is at best very weak, and almost certainly represents an artefact. A detailed review of the possible mechanistic explanations for a metabolic advantage of nibbling meal patterns failed to reveal significant benefits in respect of energy expenditure. Although some short-term studies suggest that the thermic effect of feeding is higher when an isoenergetic test load is divided into multiple small meals, other studies refute this, and most are neutral. More importantly, studies using whole-body calorimetry and doubly-labelled water to assess total 24 h energy expenditure find no difference between nibbling and gorging. Finally, with the exception of a single study, there is no evidence that weight loss on hypoenergetic regimens is altered by meal frequency. We conclude that any effects of meal pattern on the regulation of body weight are likely to be mediated through effects on the food intake side of the energy balance equation.

PMID: 9155494 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Forum Nutr. 2003;56:126-8.Links

Highlighting the positive impact of increasing feeding frequency on metabolism and weight management.


Louis-Sylvestre J, Lluch A, Neant F, Blundell JE.

Laboratoire de Physiologie du Comportement Alimentaire, UFR L?onard de Vinci, Bobigny, France. [email protected]

Research on feeding frequency started more than 20 years ago and some studies have shown evidence of nutritional benefits, especially on metabolism and body weight management. Advice on feeding frequency could play an important role in public health policies by reducing levels of overweight and obesity, the prevalence of which has dangerously increased in most countries over the last few decades. The 17th International Congress of Nutrition brought to the forefront the benefits of increasing feeding frequency (i.e. keeping the same total daily energy intake but dividing it into more frequent meals than usual). Recent epidemiological studies, mostly carried out in France, have provided evidence on the beneficial effects of a fourth meal for those individuals who habitually choose this pattern. Supported by metabolic data, these findings have now been supported by experimental studies. The "go?ter", commonly eaten in the afternoon in France by most children and many adults, has the biological characteristics of a meal because it is eaten in response to hunger. Suppressing the "go?ter" in "habitual fourth meal eaters" soon leads to an increase in Body Mass Index (BMI). Further, people who are regular "go?ter" eaters have a higher carbohydrate intake and better metabolic profile than other adults, even though their total energy intake is not greater. Increased feeding frequency leads to a reduction in the total secretion of insulin, an improvement in insulin resistance and a better blood glucose control, as well as an improvement in the blood lipid profile. The experts agreed that, as long as we do not consume more energy than we use up and we only eat when we are hungry, it may be useful to split our total energy intake into as many meals as our social pattern allows. However, the pattern of eating cannot be completely dissociated from the composition of foods consumed. Therefore within this energy intake, we must take care to consume not only a good balance of macronutrients with high carbohydrate and low fat levels, but also ensure that we get an adequate intake of essential micronutrients. "What you eat" and "When you eat it" are public health messages to communicate: frequent consumption of low energy dense high carbohydrate foods, rich in micronutrients, must be encouraged ensuring that energy intakes are not greater than energy expenditures and that eating episodes occur in a hunger state.

PMID: 15806828 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1998 Feb;22(2):105-12.Links

Evidence that eating frequency is inversely related to body weight status in male, but not female, non-obese adults reporting valid dietary intakes.


Drummond SE, Crombie NE, Cursiter MC, Kirk TR.

Centre for Food Research and Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, Queen Margaret College, Edinburgh, UK.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationships between eating frequency (EF) and body weight status and to determine whether these relationships can be explained in terms of differences in physical activity levels, macronutrient intakes or energy compensation. DESIGN: Cross-sectional design; free-living subjects, 48 men and 47 women (aged 20-55 y, body mass index (BMI) 18-30), recruited in a workplace setting. MEASUREMENTS: Height and weight; skinfold thickness (four sites); EF, energy and macronutrient intakes (food diary, unweighed, recorded for seven consecutive days); physical activity (7 d activity diary and heart rate monitoring over 48 h period). RESULTS: In men there was a significant negative correlation between EF and body weight, and an inverse relationship with body mass index (BMI). EF was positively correlated with % energy from carbohydrate, although not with total energy intake. In women, there was no relationship between EF and body weight status; however, there were significant positive correlations between EF and total energy intake, and between EF and intakes of total carbohydrate and sugars. For both men and women, there were associations between EF and physical activity levels, approaching statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: In men, the association between increased EF and lower body weight status may have been influenced by increased physical activity levels. As energy intake did not increase with EF, men appear to have compensated by reducing the mean energy consumed per eating episode. Energy compensation did not take place in women, with women who ate most frequently having the highest energy intakes, although this did not lead to higher BMIs. Physical activity, through participation in active leisure pursuits, may have been an important factor in weight control in women. The % contribution of carbohydrate to total energy was positively correlated with EF in both men and women, and further analysis showed that snack foods provided a higher proportion of carbohydrate than did foods eaten as meals. These results indicate that a high EF is likely to lead to a high carbohydrate diet, which may be favourable for weight control. Our findings suggest that in this population, a high EF was associated with leanness in men, and there was no link between EF and body weight status in women.


Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004 May;28(5):653-60. Links

Decreased thermic effect of food after an irregular compared with a regular meal pattern in healthy lean women.


Farshchi HR, Taylor MA, Macdonald IA.

Centre for Integrated Systems Biology and Medicine, Institute of Clinical Research and School of Biomedical Sciences, Queen's Medical Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK. [email protected]

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the impact of irregular meal frequency on body weight, energy intake, appetite and resting energy expenditure in healthy lean women. DESIGN: Nine healthy lean women aged 18-42 y participated in a randomised crossover trial consisting of three phases over a total of 43 days. Subjects attended the laboratory at the start and end of phases 1 and 3. In Phase 1 (14 days), subjects were asked to consume similar things as normal, but either on 6 occasions per day (regular meal pattern) or follow a variable predetermined meal frequency (between 3 and 9 meals/day) with the same total number of meals over the week. In Phase 2 (14 days), subjects continued their normal diet as a wash-out period. In Phase 3 (14 days), subjects followed the alternative meal pattern to that followed in Phase 1. Subjects recorded their food intake for three predetermined days during the irregular period when they were eating 9, 3 and 6 meals/day. They also recorded their food intake on the corresponding days during the regular meal pattern period. Subjects fasted overnight prior to each laboratory visit, at which fasting resting metabolic rate (RMR) was measured by open-circuit indirect calorimetry. Postprandial metabolic rate was then measured for 3 h after the consumption of a milkshake test meal (50% CHO, 15% protein and 35% fat of energy content). Subjects rated appetite before and after the test meal. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in body weight and 3-day mean energy intake between the regular and irregular meal pattern. In the irregular period, the mean energy intake on the day when 9 meals were eaten was significantly greater than when 6 or 3 meals were consumed (P=0.0001). There was no significant difference between the 3 days of the regular meal pattern. Subjective appetite measurement showed no significant differences before and after the test meal in all visits. Fasting RMR showed no significant differences over the experiment. The overall thermic effect of food (TEF) over the 3 h after the test meal was significantly lower after the irregular meal pattern (P=0.003). CONCLUSION: Irregular meal frequency led to a lower postprandial energy expenditure compared with the regular meal frequency, while the mean energy intake was not significantly different between the two. The reduced TEF with the irregular meal frequency may lead to weight gain in the long term.

PMID: 15085170 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Eur J Clin Nutr. 2004 Jul;58(7):1071-7. Links

Regular meal frequency creates more appropriate insulin sensitivity and lipid profiles compared with irregular meal frequency in healthy lean women.


Farshchi HR, Taylor MA, Macdonald IA.

Centre for Integrated Systems Biology and Medicine, Institute of Clinical Research, School of Biomedical Sciences, Queen's Medical Centre, University of Nottingham, UK. [email protected]

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of irregular meal frequency on circulating lipids, insulin, glucose and uric acid concentrations which are known cardiovascular risk factors. DESIGN: A randomised crossover dietary intervention study. SETTING: Nottingham, UK--Healthy free-living women. SUBJECTS: A total of nine lean healthy women aged 18-42 y recruited via advertisement. INTERVENTION: A randomised crossover trial with two phases of 14 days each. In Phase 1, subjects consumed their normal diet on either 6 occasions per day (regular) or by following a variable meal frequency (3-9 meals/day, irregular). In Phase 2, subjects followed the alternative meal pattern to that followed in Phase 1, after a 2-week (wash-out) period. Subjects were asked to come to the laboratory after an overnight fast at the start and end of each phase. Blood samples were taken for measurement of circulating glucose, lipids, insulin and uric acid concentrations before and for 3 h after consumption of a high-carbohydrate test meal. RESULTS: Fasting glucose and insulin values were not affected by meal frequency, but peak insulin and AUC of insulin responses to the test meal were higher after the irregular compared to the regular eating patterns (P < 0.01). The irregular meal frequency was associated with higher fasting total (P < 0.01) and LDL (P < 0.05) cholesterol. CONCLUSION: The irregular meal frequency appears to produce a degree of insulin resistance and higher fasting lipid profiles, which may indicate a deleterious effect on these cardiovascular risk factors. SPONSORSHIP:: The Ministry of Health and Medical Education, IR Iran.

PMID: 15220950 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Obesity (Silver Spring). 2007 Jan;15(1):100-6. Links

Association of eating frequency with body fatness in pre- and postmenopausal women.


Yannakoulia M, Melistas L, Solomou E, Yiannakouris N.

Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University, El. Venizelou 70, Athens 17671, Greece.

OBJECTIVE: To examine associations between eating frequency (EF) and body fatness in pre- and postmenopausal women, after excluding potential low-energy reporters. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: In this cross-sectional study of 220 free-living women, 64 pre- and 50 postmenopausal non-low-energy-reporting women were further analyzed (age, 24 to 74 years; BMI, 18.5 to 38.6 kg/m2). Anthropometric and body composition measurements (DXA) were performed in all study participants. EF, energy, and macronutrient intake were assessed by 3-day food record. Physical activity level and energy expenditure were assessed by self-reported questionnaire. RESULTS: No association between EF and adiposity indices was detected in premenopausal women. In contrast, EF was positively correlated with percentage body fat in postmenopausal women (r = 0.30, p = 0.03). EF was positively correlated with total energy intake in both groups and with total energy expenditure in premenopausal women only (r = 0.34, p = 0.02). Multivariate analysis revealed that, in postmenopausal women, EF was a significant predictor of body fatness (standardized beta = 0.41, p = 0.01). DISCUSSION: Frequent eating was not found to be related to adiposity in premenopausal women, but it was associated with increased body fat in postmenopausal women. Possible explanations could be that the frequent eating is not associated with a physically active lifestyle in postmenopausal women or that frequent eating predisposes women after menopause to a higher energy intake by increasing food stimuli and rendering it more difficult for them to control energy balance.

PMID: 17228037 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jan;81(1):16-24. Links

Comment in:

Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jan;81(1):3-4.

Beneficial metabolic effects of regular meal frequency on dietary thermogenesis, insulin sensitivity, and fasting lipid profiles in healthy obese women.


Farshchi HR, Taylor MA, Macdonald IA.

Centre for Integrated Systems Biology and Medicine, Institute of Clinical Research, School of Biomedical Sciences, Queen's Medical Centre, University of Nottingham, UK. [email protected]

BACKGROUND: Although a regular meal pattern is recommended for obese people, its effects on energy metabolism have not been examined. OBJECTIVE: We investigated whether a regular meal frequency affects energy intake (EI), energy expenditure, or circulating insulin, glucose, and lipid concentrations in healthy obese women. DESIGN: Ten women [x +/- SD body mass index (in kg/m(2)): 37.1 +/- 4.8] participated in a randomized crossover trial. In phase 1 (14 d), the subjects consumed their normal diet on 6 occasions/d (regular meal pattern) or followed a variable meal frequency (3-9 meals/d, irregular meal pattern). In phase 2 (14 d), the subjects followed the alternative pattern. At the start and end of each phase, a test meal was fed, and blood glucose, lipid, and insulin concentrations were determined before and for 3 h after (glucose and insulin only) the test meal. Subjects recorded their food intake on 3 d during each phase. The thermogenic response to the test meal was ascertained by indirect calorimetry. RESULTS: Regular eating was associated with lower EI (P < 0.01), greater postprandial thermogenesis (P < 0.01), and lower fasting total (4.16 compared with 4.30 mmol/L; P < 0.01) and LDL (2.46 compared with 2.60 mmol/L; P < 0.02) cholesterol. Fasting glucose and insulin values were not affected by meal pattern, but peak insulin concentrations and area under the curve of insulin responses to the test meal were lower after the regular than after the irregular meal pattern (P < 0.01 and 0.02, respectively). CONCLUSION: Regular eating has beneficial effects on fasting lipid and postprandial insulin profiles and thermogenesis.

PMID: 15640455 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1999 Nov;23(11):1151-9.Links

Acute appetite reduction associated with an increased frequency of eating in obese males.


Speechly DP, Rogers GG, Buffenstein R.

Department of Physiology, University of Witwatersrand Medical School, Johannesburg, South Africa. [email protected]

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of altered feeding frequencies on the relationship between perceived hunger and subsequent food intake and appetite control in obese men. DESIGN: Obese men reported in a fasted state in the morning to the laboratory where an isoenergetic pre-load (4100+/-234 kJ, which was 33% average daily energy requirement (ADER) of each subject) comprising 70% carbohydrate, 15% protein, and 15% fat was given. This was administered either as a SINGLE meal, or divided evenly over 5 meals given hourly as a MULTI feeding pattern. Five hours after the first pre-load, an ad libitum test meal was given to determine whether there was a difference in the amount of energy that was consumed between the two eating patterns. SUBJECTS: Seven non-diabetic, non-smoking, unrestrained obese men (age 37.4+/-18.5; BMI 40.02+/-10. 93 kg/m-2) were recruited for this study. Subjects were not told the precise reasons for this study but rather were informed that changes in blood glucose, insulin and free fatty acids with meal frequency were to be monitored. MEASUREMENTS: Blood glucose, serum insulin and free fatty acid (FFA) concentrations, and visual analogue scales (VAS) were measured prior to commencing the feeding regime and thereafter hourly for 5 h. Thereafter an ad libitum meal was given. The weight (and energy content) of the food consumed, and the time taken to eat lunch were recorded. Following this ad libitum lunch, the same variables were determined again (15, 45, and 75 min post-test meal). RESULTS: When given a SINGLE pre-load, 27% more (t=2.651; P<0.05) energy was consumed in the ad libitum test meal (5261+/-1289 kJ) compared to that eaten after the MULTI pre-load (3763+/-1986 kJ). This increase in food intake occurred despite no significant change in subjective hunger ratings. Over the 315 min pre-load period, peak insulin concentrations were significantly higher (F6,72=7.95, P<0.01) on the SINGLE treatment (171.2+/-129.8 microU ml-1) than on the MULTI treatment (133.7+/-70.2 microU ml-1). Serum insulin remained elevated for longer on the MULTI meal treatment, resulting in no difference in the area under the insulin curves between the two feeding treatments. There was a positive correlation (r=0.87) between the amount of energy consumed at lunch and insulin concentration before lunch in the SINGLE group. However, this relationship was not apparent when subjects were given the MULTI meal preload. CONCLUSION: Obese males fed an isoenergetic pre-load sub-divided into a multi-meal plan consumed 27% less at a subsequent ad libitum test meal than did the same men when given the pre-load as a single meal. Prolonged but attenuated increases in serum insulin concentration on the multi-meal programme may facilitate this acute reduction in appetite.

PMID: 10578205 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



Så hvis du fortsatt mener 5 måltider om dager en best, så kan du ikke være annet en mindre intelligent og ignorant.

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Ernæringsfysiologer sier det er bedre for forbrenningen å spise 5 måltider om dagen istedenfor 2, og jeg velger å tro mer på ernæringsfysiologer enn en bodybuilder fra ett treningsforum.


Leste du hva som sto i linken eller så du bare bildet til personen som hadde skrevet innlegget og lukket siden? Det er ikke hans egne meninger han skriver, han referer fra forskning.


Greit, skal tro på dere.. men hvordan forklarer dere at en som slanker seg ved å omtrent ikke spise på noen dager da legger på seg fettet igjen med en gang han begynner å spise igjen ?


Du tar ikke av deg særlig med fett ved å ikke spise på 2-3 dager. Det er nok heller vann eller noe.

Du sier du stoler på at ernæringsfysiologer går utifra forskning, her viser vi jo en masse forskning som sier at måltidsfrekvens ikke har noe å si på forbrenningen.

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